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DeviantFantasia ~~ Dominant Male Seeking Writing Partners

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Apr 18, 2011

As I sit here at my desk, browsing through the various request threads that my fellow Blue Moon role players have posted, I have come to realize that I have been a member here for too long to not have my own thread. That said, I have decided to make one! Before we get to it, however, let me just warn you that I have only ever written two other request threads before, and they were with specific ideas in mind. I have never made a broad, all-encompassing request thread before, so please bear with me. I will try to keep this neat and as informative as possible, but if I happen to miss anything please do let me know.

With that out of the way, I believe an introduction is in order. I am DeviantFantasia, real name withheld on account of irrelevance. I am male, heterosexual, twenty-four years old, sexually dominant, and a practitioner of the Gorean lifestyle. All of these tidbits of information often times, but not always, carry over into my role play characters. My characters are always sexually dominant, often near my age, and often live lives resembling that of a Gorean theme modified to fit the setting in which they are being played. The most common thing that will change here is my character's sex. I can play either gender and sometimes welcome the challenge of playing the opposite sex. Regardless of my own character's gender, however, I will only write sexual scenes if my writing partner is writing from a female perspective.

I have been role playing for the better part of twelve years now and enjoy almost every method of role playing; tabletop, text-based, and MMO-based are surely the most well-known of these and are the three that I do the most of. The only style of role play that I have ever tried and did not like was LARPing (live action role play). Holy hell; never again. Did you know that there are legitimate rules for that shit? Did you also know that you can get penalized for beating the evil wizard mercilessly to the ground with your foam greatclub? Well, you can, and that's lame. I won that fight and they all know it.

Some additional information that may interest you (but probably not) includes: I am one-quarter Native American; Cherokee to be exact. I do not know exactly which clan that I am from, but I know that our totem is the bear. I have no feeling in the tip of my left ring finger from a hunting accident where I gashed my palm open with an arrow head. I am terrified of heights - probably the only thing that truly scares me.

This Versus That

Here, I would like to take a moment to state my stances on common conflicts of interest that arise on writing forums such as Blue Moon, where sexual content in RP is not only welcomed, but oftentimes encouraged, despite not being entirely necessary. For some people, these are make-or-break issues, so I figured that posting them early in my thread would be wise.

Long Term Versus Short Term - Sadly, I do not have much that I can comment on regarding this subject. My short/long term preference is a dependent matter that is subject to change depending on several factors such as the setting of the role play, the characters involved, and the nature of the story. Since my preference will change on a case-by-case basis, I will not comment further on the matter here. I will include my preference with each plot in my 'Story Ideas' section when it is added and, perhaps, in my 'Pairing Suggestions' section if certain pairings strike me as specifically long or short term ordeals.

Plot Versus Smut - This seems to be a common dividing line around these parts and frankly, I don't see what the fuss is about. I love plot. It is the driving force behind any role play and a story simply cannot exist without it, but sometimes smut can be the plot! A good example is It's In Our Nature, my one on one role play with Feral.Desires. The story rushes rather swiftly to smut, but that is the basis of the plot. The story, from Ivan's perspective, is about the conquest of a proud and noble tauren woman; breaking her down into a perfect slave and mate. The plot is there, but it is sexual in nature. That said, I suppose that I do not have a preference between plot and smut because I will always find purpose and reason for my character(s). Let's just chalk this one up to "Partner Preference".

Sexual Role Play Versus Non-Sexual Role Play - While I enjoy non-sexual role playing as much as I enjoy sexual role play, I would prefer that most of my role play here be sexual in nature. I have a tabletop group for Pathfinder that meets every Wednesday where I can be fun and creative around the tabletop without the looming threat or expectation of sexy times. I joined Blue Moon because it is an adult writing site where sexual themes are welcomed without fear of having anyone judge you and I plan to take full advantage of that. I might go for a non-sexual RP if the plot is really good, but I am mostly here for the sexual creativity.

Threads Versus IMs or PMs - I am only interested in playing via thread at this time. I do not usually hand out my instant messenger identification to anyone other than close friends and I would rather not weight down my PM box and eventually be forced to delete RP posts to make room for more. Threads only, please! If you are not willing to play by thread, then do not message me and beg me to bend on this matter. It will not happen.

