The Famous S (Shadow wolf and Malin)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Metropolis, One of the largest cities in Amarica, it's well known for it's shining architecture, the cleanliness of it's streets, it's sky scrapers, and wonderful beaches. However despite all of those wonderful things Metropolis's has a larger problem that pops up from time to time.

a large brick wall shatters into a million pieces as a young boy is thrown through it. hitting the ground hard he lands outside of a large bank, taking a moment to shake off the slight injuries his body had sustained. He got to his feet slowly his muscular frame and dark hair would have made most people consider him slightly handsome. Turning back to the wall he had just been thrown out of, he coughed lightly. His shirt was black with a red S inside a shield on his chest.

As he got steadily back to his feet, a purple discharge of energy sent him flying back into the street, as a much larger man walked out of the bank. His head was a large burning skull, and he cackled lightly as he watched the boy being flung into traffic.

Today was an example of that problem.
A woman around the same age of the boy who appeared to look like she was actually in her twenties was flying over Metropolis, because nobody knew who she was out of costume. She sighed as she landed on her feet she'd been flying over the city, had seen the whole thing. She shook her head running her fingers through her blond hair, crossed her arms. '' You Villains never learn to you? '' She asked as she waited for the young man to get up, she knew who he was but very seldom used his actual name to her he was just a genetic clone of her cousin nothing more for now anyways. The blond super heroine known as Super girl was not pleased, was clearly annoyed with the fact that another villain was brave enough to encounter her as well as the clone. She also knew who the villain was, though he'd been put away by the avengers ages ago but apparently not.
Superboy got to his feet again glad that super girl had came into the fray. For a moment he couldn't tell who she was going to attack, but was happy enough to see her approaching skull. He stretched for a moment feeling his muscles pop back into place. He was going to have so many bruises after this encounter. His body was tough, but being half human meant it wasn't as immortal as members of the kryptonian family. "I already gave him that talk... He didn't seem to interested in it." He said slightly out of breath. He was surprised to hear Supergirl speaking English, though he was thankful for that fact, Kryptonian was hard to translate even if it was programmed into him.

The atomic skull let out a small laugh looking from Super girl too Super boy. "So I am to play with the children today? What Daddy too busy?" He spoke almost bitterly as he laughed at them openly mocking both of them for not being the cities more famous protector.
'' My father is dead Thank you!.'' Kara said as she clenched her fists at her side, tried really hard not to lose her cool. She was already having a bad day because a tractor had broken down, she had to fix it all by herself. Kara knew he was talking about Lex, her cousin but she tried to ignore that fact. She was still getting used to the fact that Luthor had been stupid enough to clone her extinct race despite her cousin, all. She had picked up various English phrases from watching television, was quite a quick learner. Of course she was tempted to call her cousin but knew he was busy with work, various other things so she didn't want to bother him. As she waited for the atomic skull say something else she rolled her eyes once she realized he was mocking them which only made her madder then she already was.
Conner didn't really have a father, but he knew that skull was talking about Superman. He gave a slight sigh, his temper already flaring, Superboy wasn't someone who could just sit back and take a taunting. His temper flared for a moment wanting, wishing he had some form of heat vision to explode Skull's brain with. Missing out on that fact however His stance changed slightly and he bullrushed him, after letting Super girl distract him with words.

Skull was about to clarify his insult, when he was suddenly hit with the force of a fast moving locomotive. sending him back though he kept on his feet. "Really is that the best you have?" As he spoke he lifted superboy off the ground reaching under his arms to pick him and slam him back down onto the concrete. "three fourths the strength of supermans, a lot, but not nearly enough."
'' You know Skullface atomic skull whatever your name is. Your really pissing me off, he may not be as strong as superman but you really don't want to mess with me.'' Kara said as she stood by the clone, kept her fighting stance as she unclenched her fists. She was prepared to basically turn his brains into melting lava using her heat vision, or hurl him into outer space but she was the last person he wanted to mess with. She was just as strong as her cousin, just as fast so she could easily put him in a funnel cloud then hurl him into space with her strength. '' Conner I think your best bet is to stay down for now.'' The blond sighed as his real name left her lips, she wasn't amused with herself but since he had adopted the last name Kent like she had it was time she used it instead of calling him clone all the time.
Conner blinked that had been the first time either of the two kryptonians had addressed him by name. Even if it was in a slightly negative way he grit his teeth not wanting to stay down, though he was finding it harder and harder to keep getting up. His anger however worked with him, the more he stopped thinking about his movements the more his own mental barriers he passed, and the more he was able to cut loose slowly gaining more and more of his Kryptonian blood and powers.

