Pure Of Heart (Venomous Carnage x Raeona)

Nov 29, 2011

- Limping through the woods, Kunai. whipping past we find a young ninja, headband wrapped around his borw, his face dirty and cake with blood, his hair dripping with sweat. "Almost there, Almost there..." He said to himself, his body pounding with pain every step gets much harder then the one before it. his breathing was becoming labored, his vision blurring, he wasn't going to be able to run much longer, but, he was closer to his destination, As he slowed down he saw a fire burring near by, and caught a glimpse of who was there, "The Akatsuki" he whispered to himself, he Sighed and scratched out the leaf symbol on his head band and began staggering into the camp, Blood dripping from his mouth, the tranquilizer he just injected quickly taking effect, his body collapsed on the ground. -

"Several Hours Before...."

- In the Hokage building sat, Naruto, who has been Hokage for a short time but, long enough to use what he could to track and capture Sasuke, from the door came a young Ninja, aged around 20, he stood at 6'2, weighing 185 pounds his shoulder length hire was a light brown his eyes a dark blue, he was one of the more sought after bachelors in the Leaf, but, he stayed alone and single due to what happened to his family so many years before. -

- On the long road between the sound village and the leaf, was a small wagon that was being pulled by two horses, on the wagon it self was a supply of food, after the attack by pain on the hidden leaf village they were hurting and some of the other villages helped them to recover, Akio's Father, was a farmer and his mother was a healer. So, they were called into the Leaf to help with recovery efforts, on the was to the village the small wagon was attacked by a gang of Rouge ninja, his parent were both slaughtered leaving him alone in the wilderness, it was only by the grace of god, that he was found a short time after by an older couple, who were from the Leaf Village, he was brought back and raised there, after the War with P.A.i.N, he was now a Jonin, and an elite Member of the ANBU Black op's which is why he is now in naruto's office. -

Akio - "You sent for me, Sir?"

- Naruto turned around from the window in his chair and put his arms on the desk -

Naruto - "i have a mission, for you Akio, it will take time and it requires you to use all your skills. you will be going deep undercover on this...i need you to...Spy on the Akatsuki..."

- Akio's eyes went wide, and a look of shock on his face -

"A-Are you kidding, sir? if they find me out they will parade my head around on a pike!"

Naruto - "You are on of the most elate ANBU member's we have, im sure you will be fine, i wouldn't trust anyone else to do it..."

Akio - "Well, sir, i-i guess if you think it's best..."

"Sometime Later..."

- Akio's eyes began to open his vision still blurry, he could smell something...something sweet, he couldn't tell what it was, it was sort of like a vanilla smell, he turned his head as his eyes cleared up he could see a woman, with dark colored hair he smiled some before passing back out. -

Maylinn had always been alone, in a way. Her parents had been killed and she had been left all alone as a child. One of the Akatsuki members found her, and when they went to kill her, they found they couldn't. There was something special about her, they could sense it. So, instead, they took her under their wing and raised her.

Now, she was nineteen, and although she wasn't a part of the group technically, they were her family. She spent her days helping them out, being almost like a servant for them. Her days consisted of gathering information, material, supplies, anything that they may need. They'd discovered what her special power was and was determined to keep her away from their enemies, knowing that if they found out what she could do, then it would prove very difficult.

Today, she was simply training when she heard talk of someone being found just outside. Maylinn stopped what she was doing and hesitantly made her way over to where the Akatsuki were gathering, all gazing down at the boy who'd passed out. Tilting her head to the side curiously, she blinked a few times as she looked him over and noticed his headband. "He's like us" She said softly, looking up at the others. "He has no family"
- After being a distraction for a few minute's Kabuto hearing all the whispers of the rest of the group walks over, some of the effects of Orochimaur's chakra, causing his face to have some snake like propertie's to it, He looks over at the young. Maylinn, and his face gets a look of anger and almost pure hatred at the headband. -

Kabuto - "How long has he been laying here?"

- Suigetsu, looks up and moves some hair from his face, before speaking up -

Suigetsu- "Just a few minute's sir, he comes from the Leaf....and he is banged up pretty bad..."

- Kabuto, looked at the body of the boy once more before kneeling down, he placed his hand over the boy's mouth and nose and felt air being drawn in and pushed out. -

Kabuto - "He live's...Suigetsu, Sasuke, bring him to my tent where i can heal him...Maylinn, bring fresh bedding and bandage's he will need them...."

