Am I really Insane?(KyaKonami and Violelia)


Jan 28, 2013
Somewhere between Gotham and Daten City
She tried to move her, raise her arms to rub at her eyes lightly as she started to wake up. They wouldn't move. No, they couldn't. Letting out a light, feminine groan, the blond blinked a bit, squinting slightly at a light that was on in the room. She attempted to move her arms again, and again the restraints were there. Harley Quinn was utterly confused. What was going on? Joker wasn't up to something was he? She wasn't sure. Her eyes were adjusting to the room around her. It didn't look like their hideout. No, it looked more sterile, like a hospital of sorts.

She tried raise up, and again she was stopped. It finally clicked. Straps. She was strapped down. What had happened last night? Let's see, she had gone out with Joker, and they were wreaking havoc on Gotham. The usual. Batman had of course caught up to them, but she thought they had escaped, not been captured. Or had it just been her. She didn't like this. It didn't seem right. She wasn't usually sent to somewhere like this when they caught her. Finally, she was able to form words. "P-Puddin'?" she called out. "B-Man?" she asked, growing a bit more panicked when she didn't hear anyone responding to her. "Babies?!" she called out to try and see if her beloved hyenas Bud and Lou could hear her. "Anybody?!"
The man sat alone in the office listening to the ticking of the antique Asprey ormolu clock. He reached across his desk and pressed a button, one that would send a signal across to the secretary sitting outside of his room indicating that he did not wished to be disturbed under any circumstances. Swiveling the chair like a child, the man laughed as he got dizzy and fell off, landing next to a photo frame that had been knocked off the table previously. Amused, he pushed the cracked glass out of the way and took the picture out, it was a picture of a man, dressed in the typical white scientist garbs. He was surrounded with kids and stood smiling next to a woman which was probably his wife, a normal loving family. The same guy that is now currently lying dead and stripped of his clothing in the cupboard behind him. He held the picture with his gloved fingers, and for a moment studied it, before it suddenly burst into flames, a sweet trick done with a modified lighter and a hidden compartment on his sleeves.

He felt his phone vibrating, a call from one of the medical orderlies telling him that his newest patient had just woke up from her "coma". A sadistic smile crossed his face, as the man got up and started moving over to her room, a private cell he had set up specially just for her, in at the corner of the insanitarium. A few minutes later, he arrived at her room, placing his palms on a biometric scanner, the pinlight flashed from red to green, he then reached into his back pocket and took out an identity card of some sorts, and placed it against the scanner. The second pinlight remained red. He raised an eyebrow and stared at it angrily, before wiping it against his coat, effectively removing the bloodstain coating the card. The scanner pinged green afterwards, an audible click as the lock disengaged and he felt a gush of sanitized smelling air as the door opened.

He tugged onto his name tag, adjusting it as he stepped into the room, coming upon a table with a female strapped on top of it. It was a simple cell, with nothing but 4 walls, a chair by the side and a single table with a lamp hanging above of it. He moved towards the woman, smiling at her as he heard her calling out different names. "Hello Miss.." he flipped through his files, stopping a certain page before continuing, "Quinzel". He moved around the table, studying her, watching her getting more and more uncomfortable. It was the first time he had seen her on without her makeup or that ridiculous costume she thought he liked. He was surprised at how different she had looked in a simple makeup less face and those over-sized hospital clothing. But of course, so did he. He had wanted this little trick of his to be perfect, so a little plastic surgery had helped him completely removed his scars, and with a fake wig, big plastic glasses, he looked like any other doctor in this asylum. He pressed onto a button above the lamp, turning it on, shining it directly onto the woman's face as he asked, "so how exactly do you feel today, Harleen?"
Harley heard someone come into the room, and she immediately struggled a bit until she saw the doctor. She was still uncomfortable as she watched him. She hated this. She hated this room, this man who had her strapped, wherever this damnable place was. She just wanted to get back to Joker. The lamp was being shined directly onto her face now, and she squinted a bit in the light. A frown appeared on her face the moment the doctor called her Harleen. "Oh, I'm feeling just peachy, Doc." she said sarcastically. "Now could you get that light out of my face."

