Throwing in a Variable (Shyone x thewhiterabbit)


Sep 2, 2009
On The Throne Ruling The World
On top of the mosulem is were he slept... sitting next to the angels were they wept. The Shinigami nodded off for a few winks, but was soon rested up for the nights nice blinks. Ryou sat there Zanpaktou in hand... wacthing over the grave stone covered land. The Shinigami sat there grumbling to himsef. Ryou was fond of what he called 'The Graveyard Shift'. Yes... sitting around and wacthing over a human grave site was actually his ideal of a fun night, though hunting criminals seemed like a better use of his time. Or at least training. Sighing to himself he stared up at the full moon and cackled softly. This reason he had not been able to resiet taking the job off one of his lower seats was that very reason the light of the full moon was nice. Plus Captian seemed to have everything handled, and Ryou had for the first time found someone he thought of as a 'Mistress'. She had earned his respect egough that the Dog part of his insult of a nickname certianly could discribe his protectiveness. Even if he wasn't really strong engough to be one that could be considered for doing a good job of protecting her, since it seemed more like it would be the other way around. Of course there was inkling recently that he had heard that some of the newer unseated had another name for him... 'Dark Toymaker'.

The thought of the sound of such a nickname for a moment. He most certianly enjoyed being called the 'Mad Puppeteer'. Such a name certianly discibed his darling In'ei, plus that was it's name after all. He himself... well he was the 'Mad' part of the equation. Though 'Dark Toymaker'... that was certianly intresting. He figured that it probably had somthing to do with his habit of making toys of everyones shadows...and they where dark. Well... 'If the shoe fits', as the old human saying went. Spending a little time in the human world allowed one to hear such things, espeically here in this part of the world. He prefered though to be near were the action was. He wanted to be able to protect his Divison, and also get back to protecting the kids. Sadly he would be done with this assigment by tommorrow and then could move on to the next. Sitting up for a moment he looked around the graveyard as he figured that it might be good to do another round. To see if any ghost were wondering by. He had found two last night, sinice they seemed to like to come and visit there old bodies.

So with a quick little jump the Shinigami landed on the ground next to the stone building and began to walk bettewen the rows of graves. He moved a bit into the 'Mad Dog' routine at this point. Walking with that hunch to his shoulders and his hair hanging down in front of his face. This was also a place were hollows came to hunt, and frankly that was the real reason he was here. He had not encountered any yet, but he hoped he would before the night was up. Plus the air didn't feel right. It was that sense one got when somthing wasn't exactlly right. In fact the feeling fustrated him so much that he began to tap on his sword more and more as he drug his fingers gently along the grave tops. Little did he know or was thinking about was that the bad feeling he was getting, was the fact he wasn't doing to good of a job hiding himself.
Apacci did not trust the Esclavo hollows bound to Arancars were not to be trusted. The three fracion had been given there Esclavo by Harribel a member of the Espada. Apacci gripped the handles of her sword and sheild forged Esclavo. Esclavos could be forged into any shape one could imagine Apacci chose a sword and shield. Rose wore her Esclavo as gloves and shoes that gave her punches and kicks far more power. Sung wore her as a set of serpentine whips like tails that writhed and and slithered as if alive. “Why do we have to find one soul reaper” Whined appaci swinging her Esclavo sword a few times through the air. Dark energy rippled along the surface where it dripped to the ground the air froze into snow. The three had been tracking the soule reaper for a solid weak from withing the home of the hollows. It was a bit like using a world war 2 periscope trying to spy on the world of the living from the hollow world.

Rose held a liquid portal above her hand in it an image of a soul reaper dressed in the standard garb of the soul society. “Can't we just get him now I mean he is right there” Apacci pointed at the image and not toward the soul reaper. Rose closed her fingers she was getting just as tired of Apaccis whining as anything else. Aizen and Harribel forbid them from feeding while in the living world it was like going from the bottom the sea to the top of a mountain. “Fine she only needs him alive” The arancar leaping on top of a mausoleum. She quickly searched the area finding the soul reaper moving casually among the head stones. Leaping again the mouth of her Esclavo opened forming a ball of dark light. As the ball collapsed the stone and earth around it turned to dust. The soul reaper easily avoided the attack it was not meant to hit. Appaci followed up leaping over the fallen rose her sword trailing a long line of cold fire like a whip.

Sung landed on the other side sending out her Enclavo to ensnare the young soul reaper in there coiled bodies. “Why are you important enough to merit the attention of an espada” Asked rose with a grin hoping that either Apaccis or Sungs attack would ensnare the soul reaper. If he were to espace they would have to play cat and mouse with him again. Only now he would be more aware of his surroundings then before. “Were are the fracion of Harribel and you are to be are prisoner” Rose taunted. The Esclavo howled for blood to drink of the life force of the soul reaper and grow ever stronger. Rose was tempted to let her pet have what it wanted but her master would not be pleased with her. “Now tell me do you want to give up or do I have to start pruning you” She was lying but there was no way for him to tell. She pointed her hand at him ready to launch another coordinated attack should it prove necessary for the mission.
The young Shinigami contiuned to mumble softly to himself as walked along bettewen the grave stones. The peace and silience of the outside world were so quite when compare to the sounds inside of his head. His Zanpakuto aruged with each other in such an adorable and laughable fashion that the Shinigami almost didn't notice the face that he was indeed not alone among the gravestones of the dead. In fact it was In'ei who said, "I believe we are being wacthed..." About the same time that Ryou noticed it. He began to wonder and he began to ponder... who it was that it could possiably be. This person who was distrubing his thinking time that was spent under his mental Tumtum tree. Sighing to himself the Shinigami knew that no risk could be taken as he slowly took his Zanpaktou onto his hand. He wasn't sure if it was sure what the being was... that had wondering into the 'Dark Puppeteer's land. The creature seemed be quite weak or was very good at concealing itself so no way that he could possiably know. So turning around his eyes began to as the preasance of another sound began to grow. Tears... Sadness... the feelings of a young girl hiding in darkness. The emotions made the one visable eye grow wide as he finally laid eyes on the sigh of a small human spirit.

The sound made the one visable eye grow wide as he recongized a sound so much like his defenseless sisters. In a way it started to bring out his protective side to much. "Calm down there silly boy" Was the silly voice of Ningy speaking into his mind. The more feminie part of the sword toyed with him saying, "Why don't we find our new friend. They might need some help." His only reply, "Prehapsss." So he began to search around in the direction the noise came form. It was behind a couple of gravestones that the young man found a child Plus who was sitting there and crying over two graves. "Playing your respects Kyoko-chan?" It was the first time that the emotion in his voice didn't seem as impish, but geninuely curious. The small child looked up at the Shinigami, and there was an obvious sense that they knew each other.

