New Villain, New (Possible)ilities {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Sweat beaded on seventeen year old Kimberely Ann Possible's face. She could feel it running down between her bright green eyes, slide against her nose, before catching on her lip. A shift, a quick bringing up of her plump lips and the droplet fell to the floor. Really, she shouldn't be sweating at all, not with something like this. Kim had been doing missions like this for a few years now, often high profile cases. Several of the biggest names in the world were aware of her, from fashion moguls to world leaders to local principals, everyone knew they could call on Kim Possible, and she'd be right there to save the day. Usually Kim had Ron and Rufus nearby, not to mention Wade, who was always just a Kimmunicator buzz away. This time, however, Kim was very much alone.

The sitch had been called in a few days ago. Wade had taken the message and reported things to Kim, so no big difference there. The difference came the moment Wade started talking about the mission itself. A new guy had appeared onto the scene, rising up seemingly out of no where. Several of the old guard, Drakken chief among them, threw fits, demanding to know where this upstart came from. Wade even suspected that it might be one of those very villains who had called Kim in, believing that they were just desperate enough to bring in the girl who seemed capable of doing everything.

After all, wasn't everything possible for a Possible?

But those details... for example: this guy got his minions from the usual channels, but he was selective. There seemed to be some actual testing done in order to actually get on the squad. Plus, once you got in, you didn't get out; nobody had seen or heard from any of the goons. Several agencies had sent operatives in, but beyond a few first contacts, nothing had shown. Everything was silent, eerily so.

Silence kind of was this guy's calling card. People knew about him, but that was less because of his talk and publicity than because of the rumor mill. Nobody had apparently seen this guy; nobody had heard from him; and nobody knew what his longterm plan was. The challenge this guy presented was just baffling to most, infuriating to a few, and exciting for someone like Kim.

She'd passed the minion tests easily enough. That was actually why Ron was no where nearby: he more or less lucked his way through missions; they hadn't even wanted to see what would happen in an actual test. So he'd gone off to train with the monkey ninjas or something; just a call and a flight away. Not that Kim needed him: she's been blazing through so far, impressing people right and left. She'd had to disguise herself slightly, of course: eye patch over one eye, contacts to make the green eyes more blue, and clothing that differed strongly from her usual mission gear. That last had changed easily enough when she entered; she'd opted for the guy's standard uniform, which was a clingy material in a dark gray color. It was obviously reinforced, with padding covering the most vital areas. They'd also issued belts, communicators, the usual. Kim figured it all out and wore it well.

After a few days though, she barely knew more than she had when she entered. They needed info sooner rather than later. Which meant that Kim had to be just a little risky. Hence why she was sweating over a console, her fingers flying across keyboards as she brought up screen after screen of info. This was downloaded onto a drive that she'd managed to sneak in with her. Said drive could be handed over to Wade, and they'd get all they needed. Kim just had to make sure not to get caught, which meant constantly looking over her shoulder, hesitant for each and every sound.

At last, the screen beeped that things were finished. Sighing with relief, Kim unplugged the drive, moving to slide it up into her glove and get out of here as soon as possible. She was just in the middle of doing precisely that when she heard soft footfalls. With scary efficiency, Kim swiveled and turned, her hand flying up to her forehead in salute. Her long red hair, pulled into a harsh braid, slapped against her back at the same time that her booted feet clunked together. Kim was all regulation, all minion, and all cool as she faced the person, fully believing that she'd be perfectly fine.

Again, that old saying: anything was possible for a Possible.

The world was rapidly changing, everything was moving so quickly and unless you could quickly adapt you would soon be left behind. If the rumors were to be believed there were humans with abilities beyond explanation starting to emerge, so called mutants out and about.

Old guard super criminals were starting to become a thing of the past, dinosaurs who hadn't been so quick to adapt to the changing world, still trying to operate with their insane gimmicks and odd little quirks while they threatened cities, states, and countries. They got taken down these days, either by a government agency or a young adult with a can do attitude and maybe some super powers.

The man known as Cain was not part of the old guard though. He had come to the scene recently and while he had made a splash in the criminal underworld he didn't even appear as a blip on the radar of the larger organizations and the so called heroes had never heard even a whisper of him... at least until recently. A agent of his, in the employ of Draken, had passed on to Cain that some of the old guard had gotten tired of his actions and as discreetly as they could, had contact the most infamous of the would be teen heroes, they had called Kim Possible to take him down, an idea that made Cain smirk a little bit. He was talented, brilliant, had a well funded and well trained organization, and a few personal enhancements that would practically negate the threat that any single teenager could ever pose to him on her own.

