What if? (Vash x madlittlealice)


Mar 19, 2012
As Admiral Zhao held the captive Tui in his clutches, the moon became an angry red, cutting away the power of the Waterbenders from their sole source. Aang, Sokka, Katara, Yue and the others approached him and demanded that he put the spirit back into the oasis. Iroh, who was devoted to the Four Nations staying separate than being united under the Fire Nation's reign, was more infuriated with Zhao's cruelty.

"Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold! Let it go now!" He demanded of Zhao.

Zhao forcefully obliged and released the Moon Spirit back into the oasis, restoring the red moon to its original white. But then, in a fit of rage, unleashed a streak of fire at the oasis. But at the same time, the only living Airbender, out of reflex, intervened, and sent a kick of air at the Firebending Master and his flames, sending him into the water and putting him out, saving the spirits from being cooked. Katara got near Zhao and his soldiers, who were also knocked into the water, and froze them in ice, preventing them from Firebending.

"You might've stopped me, but you can't stop the fleet," Zhao told them. "You're as good as dead."

Then, Aang, with his tattoos glowing brightly, uttered, with the voice of his past lives, "No. We are not dead. Not yet."

Wading into the oasis, as though he were driven by the desire to protect the Northern Water Tribe in any way he knew was possible, and the Avatar State was the answer. The Moon and Ocean Spirits glowed and sunk into the water's deep darkness…along with Aang, who followed them. The waters of the oasis and the pool surrounding it rose up into the air and created some sort of monster made of spiritually-enriched water, with the Avatar in a some sort of air bubble and the koi fish beneath it. It left to seek out any Fire Nation soldiers and when it did, the Water Tribe people would submit and be spared…while the enemy was taken by the water…until the creature came to the ocean where the fleet was located, trying to retreat. The water creature unleashed giant waves that capsized all but three ships that were too far away for the waves to hit, but the ones that were hit had their passengers trying to swim to safety on some metallic driftwood that came loose from the sunken ships. Soaked and unable to Firebend, the soldiers were at the mercy of the water beast, which sent more waves and washed them all far away from the tribe.


The following day, with the spirits safely protected from the Firebenders (and with Zuko and Iroh disappearing from the tribe during the defeat of the navy fleet), Chief Arnook announced that the threat had passed and a time for rebuilding was to begin. Zhao and the few Firebenders that were with him would be taken back to the Fire Nation's waters and left to be dealt with. Master Pakku decided that he, along with a few Waterbenders, Healers and soldiers would journey to the Southern Water Tribe to help rebuild.

"But Aang still needs to master Waterbending," Katara, whom had been informed, reminded him.

"Well, then, I guess he'll have to start calling you 'Sifu Katara', then, hmm?" Pakku told him, declaring her a Master Waterbender.

Aang, still a little dazed after what had happened last night, couldn't believe that he entered the Avatar State and defeated an entire navy fleet with the help of the Moon and Ocean Spirits and his own past lives, protecting the entire North Pole from sure destruction. As he looked down at the destroyed buildings that the war had made, he pondered how long the onslaught would continue until he had mastered all the elements and defeated Fire Lord Ozai. How much longer were people going to live in fear of the Fire Nation? How long until they lost their homes and the people they loved? And how long until they even lost their hope?

Sokka, on the other hand, was packing up for the group before they set out to the Earth Kingdom in order for Aang to learn Earthbending from Bumi, the only Master Earthbender they knew and trusted. While feeding Appa some hay. Much was on his mind as the young warrior thought about a certain princess.
"Absolutely not, there is no way I am letting my only daughter join the Avatar on his quest. You are needed here Yue, you are betrothed to be married. You must be here, to lead our people in the times ahead.” the chief of the Water Tribe told his daughter. His face a wreath of frowns as he looked down at his only child. Putting his hands on her slender shoulders he caught her eye trying to help her understand. “Listen my child, the world outside the North Pole is no place for you, you are safe here. You can do good here. With them you would be but a burden you have no way of protecting yourself.”

Outraged at her father's words the princess of the Northern Water Tribe shook off the familiar hand and stormed from the room. The stinging cold air outside did much to cool her ire. She felt stifled by a father who, while loving her dearly, only saw her worth in an impending marriage. Her eyes traveled out over the water, Sokka had shown her so much in the short time he was here. Had made her feel as though she could do more than marry. That she could make a difference. Yue liked who she was with Sokka, it wasn't just wanting to be with him that prompted her to make her plans for escape, it was a longing to do more, to be more.

The group was leaving the next day, it was a fact everyone knew. That night Yue was contrite and apologized profusely to her father for her earlier behavior. His relief at her words were obvious, and he set aside his worry that his daughter would leave him.

Early the following morning before any in the household was awake Yue snuck out of the home she had lived in all her life and towards the Avatar's group, a pack bumping against her slim back as she jogged. It wasn't long before the flying bison came into view, Sokka was already there packing the rest of the supplies onto Appa's back. Yue froze suddenly unsure about the entire plan. The North Pole was her home, it was where she had spent her entire life. And where she would spent the rest of her life, each day the same as the other, an endless sea of unchanging ice. Determined now she gripped her pack tighter and walked towards Sokka.

“I'm coming with you guys” she said firmly setting her pack down beside Sokka's leg.
As Sokka forked large amounts of hay for the flying bison, his mind continually ligered on the first girl that Sokka ever truly loved. Tsuki was just a fling that happened in the heat of the moment while on Kyoshi Island, this was... different. Sokka was smitten by her at first site. Things had worked out so well, he played it cool most of the time, other than that time of walking into the water. He thought that this would be the chance to feel like what his father felt for his mother. Then there was that night... the night of the news.