Atomic skull laughed lightly as he agreed with Kara, at least on conner staying down, however as he turned to her his fist glowed a heavy purple as he fired off a massive wave of radioactive energy towards her. Even a kryptonian would be hurt by his powers. "I tangle with Krypton's last son often enough too know full well what your capable of. So i think you should both lay down."
'' Or you could do us both a favor, just leave Metropolis alone. I'm not in a very good mood, I don't care if you tangle with my cousin enough or not. Metropolis never did anything to you.'' Kara said as she felt the surge of energy hit her, she winced as she was thrown back like Conner had been. She sighed, rolled her eyes as she regained her balance. '' You son of..'' She stopped herself before she said the full word, glared at him as her eyes turned red. '' That actually hurt, I could call the justice league.. Since they put you away before.'' The blond heroine said as she held her arm because he'd managed to hit her shoulder, it burned like hell but she wasn't going to pretend to be weak just because of one little injury besides she healed fast just like her cousin.
Conner had to do his best to avoid laughing at seeing supergirl being punched into a wall as he had been. his laugh however died in his throat as he watched her eyes burn red, wondering if she was going to nail skull into the ground with heat vision. He sprang up when she had his full and undivided attention bringing down his fists with the full amount of Kryptonian strength that he could muster smashing Skull into the basement of the building and putting a large whole through the ground. "And stay down!" Conner's breath was slightly ragged as he moved his anger had given him enough strength for one solid hit.

"Who needs the justice league am I right?" He spoke bitterly and slightly arrogantly, Superboy had been rejected outright in the few times he had tried to help superman, and hell today had been a break in that it was the first time he had been called something other then clone. "We could take him down together?"
'' We could but since you made the hole he just needs it to heat up.'' Kara said as she smirked laughing a little cause Skull had been taken down by someone who wasn't completely like her or her cousin, her eyes were still red so she focused her heat vision on the whole then melted it around the atomic skull. '' I don't think you'll be causing trouble for awhile.'' She said as she looked at her arm, frowned at the tear in her outfit. '' Looks like I'll have to stitch that..'' Supergirl muttered under her breath, she suddenly had a brilliant idea. '' Hey Superboy why don't you come back to Smallville with me. I could use some help on the farm, it'd give you another way to let go of pent up emotions or anger issues.'' Kara smiled as she called him superboy, she knew what his real name was but she didn't want to use it in that case just in case someone was watching them that could expose them both.
"Go.. back... to smallvile?" The words were strained as he spoke, something about them seemed almost impossible to Conner. Beyond the fact that he had never really been to smallville except for back when he had been under the care of C.A.D.M.U.S. they had run so many simulations to explore his memory his personal favorite being a virtual simulation that had manifested as smallville. He looked down at atomic skull seeing how their work was done, he could hear the sirens of the police coming in. "Sounds... wonderful."

Conner was still getting used to calling himself that, he had been born as superboy, and more to that point had only taken the last name kent because it felt right, one of the memories he had fondly in his head, he could have just as easily gone with luthor, but he knew lex luthor, and hated him. More to that after breaking ties with C.A.D.M.U.S. He no longer had a home, and had spent the better part of two weeks in a small hotel room, the thought of someplace better was a wonderful opportunity. He smiled. "Yeah.. I would really like that."
'' Alright we should get going then. Take my hand. It's easier if we fly there.'' Kara said as she held her hand out to him, she knew he could leap from place to place but it would take them less time if they just flew. She would make sure no one saw them, actually looked forward to having someone back at the farm to help her out. Kara would never admit it but she actually thought Conner was pretty cute, if she was interested in dating she would no doubt date him in a heart beat because he was so good looking. The blonde super heroine wasn't really seeing anyone, unlike her cousin she didn't really have her eye on anyone except for the fact that she wasn't amused with him date Lois Lane.
Conner looked at her elegant hand. He was hesitant to take it, for a moment he wondered if she was playing him for a fool. He had been lied too a thousand times before, and part of him thought that would be just like her to pull something like that, even though he really hadn't spent any actual time around her. Taking her hand it was soft in his own, which was an odd thought, their skin was supposed to be harder than titanium, and yet her hand was soft and even warm. It was confusing to take, but he held it anyway, hiding the fact that he was slightly embarrassed by the action. "Yeah, your right flying would be faster."

