May The Power Protect You

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Nov 29, 2011
- In the cold, dark, emptiness of space floats a large asteroids from the rings of Saturn, on this asteroid, sits a huge castle, that read's, "Bandora's Castle" inside of the castle on the balcony sits stone statue's of figures, as the asteroid spins, light hits the statue of a woman, the stone begins to fracture and crack, slowly a hand gets free and it begins moving rapidly to get rid of the stone, as it falls away, the hand reaches the face and removes the stone and an evil smile is shown, cut to earth, present day, on a college campus in a big states we focus on a kid in red, running across campus, as the bell starts to ring -

??? - "God, I'm so late!"

- He screamed as he ran the hall running past class mate's, before finding door marked. "Biology", he scanned the room and looked for his usual spot next to Terra, he saw her look and he smiled he waited for the teacher to look away and he quietly snuck in and grabbed his seat, he smiled at her as he looked ahead. -


- in the middle of the Gobi desert, stands an old building with a huge smokestack like object sticking out of the middle of it inside we find spider webs all over various control boards, suddenly lights begin to flicker on as the center comes to life suddenly the lace is spotless as a huge light shoots u from the long tube in the far end of the room. -

Zordon - "Alpha....Alpha are you there?"

- a small robot appears -

Alpha - "Of course Zordon."

Zordon - "She has reawakened....we have to summon the ranger's."

- the robot nods and walks to the control console, and began typing buttons, suddenly, Zack, Aisha, Kimberly, and Tommy are returned to the Command Center. -

Tommy - "Guys?....Zordon?......Zordon what are we doing here?"

Kim - "This place was destroyed..."

Zordon - "It was almost....i would love to speak with each and everyone of you but it seems Rita and Zedd have become free of the prison i sent them to....and the world needs you once again, as soon as Jason and Billy arrive i will explain--

- alpha speaks up -

Alpha - "Zordon, it apparels that Jason and Billy wish not to return to the team...."

- Zordon looks at the other Four rangers and sighs -

"We need to find two new rangers....Tommy Kimberly, lease go out and find someone, remember they have to be pure of heart and strong willed as you were when you were given your powers."

- they nod and are teleported out, back on campus, Jake stood at the lockers with Terra. -

Jake - "I'm lucky i didn't get kicked out today, i can't believe i overslept like that."
Terra said to him,``Your lucky that I covered up for you today in class Jake.`` ``Don`t expect me to do that ever again understand Jake.`` Terra opens her locker up and she put`s her things away inside her locker and she locks it up and said to Jake,``Oh great here comes the jerk of the football captain for our college football team I hate that guy with a passion Jake.``

The football captain pushses Jake into his locker and closes the locker up and said to her,``Terra why don`t you come to the dance with me and instead of hanging out with that loser Jake what do you say babe.?``

Terra said to him,``Sorry I don`t go to dances with a jerk like you that picks on someone like Jake and get out of my sight and you already have a girlfriend and I`m not interested in you at all get out of this hallway right now your the loser not Jake.``

The football captain was ticked off with that comment and he walks away and Terra opens Jake locker up and she helps him out of his locker and said to him,``Are you alright Jake I have no idea what his problem is and he is the jerk and not you.``
- Jake smiled a little bit -

"I didn't expect you to do it this time, to be honest, but, i owe you one i guess..."

- out of nowhere he was shoved into his locker the door slammed behind him, he banged on the door trying to get out as the Captian hit on Terra. -

"Leave her alone jerk!"

- he shouted from the locker, as he was blown off one of the captains cronnies backed him up -

Thug - "Don't let her get to ya, boss, she don't know what she's missing."

- they walked off Terra let jake out of the locker and he fixed his jacket -

"Thanks....i can't believe someone like that would prey on you....want me to walk you to your dorm?"

- he asked as he grabbed his backpack and shut his locker -
Terra said to Jake,``I know how to deal with a jerk like that and I`m just not into jockey guys at all Jake.`` ``Your welcome for the help anytime Jake and sure you can walk with me back to my dorm I don`t mind at all.`` Terra smiled back at Jake and they both been friends with each other all through public school, highschool and now they are both college friends for life. Terra put`s her back pack onto her back and said to Jake,``I can`t believe that this friday night is the winter wonderland ball and I probably won`t be going to the dance at all.`` ``Who would want to ask me to a dance I`m not as pretty as the cheerleaders are of this school,I just look like Kimberlly which is my older step sister she is more pettier then me Jake sigh.``
- He shook his head, she was beautiful but she always sold herself short typical for any woman, he always had a crush on her, she was someone he alwaysed looked to as a good friend almost a sister, but a part of him was deeply in love with her, but, he waas always afraid to say something out of fear of ruining thier friend ship so he left it alone -

"You are fine, Terra, you have your own brand of beauty, don't get down on yourself."

- as they began walking the quad out of nowhere four stone like creatures showed up circling the two, Terra let out a scream as Jake stepped infront of her -

"Terra....s-s-stay calm okay, i will handle this!"

