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The Brewery

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Jan 5, 2013
Upon entering you notice a silver platter with a cookie on it. But as you reach for it, a man wearing nothing but a loincloth pops up from behind the great white oak placed inconspicuously in the middle of a brewery. He takes your cookie and hits you over the head with the platter before running off into the wilderness. Welcome, I suck at generic introductory statements. Here's some ale on the house.

I'm looking for a smut-driven roleplay with an interesting backstory, that being the pairing and/or the scenario in which it takes place. Which is to say that the plot exists around the particular dynamics of the relationship between the characters. Although I have some plots and settings in mind, I don't feel like mentioning them here. If you want to arrange a roleplay with me then send me a pm and we can talk about it. I'm quite fluid involving things such as setting or pairing. Additionally, I prefer not to do the same plot with any two people so I like brainstorming and crafting a plot particular to the two of us. If you have an idea then feel free to bounce it off me. At worst, I'll politely decline.

That said, on to what I like. I am a dominant through and through and love the general fetishes associated with it.
-drug abuse
-lifestyle control
-humiliation(especially public)

Not every RP I partake in has to include all of the above but it should include some.
My stance with regards to consensual-to-nonconsensual is that I'd be good with either or both (noncon-turned-con).

What merits special mention is that I have a great love for darker themes, twisted characters and broken things. It extends from straight up moral bankruptcy and psychopathy on the part of my character to subtle, more human characters. I will stress this again. I fucking love dark, twisted scenarios.

Now, on to what I dislike/refuse to do, which is a relatively shorter list. Within the context of roleplay;
-vanilla sex
I refuse to budge on any of these.

From my partner, I have two expectations. The first is to be communicative. If for whatever reason you find yourself unable to keep replying, inform me. The second is no one-liners. If you can't commit to a paragraph, I can't commit to the roleplay. That's about it.

Finally, on to the medium over which I like to rp. On site (PMs and threads) or AIM. I have no particular preference between the two however I refuse to use YIM and Skype makes my laptop slower and crashes quite often.

Lastly, and this is perhaps the most important bit of information so far. I lied about the ale being on the house. Pay up.
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