Boy Wonder No More! (Vash x Amazing)


Mar 19, 2012
Tim Drake sat alone a the top of a Gotham sky scrapper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of along-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense , cape and cowl (homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new, Tim had been wearing a hero costume for awhile now and they all started to feel the same, but this one felt somewhat different. With the past suits they were all conected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other peopl. This suit was different, it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero.

With that thought he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. After the exhale had ended he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him, the cowl keeping his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them and the cloth tightened around them to form stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, it had so many perks!

After gliding for awhile he was able to pick up on an alarm ringing on one of the streets. Tim looked up in the sky and saw no bat signal in the sky, Bruce wasn't out tonight. He decided this was a good time to let himself be known, start small and make them afraid of one of the new heroes in town... well really an old one in a new costume but that was besides the point. He zoomed over to the roof opposite of the alarm and took a look at what he was up against.

He saw that a group of five thugs or so robbing an electronic store, this was going to be fun. He reached into one of his poutches and withdrew a throwing disk. He threw it at the alarm and silenced it, the red flood light from the alarm was broken and therefore was shut off and the store was pitch black, this of course had the thugs startled and reaching for their guns. He launched himself into the store and tackled one of the thugs to the floor and knocking him out with a quick punch across the face. At this point Tim was hunched over the thug, the cape covering the rest of the costume. The thugs had their guns drawn but they were shaking saying, "Oh no its The Bat!!" When Tim stood up straight and turned around they stopped shaking. "What?! That's not the bat, it's just some punk kid wannabe!" Before any of them had the idea of actually shooting at him Tim grabbed a pellet from his harness and threw it to the ground. When it hit a large plum of smoke filled the room and Tim went out of sight. They started panicking again and randomly shot into the smoke. Tim already being out of the smoke was able to star picking them off one by one. When they were all taken care of he had them all strung up by a light pole. It was a pretty good start to the night.
Vibrations from her cellphone made her stop the shower short and run into the small bedroom. There was only a name and an address with a X after. Death. Using the extra towel from the hotel room Jade dried her long black hair and quickly pulled her briefcase from under the bed. She slide on her dark green top that wrapped around her shoulders and down her arms. And her green gloves had long metal claws attached to them, they held their own surprise for her victims.

She slid on green boy shorts that matched her outfit and knee high green boots. Bending down Jade pulled another briefcase out and smiled at the sight of her two Sai weapons. Flipping them in her hands she attached them to the leather strap that crossed between her breasts all the way to her back. Opening up the text once more she read the name, 'Dr. Jones' 1345 Bently street apartment 3B.

Making a note in her mind of her destination, she snapped the flip phone in half and tossed it in the trash can. Her assistance was needed in ridding her boss of another pest. She opened her hotel window and let the breeze pass through her hair, it sent shivers down her spine. Turning back towards the bed she pulled a white cat mask from the case and strapped it to her face. The eyes were big and bright green while the grin it held was large and demented.

Now that her mask was equipped she crawled out of the window to the roof and did a scan of the night. It gave her the distance of her next target and Jade was on the move. Hopping from roof top to roof top she moved quickly and with more stealth then a normal person. Eying the apartment building Jade crawled down the building's wall and slipped in through the Dr's open kitchen window.

She crept low to the ground as the darkness kept her concealed, she could hear his snoring in the opposite room. The green eyes on her mask glowed faintly as she did some investigating of the apartment. Finding nothing of use she proceeded into the bedroom, pulling a Sai from her back she gripped it tightly.

"Nice to see you again Jade." the voice was rough and deep. The body in the bed lifted and he held a gun pointed in her direction.

"Cheshire to you..." she hissed softly as she took a step towards the doorway. She kept her calm and decided if she was going to run it had to be now. Quickly turning her body Cheshire ran for the apartment door, the sound of gunshots firing around her. She rolled to the ground and knocked through the Exit door climbing the stairs to the roof. The man followed after her sending multiple shots her way as he climbed the stairway.

