The Hanging Tree - Airi & Greeneyed23


Jun 18, 2011
"Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree"


Calliope Sinclair woke up, writhing and screaming at the invisible creatures from her nightmares. If only she was in her own quarters in the Capitol's central apartment, she would probably be left alone to her madness, but since that wasn't true, a hand was grabbing at her wrist. "What is it, Calli, dear?" asked a sleepy voice, rising from under the crumples of satin sheet.

A slap. That was what the District 7's victor for the seventy-third Hunger Games needed to finally, absolutely waking up. Her mismatched green-brown eyes widened immediately in the dark upon realizing what she had done. "P-president Snow?" Her voice hoarse and trembled ever so slightly from the fear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She was left with no chance to finish her sentence as a kiss was forced down on her, pinning her tight to the bed. The taste of the blood and the sickening smell of rose overwhelmed her senses, then, but there was little that she could do except persevere, letting the venerable man pounded his way into her youthful body.

It was a sick game that the President enjoyed, much like his precious Hunger Games. After all the bloodbath had concluded and the Games' teenaged survivors were crowned victors, take the most desirable kid to be a plaything and then sell them for high price in the Capitol. Unfortunately for Calliope -- with her dark hair, golden skin, and naturally exotic eyes, which really only caused her fits of headaches until the Capitol's doctors fixed the wiring of her nerves -- fulfilled all the requirements to make half of the Capitol residents swooned and another half burning with envy. The night she was announced as the victor, only a couple of hours after she swung her axe at the neck of the District 2's last standing Career, she immediately regretted not dying in the arena instead.

As the President grunted her name, all that Calliope could think about was her home and family back in 7. She hadn't seen them for over three months already. The many 'appointments' in the Capitol had rendered her unable to leave the extravagant city, lest the very persons that she wanted badly to visit would fall under the whips -- or even guns -- of the feared Peacekeepers. She closed her eyes, felt the familiar warmth filled her nether stomach, and soon slipped back into deep, nightmare-induced sleep. The first thing that she would have to do later after waking up would be to contact her mentor, so that he could help her arrange an appointment with a doctor for an emergency morning-after pill. After what she had gone through, she knew awfully well how the President would react if it was discovered that she was pregnant, much less with his child; her family would have to undergo tortures much more severe than what could be done by a pair of Peacekeepers, probably even turned into Avoxes, the mute slaves.
Tritor Pixil the victor of the sixty sixth hunger games when he was only thirteen, and as a District 7 victor had been Calliope's mentor in her games and had watched in shame and horror as she had been taken into the true prize of the victors. He often wondered that if he had not sent her the gifts would she have died and been spared the humiliation and pain?

Tonight he was wondering around the house that he stayed in here in the Capitol. He had tried to live at home but when he had won he had been a truly sought after [pleasure. Always a large boy when he had entered the Hunger Games he been the only non-career tribute to enter the bloodbath and escape with a backpack filled with food and supplies. He had also gained a trio of axes, one large and heavy used for felling trees, one of middling length for smaller people to use on trees and what was really no more than a hatchet. Of course they were stylized and made to kill but that just made them stronger. He had won his games by keeping up and increasing his strength and using the trees in the arena to his advantage. he set traps with, hid in them, and had finally won by crushing the remaining careers with them. His ruthless intellect impressive physique and still boyishly handsome face had taken him to the beds of the very elite of the Capitol.

Now of course at age twenty, a much more imposing figure, still hard and proud, Tritor still had his admirers but it was Calliope that was sought after. And it was his job to save her. He laughed when people, especially here in the Capitol, called him young. He might not have the years but he had seen more than any of them he knew that, except of course for Snow. What was Snow doing to Calliope? Tritor hated to think about it and would not admit that was why he was awake despite such an exhausting day.

he was still awake when the sun came up and he glowered at the rising sun and said to himself. "Well another day in Paradise." this pleased his watchers. he knew that. because to the it was paradise, but to Tritor and Calliope and every other tribute it was a cage. A cage that they could never hope to escape from.
She woke up with a start when the sun beam greeted her from outside of the President's Mansion's window. The seventeen-year-old soon found herself in the vast bedroom, a quite literal Presidential Suite, naked and alone. Groggily, she gathered the satin sheet to cover her body and stepped out of the bed, wincing uncomfortably when her bare feet touched the cold marble floor. She reached the study shortly after in the adjacent room, not even bothering to get to the bathroom first. The lone telephone on the great oak desk attracted her attention immediately, and her fingers moved almost automatically to dial at the only phone number that she could remember off the top of her head.

