Why Should I Trust You?(Pokemon. KyaKonami and MysticSparxman)


Jan 28, 2013
Somewhere between Gotham and Daten City

Nina growled out in frustration. Team Rocket was on her tails. Literally. Being a Ninetales, not to mention a Gijinka, was something they didn't want to pass up. Not to mention they'd caught her right outside of Celadon. Her tail-like hair whipped behind her as she ran. Oh, how she hated this evil organization.

She couldn't keep it up for long though. She tripped over a wild Ekans, the snake pokemon finding that to be humorous, and there they were upon her, throwing a net over her immediately. She attempted to use ember in an escape attempt. It did nothing to the net however and they just laughed. "Too bad for you, it's a fireproof net! Come on, guys, let's get this one back to Giovanni." the ringleader said as they grabbed the end of the net she was caught up in, to carry her off. She kicked and struggled. "Let me go you bastards! I swear I'll kill you when I get out of here!" she growled out. The Rockets still laughed though, thinking she was a joke.

Having just left Celadon City pokemon centre, Dante had decided that he would head out of town to catch up on his training. After all, he was still yet to take on the Elite Four. Hell, he still had some gym leaders he needed to beat, so he knew he needed to get around to training his pokemon soon. That was exactly what he figured he would do now, especially since all of his pokemon had been fully healed. Dante had also been sure to top up on a combination of potions and full heals. He always made sure to stock up before he went on a training session with his pokemon. Granted, he had only really been a pokemon trainer for just over two years, but he still had a set routine when it came to training his pokemon. Dante was the type of trainer who would train all of his pokemon equally. He didn’t really like one of his pokemon to be stronger than the others. He liked a balanced team, both in respect to pokemon type, and also their level.

As he had made his way through the streets of Celadon, Dante had Venus by his side. Venus was his Sceptile. She was the pokemon he had started his pokemon adventure with. There was a small smile on his face as he was walking from Celadon, but as he was walking out of the city, he couldn’t help but think back to that one pokemon that escaped from him. The Ninetales gijinka he had attempted to capture a few months ago. Dante had always wondered what had happened to her, but he pushed thoughts about her to the back of his mind as he was sure that he wouldn’t be seeing her again sometime soon anyway. In fact, he didn’t think he would ever see her again.

Making his way out of Celadon with Venus by his side, Dante stopped when he saw something just in the distance. He tilted his head to the side slightly, curious as to what it might be. ”Hmm, I wonder what’s going on there?” He muttered to himself. Dante looked back to Venus as she pulled her small twig out of the side of her mouth. Afterwards, she looked down in the direction where Dante had been looking as she had also noticed what Dante had seen. ”Shall we go and check it out?” He smiled to her, and Venus responded by nodding her head. Nodding his head back to her, Dante started walking down the trail that led away from Celadon. It wasn’t long before they spotted the Team Rocket members dragging something in a large net. Dante couldn’t quite make out what it was though. He stepped in front of the Team Rocket members, blocking their path. ”Up to your usual tricks again Team Rocket? Let whatever you’ve got in there go!” He spoke in a defiant tone, but the Rocket members simply laughed at him. ”You don’t have a hope in hell of stopping us boy. In fact, I think we will take that Sceptile off your hands. I’m sure we could put it to some good use anyway.” The Rocket member smirked as he had said this. This time, it was Dante’s turn to laugh. ”You Rockets sure are funny. If you think you can take Sceptile from me, then you are welcome to try.” As soon as he had said this, Venus stepped forward, ready to battle. Of course, since there was more than one Rocket member there, Dante figured they weren’t going to play fair anyway, so he reached for a pokeball on his belt. He pulled off Spike’s pokeball. Spike was his Haunter. Dante enlarged the pokeball before throwing it up into the air. ”Come on out Spike.” In a flash of red light, a relatively large male Haunter emerged before taking his place beside Venus. There was a devilish grin on his face as he looked back towards the Rocket members. Dante folded his arms across his chest as he looked back to the Rocket members. ”Come on then, which two of you losers are going to battle me?”

