No Such Thing As Freak (ThomasRHellsing X Shards~Of~Roses


Feb 14, 2010
Sora walked through the street of the city, it always seemed to be so busy, people bumping into one another yet as she held her seeing cane out she could sense how the people just avoided her like the plague. She didn't care, it wasn't something new so she just went on like normal. Her cane would tap around like a normal blind woman would do, yet in truth she didn't need the cane, her electrical senses helped her see around her. While no one would be able to see or sense her power when she used it like this, didn't mean it wasn't there. A low powers electrical current surrounded her form allowing her to have a sonar like sense of what was around her. It wasn't limited to just people, still she controlled the range of it so to avoid detection. While she moved through the streets she noticed how a group kept coming in and out of her range, not being sure if they were just heading her way or following her, decided to test it she started towards a rougher side of the city knowing how few go there unless for trouble.

Moving closer to her new destination, she easily could feel how the group of five were following even closer than they were before as well. Didn't look well in her mind so already she was preparing for when they pounced, she was sure it wouldn't be long as the streets were becoming empty now. Most would avoid this area during the day but everyone did at night as there were so many murders that seemed to occur here.

Two males jumped out in front of her no more than four feet in front of her, the last three came up behind her about the same distance away. Her grip on her cane changed completely as she stood waiting for the first move. "What is such a poor blind girl doing in this part of town" one asked behind her as he started to walk closer to her, soon he was next to her grabbing hold of her sunglasses pulling them off only to see her normal looking eyes turning to look right at him, he flinched under her gaze as it truly looked like she could see him. "Bitch stop looking at me like that" he said hand coming up to smack her only she brought her cane up to block.

With that move one of the males in front of her reacted quickly to kick her in the chest, yet her hand grabbed hold of the foot. "I thought she was blind?!" shouted on of the males behind her as she quickly moved her body to toss the two in her reach away. As the two hit the ground, the other three went into attack mood as she again kept on the defense. They were quick and had her straining not to use her powers as she didn't was to expose herself too much. Only when she felt the familiar tingle of water on the edge of her range she couldn't risk it any longer, coursing electricity through her body sending it in overdrive as she threw two more away as the first two from before quickly took their place she felt them pushing her back to the river more. This wasn't good, yet with her mind worrying on the water she left herself open as she was kicked back into a wall with a sickening thud, sliding down it she quickly surrounded herself with electricity, causing her to be surrounded with sparks. It gave her a nice defense while she struggled to get up.
Thomas smirked as he watched. A voice calling out "Not bad girlie, but electricity doesn't' work in low voltage against their type."

The vampires moved together they'd heard of a hunter, but they weren't scared of some flesh bag. The oldest was almost sixty years old. They were one of the oldest vampires in the city's crew. Two of them pulled guns while the other two pulled knives.

The voice spoke again, "See electricity effect living people because of our own bio-electric energy brains, hearts, internal muscles, the undead, they don't' have any of that, nope but a powerful enough surge can screw up their insides being fried still hurts."

One of the vampires snarled, "Fuck you Devil's Fear you fuck with us and our boss will make you eat your testicles!"

The voice laughed, and said, "Oh really I've faced wost things then a few vampires but let's test that theory."

The blind woman would hear a scream and the sound of breaking bones the darkness itself reaching up with claws forcing the men onto their knees. Their heads bowed. "Devil's Fear" landed having umped from a nearby roof. Taking a deep breath, he blew dark blue flames with a purple center. The vampires howl filled the night air but in less then ten seconds only boiling asphalt was left. Thomas smirked as his body glowed. His skin turning from red with rocky scales to pale and white.