Pairing Suggestions

Having a segment of your ad specifically designated for suggested pairings seems to be a common and effective way of fishing for writing partners on Blue Moon, so I might as well include one. The one modification that I will make to mine, however, will be the size of this list. I have seen some threads with a simply massive list of pairing ideas and I, personally, felt a little overwhelmed when reading them. With that in mind, I will only include pairings here that I am craving. If the craving goes away, I will remove the pairing from this list and if I suddenly get the craving for something new, I will add it. This list will be constantly changing, so if you see a pairing here that you like, message me before I loose interest so that we can discuss potential plots. Don't worry about me loosing interest once the RP is started. That rarely happens.

I will color code this section to make it easy to quickly skim through. Green lettering will indicate the specific setting of all of the pairings listed beneath it. These settings could be anything; modern, historical fantasy, high fantasy, or even fandoms. If you see green lettering that indicates a setting that you would be particularly interested in, then the pairings beneath it might be of particular interest to you.

Below the green-lettered settings, you will find pairings. Male roles will be indicated with blue letting and female roles will be indicated in pink. If there is a male listed in the pairing, then that is the character that I intend to play. If both characters are indicated as female, then I will usually be willing to play either role. Certain pairings may be subject to exception. If so, my character of choice will be noted by asterisks.

If I have a preference between long or short term for any given pairing, I will mark it with either ST for short term or LT for long term. If neither of these marks are present, then I have no preference.

Modern Pairings
College Student(s) x Young Professor
Young Professor x College Student(s)

Warcraft Pairings
Nearly Any Race or Creature x Draenei

League of Legends Pairings
*Kayle* x Choice Female Champion
*Morgana* x Choice Female Champion
Choice Male Champion x Choice Female Champion

Totally Spies Pairings
Criminal(s) x Sam
Criminal(s) x Alex
Criminal(s) x Clover

Plot Ideas

As I think of specific ideas for some stories that I would like to write out with a partner, I will list them here. I will try to include enough detail to portray what it is that I am looking for without setting too much in stone so that my partner may contribute their own ideas to the story as well. Each story bio will include: the name of the story, the pairing involved (with the above color coding), the intention of long or short term, and a brief summery of the story as I see it in my head. If none of the above pairings catch your eye, feel free to choose one of these. Unlike the pairings, this list will only grow and will never be taken away from.

If you like an idea that is listed here, but do not like the name of a character that is included, or do not like a character image that is used (I do not always use images, but I do like to when possible) then just let me know in a PM and we can discuss changing what it is that you do not like. These inclusions in each plot will usually be fluid and open for discussion. The only reason that I include images is to give a visual representation of what I see in my head and the only reason that I use names is so that characters cannot be confused for one another. A plot involving two women, for example, might be confusing if the pronouns 'she' and 'her' are abused.

Sample Plot Layout --- (ST or LT) --- Male Character x Female Character --- A brief description of the plot as I see it. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, most of this will be open for discussion.
Just a quick early-morning bump here, complete with a small update. I have the next two nights off, too, so I will hopefully be expanding my Story Ideas section a great deal. Let's hope inspiration is a relentless mistress while I am off and have the time to dedicate to my request thread. In the meantime, where are my Warcraft role players?
Pre-bedtime bump with a slight update. Have some plots in mind, but I haven't committed them to the thread yet. I should have time for that tomorrow, though.
RE: DeviantFantasia ~~ Dominant Male Seeking Writing Partners (Updated 1/28)

I know that it has not quite been twenty-four hours, but I have updated my post and added a couple of plots. Finally!
One last bump before I shelve my request thread for a while. Only looking for short term role plays at this time; would LOVE a fem x fem pairing for LoL in which I would play Katarina or one of the modern cravings in my Pairing Idea section of my original post.
Bump! Still accepting short-term requests; long term possible for the right partner and idea. I swear to god that I have some plots in mind, but every time that I sit down to add them, I get pulled away.
>_> Are we RPing yet... we should RP. I wanna touch on ya bodies. So, about that RPing... and a friendly bump added

also what do you mean by Short term RPs?
By short-term role play, I mean something more like a short story with only one or two scenes as opposed to something committed to a long-term plot.
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