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Angels and Devils

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Mad Hatter

Feb 7, 2013
As the title concludes, the craving I'm having as of currently is one that goes with that one saying The Devil That Fell For The Angel. And yes, I'm well aware angels are practically the holiest things around, and they would typically bide with the idea of Marriage before sex (My fellow Christians may know this concept well, though I'm not posting this strictly for Christians). But hey? Who said they couldn't have a horny angel?

Anyways, The setting takes place on either, modern times (I may sound like a total ass for this, but please no big mother fucking guns that are twice the size of me set out to destroy every thing it sees, though if you make it interesting I might allow it) ;) .

I'll be playing the angel, so you can have fun being that bad-ass devil (Your welcome). The rest I'm letting your sexy little, creative minds work out. :D

Now, as of rules and whatever.....
I will only do P.M or Thread, don't ask otherwise. I'm sorry, I feel if I give out my email, etc someone is going to stand outside my window with a knife like Jason tryna kill me.
Again, please make it semi-realistic (No guns twice the size of me....) Unless you wanna toss in a Hellboy remix ;)
Please don't leave me up to everything, and don't control my character, that's the fastest way to get me to shut the whole thing down.
And... that's about it... See, I can be a nice asshole....

If you want to get more info on the plot, have any questions, concerns or just wanna bump this for me, go ahead! Message me or post vvv :)
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