Anyone with reasonable intelligence wouldn't take anyone that blames anything on a game or games, specifically, seriously. We live in unpredictable times, and people like to blame electronic games, but they forget that all facets of media have all but desensitized the American public to many things. While games may (I will not argue for or against the possibility) have contributed to the mental instability of some individuals, you can't say it is JUST the games fault. Movies, television news, magazines, newspapers, television shows, and any other media outlet have all gotten gradually worse in the past two decades. If games are to blame, then you must address ALL media for me to take your claim as anything more than a wild, unfounded accusation by a complete moron.
Outside of that, you can't really blame anything or anyone without putting accountability on the parents. Now, again, it isn't all their fault. Some children, and therefore adults, possess mental deficiencies that do not allow them to filter certain functions - such as the ability to filter reality and fantasy. These people are few, and far between, however, and fall outside of the confines of the discussion at hand (in my opinion). Some parents need to stop blaming their childrens' behavior on outside sources and take initiatives in discipline.
I have always been into the more violent video games and I turned out stable and well-adjusted. I love shooters, and I own more than my share of guns, but I have a great deal of respect for the power of those guns because of the lessons passed to me from my grandfather, father, and uncles. I would never turn them on another person unless it was in defense of myself, my family, or our freedom.
"But what about kids from broken homes?"
My father was an abusive drunk whom I watched beat my mother regularly until she had the nerve to divorce his ass. Then he was abusive to me until, when I was fourteen or so (I can't remember exactly), I took a two-by-four to the side of his head. Don't talk to me about broken homes. I grew up from a hellish childhood, played Mortal Kombat, and Duke Nukem, AND turned out to be a functioning member of society.
People these days are just retarded and insecure in so many facets of their life that it's disgusting. These people just want to have something, ANYTHING, to blame for their problems and with games like Mortal Kombat still being produced with even better and more realistic graphics in each new generation, video games just make for an easy scape goat. If these people would spend as much time in anger management as they did shitting from their mouths, they would be in a better place in their lives.