Still she represented an intriguing possibility (no pun intended) to him... she was immensely well known which meant that if she was being sent after him he was starting to gain some notoriety and his name might become better known outside of the criminal circles. She would need to be made something of an example of while at the same time he needed to step up some of the plans he had, plans that included the small Pacific Island nation of Mandripoor, legitimate take over of that nation would afford him political immunity and of course a greater base for him to expand his power from. Right at the moment though he was more focused on the Kim Possible problem, she had infiltrated his organization and needed to be handled very quickly. He had caught sight of her at one of the tryouts that he held for those who wanted to be under his employ, it had happened very recently and while she had tried to disguise herself... it was impossible for anyone who knew she was coming not to recognize her, the bone structure, the build, the hair color... all so distinct.

She had done well during the trials, showing up many of the others who worked for him but not all of them, no his elite guard would be able to handle her with a little difficulty and Cain knew that if it came down to a fight then he would be more then a match considering his own enhancements, genetic modification left over from attempts at the super soldier program, making him stronger, faster, and far tougher then a man in his early thirties would otherwise be.

For the few days since she had joined him he had ensured she was watched closely, subtly of course because he wanted to allow the game to carry on. It had worked rather well, she had played the part almost perfectly until just a few minutes ago where she had slipped away while on a break from her other duties, into one of the information hubs spread through his facility and was in the process of copying a massive amount of data. She just couldn't be allowed to get away with all that so Cain knew that the time had come to act.

Setting out from his 'throne room' as the guards like to call it, he made his way toward the hub as a relaxed pace, no need to hurry because the sheer amount of data she was dealing with was going to take a little time. Still it seemed that he only just made it at the last moment, he caught sight of her slipping something into her glove before coming to a salute before him.

“You, you're not on duty are you?” He asked, looking closely into the only visible eye, unable to keep a small smirk from his lips, such an amusing little attempt to disguise herself that he wondered how she might think it would work. “I find myself in need of a sparing partner and I have a feeling you will do nicely.” He didn't say anything else, just turned on his heel and made his way towards the nearby training facility, she could try to run but a single code word from his lips could have the whole place locked down in under thirty seconds... trying to escape just wouldn't work just right now.
"They said something about needing extra help, sir," offered Kim in response, the words almost immediately on her lips. Nobody could say that Kim Possible didn't think on her feet; hell, half her career seemed to have been made off that. Now she just had to somehow stay on her toes before this intelligent young man. He'd already started smirking, and Kim had this sneaking feeling that maybe her disguise wasn't as good as they'd thought. Either that, or "sparring" was secret code for something else. Not that one was all that better than the other. Still, Kim couldn't recall anyone ever mentioning something about it, but then again...

"Yes sir," she replied, her voice as smart as ever. She snapped off another crisp salute, waiting for a few moments while Cain turned on his heel. Kim watched his back for a few seconds, eventually lowering her arm. She could feel the drive sliding into position in her glove, blending in with the fabric, becoming essentially invisible unless you knew it was there. They'd designed the gloves for hiding, after all. Still, Kim's skin crawled, her nerves on edge and dancing.

"Best to follow for now," she murmured. A bracing sigh, and Kim hurried to catch up with Cain. She already had a pretty good idea of where they were going, or at least, her own personal guess. She'd made certain to map out the various areas shortly after her arrival, since, you know, that was important. Seemed like they were heading for the nearest training center, one that, like most of the others, boasted high tech training equipment. Kim couldn't remember what the specialty for this particular building was though. Regardless, she followed, moving almost stiffly with each step.

"Sir, can I know what kind of sparring you were thinking of?" she asked, keeping her voice referential. Again, even the slightest detail could be enough to help her, to give her an edge. While Kim might be pretty combat savvy, she certainly didn't want to go into a situation where there were so many unknowns. If she were lucky, well and truly lucky, Cain would be one of those who were more brains than brawn. Just beat him up a little, then make her escape. Because escape had definitely become a priority...

...somehow though, Kim doubted that she'd be that lucky.
When it came to sparing Cain actually meant sparing, it was something that he did several times a week to test his own talents and keep himself sharp. He knew that plenty of other super criminals were happy to allow their employees to do the heavy lifting and fighting, and should it come down to it Cain would be more then happy to sit back and allow things to just play out as they would, seeing no point in putting himself in more danger then he needed too most of the time. However the sparing with his employees had a secondary importance more then just keeping himself in shape, an important secondary function that again set him apart from the others who were out and about in the same game as him.

