Warcraft: The demons returns (zellsantal and little_iveta)


Dec 9, 2012
"Get to the portal!" Reconness called out to everyone, even to the humans. The orc had raven black hair that came down to his showders and dark brown eyes. His skin is dark green like some of his other people even though he was born in Azeroth. He stood tall about six foot and looking aorund as he try to make sure people were heading for the dark portal. Reconness was not a coword what so ever but he also knew that you can't fight overwhelming odds like this, that and the enemy caught them by surprize. At Thrallmar and the human's in Honer Hold were the first targets and the surpize attack slow them down enough that nether side couldn't react fast enough to do a full counter attack.

The demons have returned and with a vengeance. The first wave was Infernals raining on the outposts then once they hit the ground they form there stone like bodys before waves of other demons came from portals that shortly appeared after and soon enough both alliance and horde were overwhelmed and froce to retreat to the dark portal that lead back to Azeroth. Reconness whore his full plate armor without a helm on and he held his black blade claymore that he forged himself. He fought the in coming demons while he and others fought to get most of the people that with them out of harms way and hopfuly bring in reinforcements.

As orc could tell most of both side's people were though and not too much more to go before they were all safe. He would come back to strike back at the demons and with luck get a crack at the leader of this demon army. Or that was his thoughts until suddenly the dark portal closed on them.
"We're trapped, we will a need a powerful mages to channel energy to the portal so we can get back, otherwise, we will not last a month in this forsaken place, Khadgar himself was doomed to die here back on the Second War of Azeroth and I am not looking to end up like him. Let alone siding with these FILTHY ORKS"

Rylai's advice to Marshall Duncan on their next move to get back to the world of Azeroth, before more demons starts barrelling down at them.

Marshall Duncan: "Well we have a common foe so we have no other choice but to side with them, and I suppose you're a mage yourself, can't you do it?"

Rylai: "I am but I'm not enough to relay the magics needed to flicker the portal back to life, I need more fresh blood for the channeling and unfortunately most of the mages we hire from Stromgarde were butchered and some didn't made it here. There are only 4 of us mages here, we need 4 more."

Marshall Duncan: "What about the ORKS, you think they have shamans with them?"

Rylai: "Probably but I will not cast my bet on them."

Marshall Duncan: "Why don't you sniff them out so we can get this over with?"

Rylai: "Fine. *annoyed*"

As Rylai goes on to look for an ORK spellcaster, the warchief Reconess has spotted the young and beautiful blonde mage, he even mistook her for being Jaina Proudmoore of Theramoore when he sees her.

Reconess' plan is to take the fight straight to the demonlord Karless so they could seek the aid of the Draenei in the wilderness to muster their number, the army is in bad shape even with the combined alliance and horde forces, even war of atrition is not advisable since they lack strength in numbers as well as lacking in resources.

Reconess approaches Rylai to talk to her about the plans for the next move as well as to talk to her about........... getting to know her, even if she is not comfortable going around with his kin.

He also heard before about the rumors that the fabled ORK warchief Thrall of Ogrimmar had an intimate relationship with Jaina Proudmoore before, well, he wants to be the next fable on this one.
Reconness first thought that a woman that was walking around was lady Proudmoore her self, the human female that wanted peace between the two factions. But eyeing her closer he quickly relize she was not Jania but looked dame close as if almost a twin. He heard about this human sense some of the horde have fought her in the past, her named was know as Rylai the crystal maiden. For a human she was indeed a looker and as he could tell she was a mage as well which only adds to her beauty. To him he didn't mind what race of female it was as long as they were living and about the same size a human or orc. He also didn't hate the humans as some of his kind does sense they are people but of different worlds and he wonders still why both there kinds still have old haters and not just let go of them.

