Jugger x Iveta


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan (My avatar) has an inn that his father owned. He currently resides in Japan, running the inn as his father is out in a war with the neighboring country. All the while, Nathan has been left behind to run things on his own, against his will. He wanted to go to war, not to sit and play babysitter with random people. He needed a break. A break that included him training...but it was obvious as to why the military chose his father over him. Nathan had little backbone and he also did not seem to have the right attitude; always being sarcastic in a serious time. Though, he did this often to try and lighten the mood.

He sighs. The night was young and empty with people, minus one or two stragglers who were there with purchased entertainment from down the road. He sighs, seeing the women as they entertain the men for the night before going to their bedrooms. He wished he could leave this boring home and just go off to war or just fight. He wanted to learn...But his skills as a spearman were getting dull as his trusty home-made spear rotted due to misuse. He looked at his little owl friend as it hopped around on one leg, bored as much as he was...and it eventually flew out the door and landed on the top of the sign that spoke of the inn's name. The "Soul Creation Inn". Ironic, as the acts that were done here in this inn corrupted souls rather than rested them as if they were anew, which was his father's intentions on the name.
Ivy arrived on a small Portuguese port harshly given by samurai warlords for their new found addiction to weapons of war, the guns. It is in this port where Portuguese merchant ships dock to trade with Japanese traders, trading is not the only commodity being brought by the Portuguese, religion is also being shipped and spread into small communities, culture is also starting to get diverse although not rapidly, western culture is slowly sweeping. According to the sources received by Ivy that a shard of the Soul Edge is being kept by a Shognate of undisputed power among the rival clans. Ivy of course did not came into Japan just to have diplomatic talk with a Shogunate, foreigners are hated by the traditional thinkers of the samurais who sees outsiders are nothing but filth and so the only solution to get her hands on that cursed artifact is to assassinate the Shogunate himself, but before pursuing her mission directly, Ivy needs to be familiar with her place first, to know the its people and most importantly know thy enemy.

While still in the trading port, Ivy bought a purple colored kimono to blend herself with the native populace, she could not afford blowing out her low profile on her journeys, her apeal is enough to give her away to any unwanted attention, she still wears her purple gown though, a thing that made her exposed to some of the ogling eyes in the port.

And last thing that she bought was a horse, trading opium and silver just to get one.

Ivy then sets out from the port to go to a nearby town that is part of the route she will take on her journey.

An hour of horse ride made her reach the town, Ivy decides to take a rest from her journeys, she is tired from weeks of sea faring from the Atlantic to South America then to the Pacific and then land travel here, she could really use a warm bed to lie down. It wasn't that difficult finding an inn in the town with its lanterns still lit, doors open for any traveller who might need to take breather.

Ivy steps down from her horse and saw the sign of the inn which reads "Soul Creation Inn" with a strange looking owl perched on top of the signboard staring at her with its two eyes like full moons, she smirk as she felt something like of a good omen to the coincidental title of the establishment. Upon entering, she walks casually to the young man at the counter, seemingly to be the concierge of the inn.

When she approaches him she gave a him a coy look and attitude while asking if there's a dining area she could use as if pretending to be a tourist who is lost in her travels.
The hours were long and boring. He fell tired, and was half asleep when Ivy would walk in. His head was lazily placed on his arm as he laid down on the counter, his bottom sitting in a chair to keep him at the same level as the desk. The first thing he would see when she'd walk in would be Ivy's large breasts inside of the kimono. He did not blush, but simply looked up sleepily to the woman to see her coy gaze and he felt a chill go down his spine. She was...beautiful and obviously foreign to the country given her cosmetic attire, as most geisha of Japan had all white facial makeup. She was...from another country coming to work maybe? She wore a kimono in such a way that made it seem like she was from some sort of brothel.