Once inside of the training building Cain made a few turns before stopping by a door that looked like any other, one that opened with a key card and led into a large room, one that lacked any special equipment but for the padded floors and walls, a single door on the far wall leading into a shower room. It might not seem like much but this was Cain's private sparing room, no one ever went into the room without him and more then once he had been the only one to ever leave the place, some of his employees who disappointed him too much were never given a chance to leave. Upon entering he quickly started to undress, shoes kicked into the far corner and his suite tossed after it until he stood in only a loose pair of cotton pants, comfortable and allowing a full range of motion. The body that was revealed now was one that no one would ever expect, he was tall and lean, his body covered in corded muscle without a single ounce of necessary fat on it, the genetic modifications that made him a lower rate super soldier gave him a metabolism that used every single calorie that he took in, keeping his body in peak shape with very little extra effort necessary.

Looking back to her now he smirked a little bit, his eyes roaming over her with undisguised hunger, right now he did have simple sparing on the mind as he wanted to test himself against her but he was a man with an extremely powerful apatite, one that she would be helping sate before too much longer.

“I mean that I want to test your talents against my own.” He said slowly, not showing that he was annoyed by the question but certainly not expecting it. “I take a little time to spar with my employees every so often, it allows me to gauge how I spend my money.” And of course reinforced deference to, him. It wouldn't do for him to have an employee that wouldn't obey an order, those who though themselves capable of taking him in a coup soon learned just how dangerous their employer was and they were more loyal because they knew their leader was extremely capable. Unlike Draken and others like him who had to resort to a 'dragon', Cain was dangerous enough to intimidate any who plotted against him.

“Being one of the newest I employ I thought best to see what you can do, so try not to disappoint me.”
Kim's nerves were all on edge, making her skin crawl. Her eyes darted carefully about, taking in every last detail. There weren't any signs of other soldiers, other minions, anyone that might ambush or attack without warning. The pretty redhead knew that didn't mean much; Cain could be leading her into one hell of an ambush. Her fist clenched and released, her mind whirling with possibilities. Those possibilities didn't dim as Cain led her through the halls of the already familiar training facility. They dimmed considerably, however, as he opened a door that Kim knew to be his "private facility". The teenage spy froze for a moment, watching as he strolled casually in. No choice, not really: with a hard swallow, Kim followed.

It looked... like a sparring room. Spartan. Kim's trained eyes scanned, noting several places that traps or bindings or monsters or who knew what could be released. The gaze settled on Cain as he shed clothing. Kim's eyes had to widen slightly at the bared flesh: all muscle and fairly appealing at that. When he turned to her, she'd been half expecting the smirk; he was easily one of the most built villains she'd ever faced. Kim swallowed, attempting to meet smirk with confidence. She reached down to her own belt, clipping off the baggy stuff, including her weapon. She reached out, purposefully dropping it.

"Of course, sir," she said, nodding, "I wouldn't want you to think you'd wasted your money. I was just wondering if you wanted to do this unarmed," Kim paused for a moment, staring. Had he just... eyeballed her? It looked like the same sort of gaze the guys back at her school gave her, when they effectively fucked her with their eyeballs. Weird. No matter, Kim smiled confidently at Cain. "I'll try not to disappoint."

Was it wrong that Kim was almost looking forward to this? She could use some action, and she supposed she had a chance of actually knocking Cain out. She wasn't quite so sure she could just stroll out of here once she'd rendered the big boss unconscious, but she figured it would definitely increase her chances. Worst case scenario was that he'd be too much for her. Kim seriously doubted that, and even if it was true, she figured he wouldn't want to hurt his employees too much.

She dropped into an aggressive stance, her foot sliding forward while he hands took an offensive posture. Muscles tensed all throughout her body, giving her an appearance not unlike an acrobat, or possibly a jungle cat. Fetching emerald eyes slitted and she looked up at him. A slight nod followed, a signal: she was ready whenever he was.
He knew he had her on edge, he could hear her hesitant foot steps, knew she was keeping a bit of distance from him, no doubt she was afraid of some kind of trap that he might be setting up for her. She was under cover and because of that precarious position she no doubt had to be on her guard to involve any sort of trouble that could come from being found out. Others had tried to infiltrate before, some sending men who had never been heard from again, others had sent in the old fashion honey pot... a beautiful young woman meant to seduce him, he had enjoyed those though, breaking them until they gave him all the information he wanted, using them for a while, and then turning them over to his men to be a form of amusement for them. He doubted Miss Possible knew of those yet, the new recruits didn't get to see the play rooms in their first few weeks, and of course if it wasn't for the fact that Cain had made it clear that she was off limits for the time being... he had plans for her.

