Supergirl? Not Anymore (Vash x darkest_fate)


Mar 19, 2012
A lone figure sat in the dark of his basement laboratory, the only thing illuminating the area was the light of his computer monitor. On the monitor were several people dressed in elite fashion, business suits of the highest quality, some fine dresses, and some lab coats. They were all in video conference screens looking at only a shadowed figure. "Doctor," a woman began, "Is the serum you presented ready for sale yet?" The lone figure sat in silence for a moment thinking of what to say. Once the words were put together in his mind he spoke. "Not yet," He said, his voice was deep thanks to a voice modulator that was running, "I am still working out some minor details I need to work out on my newest test subject before it is ready." They all gave their own versions of threats about what would happen if he did not have it ready soon. It worried him little since he had enough money to keep him well secured. With that he killed the video conference and stood up from his chair and turned on the lights revealing himself. He slicked his silver hair (a result from one of his earliest chemistry experiments when he was an adolescent) back to its normal style. He was Vergil Knight, the young hot shot CEO of Knight International, a chemical company that has supplied 85% of the worlds chemical needs and even producing some of its own for sale. The company has had three stellar quarters and were now the top company in its field. Vergil had managed to stay out of the spotlight since the company gained its fame, not many knew of his face and he was going to keep it that way for as long as he could, but the media was hell bound to end that, which was prevalent in this most recent event.

Speaking of which it was time to wake up his new test subject. He caught her snooping around twenty minutes ago and he simply snuck up on her with the green rock Luthor sent him and bashed her on the head with it. She was out like a light. Thinking of what to do with her a lightbulb went off in his head. He needed a new live test subject to work out some of his new serum, what a better choice than her.

With help from his lovely assistant, Dr. Tannis, he got her clothes off, and was surprised to see how big of a Superman fan she was. She had a ful costume on underneath her clothes. He remembered scoffing at the idea saying, "Fan girls." He then strapped her into the injection machine, not yet putting the syringes in her. She was decent looking but this machine would make her more desirable in both appearance and personality.

Thinking that now was the best time to start he waltzed over to where she was still strapped in and patted her cheek saying, "Rise and shine princess, time to start." While he waited for her to wake up, he picked up the green rock that his new friend Lex Luthor sent him. There were a few more colored rocks in the package, but he had this green one in his hands when the girl snuck in. He moved back over and looked at the note that came with it. "In case any one with an S on their chest gets in your way."
The idea had been to do some stealthy sneaking. Sure, Kara could probably have burst into the lab, torn things apart, and revealed the evil scheme, but they didn't have enough information. The Batman had mentioned something about scoping out the area first, learning about the corporation and trying to uncover some details. Still, weeks had passed and the Batman hadn't gotten any further to actually giving the League anything resembling information. Sure, there had been that whole alien invasion thing and a few other details that cropped up first, but still, this was a frustration that bothered the League, Kara especially.

So the blonde took a page out of her cousin's book. She dressed in a sensible enough looking pantsuit, stole Lois's press credentials and sneaked into the facility, pretending to be an intern. True, interns didn't usually look as impressive as Kara. Still, she was hoping that the large, thick glasses and slouching would help, as would the baggy blue suit she wore over her much more revealing costume. None of that stopped her having her head bashed in. One moment, she'd been sneaking along, digging about in her pockets for the small camera she'd taken with her, the next, darkness. Even now, as Kara blinked away the oppressive darkness, she wasn't sure what was going on.