Sitting upstraight, he scratched the back of his head as he looked to the girl, unaware of her snake sword. "Good evening and..." He stopped, a yawn had forced itself out. "...to the Soul Creation Inn...Come in and recreate yourself with our fine hospitality and comfortable living arrangements. If you've got a geisha, you have to pay for two rooms." He said all of this in a monochromatic tone, as if he said all of this before and was tired of it or he was just out of it. "Sorry. I have to say that every time someone enters and comes to the counter. I know you probably would not have a geisha with you but whatever. You buying a room, ma'am? Oh...and the dining area is for paying customers only. Sorry, things have been kind of rough lately and I can't afford to let people eat our food without paying for a room."
Ivy rolled her eyes to see the young man acting like a sluggish cleaner drowned on sakes as he welcomes her to his establishment, she was quite repulsed at his motto for his inn, more like the inn is suited for whore houses and old gentleman's club from Europe.

"So be it, I would take the room and dining." Ivy brought out two pouches containing bits and pieces of jewelry on the first one, the second one contains opium, placing both of the pouches simultaneously in the clerk's counter.

"I suppose my commodity speaks for a fair trade? Let me know if you deem my transaction unreasonable." As Ivy ended her talk, 2 drunken men entered the inn, they look very drunk and were moving groggily, both of the men have katanas. Ivy suspects that the two men are mercenary Rounins, spending their earned money on wine and like any Japanese men would do, getting a fine woman in a nyotaimori.

For now the two men just barged straight into the inn's dining room without even minding to ask for an order and not bothered at all from the presence of Ivy and Nathan.

Meanwhile, Ivy waits for Nathan's response, but she is glancing at the two men.
Nathan was going to speak up against the two of them, but he let them go...for now. "It would be rude of me to suddenly stop my conversation with a beautiful foreigner." He murmured as he looked at the jewelry and opium she put on the table. He pushed the opium back to her. "I don't care for this addictive shit. Its not in my nature to even have it. As for the jewels, they'll do fine for a week's stay if thats how long you're wanting." He reached down and grabbed his wooden spear. It looked...old, as if it would break easily. "I must tend to the rounin who just barged in." He looked like he was going to get himself killed. But this was what he wanted. To fight. He pocketed the jewelry and stepped out from behind the counter to go and see to the rounin. He pointed the spear at one of them, the closest and most drunk one. "You two need to get the hell out of here or pay up. No one is allowed in here unless you pay for a room. Don't make me force you out."
Jugger82 said:
Nathan was going to speak up against the two of them, but he let them go...for now. "It would be rude of me to suddenly stop my conversation with a beautiful foreigner." He murmured as he looked at the jewelry and opium she put on the table. He pushed the opium back to her. "I don't care for this addictive shit. Its not in my nature to even have it. As for the jewels, they'll do fine for a week's stay if thats how long you're wanting." He reached down and grabbed his wooden spear. It looked...old, as if it would break easily. "I must tend to the rounin who just barged in." He looked like he was going to get himself killed. But this was what he wanted. To fight. He pocketed the jewelry and stepped out from behind the counter to go and see to the rounin. He pointed the spear at one of them, the closest and most drunk one. "You two need to get the hell out of here or pay up. No one is allowed in here unless you pay for a room. Don't make me force you out."

The 2 drunkard rise up from their seats in a very crooked way and gave Nathan a drunk man's out of the mind death threats, the one closer to Nathan spoke tom him "*Drunken tone* You think you could kill using that child's toy of yours? Or perhaps you want me to show you how I will make you bath with your own blood without you knowing it?"

Ivy stood behind, watching if the boy has some guts.

The Rounin unleashed his katana and poses a Kendo fighting stance, but in a drunk way for the sake of trying to look impressive on his opponent, the other one did the same as well but he was much more awkward than his companion.

Before the Rounins made a step to strike Nathan, the one near to Nathan noticed someone is behind his opponent, he shifted his eye to the left then he saw Ivy standing and looking at him innocently.

His drunken stature were suddenly dispersed as he saw a foreigner wearing a kimono, somehow he looked surprised and quite getting enjoyed.

