
Queen of Obscure Pairings
Apr 29, 2012
..Just like the deepest darkest oceans, its same...For the deepest darkest forests. No one can ever imagine what dwells with in? And just like how, all bodies of waters were contacted..In some way, or other, you could also find as were all trees, or more forests...

...But what would someone do? If they found out the truth? Yes....They were go between, to alien worlds. Places human kind wrote off as wild imaginations of the crazies, emotional stress. Then how would you explain, your moments of waking, when reality shifts to illusions an dreams..Astral projecting? Missing persons, our world is only so huge. You will end up going circles. So why have we yet to find these missing people then? Once their leads run dry? Hmm? What about demon possessions Now many believe these claims to be real. Yet they don't and cant accept, even these creatures need a play to dwell to call home too..So many answers and truths in our faces, no one chooses to accept, or refuses too

...Only the victims, and the now deem crazies and others that have been caught under theses pulls now see and understand. But being small in numbers, they are discredited. Committed, put on life endangering drugs, or brainwashed by society to be a sheep and not speak what they have seen...BUT THAT IS GLORY OF IT!...The darker entities love that..They can go on in the shadows and never be intruded in their work....

....It wasn't torment, or torturer eternal...As many, as she has heard, say constantly. However, it was strange and awkward, never the less. Though not, worth saying torment or torturer. She had much time to reflect on this, a few centuries, as a mater of fact. Nerve acing and anger provoking, at times..Perhaps...But endless suffering...? She didn't see it. Morbid and frightening, is what they would say, if any where able to hear thoughts. Or where able to see into the inter-workings of her mind.

Though to this child, Eva...It was a 'God-Send.' Even if she can accept, stand back, and understand the fact..Yes Her God-Send, was actually her Kidnapper, not her Hero. She didn't really care, this rarely seen force deemed her worthy, 'Kidnap-able' it pleased her and stroked her ego, in all the right ways. If it was not for this bittersweet, centuries-old union, of 'Master and Pet' she would been long gone.

Dead, and buried for roughly 200 years now, worm food. Decaying alone, with no visitors to leave her flowers. Since, even too..Her own family and friends would be in their own elaborated, box. Once buried, you will never see them again?

There no honor in death, maybe that is why, we all thrive to reach immortal?
To final have all of eternity, to do something right, and notable? Noble?
Once you are dead, you're dead. You can't fix your mistakes, or redeem yourself from the things you did to oneself or the others, among the living. So why can't she, enjoy her forced upon her servitude?

Never forgetting, she fears him, just as much as she loves him. Forever asking her self, ' What does he have planed , for me, truly? Through all this, she found his company a musing and very much welcomed experiences, that is until she angers him..Like any person. Immortal, undead, living..Whatever the case maybe. He was a force to be reckoned with. She surely, didn't have him wrapped around her finger. Though he had made it quite clear, to all others ungodly things wondering these inter-dimension, who wanted to take her for "test run" or eat her soul..That she was his "Pet" Then he would in return, always send them running..for their unholy life's.

...Reaching for a chipped, and poorly crafted a-temp teacup, Eva's eyes remind fix to her book. It was so engulfing. Who would have thought, that these other and over worlds. That sat upon, the humans. In these different plans and riffs on time, would have such mind blowing literature. She couldn't figure out how, none of these were sunk into her old life. With such mind altering corrupting literature, this was a sure away to get her kind to submit to the demons' rule.

She laughed. She was far, to strong of corruption. ..If only the poor child knew, she had been corrupted ages ago.

After living here for such time, she learned many demonic tongues and how to to trick a demon out of contact. She had learned and studied so much..Which lend her back, to thinking.."And they call me..captive..Blah..If I was..I would be chained and hand cuffed or..He would have eaten mys soul I would be mindless drone...MY! his neighbors are so rude..." As her cultured cadence, merely emphasized her point. Absentmindedly thumbing through, her weather-worn novel, that pretty much was bond and backed in human flesh. Taking one quick elegance, mug sip. Finishing, her now cold coffee.

She was snapped out of her thoughts. When hearing the 12th clock crime, of an old decrypted grandfather clock. Eva begun to get comfortable, hunkering under the covers. It was far later, then she had excepted.

Yes...Even they too where living things. Even they need sleep, food, and could/can create their own kind by the normal act of copulating, E.T.C..They merely were the races before, that of humans...They were of Supernatural/unexplained beginnings. As humans called it. Even they need the proper, law of nature to survive. Humans through ages, have so blown them out of proportion. Even, if they had unexplained abilities. That may over power mortals, they were still that of a humanoid existent, to a point...

...And Eva was keeping bad hours and she found her master, playfully scolding her, about that. Though it wasn't a laughing manner, he may have froze time for her. Only he couldn't cure, what allied her. Her Tuberculosis, forever came and went, but since she couldn't die, so easily now. She pretty much passed out in pools of her own blood. Always at the worst times too..Right after the floors were clean too....

