In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night! (Vash x Red Electro)


Mar 19, 2012
So much fighting, so much loss, so much... darkness. It had almost seemed like the end to the Corps and all life as they knew it, but miraculously they had prevailed against the blackness that was Nekron and his massive Black Lantern Corps. For Kyle Rayner this roped his list of hairy situations, hell he had even died for about five minutes. He had felt a complete blackness envelope him as the Alpha Battery exploded. It was a peaceful serenity that Kyle had never felt before, but he knew better. He may have defeated those Black Lanterns that were caught in his construct, but there millions upon millions of others out there that his friends and loved ones had to fight and he hated that he was out of the fight. Luckily Sora, his current lover, was there to try and bring him back, but it proved fruitless, he was gone. Though all hope was not lost, Star Saphire Miri was there to bring him back by using the love he and Soranik had and boy was that a massive relief.

After that he gathered the rest of the Coprs members and headed for home, Earth, to finish the fight.

Now all the remaining members of the Green Lantern Corps stood on the planet Lantern Mogo for a special memorial service for the fallen. The large tree swayed in the wind, the dark bark on the tree groaning as it twisted and turned. Kyle averted his eyes up to focus on the emerald leaves that sprouted from each branch, the portrait of every dead lantern was emblazoned upon them. He could recognize many of them: Jack T. Chance, Ke'Hann, Laira, Bzzd, Tomar Re, Katama Tui (for her he especially grieved for John, who could not be there since he was back with Hal trying to rebuild. It was hard to see a good friends wife's grave, especially since he himself was not present.) all good Lanterns and all damn good people. He listened intently as Moro the Crypt Keepr explained this new memorial. He let a small smile crawl across his face as he realized that now no lantern would be forgotten, but that smiled paled in comparison to the one that he let beam as the thousands of emerald rings fly from Mogo to their respected sectors to find new recruits. In those he saw life, while the previous bearers would never be forgotten, those new rookies would soon come and fill their predecessors shoes, maybe even become greater than the previous wielders. Though before greatness can be made he knew hat hey would have to put in long hours of work to master the rings abilities and no doubt a few visits to the woman that stood next to him. Upon thinking of her he turned his head to see the perfect ruby red skin, the only imperfection being the triangular birthmark that was under her left eye. Dr. Soranik Natu was his current girlfriend, but that may become strained since the Guardians had issued the third new law. One that made physical relationships between lanterns forbidden. He was sad to think that they could no longer be together because of a bunch of smurfs idea that relationships would hinder the Corps. Not wanting it to come to that he would be willing to sacrifice his ring just to be with her and he was sure she would do the same, but he would insist that it would be him who gave up the ring. The Corps needed a strong member like her, he was just some artist that was in the right place at the right time....

After the ceremony he, his best friend Guy Gardner, and Lantern Arisa, went to pay the Guardians a little piece of their minds. They busrted through the citadel doors, unanoinced, and they all gave the guardians their two cents about how they were running things. Kyle himself delivered a speech that guy claimed, "Could of made all of the world cry." After that he and Guy went to find what happened to Guys bar, Warriors, to see what fate became of it. Unfortunately they found it reduced to rubble, Guy shed a tear or two over it and Kyle was there to try and cheer him up. As they began to clean the place up a decree went out on all of the Green Lantern rings, "Arttention all Lanterns. The third law stating that physical relationship and love between members of the Green Lantern Corps is forbidden has, from this moment forth, been repealed." It repeated itself two more times before disappearing. Kyle looked over Guy who was chuckling a little. "Whaddya know, the Blue Meanies still got some heart left in em' after all." Kyle could only help but smile at that. "Speaking of hearts," Kyle responded, "I'm sure there's a doctor 'friend' of mine smiling right about now." He felt a warm feeling grow in his belly thinking of Sora being in the middle of a surgery and having a smile underneah her mask as her ring told her some if the best news one could hear right about now...

