A new adventure(DarkmuneXCommie)

Vailed In Black

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Jan 9, 2009
-Some Unknown planet...in an undisclosed location-​

I remember what was going on...I stared up at it....my mother, but not my mother, her arm or hand though it was not what it seemed or was not hers. I held it with my two hands that glowed white with her light and power, my body was half turned into a robot...my cyborg implants helped me harness the power I needed to withstand the pressure and power of the large ship in front of me while torrents and hurricanes raged around me. My radio snapped on while I held the large being red, and white electricity flowed around me snap evaporating the water around me, "Vega, and Terminus how far are you to the Leviathan...we have only one chance! Vega! Terminus! WE need to do it for the others....now!" I snapped at the radio as it began to fizz and tear at the amount of power I was pushing into my arms...we needed to finish this...and finish it fast or we could be looking at what happened a hundred years ago or...

Charyl had finally been given a ship that looked that of her mother's original Normandy though she had not named her ship a copy of the one her mother had served on, this was Judgement she felt it was more worthy of the title given the vessel she now was aboard is something that made critical judgments in seconds. The interior was like the SR1 not the SR2 which was double the size. This ship, however, held the same size drive core as the SR2 though was twice as powerful due to it being completely made out of reaper tech, its power draw as well as capacity was unrivaled. Charyl could easily start a war with Thessia and even the Systems Alliance and win the war, it was the good of a ship and not even the cerberus ship 'Normandy' could stand up against it.

Charyl left the CIC heading down the ramp around the computers that processed the computers data for data streams and other information on the various governments around the galaxy heading down the walk way and up some stairs. When she looked at the various monitors that measured the ships systems she finally managed to get to the cockpit which held a couple ahead of Joker's generation which was his son that had inherited his ability to fly. They somehow managed to enable EDI to have the ability to 'give birth' which was a controversial procedure due to its nature that an AI could give birth and create. Though they managed but the kid had most of his father's genes just not the one that gave him the disease his grand father in this case had to endure. "Ben take us in easy, land us at the command center in Vancouver, I need to pick up my first two squad mates the Alliance had recommended." she spoke as Ben easily went into Earth's atmosphere as the planet looked more idealistic than ever, the disease and poverty was virtually erased due to the boost of technology given by the reaper turned ally.

Most VI's were given memory boosts that back in the day would have overloaded even their most advanced VIs on Earth at that time, as well as standard cybernetic implants that allowed better movement, even those that suffered from what Joker suffered from were able to live normal lives due to the reaper tech, the medical world of Earth was given a boon thus a new technological age even bigger than when the Prothean archive was discovered on Mars. The Judgement docked at the many now crowded docking bays due to the amount of trading contracts and convoys that the Turians were doing with the Systems Alliance. Though the Turians were n't the only ones that were giving out trading as the Volus and even Hanar were jumping aboard and trading even more readily now. Since Shepard had saved the Citidel as well as the whole galaxy Humanity had been given full recognition so their colonies were safe from Pirates or at least the best they could though with new technology there was bigger threats since the pirates could easily gain this tech as well as anybody else.

When they finally went out of the Air lock Charyl wore her mother's armor with pride as many despite her non affiliation with the Alliance saluted her as she walked by. Shepard was highly regarded even to this day despite being gone over a hundred years ago. When she finally walked into the command office she was handed their dossiers, "Vega, and Terminus...hm, heavy weapons, demolition...Vanguard, close range...Biotics....hm interesting." She spoke out loud as she noticed the commanding officer that she couldn't conclude with two recruits she had heard about, they better be the best of the best. The first mission they would be doing would be overlooking the agreement that the Krogen would get their expansion that they had awaited for nearly a 100 years, her time would be sent in to secure the peace. When the finally stood in front of her Charyl shook the commanding officer's hand as she looked over her new recruits her eyes carefully studying them.
Lt. Cmdr. Ethan Ford, aka N7-Destoryer codenamed "Terminus", sat armored up in the main hall, his omni-tool aglow as he ran a diagnostic on his Terminus Power Assault Armor just to pass the idol time. The female Vanguard accompanying him however, she was unable to sit still, and he figured she just resigned herself to pacing aimlessly back and forth, from one end to the other.

"Will, you settle down,"
he said with out looking up from his small holographic readout, "You're being distracting." he finished.

Cpl. Selena Vega just about stopped in her tracks and eyed the armored N7 spoke to her, "I'm a Vanguard, I can never sit still," she said just before she continued her pacing. "huh, Vanguard and a Vega, Go figure," Terminus said as he simply shook his head and went back to minded his own business. things continued like that, the soldier checking his armor, and the green Vanguard antsy as could be.