"Princess?" she repeated, her dazed mind latching onto a few words. She felt sick, physically ill, and far, far too weak. Kara shifted, trying to move her arms or legs. To her shock, she had been strapped down. Okay, being strapped wasn't that shocking for a super heroine. It was the fact that Kara's weak body couldn't break free of the confines that surprised the heroine. She struggled for a bit, her tanned muscles rippling with the effort. Nothing. Instead, the panting superheroine looked up at the man who spoke. Her blue eyes scanned him for a moment, and she seriously considered attempting her heat vision. Just as she was about to, however, Kara noticed what he held in his hand. The bound heroine moaned at the sight of the Kryptonite: a reflex action. His later words sank in, and the startled girl's eyes widened. He didn't know? She was a trim, attractive blonde with muscles rippling just about everywhere. Her tight blue half-shirt covered her impressive bust and most of her arms, but the brilliant yellow and red "S" should have been more revealing, at least to her identity. Then there was the short blue skirt and bright red boots. Hell, Kara looked like Supergirl. How did he...

No matter; she'd have to bluff him. What was the standard line?

"You'll never get away with this!" she yelped, almost giggling at it. She might have, too, if not for the queasy feeling the rock gave her. "People know I'm here, and they'll be coming to get you any second!"

She struggled again, trying not to look desperate as she pulled against the bindings. That blasted kryptonite was making it far, far too difficult to break free...
Vergil wasn't as up-to-date about the goings on of the various superheroes around the world. He was fart focused on getting his company off of the ground to care what they looked like or who they were. Only names were familiar to him, not faces. Only the faces of the big three had ever become familiar to him, they would be Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Though this girls coustume was way too fanatical to be just a fangirl showing her support for Superman. The details on the suit, everything pointed to this being the real deal. When he began to enter into the world of villainy he had heard of the varous sidekicks of the big three and this one seemed to match the name of one of them.

So this was Supergirl. He tossed the rock in his hand for a bit until she finally woke up and shouted at him that he wouldn't get away with it and blah blah blah. "Really? Are you so sure about that?" He considered the possibility that she may not be bluffing since she so fearlessly came in here without any back up. He couldn't stop now, so he would just have to deal with any help for her as it came.

He set the rock near her and he saw her begin to tremble and moan as the rock neared her. Curiosity struck Vergil and he picked it up, holding it near her face to test something.
crap, he'd noticed her reaction to the Kryptonite. She couldn't help it! She wasn't Clark! He might be able to put on the stoic face whenever he got near the stuff, but it took all Kara had not to lose her lunch. The sick glow of it only made it all the worse. She could almost feel a headache coming on, which was exactly what she didn't need. Though this sadistic jerk figured things out easily enough, putting the rock closer to her.

Despite herself, Kara hissed, jerking her head as far back and away from the rock as she could manage. Her vision spun and swam, and she almost instantly felt that splitting headache that she'd feared and fought so hard against. It took all she had to try and keep herself together, but even with her efforts, she was pretty sure her captor would figure things out. Still, Kara knew she had to bluff; it would stall, if nothing else.

"Don't you know that stuff's deadly?" she said, her voice wavering slightly. "It's radiation does all sorts of stuff to people. Makes you sterile and junk. I don't know about--about you, but I -- I don't--"

Gah, it was just too close. Kara, Supergirl, her vision swam, things swirling. She tried to swallow, to put herself together, but she couldn't help it. Already sweat began to bead upon her skin, and she could almost feel her powers fading as it began to roll down her well-muscled flesh. She tried to look into her captor's face, her gaze defiant, if nothing else.

"You'd better not mess with that---that-- stuff," she tried again lamely, her voice straining noticeably now. Kara could only hope that he'd put it off to what she kept saying. "It--it kills people and--and--stuff."

Yeah, totally believable.
Vergil immeidatley saw her reaction the glowing rock and smiled. "So, this stuff makes you sick? I think this will come in good help sooner or later. He then put the rock down near her and then went to his lab table to fix the formula. Over on his lab table was her pantsuit and I.D. Badge. He looked it over again.

"Quite the charmer aren't you Ms..." He took another look at the badge, "Ms. Lane." Immediatley after he said that he started to laugh at it. "Heheheh oh this is just too good to be true. Please tell me this is a fake that you use for people you don't like!" It had to be, this wasn't Lois Lane the wirter for the Daily Planet, the cities most read newspaper. Still, she wouldnt remember it when he's through with her. Once the laughing stopped he put the ID down and started working on with th chemicals again.

