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Jan 31, 2013
The title says it all... I'm new to this whole roleplaying thing, and it probably makes some of you out there not want to give me a chance... its okay, though! I'm just looking for some people to help me gain experience and hopefully craft me into a decent roleplayer :blush:

-Despite not having roleplaying experience, I DO have writing experience and I am literate. I don't like to think of myself as someone who will post just sentences at a time... I'll try my best to flexible to your demands!

-I'm really only going to roleplay as a male to female players.

-If there is an area that you feel like I can improve on, please let me know! I'm trying to get better at this, so having some criticism is okay with me!

I notice people post pairings here. Since I know I haven't tried much, I wouldn't know what to post, so I'll throw in a few that comes into mind.


Boyfriend X Girlfriend

Best Friend X Best Friend

Boss X Worker

Student X Teacher

Friend X Friend's Sister

Police X ???

Incest Pairings

I have to admit that I don't any plot settings, but I also have to say that if you want to suggest a pairing that'd be cool with me! Like I said, I'm trying to get myself into this.

I hope any of you who see this might give me a chance, or even just give me a few tips!
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