Harley didn't want to be called Harleen. The moment she decided to follow Joker around, she abandoned that name. She was Harley Quinn. Nothing more, nothing less. "So, you gonna tell me where I am?" she asked him. "Better yet, why the heck did B-Man drop me off at this strange place. Well, I'm guessing it was the Bat. But I though Mista J and I got away..." she said, trailing off as she tried to think back. "Yeah, last I remember, Puddin' and I were home free" she said, a goofy grin coming across her face at the thought of that.
He adjusted his glasses a little, pushing them closer towards his face as he looked through the files in front of him, as much as he was in disguise and putting on a show, he was truly impressed by the amount of information they had on her, her psychological profiles of when she was young, her traumas, her multi split personalities. He was sure that he would have fun manipulating her with what he had found. He saw her frown the second he referred to her by her actual name, so she wasn't really comfortable with that, not that he cared. She also replied him with a sarcastic, slightly pissed off tone, that was normal, she hadn't expect going to bed and waking up the next day in the middle of a hospital room strapped to an operating table, no one would.

"Well," he replied as she asked him about their current location, "you're at Gotham Mental Asylum, the same place you've been for the past two years my dear." He moved the lamp lower, mere inches away from her face, he hated that goofy grin on her face, he wanted her to feel uncomfortable, to lose all sense of control and thought. That idea excited him. "Oh dear, what is all this nonsense?" He asked, as he reached out touch her forehead, "B-man? Bat? Mista J? Puddin? Who are these people?" He then made the motion of writing something onto his papers, "your mental state seemed to have deteriorating, those people don't exist Harleen! They're all inside your head, along with this .. Harlequinn persona you keep telling me about" He then reached out and gripped onto her chin, pulling her face towards him, knowing how much she hates having people touching her without her permission.
Harley watched as the doctor went through what she knew was her files. when he started to answer her, the lamp was moved lower, which really pissed her off. But what was confusing was him saying she'd been in Gotham Mental Asylum for two years. "What are you talking about?" she demanded to know, but then he was speaking again, and touching her forehead. He asked who the people she had previously mentioned were, and she looked at him in shock. "Batman! You know, guy that runs around dressed like a bat of all things. The one that's always ruining my Joker's fun.." she explained as he was writing. Then he told her they didn't exist. That everything, including the fact that she was Harley Quinn. Then he grabbed her chin and pulled her face towards his. She glared at him. "Don't touch me!"

"You're a liar! You're just saying this because you think you can convince me to stay away from Mista J! Well too bad, bub." she said defiantly. "Nothing you do is going to keep me from being with my Puddin'" she continued. He had to be lying, there was no way she had imagined it all. It would mean Joker, the love of her life, didn't exist. Bud and Lou, Ivy, Catwoman, heck, even Batman, much as she couldn't stand him. They couldn't all be a fabrication of her mind. "Y-You betta tell me your lying, doc." she said, trying to keep a hold on her mind.
He was right in her not liking the touch of another person from the instant vile glare he received back from her. That proved two things, one, the information written within the files were correct, and two, she did not recognized him as who he was, for if she did, the touch would have been received with affection instead. "Batman? A guy running around dressed as a bat?" He arms fell back to his side, and his laughter resonated throughout the empty room, "are you hearing what you are saying Harleen? Think about it, a bat of all things? Have you forgot about the time when you're a kid, you got attacked by bats on a camping trip? It's your mind playing tricks on you!"

He could see that his tricks were working, from the quiver he heard from her voice, he knew she was starting to crumble, and the fact that she had stuttered when directing herself towards him, and from the way she had phrased her sentence. He knew that she was focused on him, trying to make a connection with him that would eventually reassure her that her world was real, and not just a figment of his imagination. And when she finally finds out that she couldn't, then she would crumble completely. He wouldn't let her off that easily, cause that won't really be... fun.

"Sadly to say.. I'm not," he replied as he moved the lamp back a little, "there is no Mista J, no Pudding, that's only Miss Harleen Quinzel, born in 1990 (I don't really know her actual age, so sorry if it's a bit off) to Mr and Mrs Quinzel, in the small riverside city of Ivy (this too), which also ended up as part of your imagination, your so called best friend wasn't it? Like you told me, she's a person you love, yet she hates you for your affection towards this.. Joker fellow." He reached out, and with the back of his palm, gently caressed her cheeks, "same as your childhood isn't it? You love your city, yet because of certain.. events, they outcasted you, and eventually you decided to go far away for college."

