Totally New to Town

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Mar 19, 2012
Beverly Hills, the place to be if you're looking to make it big. A big reason for people to move out to there, but that wasn't the reason for Tim Drake. He wasn't there for the glamor that was associated for the city. He was here to get further away from the shadow of The Bat. Tim decided that it was best to do this to truly test the limits of his abilities. If he were ever to improve or prove himself, he had to get away from Bruce so that he could fight his battles alone rather than run away and call him for back up. Beverly Hills has seen its fair share of kooks and villains, so it would be a good fit for him. Though he couldn't just run around Beverly Hills in his suit all the time. School was the answer to that.

Before he arrived he enrolled in Beverly Hills High and today was his first day there. He woke up early in his standard fair apartment (a nice bonus thanks to his staple form Wayne Enterprises) and got in his morning workout. It consisted of the standard workout equipment of dumb bells, bench press equipment, treadmill, etc. The workout finally ended with him practicing his martial arts on a wooden dummy. The dummy was of a smooth Mahogany wood and had various arms extending out to practice his positioning and flow between strikes. He saved this for last because he wanted to practice it while he was winded. if he was winded then he would have to focus harder on doing it right and committing these moves to muscle memory and pushing his limits further. When he was finished he moved to the bathroom for a shower.

After the shower he saw that he was behind schedule and dashed to his bedroom to get clothes on. He quickly got dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans and a red v-neck t-shirt and made a dash for the front door while struggling to get his shoes on. He grabbed a protein bar on the way out the door and jogged to his car, catching up to his schedule. He slid in to the front seat of the red sports car (a little parting gift from the Wayne Manor garage) and checked himself in the mirror, his blue eyes shining back against his black hair. He smoothed his hair down and figured it was good enough for a first day. He then turned the car on and put the it in gear to drive off to school.

Upon arrival at the school he parked in the student lot and grabbed his things out of the trunk. He made sure that his Robin gear was easily accessible and yet hidden from plain sight in his car. With everything ready he took a confident step forward toward campus, eyes constantly swiveling as the myriad of pretty girls crossed his path. "Ah, Beverly Hills! This might not be a bad first day after all," he said to himself with a smirk.
Freshman year for the girls is the hubris, the beginning of catsuits, fresh start on school and fresh start on secret agent stuff.

The girls will be getting their first Charlie's Angel getup this day, and they were very excited to test their youthful strength and wit. But before that, they still must live anonymously and mingle in the civilian life.

Clover along with Sam and Alex proceed to their designated classroom, all three of them are already doing daydreams on doing spy things as they wait for the teacher to come. Clover wears her simple strapless pink tank top covered with white jacket and red slacks and red sandals

Meanwhile as Clover was daydreaming, her attention was caught by the mysterious looking guy in red v-shirt who just entered the room, he seems to look cool and studious. The way he walks is like of a mr. Personality but mix with a serious bad-ass sort. As she keeps on looking at him, their eyes met but Clover quickly evade his stare and blushed a little, and does an ignoramus.

Sam and Alex however didn't seem to notice what Clover just seen. She is having an uneasy and excited feeling about this guy's vibrant presence.

Clover couldn't collect herself at the moment.
Tim made his way into the school and was able to make his way to the front office. He gave his name to the nice lady at the front desk and she gave him his scheduel and locker. He went to his locker first and dumped some of his spare gear in his locker and then went to class. He was given the generous populace classes to start with, if he found it too easy he would switch over to the AP courses to keep his mind sharp.

He found he first class easy and made it in right before the bell rang for class to begin. He stopped in the front to eye a seat for him, somewhere in the middle or towards the front. As he scanned the room his eyes met with a cute blonde sitting next to an open seat. Her gaze held for a short time before she shied away from him. He decided to let further and took the open seat next to her, it was the seat he figured would be the best for a quick exit... and the neighborhood wasn't looking bad either.