He had seen her work before, never in person but video of her abilities were quite common and Cain had come to admire her to an extent. Someone like her could really come in handy to him, after all Draken had Shego to do the wet work for him, Cain wanted to create something similar out of Kim Possible, but rather then just a mercenary he intended for Kim Possible to be the first of a squad of beautiful and dangerous young woman who would be loyal to him... of course first she would need to be broken in and made to want to serve him, he didn't anticipate that would be all that hard though, he had plenty of practice.

“No weapons, this is just a way for me to test your talents and of course to hone my own skill a little.” He explained as he watched her settle down into position, ready to make her move at the slightest provocation. Her style was always very athletic and energetic, enjoyable to watch but in his opinion there was too much wasted motion and she wasn't nearly aggressive enough. He on the other hand utilized a simpler but more direct style, less showy but efficient and taking full advantage of his altered physique. “Just do your best, I'll avoid hurting you.” He warned before leaping into motion.

One moment he had been standing entirely at ease and the next he threw himself forward, hands resting on his hips he spun through the air, his right foot lashing out towards her body, really he was just viewing this as a chance to play around, to demonstrate superiority and of course to get a feel all for himself just how capable she might be.
Hone his own skills? Well, that at least confirmed that Cain was a hands on type of guy, though Kim had all but known that already. She'd heard the rumors from her various coworkers, and, well, you only had to look at him to guess. Still, the wording and the way he stood made Kim believe that she might be looking at one hell of a fight here. Again, the girl didn't know whether to be excited or worried. She ended up somewhere between.

Cain moved, and Kim waited. Most of her fighting came more from improvised cheerleader moves, at least at first. She'd since picked up a few more combat oriented movements and attacks, mostly from rigorous training after the fact. Still, Kim was used to fighting in a most acrobatic fashion, one that she couldn't take quite as much advantage of in this current scenario. Still, she could react well enough.

So Cain came forward with a spinning kick, and Kim ducked down. She felt the motion of the air whooshing over her head, just slightly disturbing the tightly bound red braid. Kim dodged to the side, already constantly moving. She needed to take stock of her opponent, see how he moved, how he fought, before she really tried anything.
The fact that she dodged the first kick didn't surprise Cain overly much, she was very good at what she did and he had expected her to react but it was still pleasing that she was able to get out of the way. Still having anticipated it he was ready and continued his attack from the moment his feet touched ground. His hands, feet, knees, and elbows all snapped out at her rapidly and she dodged or parried every blow with an amazing amount of grace, again something that pleased Cain. After all if she were to work for him she would need to be the very best. A few blows she threw even managed to strike him in fact, the size difference between them and his enhanced genetics meant they did very little but it was still impressive none the less... but the sparing could not carry on forever and Cain decided it was time to put an end to it.

No longer holding back Cain rushed forward, moving with blinding speed and closing the distance between them, his right hand quickly clamping around her throat and lifting her into the air. He wasn't squeezing so hard as to choke her, but just to keep her at a distance and give her a show of just how strong and fast the man she thought to bring down was. With a small chuckle his eyes locked with hers for a few moments before he released her, allowing her to fall to the ground. “Not bad really.” He praised her before turning his back on her. “Really you have lasted far longer then any other employee of mine has ever done, you even provided something of a challenge.” Walking across the room, trusting her not to strike while he had his back turned he took a towel from a small rack build into the wall, wiping away what little sweat was on his face. “Maybe you should tell me where you managed to learn how to do all that.”

Turning back to her he smiled, true he could call for other guards now and expose her but it would be more amusing for him to drag things out longer, a way to toy with his prey before letting her know that he had been onto her from the very beginning. “I think you and I should have some dinner together tonight, I will have something you can wear sent to your quarters. You will be ready in an hour and a half.” Of course he wasn't going to leave her a choice in this, he already had a dress picked out for her, something short and tight... black of course, that was far from what the young lady normally wore.

“Do not disappoint me by being late... now you are dismissed.”

(sorry this took so long to type, work has kicked my ass and I wanted to have a day off to give it attention so that I could end the fight scene properly)
Kim was certain that she'd faced tougher foes before. Positive, even. There had definitely been tasks and creatures or persons or whatever that had been harder than this fight. It just so happened that she couldn't recall any, at least, not for the several moments the actual fight lasted. Kim whirled and moved with all her skill and talent, her body becoming nearly liquid at several points. She sent all kinds of silent thanks to everyone who had ever bothered to spend time to train her to fight, not to mention a passing thought to taking perhaps a little more time training. Still, she wasn't quite sure that she ever had the advantage. Sure, she landed a blow or two; Kim could even feel a couple of shots that actually felt quite solid, nearly causing her pain, but Kim had a feeling that she never quite had the upper hand. That feeling solidified the moment Cain's hand seized about Kim's throat.