Ryou's fondness for protecting kids in a big brother manner was quite well know around Seireitei, as well as the districts of the Rukion were he took care of the poor kids. Especially in his former 40th district of the Rukion where he had lived, before moving to Seireitei to live as a Shinigami. The man was always treating a certian large group of the kids to better food from his personal salary. He also had a habit of trying to encourge them to become Shinigamis. It was for this reason that the 6th Division had at least 20 members who used to be kids back when Ryou first starting doing it. So that was why he extended that towards the Pluses, and made sure to wacth out for the young ones. This also included giving them a little extra time and help to make sure they could pass over without any regrets. Tonight he remembered just so happen to the time him and this spirit had agreed would be the best time to go. Before the young Plus could reply Ryou gently laughed, before affectionately ruffling the spirits hair, "Ssso what do you think...."

His words though were cut off at the last second as he sensed an attack, but in his relaxed state he had only moments to react as he pushed the young spirit to the ground. When she looked up at him she would see the Shinigami was stabbed through the shoulder by somthing... causing the young male to laugh in his manic way, "Oh dear... it looksss like thisss could be a problem Kyoko-chan. Though I hope your ok..." Ryou's pain tolerance was very very high, but it was somthing that caused him to write checks his body couldn't cash. So it was more of a mental numbness. It was obvious though that the attack had been ment for Kyoko... the 4th seat had protected her from it. The man even went so far as to not only not protect himself, but like a flash the little Plus was gone. The Shinigami having preformed a Soul Burial on it to make sure it was sent to the afterlife before even daring to save himself. Though the hollow which had attacked the young Shinigami at this point had wrapped his sword arm in a manner were he couldn't attack because it wasn't done with it's prize yet. The creature didn't mind the loss because it had a better prize than a simple Plus... he also would be able to kill and devor the Shinigami and gain even more power. The creature laughed softly as it said, "Well I guess this is the end for you... little Shinigami." With those words it's bladed arm fell to cut Ryou in half.

Ryou stood there with an emotionless expression on his face, that hid the fact he was a bit surprised to have been caught off guard. Especially by a weaker hollow such as the one that now had him in it's power. The young shinigami realized very quickly though that it was not as weak as he had at first thought the moment that he heard words flowing from the creatures lips. Ryou knew that for it to be talking, the hollow had to be at least an Adjushas class being, which if that was the case... then he was in trouble. Normally he probably could have defeated it, depending on how close it was to it's next evolution cycle into a Vasto Lord, but with the injury that it had inflicted, and the lock it's tentacle had on his arm... the 4th seat knew the out come was no longer a question. The young man could hear the voices of his sword screaming almost in harmony, "Ryou you fight and destroy that bastard. Don't let yourself die here. Please come back to use my dear." The young shinigami found it odd to hear them so afraid, since it was not an emotion that he usually heard form In'ei. Reaching up the Shinigami grabbed onto the part of the blade that was sticking out his front with one hand, and tightened the grip on his sword with the other. Before he could utter the words to release his Shikai and try to block the hollows attack it happened. The blow never feel, and Ryou slowly turned his hair covered face to the side to see who or what had saved him, form a unpleasant demise. To his surpirse... the fourth seat found the hollow falling in half.

Wacthing with amazment Ryou suddenly found himself surronded, by three very humanoid looking hollows. The 4th found himself even more confused at this point as he asked his sword inwardly, "Do any of you ladies remember a classs of hollow like these?" There was a reason that Ryou had been able to graduate form the academy in just three years instead of the usual six. Alot of which had to do with his willingness to work hard... and a complete lack of any social life. So the fact he did not know something about his enemy, actually troubled the normally unshakable Ryou a little bit. Of course as he usually did in these times the man turned to In'ei for answers, but even she had none, Sorry sweetie... I am as in the dark as you are on this one. The questions that Rose asked him didn't recieve an answer, because frankly Ryou had none to give... and plus he was thinking more about escape than anything else. Every word they said though was stored away... such information could very well be improtant for later. Their was somthing else about the trio, and truely it was what scared him and yet excited him the most. Ryou could feel thier power... the strength of these three was beyond any hollow he had ever encountered. The Shinigami wondered if these things where some new form of hollow.

The very thought made his damaged hand which trembled with excitment move down to rest on his Zanpakuto hilt. Kurosawa had always been a master of trickery... and knew that now would be the time to bring that to bear and so he said to the arrancars, "Alright then I think I would like to avoid a pruning... Bakudō #21: Sekienton!" With those words Kurosawa suddenly slammed his hands to the ground to create a cloud of red smoke. Then while moving to the side within the cloud he wisphered, "Ayatsuru In'ei no Ningyôtsukai(Manipulate Puppeteer of Shadow)." The words causing the blade to form around his hand, and turn into the glove with blades on his finger tips, that made up his weapon. Then suddenly before anyone could do anything he reached over to the shadow of a nearbye grave and ran his finger along it saying, "Maddo ningyōtsukai no u~ōren (Warren of the Mad Puppeter)..." As Ryou cut there seemed to be a portal that appered, which looked like the ones the hollows used to travel form Hecudo Mundo. The Shinigami half roll and half jumped inside as suddenly as he had made it.

Even if the Arrancars where to try and reach inside or follow, they would find that they couldn't. The portal only allowed travel for Ryou Kurosawa, ethier in or out. The Shinigami reappered on a nearby building which overlooked the cematery. Crawling out of a new hole in the shadow of the small wall that went around the outside of the roof. Leaning against this he slumpped down into a sitting postion, as he held his hand over his wound. "Damn it, how am I going to get out of this." The male cursed as he looked and noticed somthing was floating in fornt of his eyes... it was his white Hell Butterfly. Poor thing was an albino and seemed to be a bit confused, but it was bigger than the normal hell butterfly, and plus it was Ryou's pet. The male contemplated for a moment sending the creature to go out and try and get some help, but he had a feeling those 'Fraccion' where much stronger than they appeared to be. So he didn't want his little friend to get cut down trying to escape, which was why he would be found just sitting there staring up at the moon with it on the oppisate shoulder than his wound.
(i am no one to judge but red underlined words are spelled wrong as such nume right click to bring up a list and pick the right spelling, this of course will only give you options it is not god, thus why i still make mistakes)

Appaci watched in exasperation as the Shinigami vanished through a portal. Sung sent one of her snakes only to watch it pass through the portal as if it was not there. "Maybe we should split up" Rose knocked aside a hollow. The creature a mantis spun through the air smashing through a row of headstones. Appaci cleaved a group in half before leaping onto he wall of the cemetery. "Fine i marked him anyways" Which meant if they got withing a hundred feet they should be able to find him. Appaci left for the south, rose north, sung east while sending her snakes west. The hollows left behind dissolved into the black mist they always did and vanished.