He set his bag down and eased himself into the seat. He reahes into his backpack and pulled out a notebook to prepare notes, but when he went back for a pencil he acted like he was missing one and was searching through the bag. When he gave up he turned toward the blonde and smiled. "Hey uh... could I trouble you for a pencil? I left mine at home."
"You left your pencil at home? Hahaha!!" Clover acted in sarcasm to check this guy's temper, "First day in high school and you forgot your pencil? Separation anxiety from Elementary is it? Old habits die hard ahihihihi!" She continues to ridicule him, trying to act a little bitchy. She alternately crosses her legs while giving sarcastic remarks as if trying hard to give a sexy look to him.

She took a newly sharpened pencil from her wallet and handed to him but before she let's him grab the pencil, she asked one question:

"Before you get my pencil, I'll get your name first."
He forced a chuckle along with her various quips about his feigned forgetfulness of a pencil. They were odd in a sense, if he was in high shool why would be he worrying about separation from elementary school? Still, he laughed with her out of manners and nodded his head. "Yeah, I know. Old habits die hard I guess." He had heard better from Harley Quinn, but Quinn was insane so that was already a point in this new girls favor. She teased him further by crossing her legs and giving him a sexy pose to look at. The girl was a tease, no doubt trying to set that up by doing this whole insult routine. He could take this simple stuff so it ws ok by him.

She finally stopped and gave him the pencil, but with a price. He smirked and chuckled, "Fair enough," he said. He darted his hand out to quickly and gently grabbed the pencil. "I'm Tim Drake. Now how about your name? I think it would be a fair trade since you now have mine."
"Tim Drake like Tim Drake? Cool, I'm Clover, not four leaves by the way." She talk to him like someone getting to know the fishes in a prison. Anyway, she didn't bother assuming that she thought the boy she's talking to is not familiar about criminal underworlds, talking like a smart-ass likewise.

"Say, you're not from here are you?" Clover then takes off her white jacket, leaving her in pink strapless tank top, she bends her right arm a little forward on the arm chair, giving Tim a view of her armpit.
When she said her name he though that it was quite fortuitous for a one liner, and then she added that it wasn't like a four lead clover it added more to the line. "Aww, and here I thought that today was my lucky day." Her tone while speaking wasn't as perky as it was before, it was now more analytical, like she was merely learning for now before making her move. He was used to this tone as it was what Batman and other heroes took toward him and the other sidekicks around the hero community.

She asked about where he was from, most likely noticing that she hasn't seen him around town or here before. "Yeah, I just moved out here from Gotham. I thought a nice change of scenery would be good to start high school with." He was hoping that saying he was from Gotham wasn't a giveaway. So far no one had notice that Robin was gone from the Dynamic Duo. Most likely either Stephanie or Cassandra stepped into place as Batgirl.
"Soon it will be LUCKY." Said Clover in a flirtitious manner, Clover was slighly irritated when Tim doesn't seem notice her removing her jacket in showing off her underarm and bossoms, she looks to his face further more to catch his eye.

"Oh, you're from Gotham? That metropolis was nearly nuked last year by a bald masked man, I think they call him Bane, am I right? He snapped the neck of a russian nuclear physicist in the middle of a lacrosse stadium and revealed about Gotham's police commisioner about the conspiracy between Batman and Harvey Dent. How did you manage to survive, with the city under martial law and crawling with criminals using Batman's arsenal?

OOC: (Clover is breaking the fourth wall on Gotham, well, having no idea making about 2 robins, one is a former detective and the other one sitting beside her and of course, Batman as Christian Bale, what else could she ask for?)
((She doesn't have to know stuff about Gotham, I figure that since Batman and Robin do a good enough job to keep below the radar. Although she could ask more about Batman and Robin I guess. The actual ones.))

Tim liked the way she picked up on his quip about being lucky. Clover looked at him and he could see there was something wrong he had had done. She kept it subtle enough for the common man to miss, but due to years of training to look for the subtle he was able to spot it. He tried to think of what she did prior that would warrant him to look at her. He then remembered that she removed her jacket and shifted in her seat. He averted her eyes for a moment and looked down at her tank too to see that little was being led to the imagination about her profile. He smirked a bit and then returned his eyes to hers.