The talented spy didn't stop there, of course. She reacted instantly, her body going surprisingly lax, her throat muscles tensing just enough, while her hands went to grab at his arm. The moment it became clear that Cain wasn't about to actually do anything more than hold her, Kim relaxed. Just slightly. She kept her green eyes locked on him, every inch of her informing her opponent that if he wanted, she'd be more than willing to pick up the fight again. He released her, and Kim landed softly, backpedaling a few steps almost by nature. She'd already slid back into a more combative form when Cain spoke.

"Well," she said, taking several deep breaths. she hadn't even realized that she was short of breath till she'd tried talking. Adrenaline, or something. She swallowed, almost feeling his fingers around her throat. "I try to impress, sir. I trained under lots of different people. Can't remember them all."

Kim punctuated this with a shrug. That what she said happened to be true certainly helped. Sure, the lion's share of Kim's ability came from cheerleading and constant training in that sport, but a good deal of it came from various people giving her tips throughout her career. Even Kim Possible couldn't be perfect all the time, despite what some of her fans might think. Not that she gave away any of this to her "boss", instead watching him closely as he moved about, picking up a towel.

"Dinner?" Kim repeated after Cain spoke. She'd relaxed now, and gave him a look that was equal parts "are you fucking crazy" and "what do I do now?" Kim's mouth worked a few times, her mind desperately trying to come up with some kind of excuse. When nothing came to mind, the redhead had no choice but to nod curtly. She saluted, heard the dismissal, and hurried to her quarters.

Though Kim had barely gotten in them when she flipped on the Kimcommunicator. Within seconds she was embroiled in a conversation with Wade that essentially amounted to "pull me out of here now". No arrangements could be made before dawn tomorrow, despite the hovering help that Kim had been promised. Wade assured her that a dinner shouldn't be a problem for the great Kim Possible. The redhead had nearly flipped off her old companion, and had to settle for shutting the device with an audible snap. She then moved on to the standard prep work for an evening like this. A timed shower first, to get rid of the sweat and help relax tensed muscles. Then some time styling the beautiful brilliant mane of hair. A little more time with makeup. Then the clothing. Somehow, Kim wasn't surprised at the dress provided for her. Cain didn't strike her as being all that shy. She managed to locate a pair of seamless black panties, silk, and shimmied into them. A garter and a pair of long stockings slid onto her feet, providing some coverage for the nearly obscene amount of leg on display. A matching bra help up and supported the girl's pert bust, not that it needed much in the way of support. Kim spent a few last seconds in the mirror adjusting things. The sheath of black contoured tightly to her body, and left at least two inches of stocking clad thigh to the air. A dangerous slit would likely reveal more if she moved wrong. At least there were a pair of straps over her shoulders, though the neckline still practically plunged. The back had rendered a bra almost impossible, though Kim managed with the practiced work of all her sex.

Thus attired, prepared, and nervous, Kim set out for her dinner date with the master mind. Every inch of her crawled with unease, and she fervently hoped that it was all just her being antsy.
The look she had given him almost made Cain laugh, if only she knew that her disguise was not nearly as solid as she had thought it to be, if only she knew that she would be serving as the desert for dinner that evening. It was all he could do to keep a grin from his face and even then he smirked quite a bit at what he saw there, watching the sway of her hips as she turned to leave, did she understand just how much of a show she was putting on for him, how much he wanted to press her face to the ground and pull down the back of her uniform so that her pert little teenage ass would be exposed to him properly, and then of course take advantage of the vulnerable position she would be in.

Those desires were suppressed though and once she was gone Cain made his way to a door hidden in one of the rooms panels, slipping through it and into a passageway that led to his private quarters... he might not have a whole lot of time but he had enough to clean himself up a little bit and of course review some of the projects that his people were working on.

Soon he was stripped down and slipping into a bath so large that it could almost be a pool, the waist high warm water soothing and enhanced by the beauties that soon enough were joining him. Not much older then Kim, in fact two of them were about a year younger then her, the young Asian women were wearing only the slimmest scrap of fabric to cover their freshly shaven cunts and they quickly went to work cleansing the body of the man whom they called master. Normally he would take a little time to indulge in some violent sex with them, leaving one or more of the young ladies bruised and leaking seed from at least one hole... but he had more important things to focus on and this petty little harem of his would be meaningless compared to what he wanted to build with teenage do-gooders who would turn into his fawning core of body guards... Kim was just the first right now but he had his eyes on others.