The teenager himself was a fine physical specimen. 7 foot nothing dirty white blond hair brushed back and kept in a simple ponytail. He wore an ankle length duster with both sleeves rolled up. Back gloves, fingerless after the second knuckle combat boots and BDU's. Looking at the woman he said, "You okay beautiful?"
Sora perked up when she heard a new voice, hearing what he said she felt rather stupid for not realizing that sooner, still she just listened in as he spoke with the vampires. Shifting a little she managed to get herself up and standing just as the screams reached her ears, shaking her head she made a very clear note in her mind of this male. She could sense the different changes of the air from the flames and knew that he wasn't normal in the least. "I'm fine" she answered back to him though as she started to dust herself off, she didn't even feel the cut on her forehead that was bleeding until it dripped into her eye. "Just annoyed" she said as she moved her hand to wipe away the blood.
He smirked, "Meh, most capes are trained to do things non lethal those shocks you used would have been adequate against a human and vampires are arguably the perfect hunters they bend in incredibly well plus their cooler body temperature can be attributed to the night air."

Chuckling he said, "If they were easy to pick out they wouldn't be as voluminous, or as dangerous as they are it's why the more powerful breeds of demon are rarer, or stand out, alot of things eat humans but Vampires are the perfect predator for them."

Smirking he said, "As for how I know your a cape, my senses are better than average, I smell smoke and flash powder on you along with oil, and a hint of Kevlar, plus your reaction you hit your power up immediately which means either a cap or a villain."

Relaxing he said, "And if you were a villain you wouldn't have only stunned a potential mugger or rapist, you'd have blasted them to ash."
Sora looked towards him as she listened to what he had to say, still yet she didn't like what she was hearing. "I didn't use any shocks on them, as for the smells on me I don't know what flash powder you smell on me I need no such thing" she said to him a little insulted. "I wasn't shocking them because I wanted information that's why I was going easy" she said to him. She didn't like the tone he used towards her making her send a glare before shaking her head. "What does it matter to you anyway? she asked placing a hand on her hip.
He shrugged, "Capes shouldn't come to Old Town, your kind are targets here."

Sighing and figuring the girl could see, he drew a diagram in the dirt, "Jump City was originally "Old Town", but during The Teen Titan's first confrontation with an alien army the original ump City was flooded, and the fault line it set on cracked, so the original Jump City sort of fell into the lake."

Nodding he said, "A decade or so ago, a wizard used a spell to summon the city back to the surface, harnessing the souls lost in the fight to summon and undead army against the Titans they eventually won, but suddenly Jump City was twice as big, only the land that had been under water wasn't very great Jump city had already rebuilt, plus the new part of town stank of dark magic, enough that normal people didn't like it, but bring in low income housing, and people with a smidgen of demon blood, or even half or quarter demons found it enjoyable, "Old Town" was born and where weak people are gangs and such will move in."

Gesturing around he said, "So cape, welcome to Old Town ump city's own little Ghetto where vampires or werewolf gang replace your typical scum, where Capes are nothing but a good meal since most occult people can steal your powers and use them."

He handed her a card, it had a number and a name in brail. "The Devil's Fear Detective Agency".
Sora wasn't sure what to think as she started to listen to what he told her, she was still very new to the city as she grew up in Gothem yet still she listened closely taking it all. The when he started to draw on the ground, she really didn't like the way that he did it still she said nothing until he handed her the card. "You do know I'm blind right?" she said to him with a smirk, for someone how was so observant missing something like that caught her as strange. After all, one of the males had even said they had thought her blind and she still held onto the seeing cane as she often used it when attacking since she wasn't in her usual outfit.
He smirked, "True, but like I said, I smell smoke the produced ind like used in smoke bombs, and flash powder, probably very useful imaging going after someone and them using a blinding weapon you don't have any tells or need to cover your own eyes to use it plus the oil smells, like you maintain small parts presumably something utility belt sized since you capes love those."

Nodding his head he said, "Plus you blocked a punch now a normal punch no big deal but that punch was about three times faster than the average mugger punch, vamps are generally three to four times fast and stronger, and you not only deflected the punch, BUT defected it with that cane, a cane that is typically made out of light weight aluminum and would have snapped like wet paper if hit by a vampire."