Nina heard a voice yelling at the rockets while she was still struggling, freezing as she thought it sounded familiar. Oh no, it couldn't be that guy from a few months ago. She hadn't forgotten about that trainer who tried to capture her. She was a gijinka for crying out loud, not a regular pokemon! She growled, hearing the Rockets getting ready to do battle with him, and him calling out another pokemon. It was that Haunter. Damn, she had to get out of here. She thought for a moment, then an idea came to her. She tried biting on the net. It may have been fireproof, but was it biteproof?

A little, but not much. She started trying to bit her way out, despite it being disgusting. She just wanted out of here, and away from these rockets and that trainer. A couple more strands of rope on this thing and she could be free. She'd been doing this while the battle was going on, and she pushed on, finally getting another, and then another. Her lithe frame squeezed out, using her hands to push it apart more, and there she was, on her two feet again, glaring at them all. A low growl emitted from her as fire formed. She then threw out fire spin, sending the Rockets nearest her dodging or getting burned, not caring how far it extended or who she blasted. When it was clear she looked at the trainer from before, eyes wide, frozen for a few moments before she snapped out of it. If you plan on trying to catch me again, you can forget it!" she yelled at him, taking a step back.

Even though he knew that the Rocket members were up to no good as usual, Dante still had no idea what was in the net that they seemed to be dragging off as he had confronted them. Of course, it didn’t really help that the Rocket members had been standing in front of the net, blocking his view of what may have been inside. Sure, he had a feeling that there was probably a pokemon inside the net, but he didn’t know which pokemon it was exactly. Dante had absolutely no idea that the Rocket members had the gijinka he had attempted to capture a couple of months back inside the net. Even if he had known that she was in the net, it still wouldn’t have stopped him from trying to help her out. After all, Dante hated Team Rocket. He hated everything about them, and he was the type of trainer who would always try to stand against them. It was exactly what he was doing now.

He had his arms folded across his chest as the Rocket members had reached to the pokeballs on their pokebelts. He didn’t really know which pokemon they were going to send out, but there was a part of him that was looking forward to finding out. He didn’t really have to wait for too long though, because seconds later, two pokemon were sent out. One Rocket member sent out a Golbat, and the other Rocket member sent out a Hypno. Dante looked to each of the pokemon that had been sent out, and then he nodded his head a little bit. The battle had been going on for around five minutes, and Dante and his team of pokemon were just starting to get the upper hand in the battle when the Rockets he was battling were attacked by a Fire Spin. Now, Dante knew that this hadn’t come from any of his pokemon, so he turned to look towards where the attack had come from, and that was when he set his eyes on the gijinka he had attempted to capture months ago. Dante may not have known who Team Rocket had captured, but he never would have guessed that it would have been her. There again, she was a gijinka, and there really weren’t many of them about, so it made sense that Team Rocket would be after her.

Dante heard what she had said to him, but before he responded to her comment, he focused on the Rocket members and their pokemon once more. After doing so, he turned back to Venus and Spike. ”Spike, use Shadow Ball, and Venus, you use Solarbeam!” He commanded before turning his attention back towards Nina once more. As he had focused on her once more, both Spike and Venus let fly with their attacks, aiming their attacks at the Rocket members and the opposing pokemon. Meanwhile, Dante kept his focus on the gijinka in front of him. He laughed a little bit. ”Oh yes, that’s the reason I went out of my way to rescue you from Team Rocket. I rescued you, just so I could try to recapture you again.” Of course, he was being completely sarcastic as he had said this to her. ”I’m not going to try to capture you okay. Hell, I wasn’t planning to run into you. I didn’t expect you to be here in this forest, captured by these goons. I only came here so I could train my pokemon, but you’re welcome anyway.” He looked back towards the Rocket members and their pokemon briefly before turning his attention back towards the gijinka again. ”You’re free to come with me if you want to though. After all, you know as well as I do that Team Rocket aren’t going to stop pursuing you. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t shown up when I did. You could be on your way back to Team Rocket HQ if it weren’t for my help.”