He quickly told his friend behind him about it and his friend saw Ivy too still standing not making any movement, he too had his drunken look washed away from him dramatically, as if both of them were fired with a spell.

The 2 Rounins suddenly stood upright and sheathed back their katanas and walks casually towards Ivy with an insidious grin plastered on their faces, they ignored Nathan without answering to him.

Rounin(Master): "Say, isn't this a promising night, a lovely foreign lady comes alone in this dangerous place with no else, and look, she is wearing a dress which belongs to our custom, how elegant, you know I've always want to get myself a foreign woman, too bad I'm no longer part of the Bushido. But who cares if we could spend an unforgettable night with a foreigner don't you think my friend?"

Rounin(Apprentice): "Mmmmm, I've also wanted to taste foreign women, I've heard they taste sweeter and much more beautiful when in bed compared to ours."

Rounin(Master): "So lady, would you like to experience the Samurai way into your flesh?"

As he said this he tried to grab Ivy's large breasts through her kimono, but before he could land his hand, Ivy unleashes her whip sword inside her kimono almost instantaneously and whips the Rounin Master, slashing diagonally across his shoulder down to his right abdomen, blood sprayed across Ivy's face and kimono, before he could put out his katana, he was bathing in his own blood then in a few second he fell to his demise. He didn't get the chance to put up a fight to still being under the influence of the sake.

The Rounin apprentice draws out his sword but is spooked and frightened, the shake on his hand was evident as his katana shakes, he is on a defending stance but not realizing that Nathan was at his back.
Almost immediately as soon as the apprentice pulled out his sword, Nathan thrust his spear into the man's back, stabbing completely through but breaking the handle off as he tried to pry it out. The spear was left inside of him as he would fall to the ground, leaving Nathan with only a handle. He sighed...And he looked to the woman, a bit shaken up by how fast she had been able to move and without even showing any mercy or fear from the fight. She obviously was used to something like this...So, he picked up the bodies and tossed them outside to the street for the guards to take away. He removed his shirt which was covered in blood and tossed it outside as well. "I am sorry that...this happened." He was moreover speaking to his spear's handle. It broke and now he was left without a weapon to fight with even if he wanted to. His attention turned to Ivy. "What are you exactly? And what kind of weapon is that? The blade outstretched and took him out easily...You are no ordinary foreigner are you...?" He was a bit...nervous, especially with how he knew how deadly she was with a weapon. It matched her beauty...and the blood on her only made her seem more menacing.
Ivy sheathed her weapon by just whipping it to the floor, cracking the wooden floor from the slash then suddenly the whip sword retracted and pulling the pieces until they were bound together forming a straight long sword. Ivy's face doesn't show any signs of emotion, totally cold to her actions.

"Sorry about the floor, I'll pay for that." When Nathan ask her who she really was, she look to his eyes blankly then she approached him getting close to him as she has something to say to him.

She touch his right shoulder gently and pushed him against the wall, then Ivy pressed her bosom on his naked chest, wanting him to feel her breasts, as if it was meant for intimidating him rather than arousing him, but it doesn't matter to Ivy if the latter strikes Nathan's head.

After pressing her bosom to his chest, she leans her face to the left side of his face then whispers to his left ear, "If you tell anyone who I am and sold my identity to the local authorities, you will join the men you've just thrown outside."

When she was done whispering, she brushes her right cheek damp with blood on his left cheek, giving Nathan the share of the blood letting.

"I will take the meal inside my room, and I would like to have some new clothes, in PURPLE."

She then goes outside the inn to her horse she parked on the side of the inn to get her things, then her attention was suddenly caught when the owl perched on the inn's signboard is still there and chirped, she looks to the owl seeing it staring at her again with its eyes still the same as before OO, Ivy gave a smirk to the owl then returns back to get in her room.

Ivy walks to one of the vacant rooms designated for her, she can hear the men and women on the other room enjoying their depraved rewards, she can also see their silhouette as they did their acts of depravity from the outside as the customers lit candles in their rooms.