Once he was satisfied with the formula he mixed it all together and added the neon pink serum into a large container where the IV's were hooked into. He then put the syringes in various places on her body. He added a smaller dose into the phalllus like tube in front of her mouth. Sending a dosage down her stomach made sure it got into her system quicker than usual.

When everything was hooked up he was ready to begin. "Well, my dear girl you certainly in a predicament aren't you? That's what you get for sneaking into places where you don't belong. Now I certainly can't have any nosy reporters going around and spilling about dealing under the table can I? So you my dear have just volunteered yourself to be my next test subject for which the legality doesn't matter, it's going to sell like hot cakes and turn a profit." He was expecting a "For what?" question so he jumped on it. "Dr. Tannis, could come here please?" Soon a woman came over. She was dressed in a typical lab coat but it was stretched to it's limits in the chest and lower regions of the coat. She had short cut hair that had blue streaks in it. "This is Dr. Patrica Tannis, my lovely assistant. Now your probably thinking 'those aren't natural' and 'How muh silicon did she have to get injected into her?' Well to answer that there is not one drop of silicon in her. They are completely natural, she just had her hormonal growth processes kicked into overdrive. She was the first volunteer for the very same procedure you're about to undertake. It got the desired aesthetic results, but that's not what my buyers are looking for, although it now is a nice bonus to look at her like this while we're talking shop. Anyway I have now perfected the serum and you will be the very first patient!" He sent Dr. Tannis away and began to move everything into place, placing the vat of serum over her back, moving the phallus like tube forward, and the final touch being the ear phones placed over her ears. "You're going to need these. The serum sends your hormones into overdrive to produce the desired bust and rear size, but it has a nice effect on the Brian chemistry and well... You know, I'm going to keep that a secret, but here's a little hint, Supergirl might be the only name you may remember from now on. Now just sit back and enjoy." He moved away, clicked the button to start the IV's and the phallus moved into her mouth and started squirting it down her throat. Then the earphones started playing a recording that would make her to what every man wants, a stupid, hot, bimbo.
Kara winced at the drop of Lois's name; she hadn't wanted to drag her friend's name into the mud. Worse yet, it was entirely likely that this fiend would connect Kara to Lois, and that would be bad, to say the least. Then again, if he went for Lois, that was likely to alert Clark, which would probably be better for Kara in the long run.

Supergirl struggled slightly as Vergil walked away. He'd placed the rock far enough away that at least her head wasn't throbbing. Still, she wasn't at her full capacity either. Supergirl could feel the bindings starting to give slightly, but it wasn't near enough to actually help her with the situation. Just when Supergirl thought it couldn't get any worse, she saw the phallus hovering near her mouth. Pink liquid sloshed within it, and Supergirl had to give it a puzzled look. She focused her eyes upon it for a while, wishing that she could activate her powers enough to do something to it.

the words distracted Kara from her work though. She'd been caught, and now the villain was going to explain his plans. That was generally how that worked. Kara knew she'd have to pay attention, hoping that he slipped just a bit. Even the slightest detail would be helpful in giving her what she needed. When his "assistant' came out, Kara's eyes went toward her. Despite Vergil's assertion, Kara could tell that the other woman was fully natural. That was one advantage of the X-Ray vision: Kara had far, far too much practice in judging another woman's breasts. It had gotten to the point where she didn't even need to use her powers to figure out whether another woman had amplified herself.

Soon enough, Kara's captor had moved around her. She'd noticed the various syringes nearby, and hoped that her skin would still prove tight enough to resist them, though she wasn't holding her breath. She couldn't even hold her lips together as the sick phallus reached her. She crossed her eyes to look at it, noting how it spread her lips.

