Hilton's Subliminal Life

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Jan 9, 2009
Saturday, now there was a day that could never be ignored. A day where you didn't have people bickering at you and no work to do. Just laze about and enjoy the day as it slowly went by. Plus the fact that it had now become summer only made this Saturday even better. In the Leto's darkened room the soft sounds of dog's feet were softly heard plotting on the floor before jumping into his master's bed and licking Leto on the face. "All right all right im up, gah!" He sighed and yawned and stretched before sitting up and throwing the blankets off of him and onto the bed. "All right Shadow lets get you some food." He smiled and ran his hands over the husky's muzzle and pulled on his p.j pants and a white tee-shirt. Leto knew he had to get up and at least start the days chores, feed the animals and then he could relax.

Leto then thought about it for a second and looked at Shadow. "Oh sorry boy come on lets let you go out back for morning bathroom. Sorry boy." He laughed and grabbed his shoes and slipped them on and headed to the back yard and let Shadow go and head out" Once shadow was done with his morning bathroom break he trotted back over to Leto and barked. Leto laughed and just patted him on the head. "Well time for breakfast so go lay down." He walked back through the sliding glass door and to the living room and sat down watching the news as he always did.

Once leto finished with the news he headed over to his computer and grinned. he had been working on a subliminal message bug that would play through e-mail and affect anyone that he messeged. After watching his favorite Singer/Actress he was determined to make it work on the sexy Paris Hilton. He knew that she had a press conference today and hoped she would read the message before it because he would dress her. He would put her into a lovely blue silk dress and silk stockings. he would also make it for her to show off her stockings abit just to prove that it had worked.
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