The Next King of Games!

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Jun 4, 2012
Welcome to battle city! Here you are competing for the title of "King of Games" and 10,000 dollars! Many will enter this grand tournament in hopes of fame and fortune but they have to make it past Battle city! The first 8 people that win 6 locator cards through dueling wins entry to the final stage of the tournament! Where that is? It would ruin the fun if i told you. So use your 6 locator cards to make a map to find where it is.

Be careful their are most likely rare card hunters around and who knows what else!

Ryoga who had just reached the area of "Domino City" thought it was rather large compared to everything he had seen so far up to this point.
The only thing he could compare it to was his father's cottage which was rather large but nowhere as large as this city!

"Man this sucks I've never been to the city before. How the heck am I supposed to find the tournament registration booth?"

Suddenly out of what seemed like nowhere he heard a loudspeaker being used over the city. "But how?" Ryoga thought.
But instead of using his mind to think what was going on he used his ears and eyes to listen to the voice of a man he had heard on television.
Ryoga looked up to see a custom blimp with a giant screen on both of its sides broadcasting someone on it!

"That's Seto Kaiba!" he's world famous for making the "duel disk system"
I got my own custom one right here"

Ryoga's duel disk was outfitted to look like it was made of flames.
"Yeah duel disks are so handy because they allow you to place your deck in it and place cards on and in it which show just like the original game but it almost comes to life because they are holographic! It's really cool!"

Seto was announcing the rules and saying every duelist with in the city that has a duel disk and locator card is automatically in the tournament.

"Locator card? Wait! I do remember getting this clear card! I guess I'm in the tournament!"

Seto then said this whole city has been designated as the battle city and
basically all the stuff i said at the top.

"Wow that's quite a challenge! Fighting a city! Okay then Bring it on!"
Ryoga said as he rushed in.
Summers was not sure she liked the idea of rare hunters not that she had a lot to worry about. Her deck was all mostly standard cards so she doubted she would be the first on there hit list. "You mean people want this" She held the clear card between her fingers it did not look like that big of a deal. People around her were slipping off already they looked like the knew what they were doing.

Summers checked her deck again wondering how long it would be before she was eliminated. Her agent told her battle city would be a good way to get free press. "Summer" Quickly she turned around expecting to see a fan. What she saw was one of those disgusting bug duelist. She swore a duelist did not choose there deck, there deck chose the duelist. "Sorry i have to go"

Turning around she began to run towards a large construction site she wondered if the city itself was made up of fields. The construction site gave her a machine vide. "No, no, no" She could already see the biker her had a black coat and enough metal to start his own rock band. He was clearly a machine duelist. She wondered if she skirted the edge of the construction sight she could avoid him all together.

She had no idea how the game would start would there be a normal matches or would it be a free for all. She ran her fingers over her duel disk. It looked normal only a custom color model with great graphics she made herself. It was red and green with a floral pattern that made her feel safe. "no, no no why did i ever agree to this"
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