So Getting Shown Up

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Mar 19, 2012
Middleton, the place to be if you're looking to move to the everyday, apple pie and baseball loving, American city. It was also home to the teen hero sensation, Kim Possible. She was apparently the girl who could do anything, Tim wondered if that extended into areas other than fighting crime. She was small time compared to what Tim Drake had been through in his five years of experience. She didn't have to face a psycho clowns and his love struck crony, a Mexican luchador on super steroids, or a criminal mastermind who had the ability to live forever. All she was left with was a wannabe mad scientist, a golfer with a bad attitude, an old fudy duddy billionaire and his son, and a man with a monkey fetish; not the best rogue gallery to call herself a hero. He wasn't there for the glamor that was associated with fighting crime, he was there to prove himself and show what a real hero could do. He was here to get further away from the shadow of The Bat. Tim decided that it was best to do this to truly test the limits of his abilities. If he were ever to improve or prove himself, he had to get away from Bruce so that he could fight his battles alone rather than run away and call him for back up. Middleton has seen its fair share of kooks and villains, so it would be a good fit for him to start. Though he couldn't just run around the city with his suit all the time. Something had to keep him occupied. High School was there to answer the call.

Before he arrived he enrolled in Middleton High and today was his first day there. He woke up early in his standard fair apartment (a nice bonus thanks to his staple form Wayne Enterprises) and got in his morning workout. It consisted of the standard workout equipment of dumb bells, bench press equipment, treadmill, etc. The workout finally ended with him practicing his martial arts on a wooden dummy. The dummy was of a smooth Mahogany wood and had various arms extending out to practice his positioning and flow between strikes. He saved this for last because he wanted to practice it while he was winded. if he was winded then he would have to focus harder on doing it right and committing these moves to muscle memory and pushing his limits further. When he was finished he moved to the bathroom for a shower.

After the shower he saw that he was behind schedule and dashed to his bedroom to get clothes on. He quickly got dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans and a red v-neck t-shirt and made a dash for the front door while struggling to get his shoes on. He grabbed a protein bar on the way out the door and jogged to his car, catching up to his schedule. He slid in to the front seat of the red sports car (a little parting gift from the Wayne Manor garage) and checked himself in the mirror, his blue eyes shining back against his black hair. He smoothed his hair down and figured it was good enough for a first day. He then turned the car on and put the it in gear to drive off to school.

Upon arrival at the school he parked in the student lot and grabbed his things out of the trunk. He made sure that his Robin gear was easily accessible and yet hidden from plain sight in his car. With everything ready he took a confident step forward toward campus, eyes constantly swiveling as the myriad of pretty girls crossed his path. "This might not be a bad first day after all," he said to himself with a smirk.
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