[2 months later. Location: Korugar]

It had been a couple of months since the Blackest Night Crisis and things were starting to return to normal, well for everyone except for Kyle. It turned out that his apartment on Earth was leveled and he had no place to stay. So Sora came in and saved the day telling him that he could move in with her on Korugar. He greatfully excepted and that's where he was at the moment. At Soraniks, in bed with her, asleep, though to Kyle it was more like tossing and turning. This night he was being plagued with nightmares, Black Lanterns were everywhere and they were closing in on him and Sora. They finally came close enough and nabbed Sora away from him and engulfed her into their ranks. Kyle fought through them to only find that they had turned her into one of them and she raised her ring to kill him. Before her fatal blow struck himmin the chest his eyes snapped open and he gasped. He bolted upright from the bed and he found himself gasping for air. He could feel his heart ram into his chest. He placed his right hand over his heart to feel the pounding and he found his ring was enjoying ancient glow, it seemed that his mind raced to make a construct to try and fend off the specteres of his nightmares. He took deep breaths and he turned his head to see if he had awoken Soranik, anther or not he did he could not tell since her back was turned to him. He ran his hands through his charcoal hair trying to get a grip, "It was just a dream... only a dream," He continually muttered to himself. Once he felt as if he was calm he eased back down onto the bed and tried to fall asleep again.
Soranik sometimes thought about the past. And sometimes about the future. You see, a simple action could change so much. She loved Kyle, he was a great artist and a great lover, but she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she never accepted the ring, if she had let that patient die.

For the past few months, even with the guardian's lifting the Law of no relationships within the corps, she was feeling increased stress. The job was hard enough, but they were the front line of a universe's cop system, she was just a surgeon. Well, now she was more than just a surgeon. She was a Green Lantern. Yes, it did make it easier to perform complicated operations, but at the same time after the fight was over she realized some alien would have to patch the villain up.

Although admittedly, her people accepting her new job was a big relief. She really wouldn't be able to handle them fearing her for her father's crimes and still be expected to perform as a Green Lantern.
She turned in the bed, so she was facing Green Lantern Kyle. Or just Kyle. She smiled, she adored the earthman. He was... fascinating, speaking as a plain alien, and a surgeon. When he wasn't looking she would watch him, eyeing his movements. She found alien lifeforms to be a interesting study in anatomy.

Soranik couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like again to not worry about being a green lantern. She felt her partner move around - as if in a bad dream. She turned to face him and hugged him, dragging him closer to her so he could snuggle close and go back to sleep.
"Mm...Kyle?" She mumbled, was he awake? She figured he was, so she buried her face in his back.
As he laid back down on he bed he stared up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to take hold and to conquer whatever nightmare his subconscious decided to throw at him. Thinking of which the nightmare hauntingly came back to him and he recalled every detail. The Centeral Power Battery behind him and Sora, the glowing emerald had vanished an in it's place was a dull grey-green. The first wave was the easiest, hundreds of faces that he didn't even know, but he knew someone did. He and Sora dispatched them with ease, but after that the waves grew and grew and so did the faces that he recognized. Fallen Heros, close friends he had known. Soon it became to much and Sora was taken. He fought and fought to try and get her back, finally he had made it to the center mass and he saw a aight he wished he had never imagined. All three of his former girlfriends, Jade, Alex, and Donna, all Black Lanterns and all standing beside an ornate black coffin with the Black Lantern symbol in the center. They were all laughing and taunting him about how he let another one slip through his fingers and now she was in the same place they were, dead and heart broken. He denied that he had let anything happened to Soranik but they just laughed and opened the coffin tonfeveal that Sora was now a part of the Black Lanterns. Kyle broke down and then Sora stood above him and dealt a killing blow. It was horrible, the thought of losing yet another girlfriend to death and chaos.

His thoughts of the dream vanished as he felt Soranik's arm drape over his chest, even pulled hims closer to snuggle. As soon as he felt that his dream melted away to the warm and fuzzy feeling he got. Though that feeling turned into him kicking himself for waking her up. He tilted his head to see her still groggy from sleep. He turned over, placed a hand over her arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. He then leaned his head over and kissed her on her forehead.