Nina watched him warily still not sure if he was telling the truth or not. "Everytime someone finds me, they try to throw a damn pokeball at me. How else do you expect me to be?" she asked him, her ears going down slightly. Though she was a gijinka, and had pokemon dna inside of her, her body was all human. The girl was near his height and slender, but had a decent set of curves on her. Her hands on her hips, she still warily studied him, before letting out a sigh. She couldn't believe she was about to do this.

She stepped forward, then again, until she was over to Dante. She glanced at him, then away. "I'm only coming because I have no choice! Don't think for a second that I trust you. The moment you even try to catch me again I'm attacking." she said, arms crossing. She didn't want to admit she needed help, or that she might trust him just a bit. At least enough to get away from the rockets.

Dante simply folded his arms across his chest and he nodded his head in agreement at the comment Nina had made about what would often happen when someone would find her. Of course, he thought it was understandable that most people would often try to capture her after finding her, especially when he thought about what she was. Dante was about to answer her, but before he had the chance, the Rocket members had attempted to attack him and his pokemon once again. Before Dante had even noticed this, his pokemon had reacted. Spike let fly with a powerful Psychic attack, and Venus attacked with an Energy Ball attack. He found it hard not to laugh as he saw the Rocket members promptly recalling their pokemon into the pokeballs, turning on their heels and running away like the cowards they were. It was after this that he turned his attention back towards Nina once more. ”Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted.” He started off. ”Of course everyone is going to try to capture you if they find you. After all, look at what you are. It’s not as if your kind are very common around here. It’s not every day that someone might see a gijinka, so it comes as no surprise that they are going to try to capture you. As you seem to have figured out, Team Rocket really is no different. If anything, they are so much worse.” He wasn’t really trying to be nasty to her. He was simply telling her the truth.

When she had walked over to him and told him that she was only going with him because he had no choice, both of his pokemon turned back towards him. Venus joined him at his side and Spike vanished into thin air before reappearing right beside Nina. As he had reappeared, he had that same cheeky and troublesome grin plastered across his face. Dante laughed a little bit as he looked to Spike, but then the focus of his attention returned to Nina once more. ”Look, I don’t expect you to trust me okay, I really don’t. Anyway, if I was going to try to capture you, don’t you think I would have done it by now? Don’t you think I would have pursued you after you got away from me that first time?” He paused for a moment just to let her think about what he had said to her. ”I didn’t go after you after you got away from me that first time, and I didn’t try to capture you after rescuing you from Team Rocket. I didn’t really have to get into a drawn out battle with them. I could have beaten them real quick, and then I could have just pulled you away in the net they had captured you in. Now, since I did none of these things, does that not tell you something?” Dante wasn’t really expecting her to listen to or believe anything that he was saying to her, just as he wasn’t expecting her to trust him anytime soon. ”Anyway, what were you doing around here when you got captured? And since you’re going to be travelling with me and my pokemon, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind helping me to train them? After all, that is what I came here to do.” With that said, he started to walk further down the trail and towards somewhere he would be able to train his pokemon.

Nina still watched him, then her attention went to the Rockets attempting to attack again. His pokemon took care of it though, and she smirked as she watched them. Then her attention was back on Dante as soon as he started speaking. "Yeah well, I'm not just a Pokemon! I'm human too!" she snapped. She looked away as the Rockets were mentioned. "They probably just want me as a test subject or something..." she said, sighing. She hated Team Rocket, and didn't really like talking about them. Especially after what had just happened.