"Hi Tritor." Calliope's voice was unexpectedly hoarse and dry when calling out her Hunger Games mentor's name. Perhaps she was screaming more when asleep. "I'm... in the President's Mansion right now. I need your help."
Tritor had jumped when the phone rang but answered it quickly. The fear in Calliope's voice told him everything.He got the pill she needed and went to the President's mansion. He had had to sign autographs for some guards but he was inside and going to Calliope only twenty minutes after she called.

He opened the door and stepped inside. "Calliope?" He held out the pill watching her his sky blue eyes studying her catching her fear and worry. "Just take this." he like Calliope knew Snow would never allow a victor to bear his child, his own wife and children an even grandchildren would not understand, but unlike Calliope he knew the darker secrets of the Capitol. She was still the fair haired girl. everyone wanted her and she was so busy that she had not been with anyone but the president more than once...yet. Soon that would change and soon she would come to hear the dark truth of the Capitol. it was still months before the seventy fourth Hunger games and until the and who knew for how long after she would be the favorite toy of the Capitol.

Tritor knew all of this and hated it. hated the Capitol, the Districts, even Panem itself. But most of all he hated himself. His skill and her will had brought her to this. I should have let her die. That would have been quick. Not watching her die day by day like this.
There were only minutes stretched between the moment Calliope dropped the call and the time when Tritor burst in from the double oak door. Well, he did live close to the Mansion, at least when he was in the Capitol. Her mismatched eyes glanced at the mentor scrutinizingly. He had that look on again, one that made her seemed like she was the most hopeless little girl in the whole Panem. Even if that was true, she despised being treated like that. Grabbing at the pill that the mentor brought, she turned her back on him and sought the whiskey bottle at the far end of the room to down the medicine.

"Have you been home yet?" she asked matter-of-factly. The sheet that covered her very naked body was tucked higher and tighter around her. Naturally, she was referring to District 7. The only consolation that she would accept nowadays was news that everything at her home, with her mother, Agate -- her younger sister, and Alexis -- her eighteen-year-old brother, was all well and functioning. "I just wired the money for this month's supply of bread yesterday morning. Do you think they've received it already?"
He watched disappointing as sh took the pill with whiskey but let it go. "I have not been home but they received the money." He himself had no one. The official story was that his only family, his maternal grandmother, had died of exposure when she wandered out into the wilderness from mental illness. Actually Rema had been dragged from her home by peacekeepers and beaten to death because she had seen the marks on her grandson's back left by one of his more..violent admirers. Now he gave his money to the poor in district 7 and while it did not help them all it went rather far.

Now as he studied his young victor he sighed. "So are you expected to stay the day or are you off to someone else?" he had tried top get Snow to let her visit her family but Snow had refused and had made a threat against them at which point Tritor went silent accepting the inevitable.
She paused briefly to wait for the burning sensation of the whiskey to pass before answering Tritor's question. "Let's see... A dress fitting this afternoon for the appearance on Cesar Flickerman's next week, then a dinner and cocktail party at Seneca Crane's this evening. If I'm not mistaken." She glanced back at the older man. "Aren't you also invited? They're celebrating the completion of the next Games' design and invited all victors to join."

It was only then that Calliope fully realized the state that she was in. She dropped her eyes to the floor, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. Whatever the doctors put into her pill, it might have doubled up as a substance that kept her sanity in check. After all, who wanted to bed a victor with a screw missing in her head, no matter how beautiful she was? "I'm going to get dressed," she said quietly before making her way towards the bathroom. Before she slipped inside the door, however, she turned around to face her mentor. "Thanks for the pill, by the way."
He nodded. "I was invited and I will be attending as expected. " he still studied her. Whatever it was that was going on with er he did not like it. She had not been truly rational when she came out of the arena but she had not been like this,. This was Snow. Snow and his games. His little tricks and games that ruined the lives and souls of every victor. Even ones like Tritor who had no one because he did care about his victors. He nodded as Calliope looked down and said she was going to change.

Her thank you caught him a bit off guard. that was the old Calliope. She had been brusque but overall polite and sweet when she had first arrived at the Capitol. He smiled. "Anytime Calliope." He hoped she remained herself and also wondered just how much she had left before Snow's games broke her.
Once she saw to Tritor's leave, Calliope proceeded towards the shower. It was perfect and warm as usual, and she didn't skip the chance to scrub down hard at her skin, wanting badly for the smell of rose and blood to be rid from her body. Like usual, though, she gave up and just let the water rinsed down the fragrant soap and shampoo down the drain. After shower was finished and she was once again properly dressed, she headed straight to her Capitol apartment, craving for the much-needed lone time after what had happened last night. Even if it was only for a couple of hours.

