Sucked into the World of Sanctuary

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Jan 6, 2010
It was early in the morning when the Jake slowly opened his eyes and moved in his bed.The young boy was trying to sleep but when his eyes noticed the big photo of Kelly Brook on his wall, made him stood up and and even start dressing.During the slow wearing of clothes, he was staring at his personal PC wondering if he had any one of his friends online playing Diablo II.Once her stood up and walked to his computuer he clicked twice with the mouse on the icon of the game.After some time of loading he typed his own username (KellyBrookFan) and password and logged into the game.Jake asked in the chat if anyone was up for some monster killing in Act I.Since no one responded to him, he made an open game that anyone can join and he choosed his character and after loading, there was his hero sitting front of the firecamp waiting for someone to come in Rogue Encampment and play with him.He wanted to buy a new sword for his Barbarian so he went to Charsi while he was waiting for someone to get inside his game.
Meanwhile, Kelly Brook is in relaxation, she is free for now, no contacts for a photoshoot, hosting, modelling, guesting, dating and acting. While in her room, she turned on her laptop to surf the net but after some time, she quickly got tired from visiting her own personal site, celebrity gossips, showbiz and other non-sensical Hollywood stuff.

Something popped in her head, she got an idea of trying to play computer games, Kelly played the mini games that are installed on her laptop, it didn't take long before she got bored from it. She decides to try to play the games that are played by men.

She quickyly dressed up, wears a shade to be anonymous and goes to the nearest software store from her home, from there she browsed the shelves for some games. Kelly isn't fond of action and gun blazing, she wants to try what the PC geeks liked, and so she considers RPG, as she looks on the shelf, she saw. Many popular RPGs like WoW, Guild Wars, Skyrim, Oblivion, Dragon Age, Dark Souls etc. She wanted to try something like of an angel vs demon sort of a game as she browsed more, she saw Diablo and Diablo 2 and a vacant slot beside it probably Diablo 3. Kelly asks the shop attendant if they still have a stock for Diablo 3 but to her disappointment she was told that its out of stock, she then picks Diablo 2.

Back to her home she quickly installed the game, Kelly doesn't have a thing for geekiness but she knows a thing or two about jacking a game in a computer.

After installing, she opens the game, the multiplayer caught her eye and without a second thought she clicked it, when the battlenet registration came up she registers and after making an account, then updates the game, after the update she goes back to the game and creates a character.

The Amazon quickly got her attention as she likes looking blonde. She then browses for a room, most of the rooms are created by pros with many geeky room titles, as she keeps browsing, she stumbles upon the open chatter on a player that has the name KellyBrookFan, she immediately entered in his game, considering she is totally a newbie.

Upon entering the rogue encampment she saw the hulking barbarian buying an item.

Kelly then chats with him.

KellyAnnParsons: Hi there.
KellyBrookFan: Oh Hello!

He replyed soon as he saw the Amazon character to enter his game and after the bought the item he wnated, his character moved right front of hers as the boy smiled since he didn't expected a girl to join his adventure at all.At least he was ausming that the player was a female judging by her choice of username.However he quickly got excited knowing that he was going perhaps to have chance to play with real girl in his favorite game.He noticed that her character was brain new since it was away more lower level then his.That he really catched his interest.

KellyBrookFan: Are you playing Diablo II for first time?

He typed after a second as he send her an invitation to become a perty for this game and share all experience together when they get into fight with monsters.He was going to protect her from more stronger enemies and give her good items to get her character well geared.

KellyBrookFan: If you want I can help you!We can kill the first boss, Blood Raven together :)

Patiently he waited for her answer as he opened his inventory and throwed on the ground some iteams that were good and he kept for trading.The items fall right front of the Amazon and the Barbaian came closer to her.

KellyBrookFan: So what you think?
KellyAnnParsons: Sure, I could use your help, thanks for the goodies, this will make my playing mucch easier.

Kelly starts to familiarize herself on picking up items, she doesn't know the alt key would make her job a lot easier, she does the hard way of moving her mouse on the tiny objects on her screen.

Then she presses the "I" key for opening the inventory, she equips the short bow, arrows, cap, boots, leather gloves and leather armor.

Kelly was happy to see she is getting hang of it. Already acting like a pro.

KellyAnnParson: Nice to see I have a fan even from here, this is totally unexpected. Hey, can we start the slasher part?
He didn't get tha fan part that he saw on the chat screen , so all he did was to smile and keep walking around her Amazon with his character while as he started typing an asnwer with his other free hand.

KellyBrookFan: Sure, just fallow me outsice the town and we can start :)

His Barbarian walked out of the town as some zombies attacted him so he used his tow-handed sword to with with them as he was watching if she fallows him.Bashing zombies with his sword he felt a strange warm feeling to grown in his hand that was holding the mouse.The PC screen become darker and the yuong boy just punshed him with hand.