He suddenly reached into the back of his pants and produced a hand held mirror, "you're not Harley Quinn!", he shouted, as he held out the mirror in front of her. Her makeup free face reflected in the clear glass, "take a good, close look. You're Harleen."
Harley glared as he laughed at her. She hated him laughing at her like she was a joke. It made her uncomfortable. And there he was calling her Harleen again! She hated that name! The thing about her childhood made her shift uneasily. Yes, that had happened, but still! "My mind is NOT playing tricks on me! Yeah, I remember the bat thing, but I know Batman exists!" she yelled at him, getting angrier the more she had to hear him and look at him.

But she was starting to rethink, and her mind was suddenly doubting everything. How could it be true, really? Joker, Ivy, everything. Now that she thought about, she was starting to see how she sounded like a loon. Well, she already had admitted to herself that she was a certified nutso, but still!

He had responded to her now, and Harley's eyes widened the more he spoke, listening to him. Everything he said, it was falling into place like that. "But still...I don't....." she started, then trailed off as he brought forward a hand held mirror, shouted at her, and she saw her makeupless face. Staring at herself in the reflection, she saw natural, slightly pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. No mask, no facepaint. Not even red lipstick. Just plain old Harleen. " was all...a lie..." she said softly, small tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. "Everyone....even him...I..made them up." she continued, then laughed in between the tears. "I'm just loon aren't I?! A regular nutcase!"
He saw her violent, un-trusting reaction change the moment her pale, white face reflected back on the surface of the mirror. Her face slackened, brow furrowed, her eyes darting about for a moment, like as if she didn't believe in what that was right in front of her. Then a single tear fell from her eye, as she softly spoke, her words quivering as they left her trembling lips. Soon more tears followed, as she started laughing between her tears. The man bent down, his eyes filled with concern, opposite of what he truly felt, as he reached out and with his thumb, and gently brushed away her tears, "now, now, it's okay, you're not a regular nutcase, you're just sick."

"And as a doctor", he continued, as he reached under the table and produced a tiny black piece of cloth with two bands at the side which would hang around one's ears, firmly holding the cloth in front of the person's eyes, effectively removing their vision, "I'm here to help you recover.". He smiled as he gently placed the blind fold across her face, covering her eyes. "Relax sweetheart, it's time for your daily treatment," the smile of a maniac started spreading across his lips as the man stood in front of the defenseless girl.
The feeling of his thumb brushing away her tears made Harley stiffen a bit, glancing at him. His eyes looked concerned for her. He told her she was just sick, that she wasn't a regular nutcase. She relaxed a bit, starting to feel comforted until he brought a piece of black cloth out from under the table, the comfort she had been feeling immediately washed away as he covered her eyes with the blindfold.

Harley couldn't see anything but blackness, but she could hear him. "W-What are you talking about?" she asked him. "Why is this over my eyes, doc?" she asked him. She was confused, and beginning to grow wary of the man. Just realizing your entire life you thought you knew was a lie and then having this man that had completely convinced you of this put a blindfold over your eyes wouldn't make you feel safe now would it? Harley's mind searched for an answer, but the few she could come up with didn't sound pleasant. The only man she'd let touch her was Joker, not that he even really existed. But she still didn't want anyone else to do so either way!
He felt her stiffen slightly under his touch, and he smiled, excited at her discomfort. He sensed the nervousness within her words, and felt her anxiety as she asked he what was he planning to do with his blindfold. He ignored her as he moved slowly around her, taking in every tiny detail of her body, satisfied at what was displayed in front of him, he took a step back. He spent the next few minutes prancing around the room, purposely not saying or touching her, enjoying the fact that he was making her more and more uncomfortable. His fingers were pressed against his lips to stifle the laughter that he had felt building from deep within him, after all, he was more crazy than her, wasn't he?