As she enters her room she puts her sword and things on the corner of the room then disrobes her soiled Kimono, as well as her purple corset and purple lacy panties.

She opened the sliding door to get herself a warm bath on the jacuzzi built in stones as she waits for Nathan for her meal.
Feeling her press him against the wall, and then feeling her soft and large breasts against his chest made his gasp out a bit. Right here? In public? She was going to do something like this here? But then she let on, threatening him that if he ever gave her up, he'd be just as worse a death as the men outside...maybe far worse. When she began ordering him as to what he was to do for her, he let his guard completely down. So she wasn't exactly an assassin geisha foreigner like he was about to believe she was. He was a bit shaken up...and simply nodded to her. But upon feeling her wipe the blood upon his cheek, he felt like she...somewhat trusted him, or thought different of him as compared to the others. He nodded to her...and watched as she walked out to her room. He waited a bit...contemplating the situation. He looked down to his wooden handle that used to be his spear and then toward the direction of her room...He had no other way of going about how he wanted in his life. He'd have to join her in whatever it was she was doing...She was skilled so it would seem she would have to fight many people...Thats what he wanted.

He left, going to prepare her food and go about washing some old clothes that people left behind. A small assortment of purple attire was still leftover, and now washed. The list included a new corset, kimono, a regular shirt, a dress, some underwear that was both sexual and normal and something the Americans made called a 'bikini' that was used for swimwear. But Nathan never understood why people should cover themselves when they go swimming. After attaining her meal, he brought it up to her room, also carrying the bag of clothes. Upon opening the door, he saw that she was not in there. He wondered where she was...and placed the food down on a nearby try and put the clothes beside it on the floor. He entered the room and began to look around. "Miss...? Miss are you here...?" He whispered...wondering if she just vanished in the night. Upon entering the bathroom, he did not expect to see the woman completely naked and bathing. He yelped in surprise and jumped out of the bathroom. "Excuse me! Sorry! I didn't know!"
While Ivy is the tub cooling herself, she closed her and contemplates, reminiscing her past life as a woman who isn't fond of bloodshed, carefree, irresponsible and most of all, not wielding a cursed sword with a soul of its own.

Along her contemplation, Nathan spraked in her thoughts, as she learned that the boy was not hesitant to strike a man down despite not having the eyes of a killer, from her perspective, Nathan is innocent but he has this heart, a heart of warrior in him even though he is seemed awkward in wielding his weapon. Ivy got curious and wanted to find out if Nathan came from a warrior caste of family.

Ivy: "There something about that boy, he is quite special." Saying to herself.

Moments later Nathan barged in the bathroom only find out Ivy totally nude, Ivy didn't cause a commotion when Nathan saw her, she just looked to him and gave him a warm smile.

"What is it? Is my food ready?"
(Damn lol. Every time I get to the end of the sentence, I think your signature is part of the post and it makes it weird lol.)

His cheeks flushed a velvet red as he looked to the side as he spoke to her outside from the bathroom. "Y-Yes. Your food is ready, ma'am. I hope you don't mind what we have...We don't have much when it comes to dinner, so I just gave you large portions. You deserve it, after all. After saving me. My spear shattered in one strike, I would have been killed by the other swordsman." He peeked inside to look at her. She still had the warm smile, not caring if he saw her in the nude. "I also have your clothes...Its just whatever people left behind that was in purple...I hope some of it is to your liking...miss...uh...?" He was curious as to what her name was...He wanted to know. She intrigued him...He wanted to go with her, wherever it was that she was going. He wanted to become a great warrior like she.
"Thank you, that's good enough, I appreciate your efforts. About the swordsman, he is not going to kill you, after all I already got his attention on killing his friend, thus I made him preoccupied to not bother you, and for that he is free for you to strike as you please. I'm sure you don't have trouble striking on a target that is not moving, but if you are going to defend yourself some other time, be sure not to use a children's toy, it will only cause you liability instead of benefit. You can call me Ivy, from the look on your eyes you have the eyes of a fighter, though you can't unleash the spirit yet, why, you want me to teach you about the art of swordplay? I can but it will "COST" you."