Smirking he said, "I can call upon any asset of any demon I have, I typically keep a Hell Hound's senses meaning I can smell details about you, you probably don't even realize as clear as day."
Sora listened to what he said before shaking her head, he did have a good point, she did have those things on her but not out nor had she used them. When he started to talk about her reactions with the cane and how it didn't just break off she gave a chuckle. "Yeah, I find its easier to lure people into a sense of security when they think I'm just a normal blind girl." she said to him though when she listened to most explanation she gave a nod to show she listened to him.
Thomas chuckled, "I've got a patrol to do but you need to leave Cape, and don't' assume your the only one who knows that trick, the most feared vampire here is a nine year old girl from Mesopotamia."

Mesopotamia was one of the first areas where people gathered. Arguably the first city from eons ago. A vampire that old, the strength speed and what not would be insane. regardless of how she looked. Devil's fear took the wings of a Harpy and took to the night sky.
Sora rolled her eyes before she charged up and lifted off the ground and flew off, she figured that with that she had at least gotten enough to get started, still she didn't feel she got enough. Thought maybe she would hit it later, after all she had given herself away while there and wanted to get the jump on them not the other way around.
A few hours later after a good patrol Thomas landed in his "Hide out" a loft above a Chinese restaurant. He counted out money for a large bowl of beef chicken shrimp, and pork ramen, a dozen dumplings and egg rolls. Most would say living above a place like this was enough to drive you insane. However Thomas love it, cheap rent and the fact the yakuza and more importantly a POWERFUL Japanese water spirit used the place as a shell company meant no demon was dumb enough to attack it.
Sora sat down working away at book she had gotten for the area history, sadly it didn't have a lot on the actual demon activity. Being hired to work a murder she didn't know where to go with it. Standing she started to move away from her current seat only to feel the business card fell out of her pocket, she stopped and picked it up before she realized she already knew who to ask. Changing quickly she started out in the skies to head right to the address, reaching where he lived she landed in the loft before scanning if he was in. When she sensed that he was she came in right away. "So I have a few questions" she said now in actual hero uniform.
He rolled his eyes, "I get that your blind but most people know when someone else is in the bath tub, especially since I'm 90% sure you can "see" the goods, luckily for you I like bubbles."

Taking a few swallows from his ice cold whiskey bottle, he said, "Ask away Blinders."
Sora gave a shrug before she spoke up against that. "So long as you're in water I can't see you" she said to him as she leaned against the window. "Its Sparks by the way not Blinders" she said to him with a slight glare, still she started to speak up. "Other than the vampires what else are around here?" she asked him. "I need to know of a demon that would age a person till their death" she said to him.
Thomas shrugged as he said, "It varies long story short, nothing for a noob like you to deal with go away Old Town doesn't want or need some wanna be hero, especially one who can't kill tell me what do you do to meat eaters who eat cow, because that's all you are to a demon your a two legged cow demons don't' kill for malice or reason they kill because humans are tasty."

Thomas looked at her, "Your condemning this thing to death, you realize that, correct?"

Looking at her he said, "Most demons who eat youth don't actually eat the youth they drain the cell's ability to reproduce, which allows their own cells to reproduce longer other demons do drain the actual youth, others drain the life force, you could be dealing with a witch or Warlocke who drains the youth to stay young and beautiful, maybe they have been for centuries, and need the youth to survive like an Elixir from the gods, maybe their some rich prick wanting a few extra lives to burn."

Looking at her suddenly with no sound no shifting his his electronic signature he was net to her and said in his ear, "Maybe their families sacrificed them or got paid to make sure they were in a certain place as a certain time."

Stepping back he said, "Would you let something starve to death because it's food source was wrong to you, let someone die so someone else could live, seems harsh especially since god made the creature what it was some ordained creature, whose entire existence could be to devour one specific human, they say a vampire nearly ate Hitler when he was a kid what if sometimes demons are the gods way of recycling the trash of humanity?"

