Harry Potter, Original Characters, One Year Later...

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Nov 3, 2011
Matt stood on the hazy platform alone with his trunk. Hogwarts had been his home for the past six years and now he would be traveling there for the last time. He thought about what had happened during his years at the school. His experiences at the school were unique, to say the least. From the opening of the Chamber of Secrets to the battle against Voldemort's army the previous year, Matt had been there for it all, and he felt himself lucky to have maintained his sanity.

Matt wasn't shy but he wasn't really outgoing either. He had friends, most of them very close friends, but he was still generally unknown even to people in his year, but he was determined to change that this year. Hearing the whistle blow he hurried onto the crimson train to begin his last journey to the magnificent castle he had called home for so long.
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