The serum shot into her from it then, and she felt it splashing over her tongue. Kara's eyes went wide at the sensation of it pouring into her. her eyes flicked for a moment, seeing that, while it had been difficult, the syringes had pierced her to have more swim into her system. Kara took some relief in knowing that while the Kryptonite was near, it wasn't near enough to completely off-set her Kryptonian physiology. Her body should prove naturally resistant to whatever he had to do it.

as for her mind, well, she could rely again upon her physiology and strong will. Kara closed her eyes, trying to calm herself as best she could. With the stuff constantly flowing into her from all directions and the barrage of audio commands, that proved difficult. Still, you didn't get to be a super heroine by your looks (though you wouldn't know that to look at their roster). Kara found as happy a place as she could, waiting while the serum and her physiology fought one another out, likely seeking some kind of balance. Though almost immediately, Kara could feel her body growing warm... hot, a heat that radiated from between her legs and spread almost comfortably throughout her system...
After the machine was turned on and watched the machine do its work. His eyes stayed steady on the readings from the machine and watched the results come back mixed, her brain activity was still too high for him and growth was very minimal, you could barely see any change at all. He walked over and added a larger dose into the phallic tube, hopefully this would be strong enough to get her IQ to drop significantly. That was his little secret. In small doses over time IQ would drop but it would recover over time. Though he was giving her quite a large dose that would cause significant, and permanent, drop. Was he now contributing to the idiotic masses? Yes, but those idiotic masses bought their products and just cause general enjoyment. Besides, he decided that this would be his own personal idiotic slut.

He watched as the pink serum continued to flow into her. Even with another dose added she was still resisting the treatment. Could it be that because she is so similar to Superman that she is reisting these heavy affects. "Hmmmm, what in the world could allow you to keep resisting?" He then thought about that green rock that had her moaning and groaning. He then begant to mutter to himself, "If that rock had her feeling sick and powerless then...." His head then raised in an epiphany. Now all he had to do was figure out how much heat he needed to melt the damn thing. Then another realization hit him. Why have a stupid heroine running around? He could have a smart obedient one that would just do what he wanted. That idea sounded much better than before. The formula needed to be adjusted now.
Kara's body fought desperately against the chemicals that swam within her. Something about her mind easily dealt with that end of the situation. Kryptonians were more mentally advanced than most humans could hope for, and Kara proved to be very much an exemplary member of her race. However, her body was having a much greater difficulty fighting off the chemicals.

It would not be altered, or at least, not to the extent that Vergil wanted. However, as the physiology fought against that, it seemed to create an... after effect. The by product of this was a highly increased temperature, one that caused sweat to begin to form all over Kara's bound body, making her slick in mere moments. That spreading heat latched onto the areas the formula fought to change, making them hotter than any. An ache coursed from those spots, one that cried for attention. Within minutes of the process beginning, Kara's nipples had formed into rock hard bullets that stretched the tight confines of her suit. Her sex grew steadily hotter and soon moisture would begin to drip, though Kara hoped that her sweating would help throw things off.

All through it, her mind whirled, all her energy going into keeping herself more or less together. She wasn't getting the air she needed either, not with the tube plugging her mouth. Soon Kara began gagging, bits of the pink liquid dribbling around her plugged mouth. It ran along her skin, mixing with sweat to create a watery substance that began to cling to her, forming pink streaks along her. Kara's eyelids fluttered and she struggled again. Her spinning head could only take so much more of this before it lapsed into sweet, sweet unconsciousness...
Vergil became engrossed in note taking and focusing on how to encorporate the rock, the note form Luthor specifying it to be Kryptonite. An interesting name to say the least. He was able to crack off a small chunk and observe it under a microscope. He applied heat to it and watched to see molecular bonds spread apart, but still no liquidation. It was obvious that a greater amount of heat would be needed to melt the rock down, as any rock would.

