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Mega Kinky Female... Still looking...

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Jan 15, 2013
Hello, And Welcome To My Request Thread.

I thought i would re-do my thread, it was looking a little shabby. Plus, i will re update my kinks.

I am very interested in doing a long term role play, getting to know each others characters, building their trust before going into anything sexual.
[As personally, it feels very unreal. "Hi, i'm your neighbors, lets fuck". Lets face it, that would never happen in real life...But sometimes, it is nice to let out the frustrations...;)]

Maybe give the more realistic role a try... Just two people that meet, driven wild by lust and desires.

On the other hand, the non realistic roles, filled to the brim with the fantasies we fap too is very thrilling, if wrote correctly.

Any way, i'll now list my Hots, and my Nots...

Hots [Will discuss who plays what when interest is given]

Demon/Tiny Teen <- Mega hots
Repair Man/Lonely female
The Hitch Hiker/Driver
The prisoner/Prison guard
Three way
Wolverine [Mega Hots!}

Nots[I will not do, under any circumstances...]

Low lifes

Scenes i have in mind;
Gone Camping
A couple, or a group of friends go camping for the weekend, filled with booze and (or without) Drugs. What will happen when under the influence?

The Film Crew
A whore and her lesbian lover are being filmed for a porno. What happens when the camera men and the directors get asked to join in...?

Futa Perfect
A futa and her lover.

The Train Of Love
A group of people, close friendship end up having first class to themselves, there is a long journey ahead of them...A couple in love start off a domino effect therfore causing an orgy.

A tentacled beast abducts a horny female with the intent to milk for of her pleasure, but in fact recieving more than he can give.

What happens when a masculine male finds himself in a dark room..tied up... with a female dressed in tight pvc stood infront of him?

Revenge is sweet
[For thread as will require 4+ people - Based on a story i wrote]
Imagine the Movie Saw.
There is a warehouse out in the open, a fair drive from any neerest city. rumor has it you can hear screams coming from it. There are three people, one being Vixxie, the female in charge. Then there is her female, and male side kick that helps her with everything.
They set up torment rooms, and in it, they put the people that bullied them once, made their life hard, caused them any hurt. they torment the old bullies, making sure it will never happen again.
Torment include [No gore or vore] Being strapped to a metal chair and having electro-pulses strapped to the intimate parts, causing orgasm after orgasm untill it phyically hurts to climax.
Finding themselves strapped firmly to a wall, overlooking a bed and watching the three mains have intimate sex.
Doing things they wouldn't usually do, Like taking it up the bum lol.
whipping, spanking, climax controll. If they disobey they are sent to the Judas cradle..
Sweet Revenge interest thread
Saved With No intention
My character is in trouble, just as she is thinking of unleashing her superhuman powers on the dark figure she hears the sound of adimantium blades being draw...and there stands wolverine...

Long term roles

Last Night A Dj Saved My Life
A teen girl ventures into her local nightclub every weekend. She takes a liking to the Dj That plays there, And becomes to visit more regualy. Doing more sexy dancing and requesting Cliche songs to him. Eventually she gets the message accross... what will happen in the closed off Dj box? Will it go any further? < MEGA HOT FOR THIS RIGHT NOW!

Around the world
A couple [MxF Or FxF] Decide to take a long vacation to travel around the world in their Vw camper van.

Eternal benefits
Two friends get more than they bargain for when they get a little tipsy and voice their feelings to one another. Will it affect their friendship, or make it stronger?

Hunting for survival
It a demon apocalypse, and a few survivors are trying their best not to be hunted down and used as objects by the demons. what do they do to survive?​

Character Profiles

Name: Vixxie Age: 20 Description:obediant and submissive, but takes absolutly no shit from anyone. She is desperate for a romance..

I am very open minded, so if you have an idea i'd love to hear it. Sometimes, i do not write very long paragraphs, but i use quality rather than quantity
- Would you rather read pages of bullsh*t, or a paragraph of deep, thoughtful, intense words...that really touch your spots? Detail is they key, sometimes that doesn't always mean writing loads.