After he felt that enough time had passed, he once again approached her, not saying a word until his face were mere inches away from hers, he could feel her breath against his cheeks, a soft, sweet gush of air. And he was sure she could feel his on hers too. Not saying a word, he moved his head downwards, letting his breath trail across her chin, down her neck, and finally against the soft creamy skin of her chest. The standard hospital garments was a simple button up piece, and her's wasn't exactly buttoned to the top. "Oh nothing much my dear," he continued as he ran a single finger across her tummy, feeling the toned softness between the fabric of her clothing, "don't you remember? You have to get ready for your daily medication. You DO want to feel better don't you?"
Harley couldn't hear anything, and she began to get even more uncomfortable. "Hey, where did ya go?" she asked, shifting as much as she could under the restraints. She couldn't see, and now she couldn't hear him, and he hadn't answered her. She was nervous and scared. Her mind felt like it was in ruins, and she didn't know what was going on around her. Then, finally, she could feel his breath against her cheeks. She didn't know what to do. She merely stayed silent, waiting to see what he would do. She was still nervous.

Then, his breath was on her chin, her neck, then her chest. She began to feel like something was very off about this doctor, even moreso when as he spoke, and she felt a finger running across her stomach between the the hospital garment. "Y-Yes, I do but.." she began, thinking about what he might be implying. Was he going to force his way on her. "T-That isn't medication..." she stammered out, wanting to get away from him so badly.
He could sense both her fear and her anxiety, and it had only further excited him. "Oh but it is my dear," he whispered softly into her ears as his trailed his tongue lightly across her earlobes, licking and tasting her for a moment before moving himself away, not wanting her to sense where he was or know what exactly did he planned on doing, after all, that's what the blind fold was for, wasn't it? He then watched her for another moment, before leaning close and gently blew against the nape of her neck, watching as tiny little goosebumps appeared on her flesh.

All this while his hands roamed across her waist, running down her hips, caressing her shapely thighs as his fingers danced and trailed their way across her legs. "Don't you remember Harleen?" The man asked as his finger tips trailed up from her tummy, running in between her cleavage, feeling his fingers coming across the soft bump of her breast as they ran upwards, finally ending on her lips. Leaving his fingers pressed against her lower lips, he whispered, "you've been having this medication for months now, don't you trust your doctor?".
She didn't understand, and she didn't like his tongue on her earlobes, and she cringed. Harley was starting to think her delusions were better than this. Even if he wasn't real, she missed Joker right now. She couldn't see or hear the doctor. She didn't even know where he was or what he might do to her. Though she did have a pretty good idea. His breath appeared on her neck now, goosebumps appearing. She couldn't help it.

She gulped slightly as she felt him caressing her thighs and felt his fingers all over her legs. Harley shook her head. No, she didn't remember, all she remembered was the world she had apparently imagined. His finger tips were at her stomach, now her cleavage and she thought he may have been about to caress her sensitive breasts when she felt them come up to her lips, staying pressed there. "I...I guess I do, but..." she trailed off for a moment, before continuing. "I can't really remember.."
He smiled as she lied to him, her attempts to grasp onto her memories fading as she even tried convincing herself otherwise. That was the first step to completely reducing her willpower, the second step, he would... enjoy a lot more. "Then just trust your doctor," he whispered, as his fingers once again ran down her chin, trailing softly down her neck and running along the side of her chest before he swallowed the mounds of flesh with a single fluid movement. "I'll try my best to help you remember", he coerced as he gently cupped her ample breast, his tone filled not with concern, but instead, malice.

With the many nights that they had spent together before he put his little plan in motion, he already knew all of her sweet, sensitive spots, and with those in mind, he let his fingers wander across her body, not really touching her sensual spots, but teasingly close enough. He would make her body crave him, after all, even if her memories were brainwashed, one's body would never forget another's touch. Not that she could reject him anyways, her hands were pinned to the side of her body, strapped down by the huge belts tied to both sides of the table.

He leaned over her prone form, towering over her as he bent towards her cringing face, his tongue snaked out from between his lips and slid across her face, all the while his hand continued with his movements, one on each chest, gently caressing and massaging her two round orbs.
Harley heard him say to trust him, and she was still unsure as his fingers once again trailed her body, gasping lightly as he cupped her breast. She could hear the malice in his tone, and was slightly scared. She'd only let Joker touch her this way for the longest, only felt his touch and the way he was able to trigger the moans that came from her lips and filled her with pleasure and want for him. But Joker had only insisted in her mind, the doctor had said. Only a figment of her imagination. She hated to think that her lover was made up by her completely, but it was cold solid truth.

