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The Cat Goddess (me and TakodaVega)


May 31, 2009
Lawrence sighed as he held the umbrella tightly in his hand. It was a horrible downpour and in truth things were not going as well today. He had to work late, had he been let off at his usual hour he would have been home long before the sky decided to pour an entire ocean on his head. But he sighed knowing that he could complain all he wanted, it was not like it was going to make the rain stop as he walked past the many tall buildings of the city when he heard something from a nearby alley. He turned his head to look down it and before long curiosity had the better of him and he began to walk into the alley to see what was leaving the noise.

Lawrence was a rather handsome looking boy, even in the rain. He was 22 and still was built rather well for a man just out of college. He was rather tall being over 6' in height but that was really only a minor thing. His short brown hair was a bit messy and wet as it slightly clung to his face around his hazel eyes. His brown rimmed glasses had a few drops on them as he knelt down next to a semi folded in, almost flooded looking cardboard box and he opened up the top flap as he sat a small cat inside, threatened to be drowned by the water in the box. He knew the cat would scratch him but he sighed as he took a breath, putting down the umbrella the water began to his his jacket and is jean pants more as he reached inside of the box and he pulled the cat out.
Catalina cursed to herself in her head as she shivered in the cold. The water had soaked the female to the bone, not surprising considering she now resided in a fucking box. She was the Bast incarnate damn it! Shifting her feet from side to side she let her paws kneed into her 'house' for the night, mewling out of habit. She felt pathetic. Hungry, cold and wet beyond normal belief. A hot bath now - that she didn't mind. But cold water? Gah! And it was still down pouring down. What choice did she have though? It wasn't like many people would pick a stray off the street to take them home with her.

She was getting used to her cat form, a curse she had to figure out how to be lifted from. Her feline tail flicked. Though rare, the silver form of the Egyptian Mau was hard to distinguish at first. Her silvery fur had black spots along the coat, while stripes crossed over her face, legs and tail. Her green eyes were half closed, embracing the ending of a dreary existence.

That is until the rain stopped for only a few moments. Movement flickered outside the box as her ear flicked, eyes looking up as she saw the form of a male. Instincts kicked into over drive as she tried to claw at his hand, after all what was he going to do to her? However she soon was resigned to her fate when he caught her along the underbelly, as he was given a mrowl of resignation. She was cold and wet. While his hand was at the moment cold and wet as she was, it sure beat the box...besides maybe he would take her some place where she could change back.

She could only hope.
He yelped out a bit when he felt her claws cut into his flesh as he just bit his bottom lip and he said "hush now..." he picked up his umbrella as he now held the cat in his arm "now stay..." he said as he began to walk back, using both his umbrella and the inside of his jacket to keep the small cat warm as he walked down the street to an apartment complex as he headed upstairs after closeing his umbrella with a bit of diffulculty but he finally got it and he smiled as he got it closed and he was then in his apartment where he brought the kitten into the bathroom. He put a towel down on the counter before he put the cat down and he looked at it before he moved and he got some stuff for his hand really quick, at least disinfecting it before he began to help dry the small feline off "see? all better now" he said with a small smile "now no more scratching' he told her as he began to just bandage himself up a little as he sighed "come on, let's see if we can't get something to eat" he said as he began to walk from her and he headed into the kitchen to get the pair something to eat.
Her first sense of warmth came from the inside of his jacket, her mewls softened for the moment as she tried to absorb it all. Damn it she was colder that she thought. It was what she got for dating a trickster god. He was creative in his revenge. She was soon disgruntled though as she deposited onto the counter, looking more like a drowned rat than a feline at that point her body twitching. Her big green eyes scoped along getting her first real good look at the male that had picked her up.

Her head tilted to one side, mewing just as the fluffy towel was rubbed over her, mewls and mrowls could be heard as she tried to escape the confines of the towel prison. She knew he was only trying to dry her off but with instincts high it was much easier to just retaliate like a normal cat. Once he stopped she proceeded to dry herself off the old fashion way. Sandpapery tongue moving down along her fur to take the moisture away from it. Her ears flicking slightly when he told her no more scratching. Yeah right, see if he scared her again if he didn't get the same reaction. However the word food brought her back to full attention.