She looked at the trainer's Haunter as it appeared beside her, smiling a bit at him. She had no trouble being around other pokemon, it was humans she was constantly wary of. Nina heard his words, and was thinking. Well, he had a point, but she still didn't trust him. He could turn on her at any moment. He could be trying to get her guard down and catch her when she was vulnerable. She tried trusting a human before, and as soon as she had trusted her, had let down her guard completely, she tried to catch her. Friends, allies, they weren't something she could see herself having with humans. Only with pokemon. When he kept on, asking what she was doing and if she would help him train his pokemon, she shrugged. "I was just traveling. Believe it or not you trainers aren't the only ones that actually want to see the world." she said, then sighed. "I can't really go into town or anything, but it's always nice to look at it from a distance.." Then she went on with answering his next question. "Fine I'll help, but only because they want it..I'm not doing this for you!"

Dante had found it hard not to laugh as the Rockets had run away after their defeat. He had turned the focus of his attention back towards Nina soon afterwards though, especially after he had heard what she had said to him. Of course, he knew that she was right; he knew that she wasn’t just a pokemon. There was a part of him that felt bad for it too, and he sighed softly to himself as she had said what she thought the Rockets had wanted her for. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew that she was right about that too. Dante was only able to imagine just what they would have put her through if they had been able to get her back to Team Rocket HQ. The chances were likely that she never would have seen daylight again. Dante hated Team Rocket, and he was just a pokemon trainer, so he could only really imagine just how much Nina must have hated them, especially when he thought about what she was. There was a part of him that felt sorry for her because of it. He felt sorry for her because he knew that she would probably be on the run for most of her life, running from Team Rocket and any other evil organization out there. ”Look, I know you are also part human, but the fact you are part human and part pokemon is what makes Team Rocket want you so much. The chances are likely that they do want you as some sort of test subject. They would want to find out how you came to be the way you are.”

He looked back to her as she told him what she had been doing when she had been captured by the Rocket members. He nodded his head in a somewhat understanding manner before he responded to what she had said. ”I didn’t say that us trainers were the only ones who want to see the world. I actually think it’s nice that you do want to see the world. There is a lot out there to see, but it is a shame that you can’t go into towns or anything. Still, you are right about it being nice to look at it from a distance. I guess that’s better than nothing anyway.” He flashed her a smile before sighing softly at her next comment. ”I know that you’re not doing this for me. I know you probably wouldn’t do anything for me. I know you don’t trust me, and you probably never will. I also know that you probably don’t like me, just like I know that you wouldn’t be travelling with me if you had a choice in the matter.” He had to take a deep breath after saying all of this to her, but then he spoke again. ”I know you probably can’t stand the sight of me right now, but don’t think I’m keeping you prisoner. You are more than welcome to go off on your own, but just know that if you do, the chances are likely I probably won’t be there to help you out against Team Rocket again when they find you again, which they probably would do. I’m not saying I want you to get captured, just like I’m not saying you have to run off just because you don’t like me. If you want to stay safe, then you are going to have to learn to put up with me….and my pokemon.” Of course, as he had been saying this, he had been referring mostly to Spike, mainly because he was more of a troublemaker more than his other pokemon. ”Anyway, I’m grateful for you helping to train my pokemon with me. I think there is somewhere up here where we can train…..and I know you’re doing this for them. I wouldn’t expect you to do anything for me.” With that said, he continued walking to a large and open spot a little further down the trail.

Nina shrugged, her ears going down slightly. "I don't even know the answer to that. Don't see how those fools could find out..." she said, sighing. When he brought up traveling, she looked at him, slightly in surprised that he spoke the way he did. He was being so...nice. She wasn't sure if she should be comfortable with him being that way, or to keep her suspicions of him. It was something she was still trying to figure out. She was still trying to figure him out and if he had any other angle. "Yeah, it is but....I just wish I could walk into town. Meet people..." she said. Truth be told, she was lonely, even though she had wild pokemon for company, she wanted more. But she was nothing more than a rare prize to be caught and paraded around or experimented on to nearly everyone.

