A New Begining - Liara x Shepard - (Happy x JShepard)


Jun 8, 2011
For one brief moment the galaxy was at a complete stand still as a light brighter than any other source washed over the universe and eliminated the Reaper threat. One by one the Reapers fell, their forms lifeless and decrepit, they had been defeated, and freedom was assured.
The citadel returned to its dormant state, the light it had produced quickly disappearing from sight. The entire galaxy broke into celebration, their weapons thrown to the ground every species cheered and praised their deities for sparing them. Shepard had lead the galaxy to a new era of peace, they were now free to live out the rest of their days in peace. No one would remember the sacrifices they had to make, no one would remember the great man who had made it all possible, all they would remember was their triumph.

“Everyone is ready to go Doctor T’Soni, they’re waiting by the shuttle” Joker announced over the com system, causing Liara to look up from her data pad. “Thank you Joker, take us in as close as you can” Liara replied, picking up her pistol and oxygen mask she moved to the elevator that would take her to the shuttle bay. “We are not picking up any life signs Doctor, are you sure this is a wise decision?” EDI asked, her voice echoing throughout the Normandy.
“We have no other choice, I am not leaving Shepard to die” Liara answered, her expression determined as she made her way to the shuttle. James Vega and Garrus Vakarian were already seated in the shuttle, their attention turning to Liara as she entered. “Are you two ready?” Liara asked, sitting down in front of them.
“Ready as I’ll ever be” Garrus replied
“Let’s do this” James smirked just as the shuttle pulled out of the dock and began for the ruins of the Citadel.
“There is no guarantee we’ll find anything at all, but keep your radio on at all times and report in regularly. Most of the space in there will be unstable so tread carefully and don’t disrupt the Keepers, they will already be trying to repair most spaces. We have exactly two hours of oxygen, let’s make it count” Liara explained, debriefing them on the mission “My best bet is that Shepard would be close to the control room, we will start there”.

The shuttle landed by the control room, securing itself onto the wall before opening its door to the empty vacuum of space. It wasn’t long until the team found a way inside, the room was dark and almost empty. The room was vast and virtually undisturbed by the explosion, large windows spanned across most of the walls, exposing a fantastic view of Earth. “I’ve found something!” Garrus called out, motioning them to follow him.
“Dios Mio, it’s Admiral Anderson” James breathed as he lowered himself to check the man’s vitals “He is dead and since before the explosion”.
“I’m sorry James” Liara said in a sympathetic tone, her hand resting on his shoulder.
“He was a hell of a man” Garrus chimed in before moving to scout out the rest of the room “And we have another one, I don’t recognise him”
Moving towards him, Liara nudged the man’s head with her foot so it would look upwards “It’s the Illusive Man, he looks almost like those awful husks… What did he do to himself?”

A low rumble echoed through the room and the floor began to move, debris falling from the roof. “What the hell was that?” James called out moving towards Liara as the team looked upwards.
“This place is unstable, we have to be ..” Before Liara could finish a loud cracking noise rang in their ears and the ceiling began to collapse. “GET BACK!” Garrus cried out and the three of them ran to the other side of the room just as a large pile of debris came crashing down.
The pile quickly settled and Liara got up off the floor, dusting off her coat “That was close” Liara sighed “Too close, maybe we should return”
“No, I think I see something” James interrupted before running towards the pile “Ha! I don’t fucking believe this!”
Exchanging a look Garrus and Liara ran over to James’s position and looked down to what he was pointing at. “Goddess be praised! It’s Shepard!” Liara gasped as James began to pull the badly injured form of Commander Shepard from the pile. “Vitals are low, but the bastard is alive!” Garrus laughed as he checked Shepard over with his Omni tool.
“Let’s get him out of here, Garrus grab Anderson and lets blow this joint” James ordered as he raised the Commander up into his arms.
Commander James Shepard. Alliance Marines, Captian of the SSV Normandy SR-2. Defeated Saren at the Cidadel. Defeated the Collectors attacking human settlements in the Attican Traverse. First Human Spectre, N7 training.

His credentials were impressive. What was even more impressive, he had brought down the reaper threat, that the Citadel Council had refused to believe was a threat, until their worlds cam under attack. Then who did they call on when in trouble? As he defeated them, the debris fell on him, his already bruised and battered body weakened from the fight. He blacked out when the Citadel fell on him.