As his slaves worked to clean and massage his body Cain took a little time to review some of his projects on the computer screens arranged around him, the nano enhanced superior henchman project was going rather nicely though it was still considerably to risk for full implementation, the files stolen from SHIELD about a mutant power neutralizer was being decrypted though it would take a few more days, the next gen drugs being developed were done with initial testing and would not only be an illegal source of income but could be implemented as non lethal weapons by legitimate and non legitimate sources... and most importantly the symbiote that his men had acquired for him was being broken of its willful tendencies. By the estimation of his best researchers it would be ready for him the very next day, soon a nearly sentient alien life form would be grafted to his body, enhancing his already impressive abilities and making him into something far beyond the reckoning of Miss Possible.

A quick memo was sent along immediately, a friendly but firm encouragement to speed up the process with promise of reward and several threats should they fail him.

Then, his daily check in complete and his body nice and relaxed by the skilled hands Cain climbed from the bath and allowed his Asian slaves to dry and dress him in a well cut black suit, a sense of fashion never hurt a villain and black was always fashionable. Knowing it wouldn't be long before his dinner guest arrived he made his way to his private dining chambers, his slaves following behind and then making their way into the kitchen to prepare to bring out the food, ready to serve him and his guest.

Hearing a knock at the door Cain took a seat at the table, one of the young Asian women moving to open the door and permit his guest entry.
Kim took a deep breath, steeling her nerves one last time before the door swung open. What greeted her on the other side surprised the redhead, if only slightly. Servants really shouldn't have been that unexpected, nor should it have been all that surprising that Cain would just happen to have servants that were quite attractive. It wouldn't have even surprised Kim to discover that he'd made certain that even his servants were trained martial artists or assassins or something along those lines. The redhead did spend just a few extra seconds examining the woman who greeted her at the door. The Asian beauty looked... slightly flushed, for some reason.

Kim shook off those thoughts, instead smiling what she hoped was a winning smile as she walked into the room. A pair of heels made walking somewhat difficult, but Kim had some practice with that. Her natural grace and talent helped as well, turning the walk into something a hair more sensual than it would have perhaps been otherwise.

"I have to admit," she said, her eyes scanning, "I didn't expect to be treated quite like this, sir. Do all your henchmen get to wear expensive clothing and personally dine with you?"

She smiled at that, the attempt at humor comforting her at least a little more. It should buy her enough time to quickly case the place. Look for weapons, look for possible traps, look for exits, look again at the serving girls and wonder what they were doing there, heck, even look to just admire the decor. Kim had to give Cain this much: he had a lot more style than most of the villains she faced. Sure, the Seniors could produce something from time to time, but nothing quite like this.

"It all looks very nice, sir," she said, her gaze landing back on Cain, the real focus of the evening. Her body tensed for a moment, remembering the very difficult fight and how it had ended. She could only hope that the "battle" that unfolded tonight would be easier. Then she could leave in the morning, a passing ship in the night or whatever metaphor suited the situation best.

Just go with things for now...
The way she looked around the room and too the barely clad slave that had let her into the room in the first case made it clear that Kim was expecting some kind of ambush, her gaze dipped towards the corners of the rooms and other places that a trap were likely to be hidden. There was no need in Cain's mind to set up some sort of trick in advance, no need for hidden technology to allow him to quickly capture the teenage hero who had willingly walked into his dining chamber, no need for well trained assassins when well trained sex slaves would work out far better for him. No he would be more then able to grab hold of Miss Possible if she tried to run and had already demonstrated to her how little fighting would avail her. Of course secret orders had been passed around to the rest of his henchmen, they would already been setting up outside his personal quarters and if she were to be able to escape from him then he had no doubt that his well trained minions would be able to bring her down.

“Yes it is very nice...” He said with a smirk on his face as his eyes hungrily roamed over her body, the dress that he had picked out for her was on the edge of indecent and showed off her attributes quite nicely. “Its amazing how easy it is to set up an impressive little empire when you don't go out of your way to draw constant attention to yourself.” An endless problem the others faced, if they hadn't informed Miss Possible of his existence then he would have been able to carry out without issue until he had chosen to bring himself into the spot light and make more ambitious moves. Patience, planning, and of course plenty of banking capitol was the key to success in the business that he was in. It was of course a family tradition that had been set up when his father had been a founding member of AIM, a splinter group later formed by his father had been developed into the organization that Cain ran today.