Dante began speaking again, and she smirked as he spoke. "Oh, you're pokemon I can handle. I've dealt with the wild ones. It's you that should wonder if you can put up with me." she said. She was getting slightly more used to him, if only because she'd resigned herself to the fate of having to stay with him for now. She still didn't trust him though, and refused to turn her back to him. They continued walking, her ears having perked back up now. Her hands were behind her head as she walked towards the open spot down the trail.

Dante had to admit that he agreed with Nina as he wasn’t even sure he really knew the answer as to why Team Rocket did what they did either. All he did know was that he didn’t like what they did, and that he never would. That was one thing that was never going to change about him. ”I don’t know how they could find out either, but they are Team Rocket after all. I’m sure they’ve got their ways of finding things out, especially when you think about how much money they’ve got behind them.” He paused for a moment before he continued speaking. ”Whether you are a rare pokemon or a gijinka, you can never be too careful when it comes to Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua or any of the others out there. They are all as bad as each other….even though I’ve heard that Team Galactic could be one of the worst there is. They are one evil organization you would want to avoid, so it’s a good thing you aren’t travelling around Unova right now.” Dante wasn’t really trying to discourage her from travelling around Unova, but at the same time, he was being completely serious with her. He thought on what she had said about wanting to meet people, and then the more he thought about it, the more he felt as if he was able to understand how she felt. After all, he didn’t really think he would like it too much if he couldn’t venture into towns and meet other people. ”In a way, I can understand how you feel. You must really feel lonely with not being able to go into town to meet other people. It’s a shame really, because people can be judgmental like that. Some people are afraid of just about anything that they don’t really understand. In your case, people just want you because of how different you are. How rare and unique you are.” He said with a small smile on his face. Still, he didn’t really expect to earn her trust anytime soon.

Hearing what she had said next to him caused him to turn around and look back to her with a cheeky grin on his face. Dante walked backwards for a couple of steps. ”Oh, is that so? I’m sure I should be able to put up with you. I’ve managed to learn to put up with my own pokemon, so what trouble could you possibly be?” The cheeky tone in his voice matched the cheeky smile that was plastered across his face. ”And I’m sure you have dealt with wild pokemon before, but wait until you see how annoying some of my pokemon can be, especially Spike. As you would expect with most Haunters, he is quite the prankster.” No sooner had Dante said this, Spike had suddenly reappeared right in front of Nina, and he did his best to scare her by poking out his tongue and rolling his eyes around in his head, but the chances were likely that he would just have ended up making her laugh. It was normally the case with Dante. When he saw this, Dante shook his head. ”See what I mean.” He turned on his heels so he was walking forwards once again, and a short amount of time later, they reached the open space just off the trail. When they got there, Dante turned to both Venus and Spike. ”Okay guys, you can both take a rest for now. It will be your turn to train a little later.” With that said, he reached down to his pokebelt and pulled off two pokeballs. Dante enlarged the two pokeballs and threw them into the air. ”Sparks, Lexi, come on out.” In a flash of red light, a Croconaw and a Pikachu appeared. As soon as they had appeared, Dante placed their pokeballs back onto his pokebelt, and as he was doing this, both Lexi and Sparks noticed Nina, and both studied her with a look of interest on their faces.

Nina sighed slightly, not able to argue his point on the Rockets. When he mentioned the other groups, she shrugged. "I'm not worried about the others at the moment. Not like I can get that far anyways. I'll risk getting caught just trying to get out of here.." she said, flipping her tail like hair behind her. What he said next almost made her stop walking. Had he just called her unique, rare? Was it a compliment? She wasn't sure if it was, or if he mean it in the sense of owning her. She was confused by it, and it made her wonder about trusting him even more. She didn't say anything though.