Appaci could see a few humans beyond them a human road with cars. She had no memories of her past life did she live before cars or after. She shook her head and continued her search leaping lamp to lamp. A few sensitive humans looked up. Some would report seeing lights that would be assumed UFO's. Appaci came to a large building she could smell the mold of aged paper. The museum was old maybe a few centuries in past years it had served many purposes. Appaci landed on the room and scouted the area.

Rose was more direct running on the ground she simply pushed aside barriers. She plowed through several walls, cars and houses leaving a human sized hole. "Sung why cant we just fly" That way they could look down at the city. They would also be as easily seen by anyone who looked up. "You know why" She smiled and plowed through a tree knocking it between a kissing couple. She was running a perimeter sweep of the graveyard first. She was running along the wall checking inside and outside the wall.

Sung came to a small lake there were boats tied up on one of the shores. She missed her snakes and was almost unarmed without them. Her arancar powers lowered to mask her presence in the human world. "God i hate water" Sung skirted the lake trying not to think of all that wet. As a soul she could not drown but that did not mean it would be fun to get wet. "No you can't fly you know why" But Rose had already cut her off.
Ryou sat there against the wall as he waited for them to come after him. He was quite sure it would not be long, especially considering the nature of these new hollows. They almost reminded him of Shinigami in a way, because of the weapons he had seen them use. Which frankly was something he would have to get back and tell Soul Society. Ningy took her turn to say her peace, "Ryou-kun what about your wound? I know how you usually like to ignore such things, but this one does look kind of serious... I am thinking that maybe we should go on to 4th Squad and get you fixed. You are acting like a silly boy just sitting here and waiting around." Ryou knew that fact all too well, but what he couldn't understand was why they had not come after him yet. He was quite sure that they could sense him, and could probably figure out where he was easily. Closing his eyes the Shinigami took a pained breath as he tried to figure out where they were going.

Even though Ryou's ability to sense spiritual energy wasn't prefect, it was still quite obvious to him were the three humanoid Hollows where at. Creatures of their power level stood out like shining beacons among the weak spirits and hollows that were appearing in the city at that moment. At that same moment the young Shinigami could suddenly feel another reiatsu explode near him. The Shinigami was only guessing at the names and hoping that he was right, but he knew that another Shinigami had stumbled on the situation. Though that wasn't right... There wasn't supposed to be anyone else out here, and it was because of this that he reacted. Ryou was quickly moving into battle mode as he said in and voice that showed his annoyance for the intruder, "What did I sssay about coming here... I sssaid it when I was denying your request for me to be in the Second Division, and in the 12th Division. I want you to leave now! I am perfectly willing to follow you into exile in order to sssave them."

It wasn't exactly something that you would expect someone with Ryou's past to say. These creatures had touched at his curiosity, and a bit at his mortality. They seemed so far removed from being like the other monsters that he had fought. He couldn't lump them in with the three in with the other hollows without more information. Besides they hadn't exactly attacked him directly. For a moment Ryou laughed in that ominous manner that he did as his voice changed to one of a sarcastic nature, "Besidesss... I don't think fighting you countsss as a crime anymore." Obviously Ryou was ignoring the bleeding wounded as he faced down former Captain Urahara. The Shinigami was in no condition to fight, and hadn't even stood up form where he had been sitting. When he thought about the whole situation Ryou had always found the Captain suddenly leaving Soul Society to be quite odd to say the least, especially because the other male had always been a pleasurable presence. Yet at the moment he couldn't worry about that as the other could very well destroy this new form of hollow. Urahara's greeting was cheerful as usual, "Ahhh Ryou-san... I figured you would be over here as usual, so I decided to come and visit and see what you were up to. I brought tea... oh who are your new friends? They seem to be rather lost in trying to find you, or are they holding back I wonder... Care to tell me about it." Kurosawa who rarely found fault with the man, but it was with his protective nature seemed to growl, "Kisssuke."
Appaci found herself with at least two enemies. She actually counted them to make sure. One, two, one two. Her finger moving form one soul reaper to the other. "Oh its you" Appaci summoned the other Fracion to herself. Rose and Sung seemed less concerned then Appaci about facing a captain level soul reaper. Still they were in no mood to fight all three should be at least a match for one captain. "We dont want to talk to you" Said Appaci pointing at Urahara.

None of them could use there Resurrección. Thus the reason for using the experimental Esclavo. Sung pulled out an Esclavo that looked like a horn. Blowing on it released a cloud of swirling black fire. The world seemed to sink into the black like quicksand. Unlike a certain shinigami power one could easily see in the dark world. It was a mirror world everything had substance moving through the air was like moving through water.

"You're coming with us" Rose and Appaci grasped for the young soul reapers hand. Anyone moving outside the influence of the Esclavo would find there movement greatly impeded. The buildings around them seemed to droop as if they had been melted. The very air shimmered like a mirage if one tried to look to far in any one direction.

Sungs snakes moved like bullets until the left the Esclavo's envelope. They went from a blur into slow motion good the barrier was working. "Come on don't play with you're food we need to get going" As they worked there way to the surface they could only hope they had there prize.

Sung broke the surface of the calm pool of black mirrored flame. Around them the world mirrored below was the same as before. Appaci and Rose followed. The began to open a portal to the hollow world. If they were wrong they would simply have to go back for the soul reaper. "I swear i will never enter the human world again"
It was moments later that the injured Shinigami looked up in the sky and noticed that one of them was floating up in the air. For just a moment they made eye contact, and he knew that she had already found him. The young Shinigami was surprised though when the hollow didn't move to cornering him instantly. Ryou had a feeling that either she was probably taking stock of the situation, as well as calling on those other two. He had to admire a creature that thought before it leaped. At first Ryou didn't make any moves to stop her, but he knew that Urahara might try to pull something and the Shinigami was not one to take chances. So he moved to make another cut in the shadow of the buildings lip, but found that by now... all three of the hollows were in the air. At this point both of the Shinigami's turned to stare at the trio in order to try and figure out what they were going to do, but suddenly one of them pulling something out and blew into it like a horn. Ryou’s eyes grew wide as the environment around them seemly began to change… everything seemed to melt as though in a dream scape. The 4th seat held his hand up in front of his face and moved his fingers a few times noticing that they had slowed, but even with this power… he wondered if it affected the situation.

