Moving On (Vash x Love and Loss)


Mar 19, 2012
All was clam and quiet in the tower, too quiet. Dick Grayson, better known as Robin to both his team and the world, was surprised at this fact. He was used to hearing the never ending banter between and Beast Boy about video games, or the constant naïveté of Starfire asking abot earth customs or idioms that she didn't understand. The only one he was used to be silent was Raven. His memories were often fond of Raven, even though her hard exterior and mental training has kept her from emoting over the years. He later learned why and respected that fact. She even learned about his past and his true identity. She was among the few that actually knew. He wondered where she was at the moment. Most likely either meditating or in her little mirror world. He wouldn't bother her, fearful of the consequences that may follow.

With almost complete solitude he felt the itch for the acrobatic. He decided that he was long overdue for a gymnastic workout. Dick moved to the roof of the T-shaped tower where he set up the equipment necessary to do the right training.

He mounted the uneven bars and began to swing himself round. Once he picked up enough speed, he released on the upswing and somersaulted four times before reaching his arms out and grabbing the bar once again. He continued swinging and performing various acrobatic tricks. As he went on with this, he closed his eyes and began to get lost in his memories. Gone was the tower and the world around it and it was replaced with the red and white of the high top tent and a cheering crowd. He was no longer Robin, The Boy Wonder, Bird Boy, or Batman's Side Kick. He was just Dick Grayson, a part of the Flying Grayson's, and a child prodigy in acrobatics. He was performing with his parents and they were ready for him to leap for them. Becoming immersed in it, he swung one more time and let go, flying. He opened his eyes midway through the air and saw that he was following a delusion. He quickly flung his body forward and turned him over so that he landed on his feet. When his boots hit the ground the momentum carried him forward and forced him to roll over a few times before coming to a full stop.

He picked himself off of the floor and looked himself over to check for anything damaged. As he did a deep voice came from behind him saying, "Lost in your thoughts, Dick?" He reacted quickly by wheeling around and pulling out a shuriken to throw. He stopped and lowered the shuriken slowly when he saw the tall and black figure before him. "What do you want Bruce?" He asked him. He moved over to the vault horse and mounted it to begin his exercises, gripping the two horns and swinging himself around. Batman smirked, "No 'hi' or 'hello'?" Bruce was in a rare good mood today. Dick kept up with his exercise and continued to talk, "I figured you're here for something. Why keep up formalities when we could get this done faster and go our ways?" Bruce nodded solemnly and produced a USB stick from his belt and held it out for him to take. "I've seen what you and your team have done. It's impressive. I think you could handle this task. The League has its hands full right now and I volunteered your team to do this." Dick dismounted the horse and moved over to take the stick. "What's the mission?" he asked. "Everything is on the stick. Good luck." Bruce then clicked a button on his belt and the Batwing flew over the tower. He then grabbed the grapnel from his belt and shot it up to grip the jet and zipped up to the cockpit. He took off and left Dick alone with stick in his hand, contemplating whether or not to take it.

Finally coming to a decision, he grabbed the communicator from a pouch in his belt and clicked a button. "Titans, report to the tower. We've got a mission to handle."
Raven sitting the back room of thw tower with the lights low and almost completely out. Long slender legs folded under her as she sat quitely. Hands folded in her lap, as she began to thi k of nothing. Nothing at all, and her slender frams was lifted from the ground hoovering above the ground. Her mind nothing at all. Images just floated in her mind, mlst of them kf her and Robin. Good times they had together.

Raven stayed like that for a long while before her thing on her belt beeped she crashed to the floor and yelped slightly. She grumbled harshly, and stood up fixing her attire before exiting a blandness expression on her face.
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