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Super busty IM adventures (fxf nsfw)

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Welp the title says it all. I'm looking for some sorta fantasy adventure setting, maybe sci fi if or videogame fandom if you convince me. I'm looking for the typical fantasy adventure party, and definitely brownie points with me if your willing to play miss DM at least partially. 2 people unless your willing to play more OR we get the bonus of multiple people *crosses fingers*


Anyways as the title says I really do like buxom women. But for this I'm looking to play with extremes here. Something that defies physics. And it'd be fun if the character didn't even really notice something off about their size. Also another wierd quirk it I think it'd be fun if the two players aren't even lovers, they just happen to get in some steamy situations.

Just like with my other requests I'm a major fan of breast play, and it's a gigantic kink of mine and I'd like it to be the focus of the smuttier scenes. Speaking of smut, you can pro bally imagine this is gonna end up pretty smutty, but if you want to play a some regular ol' rping scenes like action or story then feel free to tell me, as long as you can overlook the ridiculousness of the ladie's portions.

As for the IM, when it comes to long term an unpredictable work schedule makes it tough for me to check BM a lot, that and plotting just gets easier.

So lets keep this short and simple, I'm looking to play with some super busty maidens and monsters.

Some images to give an idea
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