- he shouted and the first one attacked lunging at jake with a high kick, he lbocks it an sweeps its feet sending it to the ground, then two attack one grabbing him while the other lands a barrage of punches to his midsection, they sense Jake, being deffeated and they turn thier attention to Terra, Jake looks up -


- He shouts as they rush toward her jake slowly gets up. -
Terra looks at jake and she said to him,''Don't forget i take martail arts classes as well jake.'' Terra knocks out the two stoned stautes and they broke in half and Terra helps Jake up and said to him,''Let's duck and the other two stone stautes will break we'll move out of the way on the count of three okay jake be ready to move.'' Terra counts one, two and three and they both jump out of the way and the last two stone stautes crashed into each other and they both broke into a lot of small pieces. Terra wonders where the blazes they came from. Terra said to Jake,'' Where did they come from this is going to be a mysetery where those things came from sigh.''
- Jake nodded, and stood up dusting himself off he looked at Terra and smiled -

"Great work, but, when i tell you to run, Run, okay? i would rther those things tke me then you..."

- they began walking again when suddenly a pink and white light appred out of nowhere revealing Tommy and Kimberly. -

Kim - "Terra!....are you two all right?"

- She hugged her baby sister tightly -

Kim - "We saw the whole thing..."

- Tommy steps in -

"Listen we have a job for you guys, come with us."

- Kim took Terra dn tommy took jake, suddenly they are transported to the Command center with the other's -

Zordon - "Wonderful...Terra, Jake, welcome to the Command name is Zordon Of Eltar..eight to ten thousand years ago, Rita Repulsa sought to conquer many worlds in the universe. Among the opposition was Myself. War broke out between myself and the factions of Rita. This war stretched for 2,000 years and across countless planets. Many of my warriors perished in battle with Rita's minions, such as the Nasty Knight.
Sometime during the conflict, Rita entered into service to the great Lord Zedd, who assigned her to conquer Earth. She and her henchmen occupied a palace on Earth's Moon, located directly above the location of the powerful Zeo Crystal. It was also during this period that I discovered five Power Coins and a map to the Desert of Despair. It was also known that Rita came into the possession of a sixth power coin, the Dragon Dagger, and the Dragonzord, through unknown means.

In the closing days of the war, I came close to victory. In desperation, Rita lured Me to meet, with a promise of peace. However, this was a trap. Rita banished Me into a time warp in which he existed outside normal time and would eventually communicate via a tube. I, however, managed to seal Rita and her minions into a space dumpster where they were to reside for eternity -- until being discovered in 1993 on a drifting planetoid. After we were able to defeat her once again and place her and her menions into stone prisons, she has managed to escape and threatens earth once again...

I knew that Rita may one day return and continue her war on Earth. In preparation, I constructed a base of operations known as the Command Center in the Gobi desert and used it to stage the creation of the Power Rangers. I also prepared for the eventual arrival of evil by placing key weapons across the solar system such as the Mega Voyager which I left on a moon of Jupiter Now, Rita has returned once again, and has managed to drain all powers from the Morphin grid....somewho the Power Cons were revived, as of right now i have all but 2 of my Ranger's, that is why you two were brought here, Terra, with your strong mind and tough fighting ability you seemed the perfect fit to pilot the TRicerazord, and Jake, with you willingness to help and being so quick to think of others before yourself, i wish for you to pilot the Tirannazord."

- Everyone watch the two, all the eyes of the room waiting the choice they make.-
Terra didn't know what to say and she said to,''Yes i will become the blue ranger since my older step sister is the pink ranger i accept that zord for sure zordon.'' Terra took the tricazord coin and she turns into the blue ranger and she loved this outfit very much and it suited her perfectly. She hopes that Jake will accept this power like she did and she smiled at jake.
- Jake, smiled when he saw her take on the resposablity of the a Ranger, he smiled again and looked up at Zordon. -

"Zordon, all my life i have been waiting for the day someone would ask me to help or to be part of something big, i have been happy to help anyone anyway i can today i guess finally proved it to these guys and you, i would be proud to fight along side everyone here and take on the Tirannozord aand the powers of the Red Ranger..."

- Zordon spoke up as Alpha brought him to morpher and communicator in a box and spoke as he put on the wirst comm. -

Zordon - "Jake, Terra, welcome to the Team i hope you two understand what i takes to save the world, and May The Power Protect You both."

- Jake, took out his morpher and yelled out those famous words -

"It's Morphing Time!"

- As he did the roar of his zord echoed out as his body was engulfed in a red light, as the power took over his body and he became one with his zord the light disipated and he looked in awe at his outfit and snapped off his helemt, before walking over to Terra and offering his hand in a handshake -

"We have been friends for a long as teammates i can't wait to save the world with you."

- he smiled as he waited for her to shake it -
Terra takes his hand and said to Jake,''Yes we have been friends for quite a long time and i don't mind fighting along with you and the others i'm looking forward to save the world as well.'' Terra shakes Jake hand and this was excatly how Tommy and Kimberly were like at their age as well. Terra looks at the time and said to Jake,''We have to get to history class we have an exam today oh great.''
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