It had always been the appearance of Urahara that made things that much harder, and frankly it was only at this moment did Ryou actually considered things to be out of his control. He had actually been a little curious about were these hollows wanted to go... yet now with the former Captain watching over the situation he knew that was not possible. Again he kept wondering why Urahara was holding back and not even striking at the trio, but instead just stood there observing the situation. Even when the hollows began to close the distance towards him the other Shinigami didn’t seem to do anything… at least until they were standing on the building near Ryou. At that moment Urahara’s sword flashed out, and a crimson arc of energy flew at the trio, though at a slower rate than normal. The attack caused Ryou to growl in annoyance as he suddenly said, "Kage no tate"... Out of the shinigami’s shadow shot out two of these large shield tentacles which struck out in a double layer formation, and were destroyed in order to stop the attack. This happened again and again, for a few minutes as Ryou wondered why the former Captain wasn’t even using hardly trying.

Remaking them after every block, it was obvious that this was draining Ryou's energy especially because of his wound, and his reactions grew slower. His features were losing what little color they had as breathing harder. Then for a moment the attacks stopped at the former Captain examined the scene and asked, "Ahhh Ryou-san..." Urahara spoke in a bit of a breathy manner as he facepalmed while shaking his head, "You are going to get in big trouble you know for doing this. Why don't you just let me take you back to... well never mind, but I can get Yoruirchi-chan to take you back to Soul Society." Kiskue was being light hearted about it with a bit of a laugh as he re-adjusted his hat. Though his tone grew very serious for a moment as he said, "Because I need to be the one to clean up my mess here..." His voice fading off causing Ryou to growl in annoyance as he suddenly said, "Kage no ken"... A bladed tentacle shot out of his shadow and right at Urahara, who didn't even move, but simply stopped the attack, by deflecting it easily. As Kurosawa breathed heavily the two of them just stared each other down with expressionless faces.

Then turning to look towards the trio Urahara said, "I am sorry, but he won't be going anywhere with you. The kid is coming back....." His words were suddenly interrupted as the younger Shinigami started to sit up a little, "No... I will not be coming back, and you will not hurt them. I am sssorry Urahara-sssama, but you will have to kill me firssst if you even want to be able to lay a finger on these." The words that came from Kiskue's lips seemed to hold a sense of fake curiosity, "Really now Ryou... and why would the 'Mad Dog' of the 10th want to be 'un-loyal' to his home and go with these ladies?" It was grin that crossed Ryou as he said the words, "Curiousssity Kiskue... plan and sssimple. I am sssure you can understand that of all people." The words made Urahara laugh as he stood there for a moment and readjusted his hat saying, "Fair enough then..." Without another then man turned around and suddenly jumped off the building though in a bit slower motion. The hollows would feel his reatisu disappear just as quickly as it had come...

Watching the older Shinigami leave Ryou turned to the three hollows and gently held his hand out and took hold of Appaci's quite wiling. His Shikai turn back into its katana form and slipping back into its sheath, as the young Shinigami stood up on obviously shaky legs saying, “Oh my name isss Ryou by the way… it isss very nice to meet you.” Stumbling forward he found himself wrapping his arms around Appaci for support, and in a way… it was because he was scared. He didn’t understand it, because it was an emotion he hadn’t felt in so long, but there it was, “Well whenever you’re ready to go.” With those words the Shinigami simply blacked out… clinging to the Arrancar, obviously affected by the use of his powers combined with the blood loss.
Appaci never had anyone thank her and it made her skin crawl a little. The trio arrived to the white sands of the world of the hollow. The bleeding soul reaper was like chum to the local predators. Rose crushed two weak hollows in a swarm of bug like soul eaters. "Man you are really a pain" His blood was already staining her white cloths. No wonder the soul reapers wore all black. "You two keep them occupied ill get romeo treated" Sung took down two more bug hollows one the size of a small house and shaped like a scorpion. There were hundred all the way from a dog to tractor trailer. She left the two behind knowing the small fries would be no real threat.

"Man you are heavy" The lab was under the wall hard to find. Its door looked like any other section of wall. Grant was working on something again. It looked like a hollow but had the face of a human. Soul merger the guy was a sick freak. "Patch him up we need to ask him a few questions" The scientist gave her a look like she was something on the bottom of his shoe. Still he turned and began to work on the soul reaper. "Give him this infusion every hour its enriched spirit particles" He handed her a bag that looked like an IV bag of blood. She nodded and hooked it up to the machine.

"Wake up my leader will want to talk to you" She brushed his hair aside it was matted with blood. Slowly she began to wash his body peeling away cloths. She would dress him up in an arancars cloths when she finished. He was not bad looking for a soul reaper young, but with there kind who could tell. She worked quickly blushing a little as she came to his loin cloth. She slipped on the arancars cloths that fit a little loose. After she finished she began to strip out of her own cloths. The other two should have ben back by then but they were not. She placed her cloths into a small fire and began to wash herself.
As his eyes closed and he felt the darkness take him, Ryou realized that he might actually have died. It was strange really... because he felt that his sacrifice had been in vain. He had died trying to protect a Hollow and not kill it... his death had been an act which had betrayed that of his sisters. For a moment he wished that he could have told them he was sorry, but he had failed to avenge them. Over time though he began to realize something else, and that was the return of his own thoughts to his head... even if they were in a drowsy state. The young Shinigami didn't understand what was going on, only that he was sure that he had been able to survive his ordeal. As for what new kind of hell he was being thrust into, that much he wasn't sure about. Even though Kurosawa was starting to recover, it would still take him a day or two before the man truly regained consciousness again. Mostly by the second day he was just fading in and out of sleep and certainly a bit unnerved about his surroundings. The Arrancar would note one odd thing about Ryou during this time, was that no matter what state he was in... he always kept a death like grip on his Zanpakuto. Even if they tried to take it away, the fourth seat was just pulled along, making for a bit a comical scene.

Eventually though by the end of the second day Ryou did start to fully come to. His eyes slowly opening to was seemed to be a bright and slightly sterile environment that happened to be quite comfortable. It was not until the young Shinigami was fully awake did he realize that he was laying on what seemed to be quite a large bed. Slowly the male turned his head from side to side; trying to figure out where was exactly. One thing was quite clear though, he wasn't back in Soul Society. At the same time though the surroundings were quite comfortable, at least when it came to furniture... though some things like the floor seemed a little bleak. Then suddenly the events of a few nights ago came rushing back, as he remembered the encounter with the hollows, causing him to sit up in bed quickly. Ryou was also reminded of his injuries as a sudden pain flashed through his shoulder. The only response he gave to the feeling was an annoyed growl, before letting his robe slip a bit on his shoulder... and to his shoulder it was bandaged... with a surprising medical precision. In fact he was even surprised to see a IV like devise hooked up to his arm… much like those the 4th Division used. As the fourth seat began to wonder for a moment exactly where he had been taken, he remembered one small detail. His dear In'ei.

