Complex College plot

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Jan 9, 2009
Hello all. I have a plot that I'd like to try again after so many years. I also have this in my request thread as a sexual thing if that's more interesting. I'd kind of like to see what it would be like to have this stay within a PG-13 range of action, though. I feel like it would be more difficult to write into a corner with that limitation. But that's just me.

I'm looking for one person or three people to rp this plot out with me. I would be claiming Sophie. The other names are just there to avoid pronoun confusion. It's hard enough to keep track of for some as it is. *nods* In any case, the names are negotiable/completely open for change. Those interested should be able to post with few grammatical errors and at least one paragraph per post.

T H E P L O T​

Sophie and Drew have been best friends since elementary school. In late middle school Sophie developed quite a crush on her friend. When they ended up choosing the same college she saw it as a sign. Once college started and they got into the groove of things, she planned to confess her feelings and take a chance on him. Before she could do it, Drew confessed that he had a crush on the girl in a few of his classes--Amy. Amy has been in a relationship--admittedly not a good one--since high school, so his love is unrequited. When Sophie hears this, she decides to hide her feelings for Drew, knowing that she doesn't stand a chance. Still, Sophie's his friend and so she listens to his stories and longing, but it kills her inside to have it constantly rubbed in her face. Because of this, she starts to put a little distance between herself and Drew, making other friends. One of those new friends is Evan. Evan is a friend of Amy's since they're in a few classes together, but they're not terribly close. Evan has a crush on Sophie, but hides his feelings, looking for the right time to lay it all out. Every time he sees Sophie after she hangs out with Drew, she's depressed, and Drew's lack of regard for Sophie's feelings really rubs him the wrong way. Amy's relationship suddenly ends and leaves her wondering who she really wants and what she wants to do with her life. Drew decides to give her comfort...and get his foot in the door so he can make his move. What will happen to these four people?

This is a craving and you must be either willing to double or be a part of a group rp.
Sounds like it Might be interesting, I can be more then one character there's no Problem there.
I'm glad you think so too. ^^

Hmm, I'd be willing to double up and take a guy if you would, but I want to see if anyone else is interested first.
I find that they're a very different beast than sexual rp's. They're definitely more plot and character-driven.

Which guy were you interested in?
Okay, So we have the following people lined up

Sophie -- me (Candira)
Amy -- Shadow Wolf
Drew -- Malin

We need one more person to make it a go.
Okay. We can give it a shot. *nods* I'll send everybody a pm once I get the character thread up and then we can start posting. *nods* If you all have any ideas for the rp you want to discuss, you can keep doing so here. I'll always check it. *nods* I should have a character thread up soon--if not tonight then tomorrow.
You can start creating a character profile if you like. Please make sure you read mine, too.

Character Profile Thread

We still need to discuss a few things before we get started up in the main thread. I see this happening the middle or so of their freshman year. We would be starting right after Amy has her break up so that everything can be set into motion. *nods*

Firstly: What are the living arrangements? Are some people roommates? Do they live in the same residence halls? Or does everyone have a separate living situation?

Next, I have an idea of the relationships as they exist now, but I want your input as well.

The way I'm thinking currently (and I'm pretty flexible at the moment) is:

Sophie likes Drew in a romantic sense, but knows that he doesn't feel the same way. He likes Amy, so she tries to put distance between herself and Drew to help get over him. I'm thinking that Drew is pretty much oblivious to her feelings and is always trying to hang out like they used to. He isn't really trying to hurt her--he just doesn't know that he is. He feels more of a brotherly affection for her than anything.

Amy just got out of a relationship in which she wasn't treated particularly well. She only realizes this fully after the relationship ends. I'm pretty much giving you free reign to decide what was going on in that particular relationship, and who broke it off. You can go wherever you want here.

Drew and Evan will wind up hating each other at some point. You two can discuss how deeply they hate and why. *nods*

The way I see Evan and Sophie working is that they have a natural chemistry and play off of each other well. When she's with him, she's generally happy. If she could get away from Drew for awhile, so she could finally get over him, then she and Evan would have very little trouble transitioning into a couple.

So please give me your opinions and add any ideas you might have for discussion. Once we have a good grip on what we want and where we want to go, we'll start in the main thread.
And it seems we don't have an Amy anymore. :(

I guess the wait can continue for a bit.
Well, while we're waiting for a new Amy, does anyone have any input to share about the questions I posed?
I do have one question about the relationship is amy ex-boyfriend ever going to come back into the picture and turns her to take him back.
I really don't think so. It could add an element of depth to that relationship and her relationship with Drew if they maybe fought over her, or the ex tried to manipulate her somehow, but I want the character to grow more as a person and realize that her relationship before pretty much sucked.

Does that mean her relationship with Drew will be any better? Not necessarily. Does that mean she has to end up with Drew? Same answer. I just don't really want to open up that door again. Should she find someone outside of the people listed originally, we might have to add another player or just have one of us double up for her. *nods*

But no. I don't think he'll turn her back to his side and draw her back into a relationship.
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