Surprise for the lovely Rarity~ (NSFW)

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Jul 1, 2010
Spike's growth had made him quite the greedy bastard respectively. Yes he destroyed and ruined a lot of ponyvile but not many were hurt. He managed to mature his greed to the point where he could find gems without trouble or even the need of a unicorn (especially Rarity). The hours of work gave him the wonderful collection that he kept in his cave. But he would never be able to eat all of it even if he was hungry. No, this had to be all set for his one true love: Rarity.

Now that he was more mature in mind and body, his sexual desires became more demanding in greed than precious coins and gem stones. Thus, after spending some time to 'control' himself, he managed retain a set size and mental mind. He could speak and control himself. When he was able to write again, he made sure to leave a special letter through her door where he caught her scent picking up the letter. IT was only a matter of time before she came to this location. He doubt that she heard of the news that happened to him as he hid in the ceiling of the cave waiting for his love to appear. Oh the THINGS he would do to her...

RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Scissors snipped slicing through fabric sectioning them into separate parts only to be sewn together again in different patterns. The end results after a few sequins and ribbons were added was a delicate dress, a custom order to be delivered later that day. Rarity had been up all night working on it, yawning she found she couldn't keep her eyes open for very much longer and ended up falling into a dead sleep a top a mound of various fabrics.

Afternoon light filtered through the window warming the unicorn as she slowly awoke, blinking sleepily she got to her feet and packed up the dress in a basket. She didn't notice the note until she was nearly out the door. Spike wanted to meet later. Twilight had been worried about him, he had changed over the past weeks becoming moody and secretive. Rarity hadn't thought much of it, but she figured she would talk to him for Twilight's sake. After delivering the dress she made her way towards the meeting place he had asked her to come too. It turned out to be a cave on the edge of the forest, she frowned it seemed odd for Spike to want to meet here but she thought nothing of it.

She gasped, precious gems of all shapes and sizes glittered in heaps scattered around the spacious cavern. What was all of this doing here? Drawn by the dazzling gems she trotted over the closest pile, a ruby slide down the side making a clinking sound as it ended at her hoofs.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Spike was as quiet as a bat of the night. He 'dropped' to the ground as he saw his lovely Rarity addicted to his findings. Normally, one dragon would attack without a second's thought. But this was the one that he wanted out of greed. Her body was really something and the things he wanted to do to her were of course beyond what a male would want.

As he approached her, he took in her scent that trailed her from outside, to the inside of the cave. His tongue tasted her scent as he came closer. He was a foot away much TALLER than her, he smirked watching the lovely Rarity naturally become distracted. With one swipe of his claws, she would be dead if he didn't know her. Oh how wonderful that seemed by his nature but he wouldn't dare with any pony he knew. Especially with Rarity who continued to adore his collection.

"I've done pretty well without your help as usual huh Rarity?" he asked calmly from behind her.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

She wanted to take the Ruby outside let it catch the light and really see it shine. It was a true beauty, all of the gems were. The one who had picked out this collection sure had an eye. Along with gems were various broaches, crowns, scepters, necklaces, and all manner of priceless adornments all of course studded with gems of unequaled quality. Rarity was truly in her element, using her magic she picked up a crown from the pile bringing it closer to inspect it. Had Spike known all this? Was this why Spike had wanted to meet her?

His voice sounded behind her, but it was different deeper as if the chest it sounded from was massively larger. Rarity whipped around squeaking in surprise. The dragon behind her was Spike and not Spike. She could see that the coloring was the same, but everything else was larger, in a few short hours since she had seen him last tailing behind Twilight he had changed.

Oh Spike you scared me” she said a hint of fear tinging her voice, he seemed so imposing right now looming over her. “Is all of this yours?” she asked taking a few steps back, her hind hoofs pumped into a stack sending a rain of gems to pour onto her head. It hurt just a little.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Spike who was 'tough' and calm, had actually become concern with what happened as he reacted accordingly. "Rarity-" he rushed on to her; he moved his hands on his collection where he was slightly above her . "Are you ok?" he asked. His eyes showed concern but he realized why he invited her here in the first place. "Oh that's right-"

He coughed and stood up as he helped her up. "Why YES this is my collection~" he said answering her with pride at his hard work. "Impressed? I spent quite some time gathering all of these things..." he picked up the Ruby that was now between them. He polished it slightly. "Not as impressive as that Fire Ruby I gave you but still impressive." he didn't bother to taste it.

"To be honest, I've gathered more than I can eat..." he looked at her with a stare of temptation. So calm, so cool, so...manly. He smiled as he moved around her and was just a inch away from her body as he whispered, "You want all of this don't you...?"
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

The concern above all surprised her but the gold hadn't hurt too much as it pelted her. The sweet concern put her a little more at ease as she allowed him to help her up. That sweet side he showed her though was suddenly locked up as he became again that imposing intimidating presence he had been when she had first walked in. Her body relaxed just the tiniest of margins as she gazed around at the glittering piles.

