The Spirit Stays (Vash x Aphrodite's Daughter)


Mar 19, 2012
As Admiral Zhao held the captive Tui in his clutches, the moon became an angry red, cutting away the power of the Waterbenders from their sole source. Aang, Sokka, Katara, Yue and the others approached him and demanded that he put the spirit back into the oasis. Iroh, who was devoted to the Four Nations staying separate than being united under the Fire Nation's reign, was more infuriated with Zhao's cruelty.

"Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold! Let it go now!" He demanded of Zhao.

Zhao forcefully obliged and released the Moon Spirit back into the oasis, restoring the red moon to its original white. But then, in a fit of rage, unleashed a streak of fire at the oasis. But at the same time, the only living Airbender, out of reflex, intervened, and sent a kick of air at the Firebending Master and his flames, sending him into the water and putting him out, saving the spirits from being cooked. Katara got near Zhao and his soldiers, who were also knocked into the water, and froze them in ice, preventing them from Firebending.

"You might've stopped me, but you can't stop the fleet," Zhao told them. "You're as good as dead."

Then, Aang, with his tattoos glowing brightly, uttered, with the voice of his past lives, "No. We are not dead. Not yet."

Wading into the oasis, as though he were driven by the desire to protect the Northern Water Tribe in any way he knew was possible, and the Avatar State was the answer. The Moon and Ocean Spirits glowed and sunk into the water's deep darkness…along with Aang, who followed them. The waters of the oasis and the pool surrounding it rose up into the air and created some sort of monster made of spiritually-enriched water, with the Avatar in a some sort of air bubble and the koi fish beneath it. It left to seek out any Fire Nation soldiers and when it did, the Water Tribe people would submit and be spared…while the enemy was taken by the water…until the creature came to the ocean where the fleet was located, trying to retreat. The water creature unleashed giant waves that capsized all but three ships that were too far away for the waves to hit, but the ones that were hit had their passengers trying to swim to safety on some metallic driftwood that came loose from the sunken ships. Soaked and unable to Firebend, the soldiers were at the mercy of the water beast, which sent more waves and washed them all far away from the tribe.


The following day, with the spirits safely protected from the Firebenders (and with Zuko and Iroh disappearing from the tribe during the defeat of the navy fleet), Chief Arnook announced that the threat had passed and a time for rebuilding was to begin. Zhao and the few Firebenders that were with him would be taken back to the Fire Nation's waters and left to be dealt with. Master Pakku decided that he, along with a few Waterbenders, Healers and soldiers would journey to the Southern Water Tribe to help rebuild.

"But Aang still needs to master Waterbending," Katara, whom had been informed, reminded him.

"Well, then, I guess he'll have to start calling you 'Sifu Katara', then, hmm?" Pakku told him, declaring her a Master Waterbender.

Aang, still a little dazed after what had happened last night, couldn't believe that he entered the Avatar State and defeated an entire navy fleet with the help of the Moon and Ocean Spirits and his own past lives, protecting the entire North Pole from sure destruction. As he looked down at the destroyed buildings that the war had made, he pondered how long the onslaught would continue until he had mastered all the elements and defeated Fire Lord Ozai. How much longer were people going to live in fear of the Fire Nation? How long until they lost their homes and the people they loved? And how long until they even lost their hope?

Sokka, on the other hand, was packing up for the group before they set out to the Earth Kingdom in order for Aang to learn Earthbending from Bumi, the only Master Earthbender they knew and trusted. While feeding Appa some hay. Much was on his mind as the young warrior thought about a certain princess.
3:26, AM

Water splashes over Ua's face as the sun melts the ice above her head. The fire, smoke, ash and flames from the night before left the air very hot and ash piled up on her roof. The combonation of heat and the extreme weight of the ash causes a expanding hole. Ash falls out from the hole in her roof and covers Ua's face with soot, she coughs twice and goes to her sink. Ua flicks her wrist and water splashes out, into the ice. Ua cups her hands and splashes the water over her face, the soot dripping off but the smell of it still lingering.