Why? Why him of all people?! Why did he have to love a princess that was getting engaged to someone else?!?! He couldn't beieve that this was what it was going to be like for the rest of his life, just a bunch of "maybes" and nothing serious. What made it worst was that he actually got to meet the man that was going to marry Yue. It only made him feel worse. He didn't deserve her, no matter how good of a warrior he clames to be. The idiot couldn't even take down one fire bender. Sighing, he finished feeding Appa and sat down on a stool next to him.

He reached into his bag and pulled out two items, his bladed boomerang and a whet stone. He turned the stone in his hand a few times, feeling the cold and smooth surface of the stone. He then put the stone over the blade of the boomerang and slid it over, smoothing out the kinks and notches that fire nation armor caused. He repeated the motion until a small sound broke the silence of the pen. The whistle of a bird. He looked up and saw the object of his thoughts in front of him.

The forbidden fruit that he would never get to take part of. She dropped a bag beside his feet and announced her accompanying the group. He set the stone and boomerang down. "I don't think that's a good idea, Yue. You have a duty to your people and your..." He didn't want to say it but he knew that the words would have to leave his tongue, "Future... husband." The words tasted like rotten fish as they left his mouth.
Her lips thinned anger flashing in her pale blue eyes, was that all anyone thought of her as? A trinket to give away? Someone who's only worth was to marry and be an object to admire? Her people had who they needed, her father. She knew where she needed to be, where she wanted to be. Picking up her pack she slung it into the pile with the others, her anger was a palpable thing. Everything seemed to hit her all at once, she had seen what the world had to offer, in a small measure, with Sokka and now she wanted to see it all and all she met was opposition. “I think it's a very good idea Sokka....all my life I've done my duty by my people. I was even willing to marry Hahn because I believed it was for the good of my people. But what good is it being in a relationship where my husband is only using me to become chief one day. I've seen him, he would not be a good chief despite how great a warrior he is.”

Sighing she turned towards Sokka again her hand at her neck where her engagement necklace rested, the necklace Hahn had given her the day her father announced their betrothal. “I am not a prize Sokka, and I am not going to marry him.” To prove her point she tore her necklace off heedless of the way the ribbon stung her neck as it came off. Turning she flung it as far away from herself as she could, where it landed in the snow. “Either you let me come with you, or I'll find my own way. But either way I'm leaving Sokka.” She wasn't sure if he would call her bluff or not, for all her strong words her knees felt like jelly and tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. If he didn't take her with him she didn't think she could make it on her own, she would be stuck in a life where everything was decided for her, and a man who didn't care a whit about her was to be her husband.

The fight went out of her all at once and her shoulders drooped “please Sokka” she said finally her eyes pleading as she turned them to him. “Don't leave me here”
Sokka did not know the bottle that he uncorcked until it all came flooding out. Yue was not about to take what Sokka was telling her, since apparantley her father had given her the sme reasons not to go with them. God knows he would want to take her along with them... but there was the risk of running into Zuko and even more Fire Nation trouble. Putting her with them in those types of situations could lead to disastorus results. He just couldn't put her into that... he couldn't lose her. Though she seemed determined to come with them anyway, whether or not he consented to it. He couldn't help but smirk as she kept going on and on telling him that she was coming and that she could do more on the outside than here in the North Pole. Sokka was wondering if her snow white hair was going to turn fire red if she went on anymore. Finally she stopped, most likely tired fomr driving her point home. Her shoulders drooped in defeat and she sighed. Sokka stepped up to her and smiled. "You know, you're kind of cute when you're mad." He then leaned his head in and gave her a kiss on the lips.

When he stopped he leaned back, "Ok, you can come."
Hope fluttered in her breast, along with something more she wasn't going to think about at the moment. “Really?” she asked tremulously unable to believe he had actually agreed, her smile was slow in coming as the words sunk in. “Oh thank you Sokka!” she cried flinging her arms around him and kissing him soundly on the lips. She was really going, part of her had expected a no, the bigger part had. But it was no lie. Releasing her hold on him she sank onto the snowbank beneath her feet as the reality of the situation hit her. She was actually going, leaving home. Part of her had always believed it would stay just a dream, to actually be going she felt a little overwhelmed. “I can't believe it..” looking up she caught the concerned look in his eye. “Oh no, I am not having second doubts so don't even go there” Yue said pulling herself together. Standing up she brushed the snow from her parka just as Aang and Katara showed. Unsure of how to announce her accompanying them, she looked towards Sokka with a pleading look in her big blue eyes.
((Sorry this took long, had to get a community service project back on track.))

Sokka didn't expect to get a kiss in return, a lot of people didn't like his humor that much. Her jubilation made him feel better about her coming on this journey. He truly did wish to make her happy, but he didn't know how high the cost may come for that wish. Once the breadth of what she was about to undertake hit her she sat down in the snow. It was much like the reaction he had after finding out that Aang was really the Avatar and that they were going to help him with his quest. He knelt down beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder, the soft fur of her parka warming his cold hands. His eyes were concerned if she was really up for this. She caught it and cut off anything that he was going to say by affirming her position.

They both stood up and Sokka took a deep breath, "We're really doing this aren't we?" As his thoughts began to swirl about what was going to happen, Katara and Aang joined them. It was about time to, they needed to get flying or they weren't going to get anywhere before nightfall. Yue looked toward Sokka with begging eyes, asking him to tell them. He had to be cool about this. He quickly grabbed Yue's pack and said, "Oh hey guys, ready to go?" He then turned his head to the side and coughed/ said, "Oh yeah- Yue's coming with us." He then tossed the pack on Oppa and smiled. "Ready?"
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