His voice whispered over her body sending a shiver along her spine, she wasn't sure if he was insinuating something else with those words. But yes she wanted all the beautiful glorious gems, the sparkling jewelry. “Yes...” she whispered her gaze caught by a particularly lovely tiara. It had the purest diamond set in the center. “I want all of it... Spike”
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

He smiled as he saw the tiara that her attention was focused on. Luckily, his tail was in range to reach for it and hold it in front of her. "I give this all to exchange that you become my SOLE jewel..." he moved his hands on her stomach while warping his arms around her gently.

"The ONE jewel that is priceless to me...the one jewel that many males could never get...the one jewel that I will do anything to have..." he moved his face against the back of her neck smelling her. "And the one jewel that smells NICE..." he wanted to do so much to her as his penis grew in size and pressed against her flank obviously.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

The tiara was held on the tip of his tail like an offering, if she took it she was agreeing to all that he was saying. That she would become his Jewel.. her heart skipped a few beats as he wrapped his arms around her claws resting on her stomach. This Spike was very different from the one she had always known, he knew what he wanted. And what he wanted was her that much was obvious as a hard heat pressed against her flank showing his arousal.

The dragon horde was beautiful, lavish, so much glittered tickling Rarity's love of all that sparkled. The tiara sat there on the end of his tail, his muzzle was buried against her neck snuffling as he drew in her scent. To agree to this was to become his.. she searched herself, to her surprise the emotion most prevalent was greed. Yes she did want all of this even at the cost of being Spike's. But there also was was excitement, lightly she rubbed her flank against his penis that pressed against her. “Your sole jewel Spike? How would you treat me?”
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Spike pressed his arousal against her flank even more. As he heard her question, he let out a sweet chuckle as he answered,

"What you feel for your passion for fashion and jewels: Love. You love your work and what you work with correct? I would treat you with more love than what you give to your passion. I could match more love than any pony with whatever cutie mark represents their respective passion..." he actually began to trail his tongue on her neck as he moved his claws on to her breasts, gently grasping them in yet a firm state. He added, "Just as much as you love what is in this cave...what you DESIRE, I can meet that same desire ten-fold and value you a 100 times more..."
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

She had heard from Twilight once, only once that Spike had a crush on her, she had even caught a glimpse of it from time to time. But this wasn't a crush his words sent a thrill through her, this seemed like full blown puppy love to her, maybe even real love but she couldn't be sure yet. Was it lust or love? He obviously lusted after her, his grinding against her flank proved that, his claws stroking her nipples proved that too. Her eyes fluttered closed nipples hardening a soft sign passing her lips.

It was such a lovely thought to be loved to well, easy to give into truly. She toyed with the idea part of her wanting to give in, wanting to be treasured and loved so fiercely. He said he had gathered this horde partially for her didn't that in itself say something? “Okay Spike...” she said softly her head falling back against his shoulder. “I'll be your jewel... but you have to mean it no looking at any other pony”
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

As he heard those words, he was relief that she said yes. His erection was getting angry not having any action done. Thus he moved one of her gentle hands down to his penis where he then went back to her breasts knowing that she was going to get to work. He trailed his LONG dragon tongue around her neck before playing with her chin and finally did some ear work. He licked the inside contents to tease her entirely as he gripped her breasts even harder and even began to pull them while moving them roughly with his handy work. He kept the jewel of a mare close against his body as he pleasured her endlessly.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Her body shuddered heat pooling between her legs folds growing wet as her arousal from his gentle teasing grew. The hand on his shaft was still a moment, his hands on her breasts tugging and stroking, his tongue probing her ear made it all very difficult to think. She gasped her hand jerking a little on him sliding involuntarily along him a short stroke. His groan in her ear encouraged her and soon she was stroking him sliding her small delicate hand along his hard length. He was bigger now dwarfing the mare, but she found she liked that, liked feeling small in his grip. She sighed softly as one of his hands skimmed her stomach sliding lower towards the place that was really wanting for him. “Spike..” she said softly rolling her hips a little. She didn't feel in control of herself at the moment. Her body had taken on a mind of its own only wanted more of Spike's touch.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Spike knew that he was doing a good job naturally. He let out a soft moan when her hand was doing a hell of a job.