The doctor's fingers still traveled all across Harley's body, teasingly close to her most sensual spots. It was familiar, because they were the same spots Joker knew how to hit every single time he had taken her. Well now it seemed that it had actually been the doctor touching her, because she knew that touch anywhere when it came to their most intimate moments. She didn't want to like this as much as she was, her bottom lip trembling a bit. "I-It feels just like..the way he used ta..." she said softly, not wanting to cry over a man she had merely imagined existed.

She could sense him getting closer to her face, even though she couldn't see him, then felt his tongue across her face. He was still cupping and groping her breasts, and when his hands went a certain way in particular, she moaned lightly. She couldn't help herself.
"He?" the man asked, as he ran his tongue lightly over the outside of her ear, "who's the he?", he asked as he slid from the sensitive spots behind her earlobes and down her neck, nibbling her flesh as he went. He could feel through his kisses that her shoulder muscles were toned, strong from all the acrobatic trainings and god knows whatever she had done. But as strong as she was, right now she felt small, weak, delicate. He could feel her bra strap from beneath the fabric, and he could feel himself breathing heavier as one of his palms moved over and slowly unbuttoned another button, revealing more of her creamy skin, to the point where her cleavage started to disappear under the remaining clothing.

And as he heard a soft, barely audible groan coming from within her lips, he smiled, it was less than a whisper, but surely he had felt it. She was responding as expected to his touch. She looked so sensual lying in front of him, her chest rising and falling gently as she breathed, her face flushed, obviously feeling a whole bunch of mixed reactions which she had not expect to arise. Her mouth was slightly opened as she panted lightly, oh how much had he wanted to feel her lips pressed against his. But he wouldn't give in so lightly to his temptations, at least till he had made her feel his power and hold over her, till he had finally conquered and subjugated her, and till she would submit herself to him.

Another smile crossed his face, this time a much more insane looking one, as he lifted up the edge of her top, and slipped his fingers into the region between her body and the inside of her clothing. His fingers glided across her tummy, her skin cool against his touch, his fingertips graze lightly across her toned body as they traveled upwards. He stopped them inches away from her endowed chest, and teasingly moved them downwards again. Before long, they left her body, and he stood up, leaving her there, the memory of his touches nothing but a lingering memory.

"How do you feel Harleen?" the smiling man asked.
"M-Mista J...That's who.." she told him, feeling his tongue going from her ear to her neck, feeling his nibbling. She let out a whimper or a moan, reluctant to give him the satisfaction, but craving it at the same time. She was torn and confused by all the sensations she was feeling from him. Harley felt his breath becoming heavier, another button coming undone on her clothing.

Harley felt his hand slipping between the clothing and her body, his fingers trailing upwards. Going towards her chest. She expected him to cup her breasts, to grope and tease her, but he didn't, which left her confused. She had been expecting it, actually wanting to feel his hands on her sensitive flesh, but it hadn't come. Instead, he moved down, then left her body. She couldn't feel him anymore, where was he? Had he left her?

The thought of him leaving her like this, in a state of need and confusion nearly took the breath from her. No, he couldn't leave now, not when she felt like this. She had questions on the tip of her tongue she couldn't form, needed him to touch her in ways she hadn't been touched.

He spoke then. She smiled just a bit. "I..feel a bit better...."
The man could feel an all too familiar stirring deep down within him as the sounds of her soft moans and whimpers brought memories of all the nights they had spent together in the past, and as he saw her lips slowly part open due to her increased breathing from her apparent arousal, he couldn't help but to imagine how they would feel like wrapped around him instead. "Mister .. J? he asked as he slowly circled his patient, so it seemed that she still held on to what seemed like a part of her memory. He wouldn't be able to break her till she herself believes that she was broken. So until then, he would try all he could to make her own thoughts betray her mind.

"You know," he muttered as he ran the back his palm gently across her face, "I won't proceed with the next part of your treatment. The part that will make you better, until you tell me this Mister J or whoever he is, doesn't exist." If she hadn't been blindfolded, she might had actually seen the fake concern on his face and believed him, but now, he would need something even stronger as a catalyst to further the process of his games. "You wouldn't want me to leave you here.. all alone.. would you?"
Harley nodded as he spoke. "Yeah...." she answered him, wondering what he was going to say next. She was still wishing his hands were on her, and that she could see him, but there was nothing she could do about that now. There was his voice again, his hand against her face. She gasped slightly as he asked her that question. No, she didn't want him to leave. Not now when she was wanting to feel him more, something that was familiar.