Quickly Cain clapped twice as Kim was led to the seat beside him at the large table and more of his slaves emerged carrying the meal, steak medium rare carried by nearly naked women who swiftly laid the food before their master and his dinner guest. Cain however was not focused on the near perfect bodies on display now, instead focusing on his dinner guest and her reaction to the display that was being put on before her. She was after all the wholesome hero who fought crime, and while it was true that he didn't have to do much to keep his slaves in line he knew that if she knew the truth she would likely not take kindly to it, might even try to stop him though he saw nothing that she could actually do about it... right now even the information she had wouldn't quite be enough to bring him down... and she hadn't even escaped with it yet.
"Lots of people could learn from you, sir," Kim offered in response, adding her most charming smile. Cain seemed almost too savvy, which only further hit home the fact that Kim needed to get out of there, and the sooner she managed to extradite herself, the better. The redhead was already seriously considering feigning some kind of illness. Maybe she could play to his ego, claim that he'd done some damage to her during the fight and she needed to rest. It would work on most villains, but Kim already knew all too well that Cain was a villain of another stripe.

Besides, part of her wanted to enjoy herself a little. There was nothing that indicated that Cain was in the least bit aware of Kim's true identity or motive. You usually didn't invite spies into your parlor for intricate dinners, not unless you were planning one hell of a trap. And then you usually didn't go through all the trouble of feeding them unless the food was drugged. so, yeah, there were possibilities, and Kim was still feeling all too paranoid, but she was also half convinced that she'd pulled things off. She always did.

Still, this was... weird. Kim couldn't help but stare at the girls who appeared to put out food. They seemed to be wearing even less clothing than Kim, which the redhead thought a little... extreme. Then again, she'd met villains who built their own servants and designed them to look like supermodels... was this just Cain's weakness showing itself? Boy, had everyone done well in suggesting the striking Kim Possible plant herself in.

"I'm guessing that you've a bit of a thing for pretty girls, sir?" asked Kim, nodding to them. "I'm surprised that there isn't a union bothering you about the dress code around here."

Kim was very, very tempted to make a crack about hiring from strip clubs or bordellos, but she knew she had to keep playing her cool. She waited patiently while the food appeared her, then eyed it with a calculating, suspecting eye. "Kinda odd to treat one of your minions to a five star meal, isn't it, sir? Are you trying to flirt with me?" she offered that charming smile, before bending over slightly to gather up the food. Her bright red-orange hair shifted for a moment, and she pushed back a strand. She looked over her plate carefully again, before nibbling on the bread portion of the meal. She could wait patiently, see if perhaps there was something... more to the whole thing.
Cain enjoyed the knowledge that Miss Possible was sitting so close by to him, the young lady who had taken down so many attempts by would be rivals to conquer the world or take control of whatever small nation they lived in or just destabilize the economy of Europe... thought she had infiltrated his growing empire, thought she was about to just enjoy a meal with him, and of course that meal was going to be served to her by sex slaves who had been raped and abused so many times that they were entirely broken and had come to enjoy the life they found themselves in. Soon enough though they would be replaced, turned over to the men who served beneath him until they would be even more broken then they currently were.

The food was drugged of course, nothing overly toxic but instead the smallest sample of the newest drug that had been developed and was ready for testing, Cain had no problem testing it himself and he was curious to see how the aphrodisiac would affect his enhanced metabolism as well as that of the vaunted miss Possible. Of course it wouldn't be enough to turn her into a cock hungry slut on its own but it was the sort of thing that would... highten sensations for her and make her more responsive... Cain was of course looking forward to making her body turn against her, to making her beg and not know what it was she wanted.

He watched her closely when she bent to gather up a little food, enjoying the sight of her shapely rear and the fantasy that came along with how he would soon be enjoying that perfect rear end. Her words made him chuckle a little as he started to cut into his own steak, slipping a small piece into his own mouth and pleased to find that the drug was not noticeable by taste. “Flirt?” He asked with a small smirk on his lips. “I suppose some men might find flirting a necessary thing but I rarely have to do anything so plebeian... running a criminal empire means I can get away whatever I like and their status as sex slaves tends to keep the young women serving us from attempting to unionize.” Motioning one of the young ladies closer his hand was soon cupping and roughly mauling her ass for a few moments before his gave her firm cheeks a slap. “Of course if you feel like taking advantage of their services then you are more then welcome to do that.” Right now he was aiming to get a reaction from Kim, it would be fun to see if he could get her to break her disguise and give herself up, though really he had little patient and as he continued to eat he knew that his patience would be slowly eroded by the drug he had ensured was in the food.
Miss Possible hadn't tasted anything within the drug, and of course if the villain was eating it, chances were decidedly in her favor. Still, Kim had some reservations, and made certain to eat as sparingly as possible. Pretending to eat a lot while consuming only a little was definitely difficult, but it was something that cheerleader Kim had more than her share of practice with. Even then, she couldn't help but feel that she'd scored something of a victory here.

