~ The Magic Begins! ~

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Feb 3, 2013
The Philosopher's Stone:
Welcome, Harry Potter to Hogwarts!


(Throughout the RP I'll be editing my profile and adding more information, for my own sake, so I won't forget anything.)

Persephone "Penny" Dordum

Hufflepuff (1st Year) | Pure Blood | Romanian | Eleven Years Old

Excitable, Outgoing, Friendly, Mild Mannered, Helpful, Trustworthy, Dependable, and Pacifistic.

Born outside of England, in Romania's northern mountains; Persephone was raised as a traditionalist Pure Blood, though her family lacks wealth and the riches of a British noble. Her parents encouraged a negative nature in their only daughter, though thankfully, Persephone never took to the beliefs.

Entering Hogwarts beholds new possibilities and while excited, Persephone also fears being ignored by everyone. With parents who can't seem to find a reason to praise their daughter, it's left Persephone desperate for emotional support and compassionate affection.

* Persephone's parents are estranged

* She was named after a Greek Goddess

* Persephone stands 4'5"


Will the Weasley twins become her friends? Perhaps! Possibly? Eh...


I have the pleasure of playing this lovely young lady~

The Philosopher's Stone:
Welcome, Harry Potter to Hogwarts!


(I just stole your profile layout, because I am shameless like that.)

Callum O'Rielly

Hufflepuff (1st Year) | Muggle-born | Irish | Eleven Years Old

Quiet, Introverted, Friendly, Mild Mannered, Helpful, Trustworthy, Loyal, and Intelligent.

Callum had no knowledge of the magical world before he obtained his letter. His parents were just as clueless as he was. Thankfully, he came from a very well to-do family, and the exchange rates weren't terrible, so he got some pretty nice things for a Muggle-born.

He hails from Ireland, though for most of his life he lived in England. He is quiet and introverted, but he opens up a lot to those who get to know him, and he is fiercely loyal to those who gain his trust.

* Callum's family is still learning (just like he is) about this new world.

* He is named after his great-grandfather

* Callum stands 5'9"


How will he meet Luna? What will develop between them?


I have the very daunting task of playing these guys:

Curiously widened eyes surveyed the fascinating views circling all around. Soft puffs of smoke leaked from a train's chamber, the English letting above it's station read; Hogwarts Express.

"Este aceasta statie buna?" (Is this the proper station?)

"Cred că da." (I believe so.)

Tuned out to the conversation between the elders, their awestricken child continued to gaze up in wonder, finding owls in cages and overhearing several children's laughs bubbling through the air.

"Mamă?" Asked the child, gently tugging her hands at the robes resting across her mother's folded arms. "Pot să mă joc?" (Can I go play?)

The elder woman dismissed the questioning child with a wave of her free hand, motioning for them to go. Heeding the gesture with a lowered head and slumped shoulders in submission, the young child began to wander, finding herself submerged within a bustling crowd of strangers.

* * *

Across the way, found beneath the signs, was another family, though differing greatly in size comparison. For this unit consisted solely of a father and his daughter. The two shared eyes of grey, their gazes holding a daydreaming haze wherever they happened to look.

Hidden behind a pillar with a focused stare she continued to watch the odd couple from afar. The father, a light haired man who's face was carved with distressed lines, tightly clung to his daughter. She returned the embrace happily, eyes falling shut as her grip grew passionate, the warmth of their love spread along their admirer's spine, causing a shiver.

"Do study well, Luna."

The girl's name. Luna. So beautiful and fitting.

"I will, papa."

Luna's voice, the sweet chime of playfully tapped glass rang pleasantly through the air, easily being muffled by the overbearing chatter of others.

(Please excuse the horrible beginning~)
"All right, Cally," his father said, "Just run at that pillar there. That's what the man in the Alley said." Callum nodded, positioned himself right in front of the pillar. "Be good, honey," said his mother. "Be careful. And write us all about all the things you learn!" Callum smiled back at his mother, then began walking forward, towards the pillar. "Run, m'boy!" His father called, and Callum broke into a run. He braced for impact, but it never came. Instead, he just kept running. Opening his eyes, he found himself running inside a completely new platform.

He was awestruck, staring around. He was suddenly afraid, and wanted his parents with him, but he knew why they didn't follow him. They had to work soon, and as much as they'd like to see what their son was getting into, they simply didn't have the time. After a while, though, Callum simply made his way to the train, trying to avoid making too much of a scene or letting it be known he was still so new to this world.