"There are some disadvantages to living in the top floor" Ua thinks to herself.

Ua quickly takes her orca-bone comb and glides it through her hair, occasionally dipping it into her water basin. Her drips wet. She decides to take a stroll out in the city. Rather than taking the stairs, Ua water bends an ice slide from the river and spirals down it, her hair bellowing with the wind. Once at the ground level, she notices that the snow is 50% ash. Taking a sip of the water, it tastes like lye and she quickly spits it out.

(More to come, I am writing this in more than one post. I will say when this stream of posts are done.)
Ua walks along the ash ridden icy sidewalks of the canal. Hoping nobody sees her, she slips into the Spiritual Oasis. This, being the only secluded space that she currently has, she takes advantages of it. She strips out of her gown, everything coming off, her DD tits bouncing out. She rolls around in the clean grass, just absorbing the nature.

4:10, AM

After playing in the grass for about ten minutes, Ua without thinking plunges into the Oasis. She swims with her other half and her opposite. When her and the white fish touch, a euphoria of being one sends shivers up her spine, after swimming in the nude and being cleaned, Ua hops out, rolls around in the grass, drying herself off before dressing herself again.

4:23, AM

Ua arrives back into her palace bedroom. She repairs the hole quickly and falls back asleep.

8:48, AM

Ua's maid gently wakes her up, teasingly she states

"Your other boyfriend is packing up to leave"

Ua jumps out of bed and dashes down the stairs and out the door, running along the icy sidewalk, she sees the figure of Appa in the distance. Running even faster, she makes it as she sees Sokka's hood up, as he packs up.

Ua mimics a bird whistle, hoping for Sokka's attention.

(End of stream)
As Sokka forked large amounts of hay for the flying bison, his mind continually ligered on the first girl that Sokka ever truly loved. Tsuki was just a fling that happened in the heat of the moment while on Kyoshi Island, this was... different. Sokka was smitten by her at first site. Things had worked out so well, he played it cool most of the time, other than that time of walking into the water. He thought that this would be the chance to feel like what his father felt for his mother. Then there was that night... the night of the news.

Why? Why him of all people?! Why did he have to love a princess that was getting engaged to someone else?!?! He couldn't beieve that this was what it was going to be like for the rest of his life, just a bunch of "maybes" and nothing serious. What made it worst was that he actually got to meet the man that was going to marry Yue. It only made him feel worse. He didn't deserve her, no matter how good of a warrior he clames to be. The idiot couldn't even take down one fire bender. Sighing, he finished feeding Appa and sat down on a stool next to him.

He reached into his bag and pulled out two items, his bladed boomerang and a whet stone. He turned the stone in his hand a few times, feeling the cold and smooth surface of the stone. He then put the stone over the blade of the boomerang and slid it over, smoothing out the kinks and notches that fire nation armor caused. He repeated the motion until a small sound broke the silence of the pen. The whistle of a bird. He looked up and saw the object of his thoughts in front of him.

The forbidden fruit that he would never get to take part of. He pulled his hood down to greet the princess with respect. "Princess... it's nice to see you well after the siege. I take it your betorthed made sure of that." The words tasted like rotten fish as they left his mouth.
Ua looks uncomfortable as she puts her hands behind her back, holding them together.

"Sokka, he died"

Ua strides towards you, curves jiggling. She kneels next to you,

"You took out a lot of fire benders at the battle."

Ua swings her hair over her shoulder, in her mind, she secretly hopes Sokka is seeing her
approaches. Biting her lip she raises her left hand and starts twirling her hair around her fingers.