Plebian? Despite herself, Kim almost repeated the word out loud, and had to inwardly fight the urge to chuckle. This guy sounded just so, so arrogant, so very much according to type. Get away with whatever, ha ha, look at my beautiful girls, see how they dance for me. It was all rather pathetic, really, and Kim felt her estimation of the man sliding slightly with each passing moment. The slaps nearly made her wince, though she fought against showing any sign of it. Her green eyes locked on the mauled ass, then rose to look at the girl who'd taken it. Nothing looked back at Kim. That made the girl swallow hard and look back at Cain.

"Sorry," she offered, not able to completely prevent the stiffness from entering her voice and smile, "I'm not really interested in girls," she added belatedly: "sir."

Kim was tempted to move and try to do something, but as she looked again to the nearest slave and saw nothing, she knew there was little point. Whoever, whatever, these girls had been, they were not now. Emptiness resided within. Kim had to focus not on saving them, but on preventing Cain from doing this to yet more people. The information she'd gathered would be a start toward that, as would her insider knowledge. She just needed to get through it all.

"So, sir," said Kim, knowing she had some duty to pick up the conversation again. Besides, she figured she might be able to gather information through more casual conversation, "is anyone actually aware of this location? I mean, I heard about it through the most private channels, and i know you know that. It's just... it seems like everyone else wants to be noticed, wants the stuff, like you have, sir," she nodded and gestured toward the slaves, "and you're so impressive," nothing like flattery, "so why not show yourself to the world and start really doing something?"
Cain knew that he was coming off as arrogant, not the slightest trace of subtly in his act, for the time being he saw no reason at all for him to even attempt to play subtle. Right now he was having a bit of fun, testing out a new drug on himself and the young lady who thought she could infiltrate his organization while at the same time trying to push her buttons. If she revealed herself to him then it would be all the more amusing for him and of course if word of it got out then he might not have to worry about the moles that he had in other organizations uncovered, he might work quite difficult to keep his own organization clean but he was savvy enough to know that it was entirely possible that he might have a leak of his own, and that news of Miss Possible being uncovered might get out... and that could cost him a mole or two... and his moles were ever so useful. After all they might be incompetent when it came to villany but Draken, Dementor, and DNAmy occasionally had a decent idea that he could take advantage of.

Though he was enjoying his meal he didn't over look the way that Kim looked at one of the slaves who name he never bothered to learn, smiling when for a moment it looked like the little infiltrator would jump into action only to not bother. It seemed though that his own ability to just sit around wouldn't keep up for all that long, he had been eating quite a bit of the steak and he was feeling quite flush at the moment, his body hot, his blood pounding, his cock starting to stiffen, clearly the drug was more potent then he had expected and if he didn't do anything about it soon he suspected it might become painful. She wasn't eating as much as he was, but he had to wonder if she would be feeling it yet... the information on the design had suggested that larger doses would kick in faster, but really it had been designed as fast acting in the first place... perhaps she could just hide the symptoms well or had been inoculated in some fashion against this sort of trick.

“Perhaps you will change your mind given time, they are quite talented and I often like to reward excellent performance from my employees by giving them a little bit of time with some of my favorites.” That sort of thing being what tends to leave them more broken, Cain often broke them in at the start by handing them off to his men for a little while until they no longer resisted and then picking up once they were left a shattered mess.

“There are a few who are aware of what I do, other would be villains of course.” He explained before taking a small sip of wine and settling back into his seat to get comfortable. “But really I keep a low profile because it lets me do what I need to without drawing attention or bringing supposed Heroes down on me.” No look was given to her, no punctuation or tic in his voice to give away what he knew about her. “By keeping my low profile I have been able to set up quite a bit of ground work, recruit myself a well trained but compact force to aide me, and put all the pieces in place when it is time for me to make my move.”

His patience had worn thing though, while he spoke he had been unable to keep from devouring her with his faze, wanting nothing more then to rip the dress open right then and the more he thought of it the more it stuck in his mind. A subtle hand motion cleared the room of his slaves as he smirked at Kim. “Of course I have drawn the attention of one hero haven't I... why not tell me who sent you Miss Possible, cooperating now will make what follows much easier.”
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