~ Children of a the new Generation ~

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Feb 3, 2013
Legal Name:
Andrella J. Longbottom

Basic Facts:
Often called Drell by her parents | Twelve Years Old | Neville & Luna Longbottom (ne' Lovegood) | Ravenclaw


Raised by a mother who's always encouraged 'out of the box thinking' since childhood, Andrella is quite an individualist. Often caught researching anything that strikes her overly curious nature, the young child is questioning of the world and it's secrets. Andrella truly is a friend to all and foe to none.

Short Background:

Andrella was raised to be accepting of all and to enjoy life's miracles, including death, so she's an extremely well rounded young girl for her age. Both of her parents, Neville and Luna, are protective of their daughter. Luna and Andrella are the best of friends, finding in enjoyment in the same activities, while Neville watches over them. Andrella has several animals, plants, and ancient toys.


Herbology (Longbottom)
Divination (Trelaney)
Qudditch (Weasley)
Charms (Fitwilck)

Extra Information:
(Coming soon~)


Sharing her mother's powder blue eyes and basically every other physical feature, Andrella's only representation of her father is the color of her long hair, chocolate brown with faint blond highlights throughout. Andrella stands fairly tall for her age, has a sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of her face (cheeks & nose), she's a precious doll. This next generation of Longbottom also has perfectly pouted lips, delicate features and wide eyes of her mother.
Legal Name Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Nickname(s) None.| 12 | Pureblood | Draco Malfoy, Astoria Malfoy Ne' Greengrass | House Slytherin

Personality: like his father Scorpius is arrogant spiteful, bullies those he believes are beneath him in class or species. He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve, believes showing emotions only makes him weak so he hides any sign of emotion. If he's by himself he can be rather odd at times mostly because if he's by himself he can actually be nice, it's a rare trait for someone of his blood line.

Short Background:
Scorpius was born circa 2006 to Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass. Scorpius was raised in Great Britain and was said to have inherited his father's and grandfather's looks; blonde hair, grey eyes and a pale, pointed face.

In 2017, Scorpius was accompanied by his parents to King's Cross Station in order to go off to his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Others in his year included Albus Potter and Rose Weasley; the latter was discouraged by her father from becoming "too friendly" with Scorpius and encouraged to beat him in every test.[1]

  • Herbology
  • Defense against the dark arts
  • Divination (Trelaney)
  • Quidditch

Extra Information:
(can be added throughout the rp)

Scorpius has inherited his father Draco's physical traits, meaning that he has blond hair, grey eyes, and a pale, pointed face. He is noted for looking almost the same as his father did at age eleven. He is said to resemble Draco as much as Albus Potter resembled Harry Potter.[1]

(Credit goes to Here I would have listed personality traits but I like Detail.)

Scorpius was late for breakfast which wasn't a normal thing for him but he'd over slept, even though it wasn't allowed he was running down the halls trying to get to the mes hall before breakfast was over. '' Hey watch where your going.'' He said sounding annoyed as he bumped into someone he knew who she was cause she was in his herbology class, he kind of kept to himself when he was around his friends but at this moment he was in a hurry so he didn't have time to talk. Barley making it to the mess hall Scorpius took a seat with his friends, started eating his breakfast at a rather fast pace because well he didn't wanna be late for any of his classes.
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