"Oh come on, not now!" he said to himself as he blinked and the his chair started shaking like hell. "What the fuck!?" he cursed and closed his eyes thinking that it was just a small earthqueake.Then he heard a strange sound and felt how his body fly in the air and got pushed up and down.The falling was hard and when he opened his eyes he couldn't believe where he was.The boy was laying down in the middle of the battle field as some zombie was approaching him. "What's going on?Where am I?" He said and looked around thinking that he was dreaming trying to avoid the fact that he just got sucked right into his favorite game, Diablo II.That though scared him and he slowly stood up wahsing the dirt from his clothes.His pants here all dirty now alogn with his white t-shirt.His mind raced fast and fear for the other player that was with him became bigger.What happend with her?
KellyAnnParson: Ok, lead the way.

Kelly moved her amazon following the veteran Barbarian, she did some kills on some Fallen and Zombies with her bow. After a few more moments, her room started to get dimmer, even though its still in the afternoon, and she starts to feel scared and gets off from her seat, she walks quickly to her door but to her shock, its locked.

Then as she stood scared on the locked door, she panted as the darkness grows more inside her room.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"


Kelly went back to the door and bangs the door many times.

"Help! Help! Somebody help me!!!!"

After a few more screams and banging on the door, something hit her head and she falls to the floor unconcious, as if something intended for her to be knocked out.

Then when she wokes up, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, she now sees herself standing in the field where her character from the game she just played is standing. She slaps herself, believing this was all just a bad dream, yes indeed, a bad dream that she will never gets to wake up. Her slap didn't change anything, she stopped and looks in horror to see a forlorn environment.

She saw, a leather armor, a leather cap, a short bow, a boots and arrows dropped in front of her. Kelly is still wearing her current clothes though, her white tight tank top and tight sausage black pants. She realizes that all of this came from her Amazon character that she had just played. She has no idea what happened to her character, she thinks that she replaced the Amazon and that she becomes the "game".

As she scans around, she saw the zombies and fallens that her character had just killed. Kelly was frightened to see their appearance for real. They are nightmarish to look at.

From afar, she sees boy wearing a white shirt standing up, the boy is surrounded by a few slow moving zombies, she ran quickly to the boy and calls for him.

The young boy saw where the that voice was coming from.He noticed a yuong women far way in a big distance away from him, but he coulnd't reckognize her at all and he didn't knew who she was.

"Huh?!Stay way....stay way!" he yelled at her as she ran towards him getting closer while the zombies were closing in on him, coming from all directions.

Slowly stepping back he falled down again on the dirty ground.His hand found the two-handed sword that were use to belonging on his character the Barbarian and he took it trying use it to kill the zombies.His mind still wasn't able to process the fact that he wa snow livivng in "the game". "Getaway!" he yelled at the monsters trying to push them way.The last thing he wanted was to get killed by them right front of this unknown women.That didn't screamed "an attractive" to any female actually so he tryed to look and behaive brave like his character the Barbarian.

"Don't come close near me or they will notice you and attack you!" he yelled at her trying to warn her about how agressive they can be at times and that if they see her, she is good as dead.His heart was racing fast while he was using the sword, slaugthering a few of the zombies.That have him uber courage and he kept waving it fast in all directions, trying to ingure as many of them as he can in order to keep them away from himself and his party partner.Soon enough he found himself around many small poison clouds that were formed each time when zombies was killed by his sword which made his moving options limited getting him trapped between a mist of poison clouds.They smelled bad and he tryed to lay down on the ground to make sure that he cannot get infected by the poison.

"This poison cloud can kill you, stay way!" he kept yelling and awaying for his clouds to go way and vanish.
Kelly stops and looks to the boy at a distance, "Are you alright? You're injured?"

Kelly didn't brought any of the weapons from her character except herself, thinking that this will be over soon.

She saw some gold and potions littered on the ground near the corpses of the zombies. Then as the poisonous fume died, she goes near to the boy and helps him up. Not giving attention to the essential items that ere dropped by the zombies.

"You okay? We might need to get back to the encampment of Rogues. Maybe they can help us get out of here. Come on, you're the expert on this part." Kelly pulls the geek up back to his feet to go back to the camp to see if anyone might help them get back from reality.

"You're the one playing the hulking character aren't you?" Kelly said as the geek got back up to his feet.
He nodded and looked at her eyes, blushing as he realizes who she actually was.The geek couldn't believe that she was standing up right front of him right now. "I'm Okay, thanks!" he reply looking around worried about her. "You are the Amazon right?"

His eyes were checking her out from head to toe.The boy just wasn't able to help himself.Licking his lips he looked at her eyes for second. "You have point, come on fallow me before more zombies come!" he took her hand and dragged her in the same direction that they came as characters.

As they walked, he saw a few zombies walking around, so he pushed her in the nearest bushes as he fall down, and pulled her in his arms, sitting on his lap "Oh sorry!" he blushed and bitted his bottom lip, cuddling her.
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