Warm Bodies - Please rp? I'm craving this!!!! : D

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Scarlet Sky

Oct 13, 2012
I recently picked up and read the book Warm Bodies. Which I quickly fell in love with.
I actually got the book yesterday and finished today before I went to see the movie (got back less then an hour ago actually).

Like I said... I'm a bit in love with this story. So I'm really craving an rp based off of this.

I of course would like to play a Living female and have someone play a Dead male. We would follow the story of a cure being found, and he is coming to life and wanting to protect her.

Of course we can always come up with a deeper plot, or something a bit different. But the only thing I want to stay the same is the living female and dead male.

So... I guess you need to know how i RP.

I'm... literate. I usually only post about four full paragraphs now. I match what is given to me, and I only ask that you do the same. :)

I'm a nice person and easy to talk to, so please don't hesitate to send me an OOC message or ask to talk on MSN or Skype. I believe that talking outside of the RP helps with the story, and just gives us something to pass the time with, or even helps us meet someone we might just enjoy talking to.

So anyway... yeah... post here.. send me a PM... I'll be waiting. ^^
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