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Gods Bless The New World (OPEN :D)


Feb 12, 2013
I'm going to attempt to make this up as I go hopefully this is in the right place.

The RP

The year is 2045 and the world hasn't changed in an overly drastic way...well apartment the "Human Requisition and Property act" passed in 2018 25 different countries just after the world was to hit the nine billion mark in population the total population stood at twelve billion instead. The story leading to this weird and terrible policy began in 2012, all the doomsday conspiracies didn't have it all wrong, life s we know it did change, Female fertility morphed for some unknown reason (maybe all the cosmic energies). At first it wasn't noticed but by 2014 for every two males born there were four females born, by 2015 there were two males born to every six. The scientific community had a field-day but it was still not a problem till 2016, there were four times as many females on the planet then there were males, Then the droughts hit, food was in short supply, not just for the third world but the first now as well, economies crumbled and unemployment shot though the roof the population of the world shrunk as disease began to show its face. Radicals took power and a brand new policy was unleashed on the world, the population was predominantly female most unemployed and in debt and along came the Human Requisition act, first it appealed to the Family sense of a person, to provide for their family, serve as an indentured worker to the state and better your families life, For some strange reason millions signed up to the program as the world got back on its feet the problems didnt change and unemployment and food shortages continued till 2018 when the Act was amended.

Now every Person on his orher 18th birthday becomes eligible to be pressed into service by the state exemptions were for University Attendees based on regular academic profiling and Graduates,Trades people and any others that had made a valuable contribution to society many girls found themselves working for the government in all manner of positions and in 2019 the Act was amended again downgrading indentured people who didnt meet the exemptions by the age of 20 to property, not of the state but of the families they belonged to and a new market emerged Slavery a truly dark day in human history but the world turned a blind eye. Now in 2045 it is normal practice Families have as many children as they can, Mothers of three gain exemptions and Slave academies have started to crop up all over the world there has even been talk of raising females as a potential food source but that is a step to far some feel. Now with a persons loss of rights there are many perverted habits that the world has adopted and the sight of a girl wearing nothing but a collar and panties and a brand of her owner is becoming common almost normal. Many boys and men are worked to death Its becoming fashionable for free people man or woman to own a slave like the Rome of old, It is no secret that Males have it easier then females, Many men are granted freedom in order to raise families due to the numbers of Male to female, Though it is not all a horror story it is still Illegal to kill a slave and many people are brought by their free friends and looked after, But people change, given the power over another human being what would you do?

(Hope this isn't breaking the rules)
I'm not sure if you're trying to start an rp in this area or if you're trying to recruit. If you're attempting to recruit, you're in the right place and have chosen the correct section. If you're trying to start an actual roleplay, you chose the wrong section and did not create a character profile thread for it in that section.

I realize that sounds a little strange. To get a better explanation, please read the Open RP rules sticky thread in the main area of open. It should clarify things for you a bit more.
Well, it looks interesting. Id probably play a 19-20 year old female who had been fairly well 'used'. Not sure if this is what you need, but that what i wanna play. Y=So just PM me if you need me to change anything
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