Certian this was is for him, he made one last effort to survive. His barrier was weak, but he raised it anyways, hoping to lessen the blow. As his body slowly weakend, and he lost consciousness, his barriers fell. Thus as they collapsed, the debris did too, allowing his body to be discovered. He could only thing of one thing as he slipped into darkness. "Liara." He managed to choke out, as he lost the fight to stay awake.

He couldn't tell how long he had been out, but he was slightly aware that he was being picked up from the debris. Not fully conscious, his limp body not obeying his thoughts. I wonder who recovered me? He thought. Was it the Alliance? The Salarian STG? He didn't know. All he knew was that he was out from the crushing weight of the twice ruined Citadel. Thinking of all the possibilities, he again slipped into the void of consciousness. He would see what his situation was when he finally woke up again.
They returned to the Normandy and James stormed towards the Medic bay, Liara following close behind. Dr. Chakwas rose from her seat, startled as the group burst into her office and placed the body of their Commander on to a bed. "It can't be? You found him?" The doctor asked, picking up her gear she moved towards them and urged the two to back away "I knew he'd pull through! There is a fair amount of internal bleeding and a few broken bones, but I dare say Shepard should make a full recovery... Remarkable!". Stepping into the office, Garrus placed the body of Anderson on a bed towards the back before stepping away. "Is he?" Dr. Chakwas began, but Liara quickly confirmed her suspicions. "He is dead, by our readings he passed on moments before the explosion happened" Liara explained, placing a hand on the Doctor's shoulders as she bowed her head.
"He was a good man" She sighed before turning her attention back to Shepard "Liara you had better scrub up, I'll need all the help I can get"

The surgery lasted over an hour, but it was a complete success, they had restored Shepard's vitals and he was on the road to a speedy recovery. Cleaning her station, Dr. Chakwas smiled and gave Liara a pat on the back before leaving to give her some space. Liara smiled in return before picking up Shepard's hand and clutching it tight between hers. Relief filled her form as she sat in silence, they were free and Shepard had returned. Everything was perfect.
In his unconscious mind, he thought of nothing but surviving. To be able to tell the story of the defeat of the reapers. What would the crew say? What would anyone say for that matter? Not knowing how long he was unconscious for, he wondered if it would be another two years. Would he have even more biotic upgrades to help him survive? He needed to get this behind him, so he could enjoy the victory of total peace throughout the galaxy. It would be a shame if he missed it due to his injuries.

He surgery was a success? What surgery? He could hear everything they were saying, but couldn't respond. At least knowing that Liara was alive, as well as James and Garrus, was good to know. With the upgrades that Cerberus had done to him, when he worked with them, he should have recover within a day or two. But with what he heard before the surgery, it wasn't the best news he could have. He needed to get up. He wasn't used to laying around, even if injured. Trying to will himself to at least do something anything. But alas, he gave up. Frustration building, he wanted to scream as well.

Trying one last time, not prone to giving up, he tried again. Try something small. Try..he felt Liara pick up his hand and it hit him. Putting everything into it, he concentrated on his hand, getting his fingers to move. Almost giving up, finally he felt it. His fingers curled into his palm for a few seconds, then relaxed again. Yes! He was elated, hoping at least to be conscious in a day or so.
Liara froze, her gaze focused on Shepard's hand as it slowly began to move and squeeze her own tenderly. Tears quickly began to stream down her cheeks, her heart feeling like it was going to burst. Leaning forward Liara pressed her forehead to Shepard's her eyes closed as she clutched his hand close to her heart. "Come back to me James, I know you can hear me, come back to us Commander" Liara whispered, a tremble in her voice as she fought the urge to cry.

The days began to pass quicker than expected, there had been a memorial for those who had lost their lives and a celebration for those who survived. Admiral Hackett paid the crew a visit and retrieved Anderson's body for a proper ceremony, checking on Shepard as he passed by.
The galaxy was on the mend, once earth had been returned to a functioning society the military gathered its resources and began the long journey to the other systems to provide aid where necessary.
Everything was falling back into place, but as the rest of the crew rushed to help wherever they could Liara remained by Shepard's side, never moving.

"You should really get some rest Dr. T'Soni" Dr. Chakwas announced as she entered the med bay, picking up the Shepard's data pad to check his vitals. "I would prefer to be here when he wakes up, but thank you for your concern" Liara answered, her gaze never leaving Shepard's face.
"But that could be weeks away, months even! You can't sit here the whole time, when he awakes you will be in no state to greet him!" Dr. Chakwas argued, her hands on her hips as she watched her argument fall on deaf ears. "I know, but I can't bring myself to move... I need to do this" Liara sighed, her grip on Shepard's hand growing tighter.
Liara? Was that her? It was! Come on Shepard, get up damn it. I can't. Shepard, that an order! Get up, Liara needs you. Liara..I...No more excuses! If you love her, you'll get up. Get up?Yeah, do it, now. She's wearing down, can't take much more, you're hurting her. No!