The thought of having left his Zanpakuto made the male clench his hand, only to find... that it was gone. The realization caused his black eyes to narrow as his distress turned to anger. Looking around is hair hung down over his face... that one visible eye was all that one needed to see in order to see his rage. Getting out of from under the covers the male began to look around in an almost frantic method on the bed hoping that maybe it would be here with him somewhere, but the male just couldn't find it. His nervousness was getting worse and worse... as he wondered if maybe one of the hollows had stolen it. Knowing that he was probably somewhere deep in their lair, the young Shinigami knew he would need In'ei if he ever wanted to stand a chance of escaping when the time came. Plus he didn't like being far away from his Zanpakuto in the first place anyway. Rubbing his head which throbbed in pain as he stood up, the Shinigami knew that he probably should be in bed, but had survived worse before. The pain didn't bother him and there were worse things to worry about, especially when it came to at least figuring out where he was.

The tile floor was a little cold under his feet as he started to walk around, though it was quite obvious that the male was still a little woozy. Plus it was only know that the man noticed his change in clothes, to something a bit more similar to what those three hollows had been wearing. Ryou pulled the IV carrier pole that was next to him along, because he wasn't exactly sure where to find the exit door as he started to realize how large this room was. Their seemed to be multiple doors, but where they lead he wasn't sure and so he tried the first one, which lead to a hot spring like setup. This made the Shinigami sigh softly, as he left that door open and began to walk away, since he hadn’t noticed Appaci through the steam of the room. His black reiastu was starting to slowly seep off him in a cold ominous wave... showing his frustration.
The three Fracion took turns watching over the sleeping shinigami. None of them relished the time they had to spend with the enemy. At least none had to do it by there lonesome. Each could not be away for more then a few hours from the main base. If they were to vanish for too long people might wonder what they were up to. In the clothing of an arancar it was hard to tell a shinigami form one of there own ilk. Only the mask shard and hollow circle marked them apart. The Fracion would often talk to the sleeping man. It was nice to talk to a man and not have him talk back. The urge to kill the sleeping enemy was always there under the surface of it all.

Sung found herself alone with the shinigami most of the time. It was all Appaci and Rose's fault for being so irresponsible. Harribel had to count on her to keep the man alive. "You can go now" Appaci almost danced away as Sung checked his vitals. They were bouncing all over the place her must be awake. Appaci refused to move she was in love with her own body, she knew she looked good. "Can you wash my back Sung" Asked the woman who had no idea Sung was not in the room. There was no way for the shimigami to kill her not that she would mind it if he did.

"Oh its you" She frowned she did not like him memories of her other lives came back. A hollow or arracnar can in a small way remember very injury suffered. She moved slowly to hand the sponge like material to the shinigami. She stood there as naked as they day she was born and turned around. "What are we going to do with you strap you to the bed" They could not have him get seen by anyone but the three of them. She waited for him to wash her back and smiled maybe she could have a little fun with him first. "So soul reaper boy you like what you see"
It Ryou a few moments to realize that there was someone speaking to him. Especially because of the fact that he was so busy looking around the room, but when he finally did turn around... needless to say that young Shinigami was more than slightly surpised. Considering that he wasn't too popular with the female's in Soul Socity as things went, so his experiance with the fairer sex had alway been one failure after another. Then again he had never really found much acceptance even among the Gotei 13. It had been better thier than it had at any other time in his life, but still it was quite obvious to him that he was considered one of the black sheep. This was the main reason for his supirse at Appaci's nakeness, and at the same time... what seemed to be quite a hesitent nature on his part to actually go into the bath area where she was. Plus there was the fact that this was a hollow that he was talking about... no matter how she looked, he wasn't sure if he could actually trust her or not.

Still he did take the sponge from her, though in a rather hesitant manner. Just standing their for a few moments before finally saying, "No not really... That won't be neccessry. You know as well as I do that I came here willing. To satisfy my own curiousity. Now if their is someone you want to hide me form than just say so... that way I can help in my own captivy. It is not like you have hurt me so far, so I can assume that you must need me for somthing, and to be frank I would like to find out what." It didn't take the Shinigami long to realize though that he was talking to someone who was going to be much happier playing with him than actually explaining things out for the moment. Which frankly... to anyone who knew Ryou... was probably somthing that the seemingly wound up all the time Shinigami needed. Kurosawa was the type that was constantly working trying to get stronger and stronger so that he could always protect his Division. Now though, here he was, captured by the enemy... and probably was going to be killed after they had tortured him.

Well at least that was what he had always been told about hollows. These creatures though, seemed alot differnt than anything he had encountered before. It made the young man... curious... and it was in this moment of curiousity that he allowed himself to nervously step forward and began to gently scrub at Appaci's back. Her skin was so soft and smooth, even more so than he had been expecting from a creature that obviously went into combat alot. The more Ryou slowly washed over the female Arrancar's back, the closer he moved until he was almost cuddled right up against her body. Luckily for him the loose clothing that the Arrancar had given him hid the erection that was only now starting to develop. Having sunk so deep into the hypnotic and sensual nature of simply washing Appaci's back... she scared him a little when asking wethier or not he liked what he saw. The answer was certianly slow in coming form someone like Ryou, because frankly she was absouletly right, but he didn't want to admit it.

He didn't even know this creature after all, nor what she was for that matter, but he couldn't deny that she did have a certian affect... that kept him from backing away as he mummbled softly, "Uhmm.. well... maybe?" It was obvious though what the real answer was.
Having once been human the creatures lived far longer then there faces and bodies might imply. That is not to say they were old. An aracncar is immortal and thus only as old as they were at death. The three Fracion would never apear any older. "You are very shy for a shinigami" Commented Appaci. She had face many of there kind who hunted her kind. It was hate but evolution, plus sould sometimes became minus. A minus is a hollow, hollows wish to evolve. Shinigami kill hollows and there evolution. "I think you are a little overdressed for the shower" She slowly stood up and placed her hands on his shoulder.