Though he have heard the romors about Thrall and Jaina being together in some sort of relationship, in some ways he wouldn't mind that waht so ever sense if a human and an orc can be close freinds why not lovers as well? But right now he couldn't thinking those thoughts, right now they have to find a way to get the portal back open fast or get the hell out and fast sense by what he can see behind him the demon army is closing in. "Cain, how many of your shaman still here?" Reconness asked while he turn to look at his fellow orc. "I'm afraid its only I and two others, unless the humans have more then us in order to open the portal again we wont able to." Cain told him. Reconness didn't like hearing that but still there was no other choice but to fight there way out.

"Rylai, how many people can your mage's teleport back to Shattrath?" He asked her, the plan to open the portal again wasn't going to work out, he didn't know how many was needed but still he didn't think it would be enough. Better to get many as they could to safty to live and fight another day then wast there lifes dieing here and now.
"Almost all of them, with the other mages, we could get everyone to Shattrath in no time. Hey Reconess, here, in case things get out of hand."

Rylai tossed a scroll of town portal to Reconess so he can use an escape rope in case things go for the worse.

Marshall Duncan ordered the people to prepare for an exodus, the orc chiefs rally their people to Rylai and to the other human mages to gather for a mass teleportation sequence.

As the demonic forces of the Outworld were rushing towards their position, Rylai and the other human mages started channeling their powers to commence the teleportaion.

Marshall Duncan marshalled his men to prepare for the inevitable.

As the teleportation comes into full strength, the alliance and horde forces rushed into the fray to clash with the demons, buying time for the people to get into safety with their lives.
Reconness catch the scroll and gave her a smile "Thanks." he said to Rylai, if they live though this might buy her a drink, that is if she doens't mind and for that matter if they live. He turnes to to the rest of the horde that is with him "Alright listen up, buy as much time as you can, once they are clear and out everyone try to head to Shattrath by foot or die honerbly!" He called out to them. As the demons got closer he and the horde get themselfs ready. "For the Horde!" Reconness roard as a battle cry as both alliance and horde attack the demons head on.

Both factions did very well in killing the demons that were there, it seems not many have come to greet them sense half might be still attacking the outposts. But still it didn't make things that much easyer, so far they didn't lose too many men and with luck the mages have telaport everyone out. Rylai and the other mage's were able to cast the teleport sell without any problems but when it was cast all but the mage's that cast the spell were gone. Normaly when casting a teleport spell the caster is teleported with the spell but something blocked them from doing that at the very last second and they could feel strongly now. "Dame, what the hell can put a ward up that would stop us from leaving with magic. I never felt or heard anything that could do that!" One of the human mage's said as he look at Rylai as if looking for an answer.

"My my, you all are persistant I will give you that and rare when facing such great odds." A voice could be heard though the battlefeild as if talking right infront of them all. At that monment the demons stoped from there advancement which gave everyone time to take a breath or two. Above the army however was a demon but different then all of the others, he almost look like a dreadlord but his body didn'l so large as well or armor of one ether. Hey had a pair of horns on his hean about two feet long but curled towards the back of his head. His skin blood red with a long black tail hanging behind him and a pair of black bat like wings on his back. He wore black robs as he was a mage of some sort though really no one knew what this demon can do. "My name is Karless and soon to be the new ruler of the burning legion and of other worlds such as this one. Tell me, why keep fighting a battle you can't win against but insteed why not join it? Join me and I will not only let you life but you will have power beyond what you might have already and lead my armys." Karless said and waits for any reply.
Rylai and the other mages watch from afar as they see the men surrounded and cornered, she told the other 3 mages to the people to safety even when it means going on foot.

One of the mages worries about Rylai, he told her to go with them since she can't do anything about this but she just insisted on telling him to leave now.

As the archdemon awaits for an answer, Marshall Duncan gave him his anger and sword and so he rushed to the archdemon, as Marshall Duncan sprints towards the archdeom, Karless lifted a finger and suddenly Marshall Duncan is freezed on his position, not frozen of ice but is in suspended animation, then Karless waves his finger making Marshall Duncan float above the ground, the Marshall struggled to break free but it was futile then the archdemon stares to him as his eyes glow blood red, a few seconds later, Marshall Duncan imploded, leaving no traces that would make him a recognizable corpse. Rylai sobs as she saw her long time friend suddenly bursts into pieces.

