Bound and determined

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Jun 17, 2009
Lilith was not a system lord she was part of a new group of wannabes that were waiting to make there move. She was around average height a few inches under six feet. Raven black hair and piercing green eyes on a angular long face. She had a tall sculpted body and appeared to be of a young age. Simply known as Renaissance the world was a nexus for stargate travel. Dozens of gates were collected and then scattered over the shrink sphere or Goul'd influence. One could by anything from a squadron of death gliders to a battalion of slaves. Lilith was here in the market for knowledge.

"God i swear if you don't find it this time i will kill you for good" She turned her back on her most loyal servant. She needed to gain more power. If she failed to do this she was as good as dead once she gained the attention of the system lord. She sat down on he litter eight strong slaves held her aloft. She looked down at a dozen races and species from two galaxies. Many wore garish body paints some flecked with gold an other precious metals and gems. If someone sold her out they could have anything they wanted herself included. But none would be so bold as to betray there god.

Serif was on Ren with a squadron of warships in lunar orbit around the planet. None were allowed to close to the planet with so much firepower as that. "Serif i thought i smelled you what are you here for" Lilith asked he had those damn monsters Anubis dreamed up with his stolen knowledge. She could see the inhuman shapes beneath there black armor. She had the litter lowered stood up and approached another system lord hopeful. "Come now Serif cat have you're tongue or are you as feeble as always" She turned away unconcerned with such a weak Ghoul'd as he. She began to walk away from him confident he would try nothing.
"I am here for your Death. You will never become a System Lord, but I will with your death!" He said, and lunged at her with an ancient knife, possibly a spear head once. She would recognize it as one of the rare metals that could make a gou'ld truly bleed. An ancient mystical weapon that could kill her with a single strong thrust.
She could either stand and fight or rely on her guards to get her to and through the gate, she hadn't made it very far from it, there was still a chance she could come out of this alive.

However making it back to her planet would not be as safe as she thought. The Traveler, a known enemy and cursed foe to the Gou'ld empire, had found her world and when he discovered it was the stronghold to a Gou'ld Empress, one who was not home, he wasted no time in overthrowing the guards. There was hardly any bloodshed, he was a swift warrior, his skills honed to perfection after living for hundreds of years, how old he was now he did not remember.

When her guards had surrendered he made his way out amongst the people, and asked them if they knew when she would return. He told them they were free and they demanded her head on a stick. He sighed, and shook his head, but after an hour of arguing he gave up and returned to the throne room. He pacified her pet tiger, and while he waited he trained it to obey him, knowing he would need her prized pet to seal his plan.
Lilith arrived back in her kingdom, she had only a handful of guards. She found that no one was guarding the gate.. "You and you watch the gate" She did not want Serif following her through the gate. Her guards would keep dialing the gate blocking Serif. The would dial until the rest of her army could show up. Turning she found her palace just as she had left it that morning. The palace was oddly shaped building like a roman cathedral. It looked like a giant c swallowing two uppercase l's. She could now see that main door were open. Many of her prized animals were milling around in front, clearly out of there cages.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my throne" She moved swiftly coming within only a few feet of him. He weapon was a gauntlet that could look like a simple bracelet. It was not very powerful. I was thus mainly used by assassins who could get close to there targets. "And what had you done to my tiger" She demanded wondering where her guards were. She moved around her throne looking for traps.

"I am Lilith first wife of Adam and you're god" Long ago some had been left behind on earth. She was one such left behind. For long her brood mother had been unable to until return. She was born not long before the gate was unburied. After killing her own mother she took on her mantle along with her kingdom. "Now tell me why i should not kill you now for you're impudence"
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