She moved to take of the Arancar shirt opening it slowly down the middle. Soul reapers were chosen from the best of soul society. Then trained for years before they were allowed to hunt hollows. Which meant his sculpted form was far more the norm then the exception. "I have never been this close to one of you, well without my hands inside" She smiled placed her hand at the back to his head. She forced his lips to hers and kissed him hotly but briefly. "Don't worry if we wanted intel we could have just tapped you, you talk in you're sleep"

Haribel was eager to see if her fracion had completed the mission she had given the she did not trust Aizen. They were natural enemies and would always be so. He had to be using them, what for revenge against the soul societ. He and his shinigami officers had secrets. Of course everyone had secrets. Haribell was no exception to the rule. If anything her secret was far worse. Treachery was to be expected like one expected politicians to lie. Her secret on the other hand was far worse, and to many terrifying.

"Oh its you rose i see you have been playing" The dark skinned Fracion looked up at her. She had become distracted playing with one of the numerous. She would catch then let the woman go like a cat chasing a mouse. The espada and fracion owned the numerous and could do with them as they pleased. "He is unhurt hardly put up a fight" Haribell grabbed her shoulder. Rose looked back anger briefly flashing over her serene features. "Give her a few more minutes" Haribell smiled.
Ryou nervously washed the Arrancar’s back, the blush that had been painted on his pale features never left. The male just wasn’t used to being this close to a female, especially ones as nice looking as Appaci… considering Ryou kind of like her boyish nature, who was in the nude before. At least not in any situation that had this much sexual tension in it, nor one was the person in question being so flirtatious. He then began to realize something… he didn’t know her name. The Shinigami mentally kicked himself for such a silly mistake, as she mentioned his shyness, “Well… to be frank I have never really found myssself in thisss sssituation before.” He didn’t explain the reason, not really seeing any need to go into detail, “Hey uhmm…” His voice was pervaded over in an adorable type of nervousness that was obviously a combination of shyness… and first time jitters. After a pause the Shinigami simply asked, “Who are U…?” His words for a moment resembled that of the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. The Shinigami had once read the book and never asked the question any other way since.

Once Appaci mentioned his state of overdress though, Ryou’s eyes grew wide under that long black hair. At this moment the 4th seat who normally had an excellent poker face was doing all he could to hide the effect the hollow was having on him. She was the enemy after all, and even though he had been curious in coming here, and combing that with this being something new to him… Kurosawa was being thrown off track. Frankly the only that kept him from pushing her away was a combination of knowing how powerful she was, and how un-hollow like she seemed. That was the true source of what made him so curious, because whoever these creatures were… they were way to individualistic to be treated like the monsters they normally killed. As these thoughts ran through the Shinigami’s head, he felt those soft hands rest on his shoulders… causing him to nervously tilt his head up just a tiny bit to look into her amber and blue eyes. It was the first time Kurosawa had noticed the hetrochomroia. This fact surprised him considering he was normally a very observant person.

Having become lost in those two eyes, the Shinigami was a bit surprised when suddenly he could feel the warm air of the stem room brushing across his skin. Ryou didn’t resist her in removing his shirt, despite any feelings of anxiety he might have felt. He could almost hear the voice of his Zanpakuto in his head… it was distance, but it wasn’t displeased. So he considered that little bit of approval to be the thing to put him at ease, especially once the garment was thrown to the side. Exposing the upper half of his body to the eyes of the Arrancar, which indeed did not look half bad though one could find better among Soul Society, Ryou’s more attractive trait was his mind… if you could get past the crazy parts. He tried to calm his nerves with a forced laugh at her words, the sound still held that tone of lunacy, “Well I have never really been this…” He was suddenly cut off mid-sentence though, as the Shinigami felt his lips being pressed hotly to that of the Arrancar. The male moaned softly into the kiss as he gently slipped his arms around Appaci’s neck. It was his first real kiss… and the moment seemed to slip on for longer than it really lasted. When she pulled away, Ryou found himself a bit stunned, as he simply nuzzled his face into her shoulder affectionately. Not really able to find any words to express himself in that moment.


Back in the control room were Sung-Sun was watching the screens a figure appeared in the doorway. Standing there quietly watching with the presence of a snake that was watching over its prey. An eerie and perpetual ear to ear closed mouth grin stuck on his face as he curiously watched the Arrancar work. It was only recently that they had added the 5th Espada to the ranks and more still needed to be found. Yet Gin was found the secretive actions of the 3rd and her Fraccion to be of particular interest to himself… though not for the sake of telling Azien, but simply his own amusement. At least that was the way it was, for the moment anyway. Walking for into the room and towards the screens at a slow and steady pace he asked curious, “Well now Sung-Sun-chan… What is it that you seem to be doing for Harribel-san today like a busy little bee?”
In all her years, not once had she met a soul so pure. So free of sin or greed. It was like walking in the first snow of winter. She felt him lay his head on her shoulder. The look was like a puppy with its head on its masters lap. Appaci kissed him again then began to move down his body slowly. She would give him a nip now and then. She did not mean any harm by it. Simply, this is mine all others are welcome to look but not to touch. She smile inward perhaps she was a bad girl that liked good boys. "Appaci, though I can not tell you more then that" She said pretending it was some great secret. Aizen was the only one who cared about secrecy.

"You have to, well put a little umph you are adorable" And he was not ruggedly handsome. He was the shy book nerd who biked. You knew he had a nice body but also that he would be too shy to make a move on you. She let her hands slide down his back wishing for him to do the same. She had never gone for the laid back shy type before. Perhaps in her other life but that was a long time ago. "Come on, I am not about to have my way with you, just some fun" She could see that the shyness was based on many levels. One was pure confidence the other was a severe lack of any type of experience.


She stood up leaning over the console as the screens went black. How much had he seen how much did he know. Did she need to escape and get Harribel. Or would that only tip him off to what she was doing. "Watching some old tape you know from the last residents" What a poor lie no one would believe her. She it her lower lip. Maybe she could bribe him, money, no need for it. Power she had less then he did . Sex. was Gin even interested in that sort of thing. "Were you looking for me because if you wee you found me, now what are you going to do" She knew it would never work but if you're thrown overboard tred water.
The affection, with which Appaci treated him, was something that Ryou had never received form anyone before, at least nothing like this anyway. The Shinigami wasn’t even sure if she meant it, or was just messing with him, but frankly he did not care. Still his paranoid nature did put up a small barrier in his mind that at first was keeping him form giving into the moment. Yet the Arrancar was breaking even this down very quickly. The second kiss was a bit different, since Appaci would notice it was not just her doing all the work, as the nervous male gently ran his hand up into the locks of her blue hair to the back of her head. Ryou pulled Appaci towards him just as she did to him, though his hesitant nature was still obvious when compared to the Arrancar. When their lips separated, Ryou gently clung to his newly found source of affection. He wasn’t the type you would consider clingy by any means, but he didn’t exactly want this moment to end anytime soon either.