- the two lifted, Akio, and drug him to the tent where Kabuto, spent his time reading up on forbbiden jutsu, it was a quiet life for what remained of the rouge ninja group, they sent their days thinking of ways to attack the village hidden in the leaves, they needed to get to Naruto, to avenge PAIN'S demise and unleashed the 9-tails so they could strike back at the Village's that shunned them for their crimes, Akio. was laid on a cot in the corner of a tent his shirt was cut off and his headband removed while they waited for Maylinn to return with the supplies they needed. -
Maylinn nodded her head, bowed, and quickly ran off to do as they asked. She gathered everything in a bundle and made her way towards the tent. "Here you go" She said as she handed the blankets, pillow and bandaging over. "I can help clean up the wounds if you want, do we need water?" She asked, looking to the boy curiously. He was from the leaf, but he was beat up and had his headband crossed out which meant that he'd done something bad, and was banished. Frowning, she sat next to the bed and looked up at all of them.

"If you want, I can take care of him. Figure out his story, make sure he doesn't run" She explained, tilting her head to one side a bit. "I mean, we can't trust him just yet right? And you guys are always busy"
-Kabuto looked across the room thinking as he began healing the boy's wonds cut's, and bruises, he sighed and smiled at her -

"Maylinn, if you think you can handle it please be my guest, but, fetch some water in a bowl he needs something for his head"

- Akio, stirred as he looked at her, he was struck by her beauty, her golden hair and striking eye's, something about her said, 'Innocent' and she really seemed diffrent from the rouge ninja of this group like she didn't fit in. but, those thoughts were thrown to the side and relaced by the pain in his ody and his dry throat. -
Maylinn smiled and nodded, hurrying off and gathering water in a large glass bowl before placing one of the softer cloths they had. She dipped it in the water and carefully brought it back into the tent. Sitting down, she folded the cloth up into a strip and carefully placed it on his forehead, smiling softly to him, seeing that he was awake now.

She wanted to ask him a lot of things, but she wasn't sure if now was the best time. Carefully, she dabbed at some of the wounds on his face before rinsing the cloth. Folding it up once more, she put it on his forehead again and set the bowl down for when they would need it next.
- he saw her moving it was just a silhouette, of a woman, he could feel her chakra, it wasn't violent or malicious, it was full of peace and innocence, he wanted to speak but, couldn't the tranquilizer caused pasts of his body to be come paralyzed for a short time as his body recover's he might be able to speak to her again, he felt the rag on his head the coldness reminding him of the snow something he loved seeing as a child and even now as an adult, there was something about it that was very calming how it fell, how fragile it is, he let out a sigh as she dabbed his wounds and he reached up and grabbed her hand -

"Please....n-not so much pressure they are still tender..."

- he let out a weak chuckle as he smiled before passing back out. -
"S-Sorry" She said softly, letting up a bit and smiling weakly as he passed out. She carefully cleaned off the rest of his wounds and put the cloth back over his head simply to cool himself off.

Looking up at the others, she smiled and shrugged "I got this, go back to your work. He's going to be out for a while" She explained gently as she pulled a stool over and sat down, waiting patiently.
- his dreams came and went everything from being home to being with his real family, but it was broken by Naruto's words, "You are my best....You have to bring Sasuke in..." He had to remember his mission, but this woman she was pure no blood on her hands she was diffrent...so diffrent, suddenly he sat up sweat dripping down his face as the moon shone in the window lighting up her face, he smiled some and looked at her -

"You are still here?"
"Of course" She said, smiling up at him and tilting her head to the side a bit. "I'm not technically supposed to leave, but I'm also worried. You seem pretty beat up" She said softly, smiling a little and shrugging her shoulders a bit. "Do you... need anything?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side a bit as she got to her feet in order to go.
- he slowly sat up, her face bcoming clear as he did, the moonlight giving her a special type of glow, her long blonde hair fell around her shoulders tied up into a ponytail, her eye's were very light blue, almost grey in color and her simple smile was warm and inviting him, as he got into a sitting position he realized how sore his body was, sweat began to form on his forehead as he was fighting off some sort of fever now. -

"N-No, i-i just need to make sure my body still works...what village are you from?"

- He went right for the big question his village was obvious, but, he was wondering where she came from. -
"I... I don't know" She said softly, biting her lip nervously as she glanced down to him. "I was really young when I was brought here, I don't remember anything from my past" she said softly, smiling a bit at him and shrugging her shoulders before she smiled to him and got to her feet. "Wait here" She said before leaving, only to return shortly after with a bowl of soup. Putting it down on his lap, she smiled a bit "Here, eat"
- he smiled and took the bowl giving a small bow before drinking some of it -

"Thank you..."

- HE said looking noticing a seal around her bellybutton, coming from the Hidden Leaf he knew what it was but he didn't dare bring it up, he finished his soup and sighed while rubbing his stomach -

"That was wonderful did you make this?"

- He asked hoping she did. -
Maylinn slowly nodded her head and blushed slightly "Y-Yeah, I did" She said, brushing some hair back from her face. "I don't make food that often, and if I do it's usually really simple things" She said, knowing that often, the group didn't particularly want to spend a lot of time eating when they were trying to plot out their next moves.
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