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A few strange ideas! (any corruption of champions fans?)

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Jan 25, 2013
This is all for M/F. My lit level is lit/adv-lit, if you're so inclined.

Here are some thoughts:

- I'm interested in exploring the themes of my character being tied up or restrained for public use without her consent–maybe her date drugs her and leaves her tied up in the men's bathroom with her legs spread, maybe she finds herself in a pillory somehow, maybe she gets stuck in the dog door while trying to sneak into her (or someone else's, if she's a particularly inept thief) house, and so on, and so forth.

- Triple bonus points if anyone's heard of Akabur's Witch Trainer (not sure how NSFW links are allowed to be, so I'd suggest you google it), which is a mostly text game that centers around Hermione trading favors for House points that become increasingly sexual in nature.

- Tentacle monsters, perverted dog kennel owners, giant mutant insects, probe-happy aliens...I'm after some interspecies action! No matter how strange (and multi-appendaged) the creature in question you're thinking of, I've got a character I can throw at it. (+If you're interested in GMing something for me, I would love to play a character that's landed in a setting full of creatures with decidedly ignoble intentions. This can be sci-fi, fantasy, Alice fallen through the rabbit hole...whatever you like best! Or, we can brainstorm something together.)

- something with machines!

The only pet peeve I have for RP is: please remember that I'm not my character and vice versa! RP is fun, but it's just RP. Everyone who's PMed me has been very good about this, but I'd rather be safe than sorry, because those kinds of situations can get awkward.

I am also a former English major, and tend to write a lot. I would love to find a partner who's as wordy as I am, but that's just a bonus. :3

If you have any ideas, please feel free to PM me.
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