Their brother was sitting with the Boy Who Lived, and as much of a great feat as that was, Fred and George had things to do, people to meet, and laughs to create. They slinked between the various cars, looking for an empty one. "What will it be this year, George?" Fred asked, smiling ear to ear. "Shrieking Powder?" George laughed, but shook his head. "Hex Glue?" George counted, to which Fred shook his head, his expression growing thoughtful. "Oh, I know!" He suddenly said, just as they found an empty car. "That hex we learned last year that turns things into spiders if it gets touched!"

"Perfect!" George responded, slipping into the car behind his brother. "Now," he said, "Do you still remember the spell?" Fred looked at George, his expression blank. They both laughed shortly after. "Shrieking Powder it is, then," Fred said, producing a small vial from his pocket. George shook his head, chuckling. "One of these days, we'll need to actually remember the good spells."

"One of these days," Fred replied, sprinkling the powder over the cushions. "Now we sit a few cars over and wait for the screams!" They both slinked out, carefully, quietly.

(That was a horrible beginning? Oh, man, I am way over my head o_O)
No longer at her father's side, Luna continued towards the Hogwarts Express, a small bag weighing down her left shoulder. While other students hurried to board in a humanoid tsunami of excitement, Luna simply waited, standing off to the side politely.

Blissfully unaware of the shyly approaching child from behind. A gentle tap to her shoulder brought Luna's widened eyes to blink rapidly, she turned slowly around, finding the silent company of a nervously fidgeting young girl about her age.

"Hello," Luna greeted through a smile. "I'm Luna."

The introduction wasn't returned. Luna surveyed the other female carefully for a moment, gathering information in the smallest of details she could see clearly from the stranger.

A t-shirt, white, bearing the letters of another language written in black ink. Accompanied with shoes of cow leather, tanned and poorly maintained. These aren't the typical accessories of proper child raised in Britain.

That's when it clicked.

"You're not from this country?"

The girl nodded in agreement.

"Ah," Luna smiled happily, "that's okay."

Even without conversation engaged between them the two young girls began the beginnings of a friendship. Together they boarded the train searching for an available compartment. Luna's arm was held by the nervous girl who's eyes ran rapid around the new environment, the black iris's fully dilated.
Fred and George had moved a few cars down, their heads all that can be seen of them. Smiles flew across their lips as they saw a young boy approach their booby trapped car, obviously a first-year. He wouldn't know how to stop the shrieking, or what exactly was going on. It would be great! They shared a private laugh, then continued to watch the boy as he entered the car.


Opening the door to the car and shutting it behind him, Callum slid his bags into the luggage racks above the seats and sighed. This would be a long trip, he presumed, and suddenly finding himself alone was scaring him even more. He wished he knew someone, or at least one of his friends had gotten a letter too. Thinking of his friends, Callum could only smile: they'd want to know all about Hogwarts once he got back.

Callum took his seat, and before the poor kid knew what was happening, the whole car exploded in loud shrieking. Callum jumped up, his hands to his ears, spinning around wildly. The shrieking rang throughout the car, and several cars down. Callum was about to simply run out of the car, not sure exactly what was happening, when two red-haired kids, obviously twins dashed into his car. They said something that Callum couldn't quite make out over the shrieking, but the sound suddenly stopped.

Callum's ears rung, and it was several seconds before he realized the twins were talking to him. "...is George," one of the said, pointing to the other. "We're the Weasley twins!" They said in unison, laughing. The one called George held out his hand, smiling big. "Thanks for being such a good sport!" Callum looked at the hand before shaking it, looking up at the boys, obviously confused. "Doesn't talk much, this one," the other twin said, and George shook his head. "I wonder if he can hear us yet, Fred?"

Callum gave a small nod, "I - I --"

He was cut off by the twin named Fred, who dashed forward, taking Callum by the hand giving it a big shake. "Ah, first-year, right. Don't worry, the empty cars don't always scream. Just the ones we visit!" Fred smiled, and Callum gave an awkward smile in return. "Right, then, Fred, we should be off. Lots of people to greet, pranks to do," George said, to which Fred nodded and the twins began to dash out of the door and down the hallway.

"W-wiat!" Callum called, and the twins stopped, looking back. "I- I'm new...I don't know anything about magic...or this..."

After a few seconds of silence, the twins seemed to engulf Callum, and with a big smile they drug him along with them. "Right," George said. "Don't worry, we'll show you around. Who to know, who to not know!"

"Then we'll show you the best things...like Tickling Tubers and Shrieking Powder!"
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