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deleting posts?

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I have posted a reply to one of the forum games. Only to realize later that it is glitched. Is there anyway to delete my posts even though I cannot see it? The posts I made are stupid because they contain a typo and I cannot edit it.
We generally don't delete posts unless there's a major reason to *rule breaking, inappropriate content etc etc.* Where's the posts?
It'a under "forum game" then ibder "what's the above user's avatar thinking?" you can see that I accidently posted 4 times cause I did not know it was glitched. Also someone posted before my post which makes mine sound weird.
Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah that's happened to me before. I deleted the existing posts, you can post to that persons avatar now if you like.
Though I want to let you know. The glitch is still there. I do not know how long it will last or if it will even solve it's own problem. But it has already been a couple days since the glitch had started.
It's not a glitch - it's your internet. You're hitting reply before the page has a chance to finish loading so it posts more than once. At least that's what happens when it happens to me.

Try posting something - be patient and if it doesn't appear in a few minutes after you've refreshed then try again.
The thing is. I am not even replying to the thread. It looks like no one is replying to it. It sends me a notification when someone replied to it. Usually, it gets at least one reply every day.
Just take a look at the thread. You will see that the last post does not show and was posted a few days ago.
The thread is fine - I just tested a post - just because there are no posts doesn't mean it's glitched. It takes a few seconds for the post to go through but it goes through just fine. It's just been inactive.
I do not know then. Cause for some reason I am not getting any notifications.
In the User CP, you know it tells you when someone replied to your subcribed thread? Well it does not show that for that thread. Even though I am still subcribed to it.
I do not think we are talking about the same thread. I was talking about this one. It says that "Lady Bloody Ava" had posted on it but it does not show.
A few weeks ago. Never mind, it's fine. I have decided not to go on that thread anymore.
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