Small feline rump wiggled a bit, adjusting her weight before she jumped down to the floor and followed at the males heels, her smaller form made everything much bigger than it actually was. Which was hard to contain considering that she couldn't shift back unless the male actually gave her something that would switch her back. She continued to mewl up at him, before he finally stopped in the kitchen. His stop sent her into his shin, causing her to plop down back onto her rump and twitch her nose. She would not be debilitated to long as she got back up onto her feet and started to rub her sides against his pant legs, still mewing up at him.
He gave a soft smile and he then said "hang on I will get you something, just let me see what I got" he said as he moved from her and he opened the fridge as he pulled some things out. He knew he had no cat food but he did have some leftover fish. He shrugged a bit as he opened the styrofoam container and he put the fish onto a plate as he zapped it and he got some milk as he out it into a small bowl before he placed it onto the floor out of his way as he then began to figure out what he could make for himself before settling on a can of raviolli as he opened it and he got out a pot to make it in.
The fish was the first smell that greeted her nose, aromatic and fresh despite being cooked twice. Her mouth watered as she thought of hot food something she had not had in a few days now. Her mewls became a bit more insistent as he finally lowered down the prize. Her teeth tearing through the flesh like a knife as she started to devour her food. However her nose was soon greeted by another smell. One not so alien and not nearly as undesirable. Milk. The sugary substance was her saving grace.

Finishing the fish, she looked towards the man then the bowl of milk. She doubted he'd be enjoying the next time he looked down at his feline companion as she started to lap at the milk. Power thrummed into the air as her body slowly changed. Soon sitting in a crouch on his kitchen table was a very naked woman. Pale skin moved along her toned figure, though red markings covered her arms and legs. Egyptian in appearance though it was hard to tell as she remained in her position while her body fully adjusted, the only thing that never changed was those eyes, very much like a cat. Gray hair fell down passed her rear as she carefully moved. She didn't want to startle the man, though she had the feeling it was far too late not do such a thing.
Lawrence had heard something behind him as she transformed and he turned to look at her before he backed up and he nearly knocked over a few things off of the counter and the stove as he had turned to see a beautiful naked woman before him. His eyes were wide with shock and a bit of terror as he looked at her 'who... who are you?" he asked as he began to move a bit further away. True he was bigger and stronger than the girl but just someone breaking into his house was enough to freak out the poor guy. He looked at her "how... how did you get in here?" he did not seem to notice the cat was gone.
Winced in sympathy as she rose to her feet, the woman not needing much in the sake of modesty though the fact she had sent the poor man into a fit for shifting was enough to make her wish to have gotten to know him better before hand. Bright emerald cat eyes lingered on him as she shook her head carefully. Her voice was soft, a latent purr mingling in her words, "You brrrought me in." She said gently before moving down closer to him until they were within arm's length of each other, moving back to crouch down in front of him.

"I did not mean to scare you." She was at least being honest about it, hands sliding between her legs to touch the floor in front of her, sitting much as if she were still a cat. Not surprising having been trapped in that form for so long. "I am in your debt for releasing me from this curse, albeit perhaps only momentarily until it changes again."
He was even more confused now "What...?" he stood there in complete disbelief as he just looked at her. He had to admit she was hot but still considering this woman had managed to break into his house and not set off the alarms he had installed he looked at her a bit confused before he noticed where she had been near and he rose an eyebrow "what do you mean curse?" he asked as he looked down at her, having a weird suspition as he looked into her eyes.
"A trickster god put a curse on me when our relationship ended...badly. I found him with another woman and stopped seeing him. Being the angry and vengeful god he is he cursed me to the form of a cat until someone gave me milk." She said softly, "The likelihood of a human being generous enough to share such a bounty to a cat is extremely rare in the rain, is it not?"

Shifting her weight a bit she looked away from him, slightly embarrassed about admitting to the curse to begin with. Then she got an idea and looked back at him, though she was going to regret it later if it failed. "If you don't believe me dump cold water onto me." She said, waiting to see if he would do it, knowing she would regret being so cold again so soon. The cat could handle it, she normally couldn't however. She needed to earn the Human Male's trust before he decided to summon their police to her and get rid of her which would just reveal her for who she was to everyone.

Thus her life in a constant mess of changes.
He looked at her and he felt very weirded out but when she said dump cold water on her he gave a nervous grin as he said "uh... ok..." he was trying to show that he wasn't as weirded out as he thought he was... but it wasn't really working as he turned on the sink and when the water was cold he pulled off the nozzle and it sprayed a bit of cold water on her before he moved it back to where it was and he watched her.
Catalina's feline eyes watched the male as he moved, keeping her body in the same position. She could smell his disbelief from him and her hopes slightly sunk. How would anyone believe her without the proof to begin with? Maybe she should have left it be awhile longer and hoped that he would grow into her rather than be forced to this. The first spray of cold water touched her and she shivered. Soon followed by the woman sinking down lower...or was she shrinking? Within moments the kitten from before sat where she had once been. Those hypnotic green eyes remaining in place, ever watchful.

If she hadn't creeped him out before she probably did so now.
He felt his body pretty much jump out of his skin as he could not believe what he had seen and it freaked him out yes... He looked at her as he then walked back over to the food and he placed it in front of her. He was confused but that was all he could do. He had no idea what exactly was going on but... this was the kitten he had saved... and he needed to get some explination as to what was going on... so now he would figure out what it was to turn her back.
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