Yawning, and just let her body go weak. Falling deeper to her pillows, but not before reaching for her bookmaker. Placing it between the last read pages, to gently rest it upon her bedside table. Reaching for a pillow, while rolling to her side. Hugging it close, with a content moan.
Eva walked down "his" labyrinth. Purely made of forest with many paths, twist turns. Only the lucky ones had that privilege, to walk these grounds without meeting a strangely, untimely death. She was the lucky one. She lost a life, but gained another. One with power, stature, and if you stretched it a bit nobility. As being her Master's "Pet" Proxy, she was given special treatment. Earning his trust and respect, she had never failed him or questioned him...Much. She was still a child, it was come to be expected, she would still ask her master and question him, on a many thing.

She had grown use to the wide birth, the others gave her. During her jaunts in that other worldly marketplace/town mortals would call disturbing, sinful...Who would want to get on their master little ward's bad side. Death may come to you. So she never fully could believe, if their kindness to her was fear or, they were just accepting her as their own..200 Years in this universe. It would be about time, she would been seen as them...And not a mortal, lucky to gain their enlightenment..Immortally, and a position as well...

The town was hard to explain. As it looked to what you would accept to a small town to look. As it over look the woods. The main centerpiece, to their lord's playground/home. All your horrors, as a child to now adult would dwell with in. It was refreshing, Eva did remember some, but to have that power over them, always give her a wicked victorious look. To think they once hunted her dreams, and now she ruled them.. She grew out of them ages ago. ALONG before her master had taken her away, to this world. That was now her home, for last 2 centuries..But still, it was fun to watch them squirm when she would walk by, as they made her do, in days of old..of her old life....
He watched her as she roamed through his forest though he remained unseen. Time and Space meant very little to him and there was little that could be kept from him especially in his own home. Ah but his pet was such a lovely thing, his face bore no eyes or any sensory organs but he could see her all the same.

To the tiniest pore on her cheek to the muscles within the bone covered in veins and sinew her entire being was laid open to him, including the sickness that lay within her. Poor little pet, her illness was such an easy thing to erase but…She was not ready, her mind still clung to her mortal concepts of existence. She measured her time with him in centuries but time was an illusion to one such as he.

Every moment was an eternity and eternity was not but a flicker. He could recall every moment of his time with her with such detail as to experience it again. “See the fish within this pond?” he gestured with one perfectly white hand at the still stream the long slender fingers of his other hand touching her back. “They grow, they feed and reproduce they live their lives knowing only the pond. But what would happen if I plucked one out?”

His hand moved stretching impossibly long as it ensnared a fish from the water pulling the wriggling thing out. “Do you see its eyes? What must it think of this new alien world? The geometries that it had never seen before, A frightening place where the very air is poison,” With a flick of his wrist he dropped it letting his hand dangle back on to his side. “There, now what would this fish tell to his companions? That it had been picked up by a god? That there is a realm of existence beyond their very comprehension? Would they think the fish mad? Would they be right in this matter?All of the Earth is but a pond Pet, Humanity but fish in the waters ignorant of the creatures above,”

The memory faded from his mind as he moved his physical body flickering away. Within an instant he was behind the tree she had just past and then he was right behind her. “Well hello Dearest,” he said his hand touching her cheek the other moving to her abdomen. His sensitive fingers could feel her heartbeat feel all her organs and blood working to keep her alive. “I know you have not been sleeping enough,” he said, not quite a reprimand more of a reminder that there was nothing she could keep from him. “Would you like some company?” he said his voice gentle as he stroked her cheek his faceless head turning towards her.
"Hmm...?" her head lightly turned to his voice, as she lightly smiled. "...Do you even have to ask, master?" Reaching her hand up, to caress that hand of his upon her cheek.

They had a understanding. Being his pet proxy, did come with perks..She could have her moments. Such has, yelling him at, questing him to much.. or have her rather cute hissy moments. Unlike his other proxies or subjects..he would just kill slowly, or what ever punishment most fit the crime. Yet she was allowed to rant it off, or storm off.. She was still that little spoiled rich shrew. No matter what...And yes, he just added to it. But one always has to pamper their toys and pets..

"...Am I not yours?...Here to please you...But you are asking...And the answer is a yes, coming from a girl, not just your devoted servant..." She tightly laced her fingers into his own. "...But....You have to hold that thought.." Pulling away, and quickly darted up the ways, and took a few steps backwards. While still addressing him. "...I have to do somethings first..."

Eva was off to restore her simple little fetish. First she was off to case the bookstore. Just because they were demonically either world. That didn't mean they were bereft, of common mortal society exploits and enjoyment.. His world was ever changing, to make his captives, creatures, and his Eva happy. Eva knew he would never admit it, but she saw even He..enjoined these pleasures as well. She would forever under her breath pock fun at him, about such things.