When she asked about the movie that was made, he groaned on the inside. "That was a movie based off of a case Batman and Robin solved," he was very lee to saying we but was able to hold it off. He wanted to go into detail about the case, but that would have been boring and it would be a dead giveaway of his identity.
When she noticed that Tim paid attention to her distraction, she smirked a bit, thinking that somehow the lure & seduction worked, she leaned back again to the chair to give Tim this time a view of her chest.

As Clover noticed that Tim was quite apprehensive on sharing his story about his survival on the nuking of Gotham, she quickly retorted to him, "Man of few words are you? I guess you're still getting into adapting the angles on this place. You're going alone in here? I could help you be familiar on the life here in the city."

After a few more moments a teacher came into the room and commenced the class session, the first subject is Biology, human anatomy.
Seeing as last time she shifted positions he didn't notice and she became aggitated, he took the time to take notice of her position. He wasn't about to leave an awful impression on the women of the school. No adopted son of Bruce Wayne could do that now could he?

She asked about Tim's silence. "What's their to talk about? The movie even got the whole nuclear bomb thing wrong. Bane just broke Batmans back and crime ran a little rampant for a week or two, then he came back and things returned to normal. End of story." She went on to ask if he was some here and he nodded, "Yes, I moved out here on my own. Cutting the old chains to my family and living on my own. I would actually like a tour, that would be nice."

He then turned to face the board as the teacher began. He in immediatley began to scribble down notes as the teacher talked.

"Welcome students, I am Mr. Connors and I'll be your combined Biology and Anatomy teacher for this year. Now, lets get things started by taking a look at what we'll be covering this year." He turned to the board, grabbed a piece of chalk, and began writing down an equation on the board: p^2 + 2pq + q^2= .1. "Now lets see if any of you did any pre-class reading. Can someone tell me what this is?"

Once Tim was done writing it down he looked up to see if anyone was going to take a shot at it. When he saw shocked faces and people shying away in their chairs he decided to raise his hand. "Ah yes Mr..." "Drake, " he responded, "Tim Drake." Mr. Connors nodded, "Yes Mr. Drake, what is this?" Time calmly responded, "That is the Harddy-Wienberg equation sir." Mr Connors seemed shocked to hear him say that, "Very good, Tim. Now, can you tell us what this equation explains?" Tim answers that question as well, "It's an equation to predict Allele frequencies in a population under the Harddy-Weinberg principals of sexual reproduction." Mr. Connors was impressed. "Thank you Tim, Now-" He said as he began the rest of his lecture.
Clover was stunned at the intellectual prowess displayed by her seat mate, as if she was glued to the chair when she didn't have a clue on what the equation is all about. She is shocked to the fact that she is TOTALLY a vegetable when it comes to complex mathematics such as this one. But her sexual aggresive nature has given her some ideas, a loophole likewise to make it out of Biology, this idea popped inside her head when Tim mentions that the equation is used for sexual repproduction principles.

Her heart thumps more faster as she feels hot inside her, her lower abdomen started to moist after hearing something about sexual reproduction as she looks in amazement to Tim.

"There is something TOTALLY about this boy." She didn't give a second thought on mentioning some infos about Tim to Sam and Alex, she wants this ffor her own.
Tim sat through the rest of the class, taking notes and listening to the teacher lecture about genetics and sexual reproduction leading to generic variation in most organisms. He flashed a glance once or twice towards Clover just to see her looking at him with a certain amount of shock and amazement, most likely out of the fact that he answered a question that was not meant to be answered by the class. He cursed himself mentally for that. Now there was going to be an onslaught of help questions when things became difficult for people. Sometimes having knowledge is a burden, but it was something that was required of him by Bruce since Tim had to be smart and think quick on his feet while out in the field.

When class was over he simply got up from his desk and packed his things up. "See you around Clover." With that he left for his next class, Math. It was simple Geometry, nothing that Tim couldn't handle. He stepped through the halls with purpose, not meandering about like some of the other students at the time. He had to weave through the crowds to make it to the class on time. He did and he sat down in the desk and waited for the bell to ring.
Luckily for Clover, the luck was actually meant for her, she and her friends had the same schedule as Tim, she tails Tim across the hall, like a hungry shark, following the scent of blood.