Soft moans escaped from lips with ever possessive nip that Appaci left on his body. The Shinigami’s hand’s slid up to caress over her shoulders, and threw the Arrancar’s hair as she slipped lower on his lithe form. The erection that been ever growing in his loose fitting pants, was now fully erect… though Ryou was doing what he could to hide it… Appaci was in position that it wouldn’t be that hard to figure out. Finally in the midst of teasing him, she decided to answer his question, and he now had a name for at least one of his captors, “Appaci-sssama…” There was a tone of submissive respect in his words, which was brought by the intimate nature of the moment, “I’m Ryou… Kurosawa Ryou to be exact.” It seemed though, that Appaci wished to tease him, as the Shinigami found himself looking her in the eye again…

The steam filled room had long begun to wet Ryou’s hair, which now clung to his face. It did so in a way, which his cute blushes at the Arrancar’s compliments were shown in a very blatant manner to other. His arms hung loosely around her neck again as he looked into those different colored eyes, and smiled in a sheepish manner, “I guesss that will be alright… Appaci-sssama.” His words would probably always have that nervous undertone until he got used it, but at least the Shinigami was willing. The lithe fingers of his right hand gently played through the strands of blue hair at the back of the Arrancar’s head, that hung just above her neck.


Lifting an eyebrow in a mock show of curiosity, Gin walked over to stand there in front of Sun-Sung and simply stare at her. His expression was as unchanging as his presence was haunting. He didn’t need to say a single word, but it almost seemed like he knew the Arrancar was up to something. Even with that unchanging smile… the man radiated the sense that he knew Harribel and the female Arrancar were up to something. If he actually did though, the Captain had no reason to say… it would not be to his advantage after all. In fact if any of the Espada were able to get away with things behind Azien’s back, then that would work out so much better for him when the time came. That of course depended on what exactly it was they were working on. Giving the Fraccion a moment to stew the man simply walked right past her and over the screens to press at one of the buttons to turn them on. When he touched it though, nothing happened.

The buttons were made to work only for Harribel, and her Fraccion… and though the Shinigami didn’t know those details Ichimaru could pretty much deduce them for himself. Standing there facing the screens curiously he began to wonder, what it was the third Espada wanted hidden so badly. Without even turning around he began to speak, “Now Sun-Sung-chan… why would you think that I have come here to do any harm to you. There is no reason to be so nervous, I was just coming over to check and see what the four of you are up too. Harribel-san has had you running around like such busy bees the last few days that I simply became curious.” Turning to look at her he asked in his usual tone, but there was almost a menacing undercurrent to it as well, “You wouldn’t be lying to me now would you my dear?”
It was all to easy, almost not even fair. The shinigami in general were far too modest. Appaci pushed him back the slight shinigami landing gently on his ass. Appaci crawled forward her wet body sliding over the prone soul reaper. "Well we can have some fun but if i were to break you" The arancar smiled and nipped his lip a small trickle of blood flowed over his chin. Her hands slid over his chest.

He felt alive, but he also felt different. It was very unlike the gigi that she would have encountered in the living world. Or even the soul form in the soul society. His body was tainted, tainted by the very air of the hollow world. "So Ryou did they not tell you to be wary of strangers" She teased pushing him back until he was pressed flat to the floor. Her own hips astride his. Her legs thrown over either side. She ran her fingers over his back. Despite his spiritual form she could feel the tightly coiled muscles underneath.

The arancar sat back placing her weight onto her ass. This was of course rubbing against Ryou's erection. "I hate to tell you this but i am a very bad girl" She thought of asking him to spank her. But he seemed to meek and straight laced for that. To bad she had not had a good spanking in years. She leaned forward and captured his mouth with her own. "You should be careful with bad girls" Thought she was more bad in the mass murderer sense. Then she was for sleeping around, though she did that as well.
Sung turned away "Why would you think that, i am simply a loyal serves of Harribell, who of course serves lord Aizen" She let a smile pass briefly over her lips. He was not bad looking but he was a soul reaper. Who ever he may serve he was the enemy, even if they were on the same side. She flicked the monitor on back to old footage they kept in stalk. "No i have no need to lie to you" She smiled pursing her lips together. Here eyes traveled over his body and then back to his fox like face.

"You must have very little to do if you can come all the way down here just to see me" She leaned forward sitting her chin on her crossed fingers. She smiled more to herself then Gin. She felt her stomach doing flips. She knew he was not buying what she had to sell. She could feel her leader watching. She looked around with her eyes but there were no cameras. She then saw it a small hollow, maybe one of the enslaved. She had no doubt that everything it saw and knew would now belong to her master as well.
Kurosawa didn’t offer up any resistance when Appaci pushed him back into a sitting position on the floor of the hot tub room. He did make sure to catch himself though, so that he would bump his head on the hard tile. Ryou didn’t wait long though, and began to sit up a little just as Appaci started crawling over him. His face was decorated with a blush, while he looked into her eyes curiously, “Jussst pleassse be gentle alright…Appaci-sssama” As the words tumbled off the Shinigami’s nervous lips, his hand gently reached forward to gently run through the Arrancar’s hair. Twirling the strands gently around the tips of his fingers, when she leaned forward and nipped at his lips… Ryou showed a bit more daring. Taking hold of the back of her head with that hand, he pressed their lips together.

As they separated the Arrancar would find the Shinigami was slowly losing his overly cautious nature… and was willing to try new things. Gently he ran his fingers of that hand down Appaci’s neck and in a curious almost childlike nature, gently felt along by experimenting were to touch the hollow on her back. Trance along the hollows spine, Ryou wondered if he was actually doing anything right. As the male did this, he found himself pushed to the floor Appaci spoke to him, “Well usssually the strangersss were ssscared of me.” It came out in an adorable manner, the way he answered the question. This part of his personality was a certain awkwardness that only came out during moments like these.

Laying back like he was, Ryou’s raven colored hair pooled out everywhere around his head. He slowly wrapped his other arm around the Arrancar’s waist, while he held onto her. The other hand was still petting over the back of her neck and head in a fashion that showed Ryou was getting more relaxed as time went on. The fact that Appaci, even if she was just playing, really wanted to have to some fun with him is what encouraged the male. So that when she sat up the hand on her lower back traced it’s way down to rest gently on her ass, while the one on Appaci’s head had moved her hip. The Shinigami could not bite back the moan of pleasure that came through, as the Arrancar rubbed her ass again the obvious tent in his pants. In fact the male reacted by grinding himself between the Fraccions firm cheeks, each of which now had a hand on it… thumbs gently playing over the small of her back.