He closed his eyes and with the feeling of Soranik next to him. "It's ok, Sora. Just a dream"
Sora frowned, she knew how important dreams could be. And she didn't really like it when the earthman kept things from her.

"Hey." She poked his chest, becoming more alert, "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" She said, feeling that maybe she did something wrong. She then snuggled back, resting her head on his chest, waiting for a reply from the other green lantern. She wondered when the morning came, if there would be more work for them.

She knew it was hopeless but she just wanted a day to relax for once.
Kyle opened his eyes again when Sora spoke again. Her sultry voice calling him back from fading into unconsciousness. She told him that he could tell her anything, but could he really do that? Kyle was sure he could tell her about the dream, but what about the other embarassing thing. The fact that when Star Sapphire Miri showed them their true love. Kyle was sure that she saw him, but Kyle saw someone else... he saw Jade. Could he really tell her something that a crystal had shown them, or does he accept the fact that it could potentialy end this relationship. Another black mark on his record.

He reached his hand over and cupped her cheek. "It was only a dream, Sora. Just something to keep the brain occupied while people sleep." He gave another peck on her forehead and tried to sleep again. "Better rest up, never know when Sal is going to put us on duty."
She frowns, a little amused by the earthman's attitude towards dreams. "Dreams are what your mind thinks, wants, and needs." She chuckled, becoming more tired as well. He was right, she should rest up soon. "Don't discard them so easily." She wouldn't say, but sometimes she dreamed about the two of them being together for a good long time.
[[sorry, my muse has been shattered by the new young justice episode *sobs*]]
((Awww man, I need to catch up on them. I can't believe that they're cancelling the series!))

Kyle pulled her in close to him and nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck while she talked about the importance of dreams. "Well put. Then I guess I have to tell you now. It was about you." Not a lie, but certainly not the entire truth. He didn't know if he could tell her the enitre turth. He thought about something for a moment and then smiled as he thought it was a good idea. He rached his hand over and removed her ring off of her finger, then did the same with his. He then tossed them aside, "How about a day off, sound good?"
[[I know right?! if you PM me I can send you a link]]

She smiled, aww. He dreamed of her. That really touched her, and she seemed to show it. She watched as he tossed their rings, at first she was perplexed by this, it was odd they ever take their rings off for fear of a sudden mission or attack. But a day off....sounded amazing.
"Yes." She laughed, hugging him. Today would be a good day.
((No need. I've got them all recorded. Just haven't had the time to watch them yet.))

He watched as she smiled when he told her that he dreamed of her and it made some of the guilt fade, but most of it remained. After he tossed the rings he watched as her ruby face shift into a puzzled look. He knew that it was required to keep them in at all times incase an emergency was occuring, but sometimes it really grated on his nerves. Was it negligent to do so, was it incredibly risky, was it even morally and ethically right to do it? Of course it was, but he knew that they deserved- no, it was their right- to have this one. Kyle and Sora had dedicated their lives to this Corps. they were the ones that did all the fighting while the Guardians got the credit for making them. Screw it for now.

He kept her close to him and began to go to sleep, enjoying the fact that they were going to sleep in.
Eventually Sora awoke, it was rather late in the evening nad she found that she was well rested. Smiling, she stretched, doing so she found that she touched Kyle, she opened her eyes to make sure she didn't wake the earthman, he seemed to sleep more than she did and she'd hate to wake him early.
Sleep came peacfully to him knowing that Soranik was next to him and that he was finally able to catch up on his. Nightmares did come, but they quickly passed to good dreams... some a little too good... and involving Sora. Dreams came and went, but he was finally awakened by the touch of his lover. His eyes slowly opened, feeling rested and getting to see his favorite person in the galaxy. He rose up from his resting state and scooted over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "Morning. Sleep well?"
She wanted to hit herself for waking him up, but seeing the sunlight from the window she knew it was time for them to awaken at this point anyway. "Hey. handsome. Sure did with you by my side! And yourself?" She asked, yawning as she rose along side, stretching until she heard a satisfying pop. She stood up and looked for a change of clothes that were not pajamas.
Kyle tunred a bit red from the handsome compliment, it was sitll something he was getting used to being called by the opposite sex that wasn't his mother. "You think I'm handsome now, then wait till I get a shower in." He let her go and watched her stretch until and audible pop could be heard from her back. He sat up in bed and merey watched her as she searched around her room for clothes to wear. "What do you Korugarians wear anyway? I only see you in your uniform."
She smiled, glad to see that he had a interest in her people's culture. "We usually wear a type of robes, but lately I've been trying to wear women wear." She politely explained as she dressed herself in a robe. She didn't have any extra earth clothes at the moment, nor did she want to make it a whole day's chore trying to find some. Besides, the people preferred robes anyway.
Kyle's eyebrows raised at the thought of Sora wearing earth clothes around her people. He'd seen different people wear different articles of clothing amongst the citizens. Some things were similar to earth clothing, others were strange to him. He wanted to hear a Korugans opinion on what was he standard on the planet. When she said robes he looked over to the picture she had of her parents and her on the day she graduated from middle school. The robes were shown there. Kyle thought she looked fitting in them.