Then Dante walked backwards, a grin on his face, and the tone of his voice matching. She couldn't help but smirk. "Well for one I just take off with that scarf of yours, or your pokeballs even. Maybe I'll give you a little workout chasing me." she said jokingly. She wouldn't really steal from him most likely, but to mess with him she might do what she said. Depended on how she felt about him later. "I ran into a flock of Spearow before. And you should know how ill-tempered they are. Plus, I had this annoyingly clingy Caterpie I befriended once..." Then Spike had reappeared in front of her in a scare attempt, but all she did was burst out laughing at him. "I see." she said, a smirk still on her face, continuing to follow him until they reached the open space. She stood there across from him, watching as he released two more Pokemon, a Croconaw and a Pikachu. She smiled at the Pokemon. "Interesting taste in Pokemon.." she said, cracking her knuckles a bit. "Alright guys, we're going to do some training. So hit me with your best shot.." she told them.

Dante thought on what she had said about the fact she didn’t really need to worry about the other evil organizations. It was true that she probably wouldn’t really be able to get too far, so he did think that she had a point. Still, he did know that the other evil organizations would still prove to be trouble one way or another. ”It might be true that you might not really be able to get too far, but the other evil organizations are still going to be something to worry about. Sure, we’ve got Team Rocket to deal with here in Kanto, but what’s not to say they might be planning something big with one of the other evil organizations? Team Rocket are bad enough on their own, and there is always the chance that they might try to hook up with one of the other organizations.” He paused for a moment soon afterwards. ”Wait a minute….have they not done something like that before?” He lightly scratched the top of his head as he tried to think this over for a moment. He was sure that they may have done something like it before, but he just could not be sure. ”Don’t worry too much though, as I don’t like Team Rocket or any of the other evil organizations. I can’t figure out why they do what they do, and at least if we travel together, you don’t really run the risk of getting captured out here.” He offered her a small smile as he had said this to her. Of course, he didn’t really know what she would make of it, but he was hoping that she wouldn’t find it offensive in any way.

He found it hard not to notice the smirk that had formed on her face after the comment he had made, and the grin on his face only seemed to widen at her comment that followed. ”Oh no, you wouldn’t?” He grinned some more. ”You wouldn’t take my scarf. Do you know how hard it was to get one of these?” He said, grinning some more. ”Of course, I wouldn’t let you take my pokeballs either, and I have no doubt that I would get a workout from chasing you.” Dante nodded his head in agreement when she had mentioned Spearow. He knew all too well what Spearow could be like as he had encountered a few before. ”Yeah, I know exactly what Spearow are like…..and are you saying you actually managed to befriend this flock of Spearow? Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with Caterpie.” He grinned. ”I actually like Caterpie. I think they can be cute in their own way.” He had watched as Spike had reappeared in front of Nina and tried to scare her. Of course, it came as no surprise to him when she burst out laughing. He hadn’t really expected Spike to succeed in scaring her at all. Sure, there would be the odd occasion when he might actually succeed in scaring someone, but it certainly was rare. Still, it didn’t really stop him from trying, which Dante often gave him credit for. He laughed a little bit before shaking his head. ”You’ve got to give him credit, as he does try.” He laughed some more as they reached the open spot where they were going to be doing some training.

Both Sparks and Lexi were still curious about Nina as they hadn’t really seen her before. After looking over at Nina, both Sparks and Lexi turned to each other with that same curious look upon their faces. ”Lexi, who is that?” Sparks tilted her head to the side slightly as she had turned to Lexi. Lexi shrugged her shoulders. ”I don’t know Sparks.” Of course, Dante wouldn’t have understood a single word of this, mainly because he didn’t understand pokemon talk. Whether Nina understood it was another question entirely. Afterwards, both Sparks and Lexi turned to face Nina as they heard what she had said. Dante stood back as his pokemon stepped forward to face Nina. ”Okay Sparks, start things off with Agility, and Lexi, you start things off with Water Gun.” Both pokemon nodded their heads, and then Sparks jumped forward before she all but vanished from sight as she used Agility. Meanwhile, Lexi had tilted her head back, and opened up her huge mouth. A few seconds later, she released the Water Gun attack she had been building up in her mouth. As she did, a powerful stream of water shot out in Nina’s direction.
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