Cheshire peeked over the ledge only to catch a bullet in her shoulder, she stumbled back into the wall. "Dammit..." she cursed sliding to the step. She winced with pain and watched as he approached her, using her Sai she flung it as hard as she could. Hearing the gunshots hit the ceiling she crawled up the stairs to the roof. Breaking through the door she felt the cement under her hands. "Fuck." she muttered leaning against the roof top door. What was she going to do now?
After Tim had strung the goons up by the pole he had reached for his grapnel and aimed for the top of the store. He pulled the trigger and the line shout out with a bang, when the hook gripped the top the line tightened and he was yanked up to the top of the building. When he got up there he immidatley took out his Cryptographic Sequencer, a gadget Bruce had give him to track radio signals and decode security systems for entry. Right now he was using it for the signal function. He slid the two pads apart and a holographic screen appeared between them. The disks on each pad were tuners to tune the signal. He already knew the GCPD signal so he immediatley tuned it to that. Why he hadn't thought of it earlier, he didn't know, his thoughts were elsewhere when he first went out on patrol.

When the signal was locked in the earpiece in his cowl began to crackle and buzz with sound of officers calling in the codes of local crimes being committed. He listened closely to them and found a police dispatch asking for officers in the area to check on a report of shots being fired at 1345 Bently Street. It was an apartment complex so it was easy to check on.

He turned himself toward the direction of the apartment and dove down to gain speed, and then pulled back up to regain altitude. He did this a few more times to get him across the rooftops until he came to the right one. He knew it was the right one because he saw two figure on the roof. One was holding their shoulder and the other had a gun leveled at them. He swooped in on the fun wielder and tackled him using the momentum from the dive. He was on top of the man in seconds and landed three quick strikes on his head and he was out like a light.

He turned back towards the other person and was shocked to see who it was Jade Ngyuen, better known as Cheshire. She was once Roy's wife, but only due to Liams birth rather than an actual ceremony. "It looks like I'm getting two birds with one stone." He walked to Jade and knelt beside her to examine the wound. The bullet went clean through, lucky for her, and it would require the standard amount of stitches that it usually does. "Getting rusty, Jade?"
"New suit Tim? Still Daddy's little boy I see..." she retorted turning away from him. She winced in pain and pulled herself to her feet. She looked at him with a smirk, "I could do laps around you rookie." she teased and lifted her mask up. Her hazel eyes examined his new suit and she thought it looked better then his old one. Grabbing her Sai she put it back on her back and wiped the dirt off her knees.

"I was set up...he tried to kill me." she said sternly and grabbed on to Tim's arm for support. The sounds of police swarming the building was loud and she stepped to the roof tops edge. "Catch me if you can..." She hissed and took a few steps back. With a running jump she landed on a rooftop below the one she left Tim on and looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk. She wasn't going to jail without a fight, but she really needed a hospital.
Cheshire was ever the charmer. "Daddy's little boy"? Wow she must be well informed if she knew about the adoption... along with Dick's, Jason's and Cassasndra's. He raised a brow underneath his cowl when she said that she could run circles around him since he's a "rookie". "Are you serious right now?" he asked mockingly, "More like I can run circles around you!" He had training from some of the greatest martial artists in the world, some of the top gadgets that R&D of Wayne Enterprises could secretly make, and the advantage of being fully healthy while she had a bullet in her shoulder. He kept his hands on his belt as she eyed him, one on a puch with his shurikens and the other on the holster for his bo staff. His hands gripped tight when she reached for her sai.

When she explained her perdicament he could only chuckle and looked up as if looking at God. "Poetic Justice?" She then gripped his arm, his hand gripping his bo staff expecting an attack. He relaxed when she used it to merely get up from the ledge. The sirens of the GCPD Blue sounded below as the report finally got out to other squad cars. A cat like hiss came from her mouth and she lept off to the roof below her. Knowing that she had just attempted murder so she needed to bring her in. He took a leap off of the roof and opened up his cape for the gliding. He passed over her and dropped in front of her. "Tag."
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