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PostApocalypse, Star Wars, SPN, Game of Thrones,Anime, Fantasy,HPotter. LF (F)un!

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Feb 10, 2013
Hello people!

I'm WesterosFan and I've come here to search for delightful roleplayers to spend time roleplaying with and in general have a good sense of fun. In my add I will write hopefully tempting ideas for us to roleplay and play it.

Lets start with a little about me. I've been roleplaying for probably the better half of eight years now, in every sense possible. IRC chats, tabletop, instant messengers and even the occasional forum/PM roleplays. Below I will list some proper info about me that you'll need to know before knowing whether or not you'd want to RP and if we match eachother roleplaying wise.

I'm only interested in roleplaying through instant messengers, namely Skype and AIM. I like fast response times, between 10-20 minutes(Or faster). Longer than that and I'll end up being bored. Its not because of you, its simply how I am.

All characters will be minimum as old as this sites rules allows.

I can dominate, I can be submissive but I prefer a switch scenario where the characters takes turn to dominate the other - HOWEVER ITS NOT A REQUIREMENT. I'm perfectly fine with romantic couples and roleplay; thus, Its not a must.

I will only play male characters with you playing female characters.

I will only play original characters. I wouldn't mind replacing some original characters with my own (Replacing their personality while retaining their rich history and such.)

Here's my kinklist; - Do us both a favour and read it please, it's not huge!

I require you to have a fine understanding of the english language. I know I make grammar mistakes here and there, but I'd like to atleast be able to understand everything you write! :) (Hope that didn't sound too douchebag-ish!)

Considering my time scheduel, I should be able to work and play with every timezone in the world. Yay!

I prefer a balanced ammount of smut and story.

I'm fine with both short term and long term.


Now for the interesting stuff! I'll list various universes/settings with possible ideas. I've seperated them with "------------" so you can scroll past if you're not interested.

Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire. (NOT SPOILING.)

This world is vast and rich with history and characters. This world is so huge that writing settings and ideas here without spoiling is nearly impossible. I'd love to have a long term roleplay in this world that included the best of ASOIAF; Political intrigues, fighting, sex and adventure. Once I know how much of the series you've seen/read, we can decide on a timeline and ideas!

In this particular world, playing multiple characters is encouraged since the world is so vast. We can play a part of the North but also a part of Dorne. The possibilities are almost endless considering the world. I would LOVE if you would play canon characters in this RP, but its not a requirement. (You can play Canon characters AND original characters at the same time if thats what you want!)

The canon female characters that I'm interested in playing with are(Anyone below the age requirement of this site will be bumped up to meet the age requirement or even further.): Melisandre, Cersei, Margaery, Sansa Stark, Yara Greyjoy.


Star Wars

I've always been a fan of the Star Wars universe ever since I saw them. I mean, freaking lightsabers. Who doesn't love that?!

As for the roleplay itself once again we're at a huge universe where almost anything is possible. Below I will list pairings that I'm interested in doing although if you have anything in mind thats not listed, please feel free to throw them at me. Either of us can take either part of the pairings. Races I'm fine with; Human, Twi'lek, Mirakula, Sith, Cyborgs. Any race not listed that you're interested in playing? Give it a go and poke me!

Darth/SithLord x Apprentice

Darth/SithLord x Slave+Apprentice

Bounter Hunter x Darth/SithLord/Jedi

Darth/SithLord x Prostitute

Jedi x Darth/SithLord

Jedi/Darth/StihLord x Smuggler

Jedi Master x Apprentice

Rebel Commander x Rebel/Stormtrooper

Those are the ones I can think of right now. Of course, I'm more than interested in hearing youuuuur idea aswell if you have anything not listed in mind!



Whether we go with a Zombie plague terrorizing the world and turning it into a wasteland or if we go with the Fallout world or even Metro 2033, I'm cool with it. I also love Resident Evil, so that world is cool to. I'm mostly interested in the idea of how people would react if everything suddenly went to hell. Whether you'd like to play days, month or years after everything became shit I'm up for it. I would like to discuss all this in detail if you're interested.

With this idea, you can play original characters OR something that I've recently had a craving for; famous people. Actors, singers and the likes. If this is to your interest to play one as such, I'll be very happy and you'll get a huge plus point. Which famous people can be discussed in detail through IM/PM's.



A modern world with supernatural beings being everywhere. I wouldn't mind if you play canon characters here (Its a bit encouraged!) although I'm quite fine with original characters aswell. I'll list below some pairings.

Angel x Demon

Angel x Hunter

Angel x Angel

Demon x Hunter

Shapeshifter x Hunter

Angel x Vampire

Vampire x Hunter

If there's anything you want particularly not on this list, please feel free to PM me with it and we'll discuss it!



Currently there's only three animes I crave to roleplay out. I'll admit I dont know that much about animes except these three so please don't expect me to know any other animes than these three. Though, if you're good with explaining and have a particular anime in mind feel free to PM me about it and we'll take a look at it.

Katawa Shoujo. I'm only interested in this if you're interested in playing canon characters. The canon characters are; Lily, Shizuna, Hanako, Misha.

One Piece; I'm especially craving some One Piece roleplay. I'm willing to do just about anything in this world considering its so big and fun. I would love if you'd play canon characters, though I'm also fine with original characters. Whether we're marines, pirates, bounty hunters or a mix can be discussed in PM's.

Naruto; Huge world, lots of fun. I'm only interested in this if you're willing to play canon characters. I'm fine with just about any of the female canon characters.



A generic fantasy setting. I've loved fantasy ever since I've played DnD/World of Warcraft and its just stuck with me forever. Whether we play in an original fantasy setting or a canon fantasy setting is no matter to me. What matters to me is that you have an idea of what you'd like to play (Or a pairing) to go with this setting. If you have and want to play with me, feel free to send a PM!


Harry Potter!

A universe I've always loved ever since I read the books. It would be delightful if you'd play a canon character, though once more I'm fine with original ones. Here's a few ideas for pairings;

Auror x Auror

Teacher x Student

Student x Student

Death Eater x Auror

If interested in any of these ideas, please feel free to send me a PM with a Skype/AIM adress to add or with any questions or ideas that you may have.
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