The battle in his head was getting worse. How long had it been? Long enough.Yeah. Long enough. But was he really ready? Feeling her head against is, he was determined. Hearing her, egging him on. No, it had to be today. He has right, he was hurting her. Get ready, open your eyes...now. No damn it, open them, get up!

Opening his eyes, he tried to focus. Bringing his hand to cover his eyes. "Uhh. L..Liara?" He said, knowing she was here somewhere. Slowly he stretched. Getting his bearings, his vision slowly coming back, he looked over and seen her. Sitting beside him, still holding his hand. Squeezing it, he smiled. She was there. How long was she sitting here. He sat up, his world spinning, he put his head in his hands. "Uh, how long Liara?" He asked, not even knowing if she was there. He needed to know how long he was out this time.

Finally, the dizziness was gone. Looking himself over, he didn't see any limbs missing. But he had to check, had to make sure. Looking down under the gown..yup, it's there. A sigh of relief. After all, he wouldn't like to let Liara down on his promise,and if it wasn't there, well...Oh stop Shepard. You're just fine and you know it. Besides, if Liara was there, she damn sure wouldn't let anything happen to it. Smirking, he shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"Hmph. I'm fine. I just want out of the med bay." He said, knowing that Dr. Chakwas wasn't going to budge. Sitting back he sighed. He knew she was doing her job, but even being the captain of the Normandy, he still knew it was in his best intrest. "Okay, okay. I'll stay. But not for long." He said. James knew that the crew would be down soon, knowing that he was awake. He didn't mind. but he was glad that Liara was by his side the whole time.
Liara sat back stunned, her grip tightening on his hand as he called out for her. Shaking her head Liara smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks as she moved closer to him, her free hand cupping his cheek tenderly. "Bless the goddess! You're awake! I'm hear Shepard, don't worry, you've only been out for a few weeks, two months tops" Liara answered him, her smile only growing wider. Coming around the opposite side, Dr. Chakwas pushed his form back down onto the bed as her attempted to move "Just bear with me Commander, you've sustained a tremendous amount of injuries, don't let our good work go to waist by moving too quickly". Smiling the Doctor quickly began to run her diagnostics as Liara just sat forward and smiled down at him.

A few hours passed and the crew eventually entered the room to see him, one by one they congratulated him on surviving and began to recite long tales concerning the things he had missed while he was out. The last to leave was Garrus, giving Shepard a pat on the back "I'll leave you two love birds alone" he snickered before leaving the room. Nodding politely as he left, Liara turned her attention back to Shepard, her crying has ceased, but she still looked as if she was going to start again. "Would you like me to help you to your room, Commander?" Liara asked, her hand resting on his "Dr. Chakwas has given you the all clear so it would be best if you got some rest somewhere a little more comfortable"
"Two months? Well it's much better than two years." James said, as he laid back to let Dr Chakwas run the diagnostics. Hearing that he just needed more rest, but able to leave he sighed. "Doctor,thanks for everything." He said, as she stood there. "I knew I had you on my ship for a reason." Looking back to Liara, he smiled. "Thank you too. For being here. If it wasn't for you, if I didn't hear your voice, I just don't think I could have.." Shepard said, leaving the last part unsaid.

As the Normandy crew left, he thanked them and congratulated them on defeating the reapers. "Garrus, you and Liara have been here since we tracked down Saren. I can't thank you two enough." He said, nodding as Garrus finally left, calling them lovebirds. Shepard shook his head. "Liara, let's go." He said, standing up, making sure he didn't get dizzy, then thanking Dr Chakwas again, headed for his cabin, Liara right beside him.

Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he sighed. "You were right. This is much better." He said, as he looked around his cabin. It had been almost two months, and he had been in the med bay since the reapers defeat. Grabbing Liara's hand he gently pulled her to the bed with him. "Liara, thanks again. It was you who helped me." He said, seeing her look as is she could cry again. "Don't cry, I'm here now." He said, pulling her close, wrapping his arms around her. "Why don't we get some rest. It's been hell on you as well, and to be honest, I need you with me now, now in med bay because of mental exhaustion." He said. "Come on, Garrus will keep things in order." He said, as he got on his omnitool to let Garrus know he was acting XO of the Normandy until further notice.
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