"Oh feels good..." he said to her as he moved his tongue into her mouth. He played with the inside contents licking and swirling his tongue endlessly. Pleasure continued to build as he did move one hand from her breasts and to her stomach. It got to the point where he touched her purple clit. Smirking, he pinched it softly and yanked it at least a inch before relaxing it back and simply tugging it around in a playful matter. He slowly moved them backwards towards the pile of treasure behind them.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Her tongue met his as it swirled around inside her mouth, her hips jerked in reaction to his hard tug and she cried out, a noise that was muffled by his mouth on hers. The sharp tug had been painful, but exciting as well, his fingers rubbed against her juices smoothing them over her purple clit before tugging on it some more, playfully this time. She didn't even realize he was backing them up towards a pile until she felt a gemstone digging into her back a little. How could dragons sleep on a pile of gold comfortably. But the discomfort dimmed in comparison to the pleasure he was giving her, her hips arched for more both hands moving to his cock stroking him now.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Spike needed to breathe as he pulled away softly from her mouth. Her taste was beyond intoxicating as he smiled at her. He moved his finger over the outer layer of her vagina to get a nice helping of her unique juices. He licked his finger claws to taste it. "Yummy..." he said as he licked every single drop. Slowly moving on to the pile of gold and stones, they were in a 'pit' pile of the riches. Surrounded by gold coins and gem stones, he laid against a hill of treasure with her head against his stomach. He pressed his penis against her face wanting some attention done as he pressed against his hard earned treasure with Rarity having to deal with her 'new' favorite treasure.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Gold coins rained down on the pair as Spike's large body shifted disturbing the walls of their little pit, Rarity rested her head on his stomach her mouth dangerously close to his erection. It was clear what he wanted, his size was a little intimidating but she tackled it wrapping her lips around the large member right before her face. She tried her best to pleasure him suckling on him, wanting to make him feel good.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Spike naturally arched against the pile of gold behind them. He took in a deep breath as his dragon mouth opened widely only to hold back a moan. Yet his expression was clear: full of pleasure.

"Oh man YES..." he moaned as he placed a hand through her mane. He was extremely aroused and he was happy that Rarity was going to be his first...and likely his only respectively. Her tongue work was really something as well as the sounds she made which was just icing on the cake. He really wanted to do more with her but he needed to relax and take his time with Rarity. It was likely a mutual feeling that she had considering that no one wanted to rush the sex. EVER.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

His moans encouraged Rarity and as her confidence grew so to did her actions, as her mouth worked on his erection her hands fondled him first his shaft then his balls. His balls were pretty large and filled her palms nicely, she made an appreciative noise around his cock as she squeezed gently. She didn't want to rush things, it showed he cared about her that he was willing to go slow and make her feel good too. That he wasn't only in it for himself.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

"Ah...I can't feel my legs..." he said moaning much louder. "Oh buck..." Spike cursed as he felt amazing. He trailed his hand on her shoulder. He then trailed it down the side of her body where he was able to reached her hips. His large balls reacted on their own thanks to her touch. He couldn't stop moaning loudly as this was the first time.

"I've never felt this way before..." he confessed as oral sex was much better than he expected.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

Her ears pricked at his words and she grew bolder, shifting a little she rolled onto all fours her rear right in his face as she started to suck on him her mouth bobbing on him. "Relax Spike" she said after pulling back for a moment. "I'll make you feel really good" she smiled at him from over her shoulder before returning to his cock drawing that back into her mouth. Her hands cupped his balls a moment more before moving to his shaft and wrapping around the base to make it easier to slide him in and out of her mouth.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

((Can you speak more like Rarity please?))

Spike was closing his eyes tightly for a second after she took him in again. When he opened his eyes, he got a perfect sight of her behind. Her handy work with his balls was really something as he moved his greedy dragon hands to her ass. Spike's claws gently dug grasping both her buns firmly. Moving them around, her tail was in the way as he took in that smell from her tail hair. Afterwards, he moved it out of the way to get a perfect view of her cute white anus, and her purple flower which was tempting him to take her now, but of course, he took his time moving a finger from each hand to spread it wide open.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

(Yes yes I'll try.. but again I'm not as into MLP I'm real sorry >< heh)
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

She could feel his claws stroking her rear fingering her tail before he moved it out of the way to expose all of her to his sight. She felt very open all of a sudden and couldn't stop the flood of warmth that heated her nor the corresponding tug between her thighs as a rush of wetness showed her arousal. His fingers moved spreading her wide, she made a soft sound and shifted a little “Spike do not stare” she said so softly she wasn't sure if he heard her at all.
RE: Surprise for the lovely Rarity~

((It's not hard lol; she's classic and lady like. British possibly? Idk but she's high standards in speech~))

"I can't help it~ It's quite attractive..." he said as he continued to stare with pleasure. He made a obviously LOUD whistle in a catchy tune. He then moved one of his claws against the purple flesh where he dug softly with the lightest of pleasure; he wasn't sure if his claws were too sharp and could harm her which was the last thing he wanted to do. As he moved deeper, his claw released the juices that she was storing up inside her body.
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