Along the way, her mind wandered to her nightmares, soon finding that she could vaguely remember bits and pieces of it. Naturally, it was about the Games. At one point she was running away from the mutts through the woods of the arena, only to get caught in the end and raped by lizard-like creatures which smelled like rose and blood. Calliope shuddered and shoved the image away, right about the same time when she noticed that the car she was riding in was turning to a wrong direction. They were not heading to her apartment anymore.

"No, Miss Sinclair, this is the right direction. President Snow gave the direct order himself," answered the driver as soon as she asked, after which the District 7's victor felt a knot being tied up in her stomach. But of course -- that was probably the whole reason why her schedule this morning seemed so lax. The sneaky president would absolutely not want to pass up such chance to milk the profit off her now, would he?
Tritor went home and cleaned up and started goign through his wardrobe to decide what to wear to the party. Once he decided e took a nap having been up all night and not knowing that Calliope had been dragged off to play in some more of Snow's games. he dreamed of his own games. The mutts i his games had been a trio of massive bear like monsters that had killed five tributes and only Tritor's alliance with the career's to killed them had allowed him to win because once the bears were dead he killed the Careers.

The female mentor for District 7 was Barta Dorrell a sweet but nearly mad woman who had won the twenty sixth Hunger games and through age and the years of abuse was nearly useless but as the only female from District 7 until Calliope won she had had no choice but to appear at every Hunger Games. She had been very fond of Calliope but because of her madness she was unable to truly assist her in the Capitol. But Trittr was a different matter. He and Barta had their own language after years of mentoring together after Barta had mentored him to victor as there had been no District victor at all between the duo. The sponsors and most of the Capitol were uncomfortable around Barta so Tritor was the public face. Now she learned that Calliope was being taken somewhere unknown and she went to see Triitor.

She nudged him and grunted out. "New." He sat up quickly. "Where is she?" She stopped him. "Snow." he sighed. "oh..great." she nodded. She only used their code in front of others to keep up the appearance of her 'madness."

"Mr. President i will pay anything for an evening with Calliope." The green skinned man...woman...thing said. This being was one who had been altering themselves so often and so long that though they had retained their "beauty" they themselves no longer had a clue who or what it truly was. now it merely desired Calliope. it's proclivities to some of the more brutal methods of pleasure were well known but it would leave no marks on the girls body.
President Coriolanus Snow placed his clasped hands carefully on the oak desk. His sneak-like eyes were focused on the green creature before him, the Capitol's one and only Lazarus Caverly. The man whose family traditionally owned all of the properties in the City Circle except the Presidential Mansion. Undoubtedly he was one of the richest men in Panem, but he was also infamous for being sleazy; for the past seven years, it had been impossible for the government to know how much money he actually had. Naturally, for Snow, that was unacceptable, and his words just now showed a chance for the President to switch the playing field.

"You know how precious Calliope is. The first female Hunger Games victor in over five years. And an exceptional beauty to boot," the president began. "For a night with such a fine beauty... I'm quite sure it is a fair trade if you give in the rights to own half of all the properties registered to your name to the government?"

Snow knew that what he asked must had sounded incredulous, but he wouldn't budge until Lazarus said yes to his demands. When he finally did, the President would send signal for a pair of Peacekeepers to roll in a very naked Calliope into the meeting room. She was spread eagle on the table that she was brought in with, with both her hands bound. From the look of her face, it seemed obvious that she was drugged, mostly from being sprayed by sedating smoke after a desperate attempt to escape from the car. Nevertheless, she still could recognize President Snow when the said man and Lazarus Caverly approached her.

"When will this end...?" She couldn't help but ask the thin man. President Snow, in turn, shook his head lightly.

"When I'm done with you, you won't even want it to end, Calli," he replied before leaning in to kiss the teen girl on the cheek. He turned back to Lazarus, then. "She's all yours, Caverly."
The green beast had groaned but had relented signing his properties to the President without any real resistance. he still had far more money than he could use. And Calliope...

Once Snow and the peacekeepers left Lazarus had his cabinet of toys brought in. he went about putting many in place. Nipple clamps. A ball gags. A large pair of plugs one that went into her rectum the other in her vagina then was strapped in with a small strap that had a little nub that pressed on her clitoris. He trading out her restraints and rolled her over and raised her up suspending her over the table. He lips his thick lips as he raised a paddle. "Oh Calliope..." He moved toward her.