He did not look up from his work until he heard couching and gurggling. His head shot up and saw the pink fluid spewing out of her mouth. He leapt from his chair and quickly jogged over to the phallus in fornt of her, removing it from her mouth to allow breath to return. "Ahh ahh ahhh, can't have you passing out on me. Live data is much better to collect than just viewing blood work under a microscope." When he removed the tube, he felt heat eminating from her body, specifically where he wanted the changes to come from. Pink streaks of substance stuck to her and he saw that her nipples were standing right out at attention. "Interesting," he said, "Very interesting indeed." He looked down to see liquid coming from her thighs. "My my, aren't you enjoying getting liquid shot through you." He then gave her breasts a quick squeeze before returning to work on the adjusted formula.
It was something of a relief when the captor drew out the phallus. Kara choked and gagged, more pink liquid dribbling from her mouth, falling down upon her impressive bust. Every inch of her now felt soaked in fluid of one kind or another: sweat, chemical, or even her own aroused juices. The dazed Kara's head turned after the gagging, looking up at her captor. The heat made it hard for her to make him out, almost as though he were a fuzzy outline of some kind. Kara could almost swear she saw the lines of heat emanating from her heaving breasts.

"Aaaaah!" she screamed. He'd touched upon her breasts, sending pleasure rocketing directly into her brain. Her sex spasmed at the touch, releasing yet more juices into her bright blue panties. She kicked and squirmed for a while, her revved up body still processing the leftover signals from that touch. While this liquid coursed through her, she must be super sensitive. Indeed, Kara felt that ache seem to abate slightly at the touch, only to flare up stronger still as he moved away.

Another squeeze, another sharp cry and tremor from Kara. she turned her head, her dazed eyes watching as he shifted to move. She needed to say something, to try and focus her attention away from what was happening. But she was just so drained, so dazed, so completely out of it. So... hot. She could feel the sweat running down her as her body fought to keep somewhat cool. Heat was unknown to one like her, with her super strength. How else could she stand the changing weather conditions in her skimpy attire? Which only made this throbbing heat all the worse for her; she'd only sweated a few times in her life, and those usually involved alien viruses.

"You're--mad," she rasped, trying to focus her sight. "You--they'll--they'll find you and---and--justice."

Keep talking, Kara. Do something, anything to keep yourself...
Vergil sat back down at his lab table and pulled out the sheets of paper that contained his notes. He then pulled out a recording device and clicked the recording button. "Formula Number 010: Subject 2. The formula that has been injected to my new test subject, I.D. Badge states that she is Lois Lane but I am assuming that it is false identification, has been an interesting case. Subject has proven to be the superheroine, Supergirl, and her powers have shown that she is resistant to the formula. Certain adjustments must be made to accomodate such resistance. Though the current formula has shown certain side effects. Increased heat and sensitivity in sexual areas, mainly the breasts and genitalia. The extent of these effects are still untesteds. The kenalthymine should be lowered to reduce the harmful effects to brain function and zualemine must be added to target obbediance functions. Doasge will be kept the same, but kryptonite will be added to provide for maximum effect."

He then stopped his recording and put the device away. Vergil then took the rock and moved it to the furnace. He placed the rock in a cup and used tongs to move the rock into the furnace. He then moved back over to Supergirl to observe her more. "I doubt they'll find me if no one is to tell them."
More and more chemical liquid pumped into Supergirl's unwilling body. She could literally feel it entering her, flooding her veins. She could feel the heat of her immune system countering it ever more fiercely. What had started as an unpleasant heat had then risen to an unbearable burning sensation. It was on the precipice of being an unquenchable flame. Sweat now poured down the bound heroine, soaking her uniform to her. Her golden blonde hair clung tightly to her beautiful face, saturated and sopped against her. Pink streaks still showed on her upper torso, and she could almost swear she saw lines of it underneath her skin. Worse still, her nipples were so hard and erect that Kara feared they might actually tear through the tight fabric of her uniform shirt. That amounted to nothing compared to the problems between her legs. Her sex practically flooded, and Kara swore it would nearly look as though she wet herself soon enough.

