Pokemon Journey(madlittlealice X Malmshodes)


Jul 5, 2011
"Now. Now folks." Professor Oak held up a hand for silence. "I know he's a little bit late, but let's give Jynmi a few more minutes before we start. It wouldn't be right to have a starter ceremony with only one starter being given out."

Jynmi woke with a start. It wasn't the normal kind of start that came from a nightmare you weren't quite sure was really real or not, but one of those ones which happened because you already knew you were late before you were completely awake.

It wasn't his clock that woke him, but the warm stream of sunlight which came through the little crack in his curtains. "No." He shook his head, jumping out of bed, and stopping only to hurl his clock at the wall as hard as he could. "I'm not going to make it." He grabbed the clothes he had left out the night before, and quickly dressed. "Hi mom." He said as he ran down the stairs. "Bye mom." He called, turning a sharp corner and rushing out the door. He was in such a rush he didn't even notice the kitchen was empty.
Amy waited shoe tapping against the ground impatient for her cousin to arrive, what a day to be late. After the two of them had talked and talked about this day, the day they would receive a Pokemon and start their journey together. How could he be late today? She sighed Professor Oak insisted they wait for Jynmi her cousin, she looked out the window for about the thirteenth time hoping to see him rushing towards the lab.

“He isn't the first new trainer to oversleep.” Oak chuckled remembering the last trainer to do such a thing. “Perhaps it is a sign... or just a coincidence.” He shrugged never once looking up from the computer, he was typing away working on a research paper about ditto and its ability to mate with any Pokemon of its choosing and its ability to take any form of any Pokemon.

Bored Amy read a few sentences over his shoulder before he closed the laptop with a loud snap. “Amy don't do that” she giggled at the look on his face, he seemed both embarrassed and uncomfortable. “Don't worry professor I know the Pigeys and the Beedrills, I know where the bits and pieces go no need to be so shy about me reading your work.”
"Hold the ceremony." Jynmi called as he pressed through the onlookers. "Nobody, give anything to anybody. The cermony can't start until everyone is there. It's only fair. Yes, I'm well aware, that fair would be first come, first serve, but that's not the point. Uh." He paused in his speech, but not in his movements. "I'm not exactly sure what the the point is, I'm trying to get through. Just don't give anybody anything. Trust me on this. You'll thank me later, when your all in your rooms, sitting down, and thinking to yourselves about how glad you all are about not having to make a trainer feel depressed on the day of starters."

It took some time, but Jynmi finally made it up to the stage. He was in such a hurry, he didn't even remember, much less use, the stairs that were located just on the left of the stage, and instead opted for grabbing on to the ledge, and pulling himself up. "Nobody panic." He doubled over, gasping for hair. "I'm here, and that's all that matters." He grinned up nervously at professor oak. "So. How about we get to it?"

The professor shook his head. "I really hope you take better care of yourself on the road than you do with your schedule." He smiled, and stepped up to address the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming, and waiting, for so long. Now, I give you the three trainers who'll set out on their journey this." He stopped, and took a quick glance at his watch. w"ell it should've been morning. Anyways, these are the trainers, and now they'll choose their partners. On the left, there's Bulbusaur, the grass type pokemon. In the middle, we have charmander, the fire type, and at the end, on the right, there's squirtle, the water type. Amy." He turned around to look at the young woman. "Please, make the first choice. "
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