He was only partly ashamed that he couldn't fly. His watered down kryptonian physiology was useless compared to the real thing, and yet he still got jobs done. Although he wouldn't be considered for the justice league any time soon he had shown up villains on his own terms a few times. He blinked switching up his languages, and speaking kryptonian. "Kara, You don't have to stress your self speaking English around me... Kryptonian came pre-programmed."
Kara smiled at him as she held onto his hand, lifted herself up into the air. She made sure she held it tightly enough that she wouldn't drop him, she flew toward the clouds so no one would see them then headed toward Smallville. It didn't take her long to get their, she landed on her feet finally letting go of his hand. '' Were here.'' She said as she smiled, walked toward the house leaving the door open for him she walked upstairs to her room closing the door. Kara changed into another costume then put on some regular clothes, she walked back downstairs once she felt a little more comfortable. Her arm had healed so she wasn't worried about it, she walked into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water then looked back at Conner. '' It's just us I swear.'' The blond said as she drank her glass of water, put the glass in the sink then walked into the living room. Even though he had told her she didn't have to speak English she was actually getting used to it, actually liked it better then her own language which was a little hard for a normal person to translate.
Conner walked into the living room of the house astonished. For him it was like taking a breath of freedom He was actually standing inside a house. His eyes may have not had heat vision, but his eyes did have a few uses, a quick xray sweep told him that their were no camera's, no audio devices, this wasn't a set like so many others. This was a home. He made sure he didn't look towards where Kara was undressing and redressing instead he sat himself down on the couch and let out a small sigh. This was a place he could relax, and that alone was something new to him, and kind of uncomfortable.

Kara continued to speak English and he nodded respecting her wishes and did the same. "Thank you.. um where will I sleep?" The other members of the kryptonian race didn't get tired didn't really require sleep, sadly however His unique body did require at least 4 hours of rest every day if he was too keep going.
'' You're welcome, you can sleep in Clark's old room he never uses it anymore. '' Kara said as she sat down on the couch, looked at him as she placed a strand of blond hair behind her ear. " I'm sorry for calling you clone all the time Conner.. it's just no offense your anything but personally Lex Luthor was stupid to think that he could clone the kryptonian race. '' She said as she leaned forward, bit her lip she was feeling a little strange but didn't read anything into it. Kara had never been alone with a boy, well for her it was a little awkward cause she was pretty sure her cousin had slept with Lois on quite a few occasions but she herself had never had a boyfriend so she'd never had the chance to sleep with anyone. The blond heroine felt like she was new to almost everything she'd never even been kissed, she felt like her life was incomplete because of it she was a young woman who had never experienced the same things a normal woman her age would experience.
Conner nodded as he was told he could use clarks old room. Part of him had to wonder if the other guy would mind that. Of course Clark would have minded if he had known. He and Superman were anything except friends, and considering the relationship between them they tried to avoid each other whenever it was possible. To him Clark was like an estranged father... same with the other name she was quick to mention.

"Well he did try." He said gesturing too himself in a manor that suggested he did take offence. "In fact he tried twice. and he succeeded... twice." His voice was now slightly bitter, like it or not he was a clone of the kryptonians, he deserved to be known as such, even if he was only half her words felt like she was trying to deny him a part of himself. Saying that he was an abomination. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat after that, but also because they were alone.

Conner had never really been alone with anyone boy or girl, any and all experiences on this level were new, and he was starting to get the feeling that Kara had only invited him back here to say how much Lex luthor was wrong to create him. He didn't like the fact that he was a clone, but he hadn't been asked to be made, as corny as it sounded, he didn't pick his family. He had spent his life tucked away in labs, and usually was just a lab rat to be tested upon, he had never just sat back and talked to someone before. It was an odd feeling to do so.
'' Sorry that came out wrong I didn't mean to offend you it's just I'm not a real big fan of the guy, your a good kid I'm sure. Come on there's some hay waiting to be put up in the hay loft.'' Kara said as she stood up, smiled faintly she was trying to tell him he wasn't just there so she could insult him he was there to help her. Even though she could move faster then he could, put all the hay away by herself with no problem she liked the idea of having a little help. She was also changing the subject because she felt bad for saying what she had, she wanted him to feel as if he didn't have to prove himself to her just to make her think better of him. Kara had nothing against him she just had several things against his creator, well it was all relevant she didn't need to express her hatred toward Lex to Conner she would have to keep that to herself from now on or it would bite her in the ass later. Even though she would never admit it she was jealous of him because even though he was a clone of her race he had a family, the only family she could biologically claim was Kal-El or Clarke Kent to most people her parents were dead basically all her family was dead but her cousin.
Conner gave a soft grown as he got too his feet. He had originally been designed to commit murder and spur anarchy, and yet here he was, about to be used as a farm hand. It wasn't nearly as demeaning as the thought suggested, but either way he was being used. He guessed he could have thought of it as paying his rent, but at the moment he was still stinging from her earlier comments. He guessed he could have easily chalked it up to them being socially awkward, neither of them had spent much time around others, but he still wasn't very forgiving.