"...And hehe.." She laughed. "..You don't need to read my mind, to know what am to say next.." It was embarrassing, he knew her that well. Of course Eva spoke of her coffee obsession. It seem, even other unexplained ententes needed their fits too?

It wasn't just obsession, it was her now. For fuck sakes! Her very scent, smelled of coffee. She did all mainline, and even then that could possible. So her sweet virgin scent, still after 2 centuries was forever mixed in an aroma of virginity and coffee. It really help him find his sweet thing faster..That was for sure.

He had haunted mortals, he would have guessed had the same addiction, but none hold a candle her. She drunk so much, she could still sleep, normally She just needed the caffeine, or horrible headaches. Then a thought came, if one was to lick her, would she taste all sweet and creamy. Was all the juices she was able to creative be a rich bold favor...

Eva cleared her throat. "....Do you still wish to company me?...Why do I think, you wouldn't find this fun?...Or am I wrong?"
He looked down at the girl, a mouth forming on his featureless head as he leaned down to give her a tender kiss on the lips. "a walk with my dear pet? nothing would delight me more," he said his lips disappearing.

"Surprising, that you do not taste like coffee when that seems to be all you partake in," he said a long arm wrapping around hers. "Such habits keep you from moving on my pet, keep you from shedding the sickness that plagues you." His impossibly long fingers closed around her smaller ones enjoying the feeling. "So, where shall we go then my dear?"

To hold such vices, it all seemed so silly to him. There was an entire plane of existence so far above this one, beyond pain, beyond pleasure. She could never reach it as she was though. She could never truly be one of them until she did. But then again...he mused, was that not what had attracted him? Would he ruin this flower by trying to morph it against its nature?

Still he couldn't understand why she would hold onto these human things. Walking, drinking she had the potential to move beyond it. She must know it by now but she persisted. He looked down at the girl again his other hand moving to stroke her cheek, his face still expressionless. "I love you my pet," he said at some point as they walked
Love? Eve thought carefully, blocking her thoughts. From her dominated and prying over lord. A little trait she had to learn, for her own survival. It had not come cheap, or easy.
She played her cards right. She climbed the ranks, and watched as each of his favorite proxies faulted. Seeing each and every one of them destroyed. By his one hand, and wrath.
Leaving her to question Is my master truly capable of such things?

A small sadistic grin begun to form. The found her answer. The darker side of Evangeline was making her present known. All god's children have their alter-ago.
He help Eva find hers. She was his best yet.

By now it was clear, by him and his ' subjects ' those other terrors from what nightmares were made. That his Eva was tainted by his influence, his perfect ' beautiful sickly ' little doll
was his favorite piece of his psychological games of cat and mouse. His Queen to this ever on going murderous ' games of chess' Yet in his version of chess, the queen still wasn't the absolute power. She to had strings being pulled by her master-king.

Her mind snapped back, realizing master had spoken to her. "...Oh...right." She cleared her throat. A flush came to her face. "...Master, you know my illness. You know it well. I was always sickly child, before you found me saved me made me yours...But even if you can do so much...you may have stop my dying, but immorality is no cure...Coffee keeps me strong."

..His entity running through her veins, his what give her special proxy - god like gifts and immorality. Even if he did seem to favor her a bitmore, and let others in that human plane, and made them suffer. To the point of being caught and force to pay for his crimes. Who would believe a raving lunatic, some supernatural means, did those things. Plus, Eva could only be so far away from him.

If she returned back to act as those proxies she may dead..and to history she was already dead. 200 YEARS ago. It would, could create some rip the reality. He WOULD NOT DARE RISK HER! FUCK NO! She was that special decorative piece, that served more then one purpose.

"....I hear from the others, you have uptainedsome new players..For your game?" She purred. Ah yes, their new victims. She asked arching a brow. Leaving her well spoken tongue to clicked, as her mouth tighten it back in thought. "If I may be so bold master, is this going to be the small old routine? Or may I spice it up?"

Oh yes, ' spice it up' He had trained his pet, a bit to well. But her education, dating back to her old life merely made it easy for him. There was no doubt about it. She wasn't a product of these new times. Yet she was also wasn't given all opportunities she could have. As she was product of what her past life teached.

Seen, but not be heard. Sometime, neither. To think, Eva was never on his list. She just appeared by happenstance into his domain. Right there she was something special. Only merely a few children or ' adults' Yet again in her times. She was an adult. Could breech his barriers and step into his crossroads. It was a good thing after all, that he deiced not to do away with her.

"...Master...?" Though he may have bared no face and looked to always be still. His beloved ' pet doll ' Knew when her master was zoning lost in thought.
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