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Let's Give It A Shot ( Male LF Female )

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Jan 17, 2013
Hey there. Now I could get into detail of who I am and all sorts of goodies, but you're here for a reason. What I will say for the time being is that I have role-played for longer then I care to state. I'm competent, ranging from a paragraph to several meaty ones. I've been on dozens of sites and venues for role-playing under different aliases, so I know a thing or two. Also, if you're a guy playing as a female, I don't care so don't be discouraged.

  1. At least a Paragraph per reply, one of quality I'd hope. Greater amounts are accepted and often appreciated.
  2. A good understanding of grammar and spelling. Description and detail is my upmost desire in any role-play, make use of this wonderful things.
  3. A post once in a while. At least once every three days. I'll post when I can and put myself in the same rule. Don't expect it always to be sudden replies or that of lengthy waits. I have a real life and other things I do while I am online. A poke once in a while is good as my mind drifts. Do not badger me though.
  4. Out of character chat is nice. I like to get to know my partner, to make friends. Not a fan of it? By all means, it isn't necessary.
  5. Creative co-development. I like to hear your input, what you'd like to see. I can certainly 'manhandle' the whole plot, but if you expect me to direct it, then don't complain if it heads to a certain point.

I don't have a F-list, since after my time of constantly searching about, I've learned I love everything within context. This means if the plot and setting is suitable for the action, I'm cool with it. Do I have favorites? Well yes, I have certain curiosities that when applicable I greatly enjoy. Will they all fit in a setting? Maybe not. They are not necessary either, but I'll mention them for the sake of it.
  • Interracial. Generally my characters are white males, but constantly can be orcs, minotaurs, elves, etc. I love playing opposite to something different. White male/black female, Drow/Elf, etc. Though I won't lie, I have something for dark skinned gals.
  • Oral Emphasis. To apply detail and description towards oral sex, bluntly. When the female kisses, licks, rubs, even attention to the sack. It drives me crazy. This sort of thing could be messy and sloppy, or slow and teasing. If a scene was an hour of my partner worshipping my junk, I'd pretty much lose it. That being said, if applied, it only would be applied as we both see fit.
  • Being Dominant. I am, without a doubt, a dominant individual. I'm rarely submissive and it's actually difficult for me to do so. Emphasis on a relation of dominance and submission is another spine tingler. It can be as blatant as one wearing a collar leashed to another, or as subtle as wearing something of the other's clothes, of lighting a cigarette for them.

Some of these will be clear to the point. Others will be more obscure to allow different settings. It is the theme that is important to me, though I do have a favor of medieval/fantasy settings, they can be changed at whim.
  1. Obsession: This can be done a dozen different ways. However the idea would be my character is utterly obsessed with yours. Stalking her, learning about her, etc. He wants to have her more then anything. But to what means and setting is up to you. He could be a guardsmen who is captivated by a female adventurer or princess, or a simple day laborer who is infautated with a corporate lawyer or buisness women. The idea is that she is of a higher position and because of social manners, is far away from merely approaching her. However this plot can go two ways. It could be a lovely-dovey sort with him striving to get her attention, by helping her in various ways without revealing himself or waiting for that key moment to be a hero. Or he could take the darkside, kidnap, rape her, train her to love him. That sort of thing.
  2. Survival: Primarily designed for a fantasy setting, our characters would be slaves. Mine would be a warrior or of the sort who has been enslaved by orcs or something to do menial tasks like mining or construction. Yours would be a female who was just captured. As a way to appease the workers, the orcs would give the male slaves pick of their captured stock, the females. Mine would choose yours. Now the idea is that two different people look to each other for survival. He desires her for sex, for as if you will, a housewife. She would want him for protection against the other slaves and the orcs themselves. This plot can be expanded on. Interracial greatly desired, but not necessary.
More to be added, with time.

Simple Pairings:
Perhaps if you're like me, you see something extremely blunt and from it devise some amazing idea. If you are, check these pairings below.
  • Warrior/Peasant
  • Werewolf/Vampire
  • Magic User/Apprentice
  • Brother/Sister
  • Patron/Prostitute ( Obscure Idea Available on Request )
  • Master/Slave
  • Rapist/Victim
  • Skinhead/African-American
  • Gladiator/Slave
  • Gladiator/Domina
  • Abusive Husband/Wife
  • Adventurer/Adventurer

Settings I'm Familiar With:
These are just a few I know more so then others. A place we can put an RP and places to consider.
  • League Of Legends ( I play this occasionally. If up for another friend to feed with, let me know. )
  • Warhammer 40k
  • Elder Scrolls
  • Guild Wars 2 ( I play this too, though have been inactive for a while. )
  • CoC ( Corruptions of Champions. An RP here would be hilarious. )
  • Warcraft
  • Starcraft
  • Dishonored
  • Ancient Rome
  • Victorian Era/Steampunk
  • Fantasy Worlds

Before you PM Me:
Do not ask in this thread. I will post updates/bumps here and only that. PM me your request. Also, make it some what interesting to read. A little about yourself, what your interested in, etc. It's not hard, nor difficult despite what people think.

That's it for now. If interested, I'll be talking to you soon. This could of been done better, but I'm sick, and figured to get something out while I'm at it.
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