The streets of Dawnstar were dark and dank, dusted with light snow that blew mercilessly in the biting wind. A lone figure slinked through side streets, avoiding the city guard. She held no torch, seemed to carry no weapon. Other than a heavy black cloak, the feminine figure wore a hood that concealed her face and stark white hair, and form-fitting armor that glinted slightly in the pale moonlight when it reached her, failing to shine fully behind the clouds.
Soon, shouts and orders were issued, a half-frozen dead body having been found floating in the water. Was foul play suspected? No, it seemed the poor sod had either fallen in a drunken stupor or killed himself.
Inara smiled slightly, slowly making her way to the opposite side of the town, toward the edge of town. She kept to the darkest streets, crouching low when she had to, to avoid being seen. No one would ever know that the Dunmer assassin was lurking in the streets, killing off those who owed the Brotherhood dues. The tendrils of darkness seemed to shroud her movements and muffle her every step. Perhaps her armor was enchanted to hide her, but not all were fooled by the darkness.
Indeed, there were some who might see through the obsidian night.