~ Friendship with Benefits ~

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Feb 3, 2013
Luna Lovegood

Fifteen Years Old | Ravenclaw | British | Half Blood (Mother is a Muggle)



Serenity K. Jacobs

Sixteen Years Old | Slytherin | Irish | Pure Blood


Would you mind starting us off? :)
Ah what a wonderful day it was for the red headed twins Fred and George. A perfect day to cause trouble and flirt with women as most boys would enjoy. With the new students visiting from other parts in Europe, it was entertaining to say the least as most of their fellow schoolmates were after the foreign types. Particularity with the men who seemed to be enjoying themselves leaving the poor lonely women to be without any attention. It was quite depressing to the red head trouble makers but hey, more 'meat' for them to enjoy respectively.

"See any good girls Fred?"

"None of the sort sadly George."

They continued to check the women out hoping to spot a lucky single attractive one. However they did some familiar faces walking about with a few exchanges of waving. "Hey isn't that Ginny and her friend?" Fred asked.

Yes it was; their little lovable sister was with a blonde girl that was around her age. Seeing them come over, the brothers respectfully (and surprisingly) politely stood up to greet them.

"Been busy sis?" George asked.

"Who is your friend?" Fred asked.
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