Still, Kara retained her senses. Her blue eyes fell upon her captor as he moved close, locking onto him, following his movements. Her vision still swam, and the heat made her dizzy. sweat poured into her eyes, making her blink more often than she would have liked. Still, she saw the man handling the kryptonite, and fear entered her mix.

"They'll know," she croaked, her voice straining now. "You think I'm the only person--person--they--they sent in? Ha! There's---" she paused to swallow and lick her lips. Her breasts ached horribly, so much that she almost wanted to touch them and relieve the tension herself, watcher be damned. "There's a whole--they're--watching--you," she managed. She took a deep breath, her body shuddering. That slight motion made her breasts jiggle, and Kara had to bite her lip to not moan.
Vergil chuckled maliciously as she tried to remain vigilant and tough, her voice straining to form words. "Oh I doubt there are. You see, if you 'noble' heroes knew what I was doing then they would have already been busting down my doors to bring me in. All the proof they have is just that my company has had a stellar quarter. It's all in the books." The books they kept publicly at least. He observed, like the good scientist that he was, and saw her breath deeply. The expansion of her chest caused her breasts, which were beginning to show miniscule changes, jiggled and causing Supergirl to bite her lips. His eyebrows raised at the site. He looked over her whole body and began to saw a combination of sweat and serum stains all over her little outfit. The serum must certainly be doing wonders in her body right now.

Deciding on a little experiment, he raised his hand to her hardened nipples and gave each a flick or two. "I bet these are getting nice and sensitive right now. Am I right?" He then alowed his hand to run his hand down from her breast, slowly adding pressure as he neared her lower regions.
Of course the League didn't know precisely what this man was up to; that was why Supergirl was here in the first place. Kara hadn't even told anyone that she'd been heading here. Sure, they'd figure it out soon enough; Batman would likely put the pieces together before anyone else thought about it. Though knowing the Batman, he'd also probably leave Kara till she became close enough to evidence before saving her...

While Kara was still wrestling her thoughts, her captor stepped forward. She noticed him just as he came close, raising a hand to her now super-perky breasts. He flicked the nipples and Kara jerked, feeling the tension run along her body. The shock of that pleasure hit her hard, and she felt her sex again spasm. Kara couldn't recall ever being this sensitive, and she didn't think it was possible to get much more. The next step up would practically be orgasming with the slightest touch.

"No," she tried, lying miserably. She felt his touch across her body, running along her breast, over her tight stomach. Her sweat slick skin would be well easy to trail along. Supergirl sucked in her breath as he drew near, rolling her hips. A threat, she had to try. Maybe she'd recovered enough from having the Kryptonite waved in her face, especially with it taken away and put in the furnace...

"If you touch me, I'll burn your eyeballs out," she hissed between pants. It nearly took all her energy just to speak the words, but she could feel her eyes heating. That her entire body felt like a furnace probably helped considerably.
He laughed at her pathetica attempt of a lie. "Really?" He asked as his hands finally reached her skirt. He pulled it back and saw the greatly stained blue panties she had on. "The evidence here concludes that everything is sensitive and that you're actually enjoying this." He then ignored her threat and traced her slit up and down outside of her panties. The juices were practically sopping out of her slit as he traced it. "While they aren't what I was looking, this has turned out to be a better one. I wonder what the kryptnoite would do when I get that into the mix. Any ideas?"

He then left her to check on the kryptonite. He reached into the furnace and saw that the rock was now a green bubbling liquid. He pulled it out and set it down to cool. While it did so, he went to the machine removed the IV's of pink liquid and emptied them in a liquid bucket. He then went back to his lab table, whipping up another batch of formula, this time adding the changes he notted earlier. Once it was ready, he took the cup of liquid Kryptonite and poured it into the formula. The pink and green mixing together to make a very bright neon green.

He refilled the IV's with the new batch and shoved the phallus back into her mouth. "Time for round two." Vergil then activate the machine, and liquid began to pump into her again.
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