When leaned forward to capture his mouth again one of the 4th seat’s hands traced up her back to take hold of her head, and for a moment he tried another act of daring, as he let his tongue explore her mouth for a second. Ryou felt different than he ever had before… that much was for sure, and it was also the reason he made the comment to Appaci’s words, “Well didn’t they teach you not to messs with Mad Dog’sss…“ He couldn’t help but grin at the use of his most hated titled. Wondering what she had planned for him, the Shinigami continued to gently stroke Appaci’s hair… wondering for a moment what exactly was getting into him.


The Arrancar had always been very independent creatures, each with their own areas of Las Nochas, to do with as they pleased. Gin had noticed the increase in activity over the last few days among Harribel and her Fraccion and now that he was here to check it out. It seemed that his suspicious for the most part were indeed quite valid. The only problem was that he couldn’t figure out exactly what they were up to, and it seemed that Sung-Sun wasn’t going to be much help. The Shinigami just stood there and stared at Sung he watched the hollow flirt with him. The sight of which was quite amusing to say the least in his eyes. Her lies almost seemed too simplistic to be true, in a very childlike nature, they seemed like the type of thing you say when you get caught with your hand in a cookie jar. Walking towards her in the most menacing way… fingers taping on his sword hilt, the Captain wondered… if he could scare her into talking.

“I hope you don’t have any reason to lie to me Sung-Sun-chan. It wouldn’t be a good thing for you, if it were to be found out that you’re hiding something from Aizen-sama.” As he got closer to the Fraccion she would feel his killing intent grow to almost exponential levels… reaching the point, to where it would give the illusion of being stabbed. Gin waited for the reaction of the hollow… and her panic, before reaching out and ruffling her hair, as though nothing had happened… the man simply said, “I just came to see Harribal-sama was all. Aizen-sama was going to come and check, but I volunteered so he could handle something else.” Laugh softly almost he ended towards the door… that killing intent towards Sung never leaving the moment.
Appaci ran her hand over his stomach she wanted to see id Shinigami cocks were any different the arancar. She ran her finger around his belly button and then into his pants. It took her only seconds to find his cock. It was hard long and a little thin for such length. She wrapped her naked hand around it. "Well i see you are happy to see me" Her smile was more a menacing grin.

She grasped him at the base above his balls. Slowly she began to stroke the soul reaper her arm between her own legs. Each motion caused her own arm to slide over her nakedcunt. "you like that a lot" She began to kiss and lick his neck as she increased her pace. She could tell form his breathing that he was enjoying himself. All men were perverts at heart and wanted a slut. Of course they wanted a slut they just fucked them while they fucked half the unliving world.

"You are a hand full" She wrapped more and more fingers until he filled her hand. She would jerk him off then wash her hand no one would be the wiser. She smiled looking into his eyes as she stroked his long shaft. She wondered how it would feel, in her mouth ass or cunt. She had no doubt he would fill her every need in that manner.
"No, harribell should be in her room" Offered the Fracion sweat dripping down her face. She had no doubt her leader could deal with Gin. She was the strongest, no matter what the ranks on there chest said. Sun idolized the woman and knew no soul reaper would ever beat her.

Harribel was, well horny her mission was taking up far to much time. She had not fucked or been fucked in weeks and it was starting to get to her. She smiled , male or female, female or male. Who would she fuck or be fucked by. She smiled going through a list each with a picture next to it. Some she had fucked, some she would fuck and some she was fucking. "Gin, no not that desperate" she said to herself.
The young moaned softly in the most adorable manner as Appaci's hand began to run down his stomach. He knew were she was going with it, but the fact that the Arrancar was being a bit of a tease with his virgin body had Ryou on edge. The male just wasn't used to be touched like this, and he enjoyed that feeling of being desired. Whatever it was that these hollows wanted from him, if they contiuned to treat him kindly... the Shinigami was sure that he wouldn't mind giving them what they wanted. Soon he could feel her hand crossing the wasitband of his pants and stroking over his aching erection. Kurosawa answered her words with a soft affirmative whine, as his hips began to softly thrust into the hand that held him. Even the mencing grin on Appaci's face didn't make him think twice about enjoying himself anymore. All the 4th seat knew was that he wanted this, and nothing was going to change that fact.

"Oh Appaci...." His words were mixed with the fact that he tightened his hold on the other. Those lithe fingers that ran through her hair pushed her lips and tounge tighter against his neck, as he buried his face in her shoulder. Kurosawa nuzzled his face against the crook of her neck sweetly, burying his face into that strong shoulder as he reaveled in the pleasure that the Arrancar was giving him. Every motion of her hand up and down his throbbing member caused the Shinigami to began to leak pre all over Appaci's hand as the pleasure she was giving him slowly ramped itself up. He hoped that she wouldn't stop until he came, just the feeling of her finger stroking his length, and her tounge on his neck... every one of these sensations prevading through his body felt incrediable. Soon the female had Ryou answering her strokes with the movements of his hips. This also had him doing things... trying and experimenting.

The male's tounge and lips ran over the Arrancar's shoulder, as hand that was still near her waist slowly began to squeeze and play wth her ass. Moving along those firm cheeks, and softly squeezing as they would soon began to play over entrance to her pussy. Kurosawa's digits poked and explored... waiting to see what kind of reaction he could draw out form the hollow... showing that she wouldn't be the only one who got to do all the teasing.


Gin stood thier looking at Sung-Sun, with that errie gaze of his. That seemed to indicated he knew she was lieing. Still the Shinigami did nothing about it. Why would should he care what those three were up to at the very moment... especially if whatever mischief they planned on causing helped with his overall goal. Still their was a certianly level of enjoyment that he got from seeing the Fraccion squirm, as he stood there in the door way for a moment and contiuned to look over his shoulder, "Well then I guess I will just have to pay her a visit then... won't I. Maybe even see what Appaci-chan is up too while I am on my way there." Laughing in that knowing nature of his the Captian walked out of the room and started to head down the hall deeper into lair of the 3rd Espada. His path was currently aimed at finding were the other Fraccion was at the moment, rather than Harribel herself.

He knew that Appaci was alot easier to shake up than Sung-Sun, and so it would certianly be easier to get the information he needed out of her. Plus as he got closer to the area were he could sense Appaci... it seemed as though there was a third reatisu signature that was very very faint. While the Captian couldn't place his finger on it, the feeling of this last signature felt so familar. He thought about it for a few moment and just shrugged... considering that he would figure it all out later.
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