A little help here?! (madlittlealice and myself)


Hey, Lois! I'm a shiny!
Jan 24, 2009
Eric was busy, bolting off from two Rocket Grunts, who may have been bent on killing him. His Pokemon were a bit tired, and was saving their energy to confront a stronger opponent.

"FOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS! SOMEBODY! HELP!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Then, he tripped, and the two grunts tackled him, trying to bring him to his fate. Eric struggled, and said his prayers to Arceus.

"Peggy, my love. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Arceus, make sure she doesn't get hurt...." he muttered.

"Shut the fuck up!" One of the grunts hissed, kicking him in the groin.

Team Rocket destroyed Eric's village, and Eric, and his missing girlfriend Peggy, were the only two human survivors. Eric hoped she was alright.
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