"Fine, show me what you need done." He said walking out towards the barn. He breathed lightly trying to keep his focus on something else, exiting the house he smiled feeling the light heat of the son. He got his first real look at Smallvile, and he liked it. "So this is smallvile?" He said looking around at the dusty old road that didn't look like it got much use and the large amount of farm land. "Relaxing..." He said lightly his mood shifting.

Work or no work This place was different than the city, and it was a nice shift. He had never been to a place like it, and he found himself enjoying the scenery. "I am sorry too." He said after a few moments of breathing in the fresh air. "I guess I am still just expecting the worst in most people."
'' Come on.'' Kara said as she smiled, walked toward the barn. '' You can toss them up to me, I'll put them where they belong.'' The blond said as she sprinted up the stairs to the hay loft, waited for him to toss up the 1st bale she was ready for whatever he had. She liked living in smallville, didn't have any complaints because for her it was a place she could relax. Kara didn't venture outside of smallville unless she had to because she didn't really know her way around, unlike Clark she didn't exactly have a driver's licenses even though she was old enough she hadn't grown up in smallville. She knew how to drive she just didn't because she didn't have the legal rights to do so, she wasn't to fond of the law considering her cousin had gotten into trouble with them a few times.

There was much more to her that met the eye except she basically kept everything hidden below the surface including emotions because she didn't want people to think she was weak, those that knew her cousin's secret more then likely knew her true weakness. Kara was distant, anti-social toward some people but it was nice to have someone around she could talk to weather she was speaking English or not she just felt like Conner was her friend not her enemy despite the fact that he was created by Lex Luthor she intended to make friends with him.
Conner walked with Kara into the barn. He gave a nod as she said all he had to do was throw bales of hay up into the loft so she could catch it. Considering they both had some amount of super strength this was an interesting idea. He smiled "Yeah sure sounds simple." He said walking to the first bale and picked it up with ease. The large cube was big enough to crush a normal person but he found it easy enough to move.

"So... what was krypton like?" He asked the question as he tossed the bale of hay up to her not realizing the strength he used to throw it too her. His mind was still occupied on other thoughts, like the fact that this would be the one and only shot he would get to learn something more about the other side of his family. He knew the human side well enough, but this was Kara Zor El the last living kryptonian who had actually grown up on krypton. It raised a lot of questions, and he was curious to learn about their heritage.
Kara caught the bale, smiled as she put it into place then waited for the next one as his question registered. " Well um.. It was a peaceful planet until general Zod destroyed it, well I don't remember much past my ship crashing into the water. I remember coming down here with my aunt Lara though to check on Kal-El, when we visited he was still little boy. When I saw him for the first time in the woods where he found me I couldn't believe it was actually him because in the back of my mind he was still a kid." She said as she looked down at Conner, waited patiently for the next bale she would tell him more later when she could remember more.
Conner grabbed the next one and heaved it upwards. It was large and awkward, but felt like he was throwing around air. He smiled listening to Kara's story about Krypton, and thought how interesting it would have been to actually see a world like that. "General Zod, that name sounds familiar." He said with a slight worried tone. He knew that name, but wasn't sure why, genetic memories were fuzzy most of the time, but he had memories of both making deals with zod, and fighting him. He shook his head sometimes it was confusing have both superman, and his arch enemy in his head.

"Kara... is it true that all Kryptonain clones, become mindless killing machines?" It had been something Lex had told him, how the older model a pure clone of superman had gone insane, and that after words they used the hybrid model in order to reinforce sanity. Even so The angrier that superboy got, the stronger and the more powerful he became. It was something that was always on his mind, was he bound to become a murdering machine like his previous incarnations did?
" General Zod possessed lex which is why it might sound familiar, to be honest I'm not really sure.. " Kara said as she caught the next pale, put it where it belonged she didn't really know the answer to everything. Besides she'd only met one clone, he was standing on the barn floor tossing hay bales up to her. She placed a strand of hair behind her ear, looked down at her watch. The young kryptonian
had no desire to cook anything cause well cooking was the one thing she hadn't mattered yet.
While under the light of the yellow sun kryptonians didn't need to eat. They could live off the light of earths sun, that said however Conner was starting to feel hungry, first from skull's attack, and then from the fact that he had started helping Kara almost immediately instead of eating something. It seemed the more he hung out around Kara the more his human side was apparent. Conner had never cooked anything having lived in a lab his entire life he had little to no survival skills and didn't even really know what a kitchen was.

He tossed up the last few bale's wordlessly thinking about what Kara had said. She knew more about this world than he did, but that was also something he was curious about. "... Do you think tomorrow, you could... show me around town?"
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