"N-No...Don't leave.." she said, her voice almost desperate, frantic even. Her lip trembled, as she thought about what she was about to say. The one thing she still wanted to believe, that Joker was out there somewhere still, somehow, wasn't true. He didn't exist. Batman and the others, she could live without, cope without their presence. She could even cope without having Ivy. But Joker? It seemed impossible.

Taking a deep breath, she trembled still, tears coming from her eyes once more. "You're right. Mistah J...he doesn't exist.." she said softly. "H-He..He never existed."
Was that a hint of desperation in her voice he heard? He could see her lips trembling softly as she spoke, and knowing her as long as he did, he knew that it was a sign of both nervousness and uncertainty. The way she had pleaded him to not leave sounded truly frantic and despairing. Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes, and soon they started sliding down her cheeks, he saw her took a deep breath, a long moment before she finally spoke, admitting that the person she was thinking of didn't exist.

The man finally smiled a genuine smile, one that only came as he achieved what he wanted. "Harley dear, don't be sad," he whispered in a soft soothing voice as he gently wiped away her tears with his thumb, "I'm proud of you sweetheart, you've finally came to see the truth." Bending close to her, he planted a kiss on her cheeks, dabbing away at the tears with his lips, then another one, and another one. Each one closer and closer to her lips, and not before long, they touched, he felt his pressing against her soft ones, and as he forced his lips against hers, his arms reached down and removed another button, without needing to look, his hands slipped between the fabric, "just relax Harley, the doctor will make you feel better", he said between kisses as his fingers found a generous amount of her chest and started squeezing them. Kneading and rubbing them in circular movements as his other finger began making his way down towards her legs, trailing softly across her skin as they lifted up the waistband of her shorts and slipped between her thighs.
Harley heard his voice finally, a small flush rising in her cheeks as he wiped the tears from her eyes. She believed him, believed he was proud of her and that made her happier than anything at the moment. She felt his lips then. On her cheek repeatedly, trailing down to her lips. The intensity made her squirm slightly, but only for wanting to hold him there, not to get away. Another button removed. More of her exposed to him. His hand slipping between the fabric, and already it was nearly driving her wild with excitement.

"O-Okay..." she responded to him between the kissing, having begun to kiss him back a bit, though warily in case he didn't want that. A soft moan escaped her as his hands found her chest and squeezed. Her nipples hardening from his touch, Harley couldn't help herself from just enjoying this man's treatment of her at the moment. One of his hands now trailed downwards, lifting up her waistband and slipped under and between her thighs, she let out a pleasurable gasp of a moan the moment he touched her.
The man smiled as he felt her body responding beneath him, was it due to her muscle memory of his touches, or was she such a naive and easily preyed-on-girl beneath the facade that is of Harley Quinn. He could feel her nipples hardened as his fingers gently grazed across them, solid hard knobs which his fingers curled around and pressed against as they continued squeezing the two perfect round globes of hers. He heard a soft gasp as his fingers found their way between her thighs, one of pleasure as his fingers came into contact with the soft flesh of her inner thighs. They slowly trailed across her legs, barely grazing them with the lightest of touches.

He felt her kissing him back, and his tongue snaked out and pressed against her soft, wet lips, pushing forcefully into her as his fingers finally found themselves pressed against the silt of her panties. They held there for a moment, pressing down, a soft gentle movement, not to pleasure, but to tease, as they slowly rubbed upwards, then down, each movement tortuously slower than the previous one. He could feel his own urges getting stronger, and being known as a man that pretty much never resisted doing and having whatever he wanted, he knew it was only a matter of time before he lose control.
Harley felt his tongue pressing against her lips until it forced its way inside of her mouth. A light moan escaped her. This was all so like the memories of that imaginary man, Joker. Perhaps that was why she allowed it, wanted, it, needed it. Her thoughts of that cleared away the moment she felt his fingers against her panties. Mentally, she was pleading with him to touch her, and finally, he pressed down and she let out a soft moan.

The teasing was almost too much as he rubbed his fingers against her, slower and slower each time. Every moan coming from her began to sound more and more like a pleading for more. Her body was starting to heat up, and she knew he probably felt how wet she was just from his teasing and the pleasure and excitement it was giving her.
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