The thoughts of Sokka start making Ua a bit hot, to hide the sweat, Ua removes her outer jacket and sets it down. Ua reaches her right arm out and her hand hovers above the boomerang, her twilight eyes glance up at Sokka, almost as to look for approval. Ua runs her skin down the wide edge of the boomerang, feeling it's smoothness. Ua then runs her thumb over the blade and a trickle of blood seeps out of her thumb. She begins sucking her thumb sexually for a few seconds, then she removes her thumb. She then asks

"Sokka, can you teach me how to use a boomerang?"
Once he gave her the greeting necessary he returned to running the stone over the blade of the boomerang. That was until she decided to do something that was turning out to be something she was really good at, dropping big news. His head shot up and looked at her in disbalief, "Hahn is dead?!" Sokka didn't know how to feel about that news. Hahn dying removed that obstacle for him and Yue to be together, but... it was a life. Sure Hahn was an arrogant jerk who only cared about his political career and marrying Yue to advance that rather than loving her and carring like she's the most important girl in the world... but he was a member of the Watertribe Nation. "I... I didn't know that, I'm sorry for bringing that up."

He went back to his work, slightly embarrassed that he brought up something that might have been painful for Yue. Though that seemed like the wrong observation as Yue removed her large outer coat to show her more form fitting robe, her curves jiggling for him to see. His cheeks turned a bit red and he pulled his hood back up to hide it. He peeked back up to see her reaching for the boomerang, her eyes looking as if to ask to take it. He lifted it up for her to grab and she took it in her hands.

He watched as she gently caressed the blade in her hands until her thumb caught the edge and gave her a slight cut. It drew blood and she put her thumb in her mouth, sucking at it while her eyes looked at him with a mischievous glint in them. Sokka quickly looked away, his cheeks growing even more red. This was like that moment on the bridge after he gave her the fish he carved with his knife.

Finally there was a subject change. He stood up quickly after she asked, "Sure, I'll teach you. Here let me see it." When Yue gave it back to him he took her outside the pen and into an open space. "Ok, so really the key is gripping it the right way." He placed the boomerang in her hands again and stood behind her. He reached his arm out and gently moved her fingers into the right position. He was beginning to feel heated at the moment, the feeling of he and Yue to be together was beginning to sink in now. "Now all that's left is to throw it." Sokka stepped back to let her throw t as she wished.
Ua lowers her left arm back, then suddenly snaps her arm, the boomerang shooting out of her wrist, flying with immense speed. However, in it's flight, it turns planes from being flat to being vertical and it falls about 100 meters away, without returning. Embarrassed, Ua runs to go pick it up, at around the hundred meters, she bends over looking for it, her shirt ruffles up and you can just her buttcrack.

After searching around, she picks it up and starts jogging back, with the boomerang. Running up to Sokka, she stands next to him, her tits in his face. Holding the boomerang in her hand, she asks

"Why didn't it come back? Am I holding it wrong or throwing it incorrectly?"
Sokka watched Yue throw the boomerang horizontally. As he expected the boomerang started out right, but lost speed quickly as it changed planes. It dropped in the snow and Sokka was ready to jog out and get it, but she was nice enough to go do it herself. He sat down where he was and saw the boomerang in the snow, but Yue's weren't as keen so she had to search a few seconds to find it. When she did however, she bent over and her skirt slid up enough to see her butt crack. He quickly bent his head down to avoid staring at it. "Come on Sokka", he said through gritted teeth, "She just lost her fiancé. Have a little respect for the dead."

He gathered himself as she came back and took the boomerang in his hands, trying to keep his eyes upward at Yue's eyes rather than the large breasts that were bouncing playfully in his face. He stood up and took the boomerang in his hand. "Yeah, you did throw it wrong. You dot start it horizontally, you need to throw it vertical and let the spin turn it back to you." He demonstrated by throwing it hard. The boomerang whirled audibly through the air until it returned to his hand. "See?"
"I might try later, that was really hard." Ua shifts around, once again, forcing her tits into your field of vision.

"So, where is your otriad going? Katara and I got along really well together" Ua, tries to keep a straight face, but naturally, she starts giggling.

Rubbing her hand over her thigh, she scoots even closer to Sokka.
As a surprise, she rubs his thigh, then abruptly says

"Sokka, there's something I should tell you. Not many people know this, but, you should."
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