When he looked over again she was dressed in a similar robe. He got up from the bed and slowly moved behind her. When he was close enough, his hands gripped her waist and ran down her side. The fabric felt like silk or cotton to his hands, though he was sure that it was some fiber or material native to her planet. "Feels good, I think I might like this more than you in your boy shorts."
She grinned, she was amused by how curious he was about their clothing. It was natural, she guessed. He was always curious about things. She decided to indulge him in this, "If you like this, you should see some of our...more erotic attire." She teased, reaching back to touch his neck as he felt the fabric. "What will you be wearing?" She asked, curious to see what he would adorn.

She moved towards the kitchen to grab a drink, just water. She felt rather thirsty and didn't want to wait until they went outside to find something to drink.
Kyles hands continued to move around the fabric of her robe. Down her thighs, up her waist, it was almost as if his hands were addicted to the feel of the soft fiber. His hands stopped dead and his imagination wandered into all sorts of places when she talked about the more erotic side of their cultural wear. "Is that so? Maybe I should see I sometime. The right woman would have to be wearing it though." He teased her right back, he always did enjoy her wit and how she was always quick to put a person in their place or poke a little fun at someone else. It wa as quality that had him deeply in love with her. Which is what made hiding the secret form her all the more guiltful.

He was able to keep his mind off of it when she asked about his choice of attire. "You know, this is starting to sound a lot like phone sex." He moved over to his side of the room where he had his duffle bag of unsigned clothes in. These were stuff he found in the crumpled remains of his appartment. He dug through the pile of clothes inside to look for something appropriate to wear and wasn't already worn or dirty. All he could find was a grey t-shirt with the batsymbol on it and a pair of jeans. He put them on and then walked into the kitchen where Sora was grabbing a drink. "So do you have any scheduled surgery's today?"
She laughed, he was always so a playful animal companion...what did he call it? A dog? Hmm, oh well. She walked over to him, placing a hand on his chest to feel the symbol. She liked human clothes, although Kyle had a habit of being a bit of a mess when it came to actually cleaning them. She frowned, trying to understand some of what he said. "Phone sex...? What's that...?" She asked, it sounded interesting...maybe they should try it sometime.

[['Ay, sorry for the small posts. I've been sick lately, hopefully when spring break comes I'll be giving you better posts.]]
Kyles cheeks turned slightly red when she asked about it. That's right, he totally forgot that there some things she didn't know about where he came from. He knew she wouldn't drop it until he finally told her, their prior conversation about his dream proving that, so he knew he was going to have to tell her. "Well uh... phone sex is an Earth thing. It's when two people talk on the phone, but rather than habit a normal conversation they talk to to each other like they're having sex and playing out a scenario. It's normally reserved for guys who are desperate or couples who just get off on it. Not really something normal earth people do."
She pondered this, it sounded...strange...she wasn't sure if she'd be interested in it, hell, she didn't even know what a phone was. "Doesn't sound like my cup of tea, and no, I don't have any medical business today. Let's just go out, okay? Maybe to the lake?" She suggested, eager to leave and have some fun already.
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