Tritor was staring at the screen in horror as the Green beast began to paddle Calliope. Everyman she screamed or made any noise a small switch activated and the nub over her clitoris and the nipple clamps electrified jolting her with pain. Tritor knew this was not for her pleasure but the Green Beast's but the torture was terrifying even if it would leave no permanent mark. Tritor was watching his eyes locked on his tribute wishing more than anything he could take her place but the Green beast wanted only calliope..and he disliked men this year. Tritor licked his lips which,a long with his throat and mouth had gone completely dry, "Please Mr. president. She has a function to attend tonight..if she's in too much pain she won't be able to attend."

Barta meanwhile was at Trtior's place cleaning up. Tritor had been furious when he learned Snow was selling calliope again and to the Green beast no less. Barta herself had been one of the Beast's favorites. She was just glad that Calliope could not be physically marked. Lazarus could do that was well when he wanted to. Her had touched a long knife scar that went from between her breast to just above her pubic bone. It had been a shallow cut but he had still cut her simply to see her bleed. The Green Beast was evil incarnate and she secretly longed to kill him or to watch him die.
Calliope knew that the more she struggled, the more pain she would receive. It had always been like that ever since Snow decided to pick her as his plaything. Nevertheless, her reflex to pain was still raw and functioning, and with Lazarus taking the lead in torturing and humiliating her, that reflex ever became the bane to her existence. Calliope couldn't even count how many strikes she had received from the paddle, only that her throat and jaw were both very, very sore. As for her clamped nubs, she would be surprised if they didn't become swollen and infected when the green man was finally done.

Meanwhile, in another room, President Snow was standing directly face to face with Tritor himself. Unlike the victor, however, he seemed serene and at most enjoying the scene that was unfolding behind the screen. "As her own mentor, you should know how determined Calliope can be," he replied calmly to Tritor's complain. "You've seen it yourself in the arena. Little electric shocks and some spankings like this aren't even close to breaking her."

"But regardless. There is nothing that you can do about it, is it?" He threw a small smile at the twenty-year-old.
Tritor clenched his fists and glared at Snow but said nothing until he calmed down enough to speak. "Mr. President. She has not been feeling well. She had that illness not long ago..." Actually one of her customers had dislocated her hips and she had been unable to walk.

He waited hopping against hope not flinching when the whacks of the paddle hitting Calliope came over the speaker system. He managed to keep from showing any sign but he did speak. "She will not be able to ..serve the President's wishes if this continues. The pain will make her too sensitive and could lead to severe injury." He knew quite well this had happened to Barta who had been sent to a customer n such a state and now he had no sensation in those parts of her body and she had been forever ruined as a lover due to severe damage to her system.
The President smiled understandingly at Tritor's remark. "We'll see about that now, shall we?" he replied, clearly unconcerned about the well-being of Calliope. She was but merely a disposable tool, after all, and with the seventy-fourth Hunger Games coming soon, he would have a choice among the twelve tributes to make into his next toy. Although indeed, one as exquisite as Calliope comes only once in the blue moon. "Enjoy the show, Mr. Pixil," remark Snow passingly as he and his Peacekeepers exited the room. The sound of the door being locked from the outside soon could be heard in their wake.

Meanwhile, in another room, Calliope's gagged screams grew less and less intense as she felt her consciousness slipping away from her. The combined pain from the spankings, the electric jolts, and her aching joints from the uncomfortable suspended position had become too much for her to handle. Before darkness overtook her, however, an image of her family flashed in her mind, and in that short time, the District 7 victor was actually feeling glad that she was the one receiving all the pain and not them.
Tritor grabbed a chair and threw it at the tv screen smashing it and started pounding at the door kicking at it yelling to be let loose. he had also ripped off the speaker system destroying them as well so he could not hear the giggling.

The green Beast actually did not stop until she was passed out. Only then did he let her down, remove her toys and left. Even Snow did not want to know about his methods of self pleasure. Tritor was still demanding to be let loose.
When she finally stirred awake, Calliope again found herself alone. Neither Lazarus nor President Snow were seen. She was also no longer suspended and was instead curling on the table. In place of the clamps and plugs were swollen, throbbing nipples and orifices, and Calliope didn't even want to guess the state her lower quarter had become.

Slowly and carefully, she got off the table and the room. Not even a Peacekeeper was standing by in the corridor. She proceeded forward, somewhat dazedly. The first and foremost thing that came to her mind was to get some clothes on. Another thing was what Snow had said to her prior to her session with Lazarus. "You won't even want it to end." The words rang repeatedly in her head. So the President himself had visioned her to become a mindless sex slave, is that it?

Calliope shook her head stubbornly. She had to fight back. Keeping her family alive was one thing, but this one was another. There should be a way to push back at Snow's demand discreetly, without harming her family back in District 7. If she got together with Tritor and Barta, she might just be able to figure out something.