The smell of weed and tobacco filled the air as he lit a cigarillo and said "I'm a sin eater it means I'm infected with them, and with every disease you can imagine the demons in my body and I have a deal of sorts, we are a cohabitation organism, a thousand souls in a singe body, I can call upon any of their powers on a whim, I'm the hero here because Old Town doesn't' need a hero old Town needs an enforcer someone to make sure no one tries to end the world and that the freaks play with eachother instead of people outside their bounds, odds are I'll die a violent brutal death but I move through the slush so you capes don't' have too you get your clearly evil villains, while I kill the family man who needs virgin bone marrow to cure his sick kids fang rot."
Sora really wasn't liking what she was hearing yet still she listened, when he appeared next to her she didn't even jump as she just simply closed her eyes before shaking her head. "I make no promises to kill anyone, I only search out answers to this case. The family did no such thing in this case" she said to him. Listening to him go on and on made her want to roll her eyes. "I really don't care about demons, and I could really care less about the politics you speak of. I just want answers for the family in loss of a member' she said to him. "I could care less about the Justice, there is no such thing in my mind' she said to him.
Thomas shrugged, "Hold on I'm going to get dressed."

He grabbed a towel and dried off. Pulling on his outfit he opened the window for her running and jumping out of it as his form glowed Suddenly a Gargoyle was in his places Large wings catching the current of air and bringing him up. Landing on the roof top, he turned around wondering if she'd be able to keep up.
Sora was quick to follow him out of the window though as she moved just as quickly and was next to him when he landed. "Trying to loose me?" she asked him while wearing a smirk on her form.
Thomas smirked and shook his head as he said, "No, but I'm taking the form of a gargoyle, a decent combat form but amazing at city travel it's wings let it glide and it's claws can pierce stone."

Thomas moved from roof top to roof top, his muscles tending and releasing like industrial springs. Smirking he said "It's also a low visibility form and believe it or not supposedly Batman based his look on it I've always wondered how true that is though."

Thomas traveled for nearly fifteen minutes before he dropped down in front of a nasty ware house. You could smell crack, meth and rot on the air. Waking inside Thomas resumed his normal form puling out a rebreather as different noxious fumed assaulted the air. Thomas spoke for the bind woman, "This is well a crack house technically but not the point, it's a pace where we'll be able to find out if anyone ha been tapping the magic grid and pulling out youth."

As they moved towards a basement, the people were less human looking. Some obviously straight up demons. Others humans with black eyes and scratching themselves. Up were eating their own bottom lips. Thomas explained "Magic Junkies see a big blast of magic feels really good it's like your atoms are singing Johnny fills you with a burst of it, gets you high as fuck cost is it's dark stuff, like rotting fruit for your soul the roe you dose the more fucked up the effects get eventually you die a painful death f course by then your soul is so saturated with johnny's magic he claims it for his own little kingdom in hell."

"Hey now Hellsing, it isn't that small don't go giving a guy a Complex."

Johnny was the sort of guy who stood out. Looking at them he said, "You here for that free dose I offered Hellsing I know you'd love it power out the Wazoo, it'd make those punk in your gut realize who was in control."

Thomas laughed, "Sure it would, but seriously Johnny, I'm looking for word on the street, I need to know if anyone is pulling an Alastor Black since Black's own death I doubt it's him."

Johnny blinked, "Alastor Black isn't dead Tommy Boym he got a day pass from my cousin Lucifer, apparently some old contracts came due, so Lucey made a deal with Alastor. He collects them, he gets a second shot."

Thomas swore loudly, "Mother fucking Donkey whores, Johny i ever see your cousin I'm going to eat him deep fried."

The man chucked "Better than you have tried "Devil's Fear", you should be honored, you've actually gotten on my cousin's radar things are going to get bad for you soon."

Thomas nodded as he said, "I don't suppose you can give me a hint to where the sick fuck is, can you?"

Johnny shook his head. Causing Thomas to storm outside. He looked at the bind woman, "Alastor Black is a VERY old mage, very powerful too, he absorbs youth to stay young, I caught him in an orphanage in Prague half a decade ago I ate him, unfortunately well you heard the finer details."
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