P.s I'm fine with people rping as the opposite sex if they want too.. It's only rp after all!​
RE: Mega Sexy Detail...see more inside

RE: Mega Sexy Detail...see more inside

hi mia , i loved your detailed writing and would love to RP with you , i have to say i may not be at your level of detailing but i'm sure my skills is going to pass ;) , there is few roles i saw that cought my eyes which are : Sex shop attendant/Horny female ,Neighbour/Neighbour ,Manager/Co-Manager , Swimming instructor/swimming female ,Demon/Demon and Devil/Female , i'm ok with all of those , just let me know , PM me if you want me to create the Intro (plot starter + character background + how we met )

hope to hear from you soon
RE: Mega Sexy Detail...see more inside

Von_Mia_Rose said:
Hi You Lot!​

I'm interested in role playing with virtually any one. I am not one of those one line rollers and I expect the same of you in return.
I am available for Sexual, and non sexual role plays. [Although i hazard a Guess there will be a lot more looking for sexual...]
I usually play a character of my vivid imagination. Below are her details;​

Mia, 20, Female, Bisexual. 4"11. Long wavy red hair, eyes like pools of mercury. She is fairly out going, humorous and charming.​

Some roles i like are of following;

Teacher/Horny student
Sex shop attendant/Horny female
Swimming instructor/swimming female
Holiday romance

Roles i Don't like are as following;

Anything/Toilet play (scat)​

My NON sexual roles i have in mind are as follow;

Apocalypse surviver/Surviver
Adventure/of some sort​

But, I am very very open minded, and ignorantly honest...So if you have an idea, don't hesitate to ask, as I am not afraid to say I don't want something.

An example of my writing;

'Never before have I ever believed that I would feel this scared. Not only scared, but absolutley traumatised and more frightened than i have felt in my whole life. Suddenly the feeling of being so alone in the world flooded my thoughts as my heart furiously pumped adrenaline through my veins. What was happening? Even more so...WHY was it happening?
My tearfull eyes looked over two lips tangled together in a deep embrace, their naked hot bodies moving gently together in a heated passion.
My husband...his hands sliding up the beautiful slim blondes thighs. Firmly gripping her breasts while moving into her with such ecstasy that I've never seen in him before. I felt sick to the stomach as I watched the two bodies grind together. Looking so good together, maybe just a little too good. Biting my lip I try to hide my upset, listening to his heavy forced breathing over her gentle whimpers. As they havn't noticed me, i try to back myself out of the room as slowly and as quietly as I could. Failing that, I knocked my vase off the table, sending it to smash loudly on the hard marble floor. '

I am also looking for long term partners, not just one-timers.
If you have any questions or suggestion, just ask.

Detail is the key, to an imaginative, interesting role play...that is guaranteed to keep you and your role-playing abilities satisfied.​

By agreeing to Role play with me, you MUST understand the differences between;
Their, They're, There
And similar grammar.
And also accept i have a life and may not reply as soon as i read things

Saw your post previously and sent you a pm. Was hoping we could explore the swim instructor RP. Let me know what you think.
RE: Mega Sexy Detail...see more inside

Hello, I'd love to rp with you! Usually I'm up for pretty much anything, but the main ones which caught my eye were:

Sex shop attendant/Horny female
Teacher/Horny student
Holiday romance
RE: Mega Sexy Detail...see more inside

Callan said:
Hello, I'd love to rp with you! Usually I'm up for pretty much anything, but the main ones which caught my eye were:

Sex shop attendant/Horny female
Teacher/Horny student
Holiday romance

Sure, just Pm me with what you'd like to do...
RE: Mega Sexy Detail...see more inside

I'm totally up for Teacher/Horny student or Sex shop attendant/Horny female. so please PM me if you like to do some roleplaying with me ;)
Hello, I'm very interested in Femdom and Train of Love.
Also maybe interested in Gone Camping
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