Then, she suddenly stopped. A familiar voice followed by relentless bashing on a nearby door caught Calliope's attention, and her mind and heart quickly raced upon recognizing who the owner of the voice was. "... Tritor?"
"LET ME OUT YOU BASTARDS!!" The door was steel and beyond even Tritor's impressive strength though he had badly damaged his side of it. he was roaring smashing it with the desk. He heard nothing and no one had come and he was beginning to have flashbacks to his games. he had been trapped in a cave during a massive storm and had had to fight off three other tributes in the dark and the room he is in is growing darker and darker.

There was a combined sense of guilt and rage that seared past Calliope as she screamed and banged at the steel reinforced door. Did Tritor see her? Was it Snow who brought him here? What was he doing to him now? After only a short while, though, she stopped her struggle, after her own beaten body betrayed her into crumpling on the floor in front of the stubbornly durable door. Her whole body and mind was throbbing and aching. She remembered thinking during Lazarus's session how it was better for her to receive the torture, but even if she took the pain or not she would end up hurting someone.

"I'm sorry, Tritor...," she muttered, although aware that the mentor might not even able to hear her from the combination of his screams and the reinforced steel. She raised her hand and placed her palm on the cold surface of the door, and was soon treated with surprise when it suddenly swung open forward. To her horror, however, her mentor was nowhere in the room on the other side of the door. Instead, there were her prep team.
Tritor had raged and bellowed until a pair of peacekeepers came in and knocked in him out, Calliope's prep team coming in as he was dragged out. They swooped down on Calliope to get her ready for the ball while Tritor was taken scrubbed and, washed, and dressed in his own suit. Barta was waiting with the prep team and watched Calliope silently her eyes searching the girl. She did get the prep team to apply several soothing oils and lotions to Calliope's irritated skin while they bathed her. It would not remove the pain but it would ease the very worst of it.

Tritor woke as he was being dressed. His muscles and throat were very sore. He saw Snow watching him and he hissed. "What is it you want now?" Tritor's team were all Avoxes who had also been deafened. "have you learned?" "yes! you're all powerful and I am but an ant to your boot. But you are damaging your own product. You-" "SILENCE!!" Tritor glared at hm but said nothing. "I will do what i want with my property little man. And we both know I own her. And you. All of you. So you will stop fighting em or i will arrange your accidental death." He leaves while Tritor is dressed then pushed through a pair of doors into the party.

Tritor rolls his eyes and begins going about amongst the Capitol elite trying to gain sponsors already and to scope out more customers for Calliope. He hated it but he obeyed. He had no choice. Though he had but the two, Barta and Calliope, he still had them to protect and protect them he would.
She was losing her mind. That much Calliope was sure when her prep team guided her to a foul-smelling bath used to minimize the appearance of her bruises. Otherwise, how would she be able to hear Tritor's voice in a room full of her prep team? She let out a tired sigh shortly before feeling throbbing pain from the inside of her temple. It was like back from before she was winning the Games, when her heterochromia would often cause her headaches whenever she stared directly into the sun.

"Heads up, Calliope. I need to have a good look at your eyebrows." Olivia, the self-appointed leader of her prep team, instructed her before a single manicured finger lifted her chin up and forced her to face aside. The baby-blue-haired woman made a clicking sound with her tongue upon seeing the circles underneath the mismatched eyes. "I wish your customers would at least be sensible enough to let you sleep," she commented. "I mean, your eyes is already beautiful and all, but I just wish we don't have to always cake them with make up and just let their natural beauty shine through."

"Oh, believe me, Olivia. There's nothing in this world that I need more than that." Except for the Capitol to quit hurting everyone that I even remotely care about. Her glance moved quietly at Barta, then, both glad and suspicious that she was around. She had hardly spoken to the older victor, and her only knowledge about the woman was about her madness. Being a fellow victor from District 7, however, Calliope knew that she and Tritor were quite close.
Tritor was in hell. He was discussing selling Calliope's time with a number of persons though he had managed to get er a night of sleep tonight by catching Snow and reminding her about the interview with Flickerman the next day. Snow had relented so that the new Favorite would not looked exhausted and sick before the Capitol as even their makeup could not hide everything.

Now he was discussing her schedule. He actually did not set anything he just tried to find the best for Snow to choose and hopefully ones that would not hurt Calliope. He was telling some woman about her interviews and meetings and her hopeful return to District 7 to see her family soon. The woman blustered and swooned over Tritor and told everyone how handsome he was and how sweet he was for taking care of Calliope like he was. Tritor was furious but e maintained his calm reserve sighing and nodding politely as she made much of him. The Capitol and their ways...
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