PokeVirus (Lilark and MadLittleAlice)


Jan 16, 2013
Soft footsteps pattered up the steps moving as quick as the little legs of the boy could possibly go. His small face was flushed and sweaty and terror darkened his usually bright and shinning eyes. “Nikkie! Nikkie! Wake up. M-mommy and Daddy told me to come find you. They told me I had to stay with you. Told m-me to r-run and not look back.” The look on his sweet face told her it all, even though he had done just as his parents had told him, said that he knew something terrible had happened to them. The window near her bed exploded inward raining shards of glass down on her, some of them sliced into the tender exposed skin on her arms and thighs. Ignoring the pain she jumped out of bed to confront the Arcanine a large dog like Pokemon that growled its eyes a deep red its teeth stained with the blood of her neighbors. Robin let out a cry of fear as another Arcanine closed in from the other side blood lust shinning in its eyes. The little dark haired boy backed up against his sister’s leg whimpering in fear. Quickly she swept him behind her and turned to face the two Pokemon with the only weapon she had at hand her desk side lamp. She took an ineffectual swing that only bloodied the nose of one and succeeded in angering him worse. It lunged forward clamping its teeth on her arm and dragging her screaming away from her brother. The other Arcanine flanked by a third closed in and dragged the little boy off. Nicole screamed again though this time fear mingled with anger as she tried to wrench her arm away and go after her brother but she couldn’t get free of the strong jaw of the Arcanine. She could still hear her brother screaming when the scream was cut short.

Darkness was starting to creep on the edges of her awareness the pain radiated from her arm throughout her body she couldn’t have fought for the life of her. A small furry form flew by her head attacking the Arcanine who still held her arm prisoner. Her mother’s Vulpix already battered and bloody had found her and managed to startle the Arcanine enough to get it to let go of her arm. The next thing she knew the house went up in flames a roar sounded overhead. It was only then that she heard the screams of her neighbors. Suddenly the house exploded from the inside out the result of a self destructing or fire based Pokemon getting in the house. Nicole's whole world caved down around her and everything went black.

Nicole woke heart pounding and her body aching anew as her sudden movement jarred the old wounds. She looked around at the wreck that used to be the home she shared with her parents and her little brother all gone now. Kyra her mother’s Vulpix lay curled up beside her just as battered and bruised as she was. It had been a week since the incident and so far she had run into only one Rattata that Kyra had been able to drive away. She hadn’t been able to move much and had to rely on poor Kyra to fetch her food. Groaning softly she sat up determined that today at least she would stand, Kyra woke and made a soft noise of distress as Luna pushed herself to her feet using what was left of the wall for support. She was unsteady but at least she was standing, although her feet felt like they would fall out from under her at any moment. She gritted her teeth against the wave of pain that overcame her and held her ground. Kyra barked encouragement and leaned against her leg offering what little support she could. When she let go of the wall she swayed but managed to somehow hold her ground. She could only go a few steps before being the world fell out from under her and she landed on her ass painfully, she let out a small cry of pain that she stifled by stuffing her fist in her mouth. She didn’t want to take the chance that any rogue Pokemon might hear her and finish the job.

(heh sorry it took so long, hope this is okay)
David gazed in utter disbelief at the destruction before him, what used to be Cerulean Town now lying abandoned and in ruins. He sighed and slowly shook his head, hand automatically reaching up to brush back the blonde bang that always fell over his face. He should have expected something like this, considering the widespread destruction all over Kanto.

David's only companion since this began was his Haunter, Shade. He wasn't sure why the virus hadn't affected him, but David suspected that it only affected fully evolved Pokemon unless they were wild, in which case they were guaranteed to get it. Motioning to Shade, David began the trying task of searching for survivors.

A few hours later, David had almost given up and moved on. Suddenly, Shade heard something, the sound too faint to reach David's ears, and took off toward a ruined house nearby. David quickly followed Shade, praying that whatever had made the noise was friendly.

Upon arriving at the house, David was met with the sight of a wounded girl and an equally wounded Vulpix. Immediately he pulled a Super Potion from his bag and moved just out of the Vulpix's attack range. Concern laced his voice as he spoke for what seemed like the first time all week.

"Are you alright? Can I help you somehow?"
A sound unheard by Nicole had Kyra growling, the tiny Pokemon's fur fluffed out making her appear twice her size. Shoving the pain away Nikkie staggered to her knee's hand groping for a weapon, any weapon. Her hand bumped into a half burnt piece of wood, taking hold of it she held it at the ready. Whatever it was she wouldn't go down without putting up one hell of a fight.

A young man rounded the corner close on the floating heels of a Haunter, the Haunter looked unaffected and he was with a human which meant only good things right. Still she didn't let her guard down. Long raven black hair hung widely around a pale face in which a pair of big pale blue eyes watched him guardedly.

“W-what do you want?” she asked, her voice was raspy from not using it for so long. She licked dry lips, she hadn't been able to move after her injuries, the only water she drank in two days was when it rained and she could catch some in an old cracked bowl. Kyra tried to bring her fruits but the area was just a mass of rubble.

Her eyes settled on the super potion in his hand, then she looked towards Kyra, a few days ago in the scuffle with the Ratatatta she had gotten injured and Nikkie wasn't able to do much more then wrap the wounds. “Will you heal her?” she asked softly calling the still growling Vulpix to her side. “Hush Kyra...he's going to help us” she said hoping she wouldn't be wrong.
David nodded and slowly moved over to the girl and her Vulpix, then knelt down. Examining the wounds revealed nothing the Super Potion couldn't fix, and he quickly healed everything before turning to the girl. His steel blue eyes held comfort and concern as he used the remainder of the Super Potion on her wounds. "This doesn't work as well on humans, but it should prevent infection and take some of the pain away."

Now empty, the bottle was tossed into the rubble and a bottle of water emerged from David's bag. Wordlessly he set it down next to the girl, then pulled out some bread, cheese, and jerky. Finally, out came a small container of pokemon food, which was placed by the Vulpix. "Saffron City, my hometown, was hit hard as well. I was out in Lavender Town training, so I wasn't there. When we got home, everything was abandoned, so I took as much as I could from the PokeMart. Shade is a Ghost type so he doesn't need to eat, but I brought the pokemon food just in case someone needed it."

He looked a bit sheepish as he explained, almost as if he were afraid the girl would think him a common thief.
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