Finally, the C.O.s assistant came to bring the two into the commanders office. Promptly the two stood straight as boards and saluted. "Lt. Cmdr. Ford, Reporting." Terminus said, "Corporal Selena Vega, Reporting as ordered, Sir!" Vega said. they waited for the commanding officer to salute back before they stood at ease. Neither one said anything about Charyl, but Terminus, with nearly 13 yrs of experience under his belt, figured she had factored into them being there.
Charyl looked at them nodding then looking at the commanding officer, "I think they'd be perfect for the squad I wish to complete, I am still gaining more dossiers just I need two at the moment for a current mission that I have been tasked with." She spoke to the C.O. as he nodded she looked back at them, "I work unofficially with any government agency that includes citadel as well. You could call me a mercenary but I work as a private security force equivilant to a Spectre but I refuse to be tied to the council due to the problems they gave my mother so long ago. So they allow me the resources of what they gave their agents...anyway enough small talk. You have been chosen cause the Alliance has recommended you, this mission isn't anything you have trained for. We are going to oversee the Citadel and Krogen meeting for their expansion they were promised years ago. So they are strained things will be very tense, not to mention other organizations might be around the corner like the remains of Cerberus." Charyl walked in front of them back in fourth like a C.O. would do to their troops but instead she was just their leader.

"Well with that out of the way I need you both on the ship asap, we are heading out to the Krogen DMZ, Turchanka.", She spoke to them as she finished up their assignment giving back the datapad back to the commanding officer as she headed out of the room toward her ship as she needed them on the ship as soon as possible cause the meeting was in 14 hours so she needed to be there as soon as possible. They could see her move onto her ship Judgement as the airlock opened she stepped inside waiting for them and then the decontamination sequence that awaited them.
Terminus simply nodded his head, "Standard foot locker then, sir? ma'am?" he asked, referring their basics like clothing, and other essentials. beyond his armor and weapons, he didn't think he'd need he'd need to bring much. "Already taken care of Lt. Cmdr." the C.O. said, as Charyl was leaving. "Any goodbyes make them quick, That woman is on a timetable and I for one don't want to feel the wrath of a Shepard."" he added, promptly dismissing the two, Vega looked at Terminus with questioning look on her face, but no one could see his under that full helmet of his. Terminus saluted and turned on his heel, following the Asari out. Vega did the same, and hurried off as well.

The two were a few paces behind Cheryl, and Vega donned her Deathmask helm. Cycling through the local comms looking for any marked N7, but came up short, nothing. she figured they worked on tighter beam comms then the rank and file soldiers if she can't find one from the N7 next to her. finally she tapped him on the arm to get his attention, he looked at her, and she tapped her helm. "What is it, Corporeal?" he said, his voice crackling through her headset. "any idea who this Asari chicka is, sir?" she asked, still puzzled a bit over the C.O. calling her a 'Shepard', "Who knows, we have a job to do," he said with a small shrug as they walked, "Figure it out later." he added, then fell silent as they stepped into the Decontamination chamber behind Cheryl.

"what will out general stations be, Ma'am?" Terminus asked as they waited for decontamination.
The N7 armor glowed with a brilliance against the bright lights of her ship as she turned to them. She knew what they would best suit for but she was a reasonable woman, "Lt. Commander what would you be comfortable doing? There are many stations needed to be filled though I do what is best for my crew, that one good thing is listening and applying them where they best are served at. So where do you feel the most capable at?" She asked the Lt. Commander as she then turned to the Corporal, "That goes for you too Corporal Vega, where do you feel you would do best in?" Charyl spoke in a confident voice to make sure she wasn't showing she didn't know where to put them but show they did have a place and it was well accepted.

While she asked them the decontamination sequence started as white clouds sterilized the air around them as well as them. While she asked the two could feel the ship literally having an affect on them unlike however a 100 years ago where they would hear voices and their mental states would deteriorate allowing them to be easily controlled, they could feel a boost in confidence as well as their minds working even better than any stimulant or environment that was set to promote such a feeling.
The two soldier looked back and forth between the Asari and each other before Terminus spoke. "I'm a soldier ma'am, work best on the ground killing things that want to try to kill me, but I use to serve as head security on the Cruiser SSV Chamberlain before becoming an N7. if nothing like that is available, then I could man the weapons or work the armory either one would work for me." he said with a slight shrug.

Vega was the new recruit, fresh and green, but still trained. "Security if at possible, ma'am, but I'm fast learner so with some time, patience and on the job training I can do what you need me to do." she said as she looked around around "hie-ka-rumba, Why do feel like I'm being watched all of a sudden?" she added shaking her head as if to clear it from something. Terminus looked at her, but with his helmet on his expression was lost.
Charyl laughed some as the sequence had finished, "So both prefer something around the way of security on the ship? Well, you will get that Vega plus maintenance of our weapons in the Armory, just ask one of my crew they will help direct you to your duties etc." She told the Corporal laughing at her newest crew member's statement about something watching them. Though she was going to let the cat out of the bag soon but her eyes glided over to Lt Commander, "Lt. Commander since you wanted security as well I thought that making that would be your secondary duty, you like Vega will be doing something new on the ship despite some previous experience elsewhere. You will calibrate this ship's main cannons, I don't know how well you are familiar with the older model 'SR1' layouts but the main cannon is on a deck just down the stairs from here. I will have another one of my staff direct you to where you need to go. Vega the 'watching' feeling is something special, have you both heard of the incident that happened over a hundred years ago?" She waited for a response as they walked out of the contamination chamber out into the main corridor that lead up to the cockpit but the opposet way lead back to the CIC and galaxy map.