She smirk to him as she said the word "cost", she has some meaning for that, likely a trade but not of monetary but with something else....As she was done bathing, Ivy realizes that there were no towels inside the bathroom and so she looks to Nathan for a favor.

"Hand over me a towel will you?"
"You're...willing to train me...?" He smiled in excitement, before realizing what she had requested. He laughed lightly, and seemed a bit embarrassed as he still saw her naked and in the tub. He nodded to her, and went out to grab a towel from the nearest empty room and brought it back to her. He decided to play it sly...and walked over to her, right next to the bath tub to hand her the towel so that he could catch a glimpse of her naked body in the water before he stepped back to where he once was. "I'm willing to pay whatever I have...I want to fight. But I can't. I've no weapon anymore. That spear was something I made a long time ago and I mastered it...somewhat...but its been a while, and that spear was sentimental to me. Shame that I lost it..." He frowned but quickly turned in his attitude. "So...Will you be willing to teach me? I don't have a lot of money so..." He frowned and seemed to go into thought as to what he could do to pay off this 'debt'.
"Yes, and don't worry, I will not ask for anything that is inside your pocket. Weapons? There are two just outside of your inn, those belonging to the drunkards we've just slained, hopefully they are still there. If you have a knack for swords then the better so I could teach where I excel at. As for the payment, I will let you know once we start." Ivy ignores Nathan's pretentious play, she already knew were his eyes are focussed, but she let's him have his eyes to feast on her. When she was done bathing she took the towel from him and gets out from the tub, she turned her back to Nathan while she was drying herself, giving him a view of her shapely round butt, then she turned her head to the side to say something to him. "For now perhaps you should atttend to your other patrons who are already drowned in their bed fight."
"They have all gone...The fight seemed to scare off the ones who have stayed...assuming that more Ronin would come in looks for the slayer of their friends and allies." He replied as he crossed his arms. "I am no sword fighter...I prefer spears, honestly...but something I'm not good with is better than nothing at all...I might as well close up shop for the night...or rather forever. There is nothing of value here, honestly. Let this be a home for the poor and homeless. I will be in the back...I will take all the money I have from this business and we can go on out." He replied and turned to leave, going out to the front to take a katana sword from one of the ronin and went on and about to prepare his little going-away. He packed some clothes and all the money in the register. He would lock up the doors and go back upstairs to meet Ivy. "The doors are locked and we'll be safe unless they break in. But even then we'll know it. We can stay for the night and then head out in the morning."
While Nathan goes out, Ivy dresses up in the purple kimono given to her and goes to the room to take her meal.

As Nathan closed shop and returned to the room, Ivy questioned him as she eats her meal, she wants to know if he is truly determined to go with her "Are you sure about your decision? I cannot guarantee that you will return alive once you join me in my quest, the path that I am taking is a perilous one, anyway, we'll see about that in the morning. Say, care to join me for the meal? From your looks, you seemed to be hungry."

Ivy placed the wooden food tray near her bed roll and she lied down beside it and raises her arms up, trying to test Nathan if he would get the message she is trying to convey, she looks up to him and gives a smirk while waiting for him to make a move.
"I am quite famished...I appreciate you sharing the food you've got." He replied as he moved to sit down near the tray, having the tray stay in the middle between he and Ivy. He saw her lay down, arms raised up and looking so very seductive that he couldn't contain himself properly; his posture and attitude dwindling as his mind was lost in images of lust between the two of them. Her large breasts especially poked out to his vision from the way she was laying, and he shakily began to slowly eat some bread off of her tray. "Ivy..." He said after he finished eating and swallowed the bread roll. "Are you trying to seduce me...?"
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