Fear struck the hearts of the men and ORKS, as they see one great soldier died in a horrifying way. Karless smirks as he demonstrated his iron fist.

Karless: "Anybody else who wants to be brave and foolish?"

Rylai watches in agony as to what Reconess will do next, if Reconess will fight to the last man, she will fight alongside with him, along with the remaining alliances forces.
Reconness was about to charge with the Marshall until he seen the display of the human's death. It surprized him how quickly the human died but it also angered him, no one should be able to just stood there and be torn apart from magic alone. This demon had no honer and all it desire was conquest, after a monment looking where the body of the human was at he turn his eyes to the demon. "Maybe we are foolish but its better then living as a slave, my people were once slave to your kind and I don't plan for them to be slaves again nore myself! You are nothing more then a coward who hides behind his very army and demon magic, I'll have your head for what your done and put it on a spit for all to see! If I die I'll die with honer and those with me will die with honer as well even the humans, one of there own risk his life for what he belived in and if thats not enough for them to fight on then there weaker then I thought."

Reconness turns and looks at the others behind him "Are you with me or will you be foolish enough to take this cowards offer?!" he called to them and waited for a reply. To his satisfaction they all gave a battle cry and charge towards the demons before he himself decide to turn and join in the charge.

Karless looks at them and nodded his head back and forth "pitty, you would have been a great use to me." the demon said before raising his hand into the air and a large ball of green fel energy formed, it grew bigger and bigger until it was large enough to shadow the small army. "Now die!" Karless said before he wave his hand towards the small army. The army quickly stoped and try to scattered but there wasn't enough time before it hite the middle of the army, the next thing anyone knew there was a large exsplosion.

Within a short time the smoke faded and bodys filled the ground, Karless figures everyone is dead from the attack he done, it drained himself but it was wel worth it. For the dead bodys can be useful to him, Karless motion a small group of his demons to start checking to see if any of them live and gather all the body to be shiped back to his Keep. The Archdemon turns and lead his armys back to his Keep though unknown to him there is two that live though his attack.
When the demons finally withdraw, Rylai goes back into the open where the forces of both Alliance and Horde met their terrible fate.

She calls for any survivors to see if someone might still be alive.

Rylai: "Can anyone hear me? Orks? Footmen, Knights, Reconess?"

She combs the area to look for traces of bodies but so far she only found blood stained, swords, axes, spears, shields and helmets. And some critters that inhabit the wastes of the outworld.
Under a pile of body parts and such Reconess have rise from it, he was alive and for that matter in one piece. He looked around only to see blood almost filled most of whats in front of the closed dark portal. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and wonder did he do the right thing. While he was thinking this he heard some one calling his name, he turned and seen the lovely Rylai looking for him or anyone else that was alive at the monment that she might see him a ways in front of her a demon have gotten behind her with a large sword at hand and ready to strike.

The orc right away takes his claymore and throws it like a spear, for all he knew she might think it was aimed at her but in a few monment it hit the heart of the demon that was behind her and it fell to the ground. "Are you alright?" he asked as he start walking towards her.
Rylai gasped when she was almost skewered by the claymore that was thrown at her direction, she glacnes at her back just to saw a demon that almost killed her if not for that claymore, the demon groaned in pain before succumbing to death.

When she looks back in front she sees Reconess standing before him she runs towards him, feeling quite relieved to see him alive, "Yes, I'm alright, what about you? The rest have probably made it to the Shattrath, Come, lets get out of here."
"Feel like a mountin fell on me but I'll be fine." He said to her as he walked over to the dead demon's body to take back his claymore, the orc nodded to Rylai about the rest who were able to get away are save within Shattrath and her comment to get out of this area. "You have enough energy to get us back to Shattrath or do you need some time to rest, I know casting those spells earlyer can be taxing." he told her sense he have been with many mages and other magic users in the past, magic is a powerful thing but it can do a number to the body if not carful.
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