Clover talked awhile with her friends about Tim, she tell that Tim is too smart for a freshman, and his looks, yes, he looked like he is something more than a student. But Clover of course, with her ambitious attitude said to her friends that she will handles this.....alone.

As tim sat down on his desk, Clover swifly walks behind then sits down beside Tim again surprisingly.

"Hey, I never thought you are quite of an egg-head back there, are you related to Robert Oppenheimer somehow?" Leaning forward her chest, exposing her bossoms to Tim as she coverse with him.

The bell rang again as the class for geometry is about to begin.
Tim looked up from his notebook and noticed equations on laminated posters around the class. Choosing to be proactive, he opened to the inside cover of his notebook and began to copy them down. Easy access and good for a quick look if he forgot any of them.

With a small gust of wind he found himself in the same position he was in not five minutes ago. Either this was coincidence, or he had just found his first exploiter of his mental qualities that had his same scheduel. She jabbed at him with an egg-head quip and then followed it up with a surprisingly relevant compliment. "If I were related to Oppenheimer, would I be in America going to an American school rather than a prestigious European academy for the future pioneers of math, science, and the arts? Plus, I don't know how to make a nuclear bomb." He knew how to disarm one, but creating one took much more.

Her chest leaned forward again and his imagination was cut short as he could see what he thought she wanted him to see. So she was going to play this by trying to cath the nerdy kid off guard with affection. A clever ruse to employ. "So... you're in this class too, huh?"
X-Vash00 said:
Tim looked up from his notebook and noticed equations on laminated posters around the class. Choosing to be proactive, he opened to the inside cover of his notebook and began to copy them down. Easy access and good for a quick look if he forgot any of them.

With a small gust of wind he found himself in the same position he was in not five minutes ago. Either this was coincidence, or he had just found his first exploiter of his mental qualities that had his same scheduel. She jabbed at him with an egg-head quip and then followed it up with a surprisingly relevant compliment. "If I were related to Oppenheimer, would I be in America going to an American school rather than a prestigious European academy for the future pioneers of math, science, and the arts? Plus, I don't know how to make a nuclear bomb." He knew how to disarm one, but creating one took much more.

Her chest leaned forward again and his imagination was cut short as he could see what he thought she wanted him to see. So she was going to play this by trying to cath the nerdy kid off guard with affection. A clever ruse to employ. "So... you're in this class too, huh?"

"But you have lived in one which got nearly nuked, and don't get me wrong, its was a 4 megaton FUSION bomb." Clover giggles, trying to tease him.

"Why not? Its not unusual for us to get stuck in the same class. School bureaucracies you know? Like all of a sudden, unexpected things happen without our knowledge, think of it, likewise with Bruce Wayne from his life as the prince of Gotham turns into a bum in one day? Here again Clover uses her smart-ass attitude to win Tim's perception to her by doing crooked analogies about unexpected things.

"Say, where would you go after the class? Are you going to take some lunch after this?" Raising both of her arms to fix her hair, giving Tim a better vieww of her armpits than before.
Tim was getting a little frustrated how she kept mixing up the actual case with an overhyped movie. "No one had to live through a fusion bomb and Bruce never lost his wealth, Clover." He should know, he was living with the man at the time. "Bane merely broke Batman's back and then crime went rampant for awhile before Batman came back and put him in his place. Whatever else Nolan put in the movie was false and used to make everything dramatic." That was his two cents about it, he was done on that subject. Thankfully, so was she, moving on to address his question about them sharing two classes.

He nodded at her logic, random things do happen, and at the most inopportune moments. "I really don't have any plans after this class. I got enough credits from my middle school so that I get to skip foreign language classes, so I have an out after lunch. Why do you ask?"
"Do you mind if we go together for a lunch on the caffeteria? Hey, awhile ago you said you could use someone on helping you get familiar on some important parts of the places, and I might just be that girl. Just for companionship you know." As Tim didn't seem to fall on her lure, she lowered her arms down in disappointment, she frowns and looks to the window.

After a few moments the bell rang again and their class for Geometry is about to commence.
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