"Well, regardless of what you know of that it is why humanity along with all races are living so well. We have harvested the technology we thought too advanced at that time but it couldn't have been done without my mother..." She commented telling her story more regardless of their responses. Charyl motioned them to stop as she moved around standing finally on the ledge of the higher platform overlooking the map, "...Commander Shepard, she nearly by herself took out the reapers of that time. Though she didn't take out the reapers in a way that most would explain or understand. The very moment you stand within this ship, the feelings you feel that kind of uplifting feeling despite being watched...that is MY mother watching you and making sure you succeed. Your very footsteps are within my mother, as she is the reapers or in this era would call them 'Shepard's Guard' it was a faction created when the reapers were taken over by a single human. Again that single human was my mother, the best mother I could have hoped for in the entire galaxy. As you noticed my body isn't that of human origin at least not my physical body, the physical body does require explanation but not until you swear on your lives not to tell any one that you will learn of my other parent. So Vega, Ford, what did you think of my little story?" She asked one last question this time actually waiting for them to respond.
"Calibrating the main gun?" Terminus said almost as a question, "Sounds like fun. never been let loose on anything that has more bang then a Grizzly let alone calibrate it. I spent some time on a SR-4. same size and layout as the SR-1 but smaller crew and a lot more automated." he added, grinning behind his visor and rubs his hands together like he was ready to get to work. whatever his thoughts on the matter of working inside a 'Shepard' ship, he left them to himself. Selena Vega on the other hand seemed to shrink a bit, clearly she didn't like the idea of being watched 24/7 mind of the galactic savior or not, Shepherds were still technically Reaper tech, "puto infierno. Un segador!" she said in her native tongue of Spanish as she followed behind Cheryl into the cockpit of the C.I.C. Terminus looked forward and nodded to the crew before they turned aft to the heart of the ships command area.

the stopped when they and listened to Cheryl tell them her story. "Everyone knows the story, ma'am. and every N7 knows the finer points of the story of Commander Shepard. Without going to classified areas, I can say that Shepard was a hell of a soldier, First human spectre and saved the fucking galaxy several times, what did her in was stopping the Reaper invasion dead in its tracks by sacrificing herself to take control of the Reapers. after they brought the Citadel into orbit over hear" the Lt Commander said, speaking in a sort of mater-o-fact way. "Tragic story if you stop and think about it, but what she did made it possible for us to be standing her today. as for you ma'am pretty damn clear that you're an Asari." he added.

"Ma'am" Vega said, "As long I'm working with you, I can keep my mouth shut and treat this as a black op, everything is confidential and need to know." she said, Terminus nodded his head in agreement. "Part of the job ma'am, so long as we work with you, you have our full cooperation and trust, so long as it doesn't affect the Alliance negatively we'd follow you into hell and back." he added.
Charyl listened to Ford call her an Asari, this was true she was an alien and not physically looking as a human as she rested on the bars above the galaxy map, "Lt. Commander, I understand I am not or am not completely human but the genes that went into me being here, they are human and they show even to this day." She looked down at him tapping her cheek as there was an 'N7' some how marked on her face with her usual markings that were of her mother's race that was still alive. Charyl stood back up nodding glad that she had both of their cooperation which would make it easier than having to make sure they understood consequences of disloyalty to her and this mission as it was an insult to her mother years back.

"I believe you both will be fine with my human mother watching, she only wants the best for our missions. Though I remember that she said she was going to try to preserve galactic life despite how chaotic and evil it can sometimes be. With her mind the Reapers they knew of understood what life truly was instead of just harvesting advanced civilizations. Anyway...I am plotting the coarse to Turchanka, Wrex should be there waiting for us. He says Clan Urdnot is doing its part to be peaceful as he didn't want to repeat the Krogen rebellions a couple centuries back, with Eve there it shouldn't be too bad. A good mission to get the blood flowing cause we got more after this one is finished." She commented about Shepard and even about the mission they were doing even though they were just bodyguards or icons due to her history at least it was a mission that was preserving her mother's want for the Krogen to expand and be like every other citadel race. "Anyway, I'll be down on the crew deck in my cabin come to me if you have any concerns." She said finally turning walking down from the CIC heading over to the door to the left going down the stairs like the original normandy heading over to the captain's quarters shutting her door sitting down over progress reports of what is going on with their mission at the moment.
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